Meghan Markle abused & bullied Buckingham Palace staff to tears - Page 15 - Politics | PoFo

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Istanbuller wrote:Meghan Markle can go fuck herself. We are with Royal Family.

Yes we all seem to be against Meghan here. Although I gather @Tainari88 hates both?

Just a reminder that she clearly did not actually pay any attention during that film, since she failed to understand it's basic moral lesson. It's a Hans Christian Andersen inspired retelling of Goethe's Faust toned down and made understandable for young children. Ariel sold her "voice" to the devil(called Ursa in this retelling) for material gain, and spends the rest of the film learning her mistake, having to do penance and ultimately redeems herself with acts of charity and selflessness. She nearly dies to save her father from a fate worse than death, with the help of the heroic Prince, winning back her soul(metaphorically referred to as her "Voice").

The fact that Megan only saw what she wanted to see is extremely telling. I hate it when people watch movies and only see the "message I want to see" as opposed to what the movie is actually about.

And yes I commented on that vid.

Fact: Lots of Adults watch The Little Mermaid because it's probably the most enjoyable, upbeat and family friendly retelling of the rather dark, mature and non-family frendly Faust ever conceived. You get all the extremely adult and interesting themes of the work in a nice family friendly, modern Disney classic.

I've always been surprised everyone recognises "Hamlet in Africa" but no one ever seems to notice "Faust under the sea".
Last edited by colliric on 13 Mar 2021 16:57, edited 1 time in total.
colliric wrote:So is that what that Greens MP was referring to when she said that stupid Curfew for men comment?

Don't you know...


... the same logic that brought you 10pm pub closings to stop Covid.

We had this fearporn back when the Yorkshire ripper was about. Can you imagine having to take responsibility for your own safety? That isn't to say this could have been prevented. Perhaps it couldn't. But I would say the guy being a police officer was more of a factor than him being a man - although I don't know for sure. Perhaps we can have a curfew for cops as well.

colliric wrote:The fact that Megan only saw what she wanted to see is extremely telling. I hate it when people watch movies and only see the "message I want to see" as opposed to what the movie is actually about.

Narcissists do that all the time, about everything. They don't live in the same world which everyone else lives in, @colliric . They don't live in a shared reality.
colliric wrote:The fact that Megan only saw what she wanted to see is extremely telling. I hate it when people watch movies and only see the "message I want to see" as opposed to what the movie is actually about.

You're projecting. Meghan and Harry were fully aware of everything while ruthlessly exploiting a stupid mistake made by Charles at the worst moment possible perhaps and taking revenge on him for cutting them off financially and not giving Archie a title, which they appear to consider unfair or not fair enough to themselves.

By the way, it is funny that nobody gives credence to the idea that the royal family is racist. They are pretty old on top of remembering the days when 1/3rd of the world was their direct property. So uhhh, I think that the chances of them being racist is quite high.
JohnRawls wrote:@colliric wrote that all against Meghan here so....

Colliric is one user, and a pretty bias one at that. There are two royalists on here that back the crown and she is one of them. Then there are a few others that seem indecisive. The rest back Meghan and think there is something in what she says. Me for one. So I suggest you go back and read the thread if you think Meghan has no support.
B0ycey wrote:Colliric is one user, and a pretty bias one at that. There are two royalists on here that back the crown and she is one of them. Then there are a few others that seem indecisive. The rest back Meghan and think there is something in what she says. Me for one. So I suggest you go back and read the thread if you think Meghan has no support.

My bad then. I am the fool for believing nobody supported Meghan. :hmm:
JohnRawls wrote:By the way, it is funny that nobody gives credence to the idea that the royal family is racist. I think that the chances of them being racist is quite high.

In my opinion the royal family is not institutionally racist as a whole, some members personally could be, though. However, I wouldn't think the chances of a royal being racist are higher than the chances of their average subject being racist are. I'd also believe Archie's future possible skin tone was raised due to concern rather than racism and it didn't play a role in making official decisions regarding Meghan and Harry (who actually seem to have serious insecurities and issues, by the way).
There’s nothing in what she says other than malice and spite. And stupidity.
That precious pair couldn’t even get their stories straight.

They’re fast losing support in the U.K. and have just made themselves look silly and Oprah Winfrey ridiculous.

She’s certainly cynically made a fortune off their backs and good luck to her, but manipulating headlines to change their meaning and passing off foreign tabloids as British , as shown in that montage, has dented her credibility ;not to mention the rubbish she let pass without a murmur.
snapdragon wrote:There’s nothing in what she says other than malice and spite. And stupidity.

I