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@colliric on racism and charity: I agree with you.

The Commonwealth has been well served by the monarchy. A huge portion of it includes people of colour. Whether we are looking That the Queen or the kids, Charles and Ann, they given their lifetimes to helping them.

I don't know Meghan at all, but I liked how Wills and Harry served in the military, and Harry's later work with wounded vets here, in Canada. I'm sorry he packed in the family as it were but what I find bewildering is this: When H&M broke away, they came here to my home town. They enjoyed going for walks with Archie and the dogs. The locals would smile but let them alone. Ferry workers who transported tourists along the waterfront didn't go close to the couples residence and kept the tourists at bay, the press only reported on major charity events which were mainly in Vancouver, on the mainland. In short, they has what they wanted. Then Harry et al lost their security. So they left this lovely safe place for Los Angeles. Go figure.
Stormsmith wrote:@colliric on racism and charity: I agree with you.

The Commonwealth has been well served by the monarchy. A huge portion of it includes people of colour. Whether we are looking That the Queen or the kids, Charles and Ann, they given their lifetimes to helping them.

I don't know Meghan at all, but I liked how Wills and Harry served in the military, and Harry's later work with wounded vets here, in Canada. I'm sorry he packed in the family as it were but what I find bewildering is this: When H&M broke away, they came here to my home town. They enjoyed going for walks with Archie and the dogs. The locals would smile but let them alone. Ferry workers who transported tourists along the waterfront didn't go close to the couples residence and kept the tourists at bay, the press only reported on major charity events which were mainly in Vancouver, on the mainland. In short, they has what they wanted. Then Harry et al lost their security. So they left this lovely safe place for Los Angeles. Go figure.

I think they live in Montecito Stormsmith. Probably the weather and the fact that Meghan is a native Californian.

Also Don Lemon commented about the racism. He is right about what the monarchy actually is. It is about bloodlines, pedigree, status, money and prestige and titles. That has to do with racism big time. So does monarchy. What is a monarchy but being born into privileges?

The UK was a vast Empire and tried to control African nations, Asian nations and other nations. It fought over those places with other greedy empires in Europe like Spain and France and Holland and Portugal and Belgium. For me all that imperialism in its history makes them supreme Racists. Of the worst sort.

Again, this couple is not people who have zero resources. I finf this all crazy. Go on people. The interracial couple is not going to change the racism. They are just going to talk about it. And talk about baby blues and not having help with nannies and people cleaning and doing the laundry. A big problem folks. Hee hee...

Don Lemon interview:

Tainari88 wrote:He is right about what the monarchy actually is. It is about bloodlines, pedigree, status, money and prestige and titles. That has to do with racism big time. So does monarchy. What is a monarchy but being born into privileges?

No he's not right. The Monarchy is a constitutional monarchy which means they are essentially employed by the Parliament and they all spent 90%-95% of the time doing charity work. Americans are often totally oblivious as to why the British public and a large chunk (the overwhelming majority in my country based on the last Referendum), of the Commonwealth still absolutely LOVE the monarchy.

The UK was a vast Empire and tried to control African nations, Asian nations and other nations. It fought over those places with other greedy empires in Europe like Spain and France and Holland and Portugal and Belgium. For me all that imperialism in its history makes them supreme Racists. Of the worst sort.

The fact is if this hadn't of happened my country would never have been called Australia and have a long proud strong historical alliance with Great Britain that has been nothing but beneficial on an international geo-political scale, including but not limited to our country's alliances with New Zealand, India and every other member state of the Commonwealth, and even led to stronger ties with the United States as allied forces in WW1 & 2. Probably would have been called New Holland instead.

The fact is the British Empire was both a positive and negative influence on world history like every other major Empire before it going back to the Roman Empire and the ancient Empire of China.
colliric wrote:No he's not right. The Monarchy is a constitutional monarchy which means they are essentially employed by the Parliament and they all spent 90%-95% of the time doing charity work.

:lol: Charity work, what charity work? These are worthless parasites, with rare exceptions they don't do the work of the charity. They generally don't even work as administrators within these charities that they claim to love, let alone actually helping to provide the so called frontline goods and services that these charities provide. Rather than doing work, these people actually go around disrupting and delaying work. Every where these parasites visit the working day is disrupted. They don't even provide the money for other people to do the work of these charities.

Its about time we started criticising the so called work of these celebrity charity fund raisers, whether its the British Royals or woke Holywood celebrities. Why do rich people need celebrity fund raisers in order to give to charity. Why can't they go online and research some charities and just donate? Or if they are too lazy or too busy for that get their PAs to do it.

The celebrity status of the Royals, with their security needs actually invalidates the Royals for most work. They're more trouble to a company than their worth, unless of course they are going to be exploiting their Royal (celebrity status). Prince Andrew is the son a monarch and Prince Harry probably will be the son of monarch. What exactly are they supposed to do after they are forced out of the military? Turn up at the local job centre to do a Word and Excel spread sheet course? We just have to be honest and admit that they are both better, more impressive men that their older brothers. Its not unreasonable that they don't want to spend the rest of the lives in the shadow of their rather pathetic and talentless siblings.

I do have one piece of advice for Royals who really do want to make a contribution to society. "Learn to Code!" and contribute to Open source projects. This is something you can do from inside the security fences / walls of your Palaces and homes. It would be particularly helpful if they could use their celebrity status to champion free open-source alternatives to the dominate tech platform monopolies. This would actually be quite in keeping with Royal tradition, challenging the new Tech Feudalism. Whether out of virtue or self interest the Medieval period Monarchs frequently presented themselves as the tribunes, as the protector of the Common man against the tyranny of the Aristocratic Feudal land owners.
They actually spend most of their time visiting businesses , organisations ,hospitals and charities, both large and small, unveiling plaques, opening scout huts, new shops etc. shaking countless hands and speaking to countless hundreds of people. Listening to children singing and/ or dancing, while all the time smiling , smiling , smiling and showing great interest in what the people they meet are saying. These people are so pleased and proud to meet them, and they know that.

They do all that most days, though the queen has slowed down these past few years and the rest of the family are taking over more.

You should at least know what you’re talking about
I think most of the charitable acts performed by the British Monarchy fly very much under the radar and that’s probably how they’d like it to stay.
Not tooting their horn has its not being able to ensure their survival.
ness31 wrote:I think most of the charitable acts performed by the British Monarchy fly very much under the radar and that’s probably how they’d like it to stay.
Not tooting their horn has its not being able to ensure their survival.

Funny. I would say their charitable acts is to ensure their survival. They don't do much for the charities they are associated with. Just a name to promote. Perhaps turn up once in a while for a photo op and piss off half an hour later to play polo. And perhaps that is why their charity work flies under the radar. They don't do the hard yards but just enough to say they are doing something.
snapdragon wrote:Charity work is just a small part of what they do.

As I said, it’s best to know what you’re talking about

It is best to know what you are talking about perhaps. What is it you think they do? Their only role is to exist. They don't have any political power beyond historic customs and even their Royal prerogative if it was tried to be used beyond the realm of the PM would be removed by Westminster. They are the head of state of the Commonwealth but if they tried to be political even there they would just make the Commonwealth Republic states. So to make themselves relevant, they have had to reinvent themselves back in 1930. They are now political impotent and only exist as figureheads. That is to say if they didn't show up for a charity event or a store opening, an FA cup or Wimbledon final or an occasional holiday to Fiji or Africa, they wouldn't do anything at all. That is the facts. So get a life or buy a Royal mug. But don't pretend you think you know something we don't. Because it is our knowledge that makes us Republicans.
I don't like caste or class societies. Inherited forms of wealth and privileges become isolation bubbles and I never believed any one group of human beings should be thought of as superior to another. Variation is wonderful, but abuse of power, money and privileges, are the opposite of wonderful. I also think invading through coercion other nations, lands and people so you can steal their resources, get slave labor or low wage labor, mistreat them and deny them rights, with some lie about "civilizing' them? Is sheer false self delusionsl stuff snapdragon. If there is one concept I hate passionately in this world it is Empire.

All the imoerial nations come up with lying fairy tales about looking out for the dark people when it is greed and barbarism that motivates them.

The sun never set on the union jack due to the sheer greed and cold calculated covetedness of the British business and socioeconomic elite. A bunch of inbred racist defective people without much of a real work ethic. @B0ycey is right. @snapdragon never had to be dealing with racist crap obviously.
noemon wrote:I'm currently unsure as to whether woke crap have now surpassed racist crap within my immediate vicinity.

You got liberals who love wokeness, and you got racists like Q'Anon followers and the Proud Boys. Then you got me..internatinal socialists, who hate racism and think wokeness is about fake crap to cover up a lack of commitment to changing inequality. The proof is in the results. Never a movement to get anything done.
^ I would hardly claim socialists have delivered on their promises if we go by results.

Now, I think it's fair to say that the Royals have indeed provided something in return for their privileges, since they have at least helped to broker trade and other deals in the past. But in fairness I don't think this would be impossible if the UK were a republic either, just as it would not be impossible for the UK to get a republic that is as well functioning as its constitutional monarchy is. The only outstanding question is whether going against the path of least resistance is actually worth the risk and effort or not. I don't really think so, despite my dislike for the privileges the Royals get the process would undoubtedly be difficult and costly, and I have a hard time seeing what would the British gain over the current status quo to justify it. Sure, you don't get to pay for the Royals anymore if you do it, yet I'd venture the guess that it's still much less than the cost of a change in the form of government.
Tainari88 wrote:I think they live in Montecito Stormsmith. Probably the weather and the fact that Meghan is a native Californian.

Also Don Lemon commented about the racism. He is right about what the monarchy actually is. It is about bloodlines, pedigree, status, money and prestige and titles. That has to do with racism big time. So does monarchy.

Lemon is talking about two distinct things. 1. Racism, which is a policy of contempt towards others, and 2. Royalty that Lemon defines as an historical account of blood lines. One does not necessarily give rise to the other.

What is a monarchy but being born into privileges?

Privilege neither guarantees the recipient will be a saint or a sod.

The UK was a vast Empire and tried to control African nations, Asian nations and other nations. It fought over those places with other greedy empires in Europe like Spain and France and Holland and Portugal and Belgium. For me all that imperialism in its history makes them supreme Racists. Of the worst sort.

Quite probably, but that was a long time ago. You can't claim today's Royal's are all racist because their great, great, great grandfather's were.

Again, this couple is not people who have zero resources. I finf this all crazy. Go on people. The interracial couple is not going to change the racism. They are just going to talk about it. And talk about baby blues and not having help with nannies and people cleaning and doing the laundry. A big problem folks. Hee

Again, having/inheriting stuff doesn't mean one is racist. Racism is in an individuals heart, not wallet. Look at the proud boys. Or the Kkk. Hardly rich, hardly promoters of social justice.

Someone panned the Royals as doing the charity thingee then playing polo. I wonder if you have hobbies?
wat0n wrote:^ I would hardly claim socialists have delivered on their promises if we go by results.

Now, I think it's fair to say that the Royals have indeed provided something in return for their privileges, since they have at least helped to broker trade and other deals in the past. But in fairness I don't think this would be impossible if the UK were a republic either, just as it would not be impossible for the UK to get a republic that is as well functioning as its constitutional monarchy is. The only outstanding question is whether going against the path of least resistance is actually worth the risk and effort or not. I don't really think so, despite my dislike for the privileges the Royals get the process would undoubtedly be difficult and costly, and I have a hard time seeing what would the British gain over the current status quo to justify it. Sure, you don't get to pay for the Royals anymore if you do it, yet I'd venture the guess that it's still much less than the cost of a change in the form of government.

It is hard to deliver a great socialist system to a populace when the elite want tax dollars funneled to bail their ripoff banks, venture capitalist endeavors and the uber wealthy first and only and the lower classes to scramble for crumbs or nothing. And people like you that continue to argue that the capitalists got the answers for the people with nothing but their labor to bargain with.

Infuse the whole society with the surpluses and give workers security and eliminate the boom and bust capitalism and do the models R. Wolff discusses that already works in economic systems. Otherwise, all the stuff you talk about against socialism is really some elitist capitalism that won't work. Like it doesn't now.
B0ycey wrote:It is best to know what you are talking about perhaps. What is it you think they do? Their only role is to exist. They don't have any political power beyond historic customs and even their Royal prerogative if it was tried to be used beyond the realm of the PM would be removed by Westminster. They are the head of state of the Commonwealth but if they tried to be political even there they would just make the Commonwealth Republic states. So to make themselves relevant, they have had to reinvent themselves back in 1930. They are now political impotent and only exist as figureheads. That is to say if they didn't show up for a charity event or a store opening, an FA cup or Wimbledon final or an occasional holiday to Fiji or Africa, they wouldn't do anything at all. That is the facts. So get a life or buy a Royal mug. But don't pretend you think you know something we don't. Because it is our knowledge that makes us Republicans.

So go and look up royal engagements, boycey.

It would be easy enough for you to do.

Anyone can do it.

I don’t see any signs that you really know. You’ve made a few glib statements about polo matches and charity work, but nothing to show you do know what they do.

You’ve not even mentioned how many countries would be involved in deciding whether the monarchy should be abolished.
What would happen to the crown states etc.

Reading what you have to say reads more about jealousy of their personal wealth.

After all, what’s wrong with playing polo? Some people where I live hang around the park spending tax payers money on getting stoned.

Whatever floats their boat
snapdragon wrote:So go and look up royal engagements, boycey.

It would be easy enough for you to do.

Anyone can do it.

I don’t see any signs that you really know. You’ve made a few glib statements about polo matches and charity work, but nothing to show you do know what they do.

You’ve not even mentioned how many countries would be involved in deciding whether the monarchy should be abolished.
What would happen to the crown states etc.

Reading what you have to say reads more about jealousy of their personal wealth.

After all, what’s wrong with playing polo? Some people where I live hang around the park spending tax payers money on getting stoned.

Whatever floats their boat

You think I dont know what the Royals get up to everyday? Ok. :lol:

You haven't provided anything that I asked you to do to prove you know what you are taking about I see. Like what do you think they do? I don't need to know they have Royal engagements to know what those engagements consist of. Basically they turn up, have a photo and if you are lucky you will get a few words. They don't provide anything and if we lost them tomorrow, it wouldn't affect how the UK operates. Polo is what they play. I could have mentioned Fox hunting but you know, some people might be offended by that. Do I care they play polo? No. But I wasn't criticing that they play polo in any case. I was just informing you what happens once they have spend about an hour of PR on a regular day. You know, because I know what I am talking about. :roll:
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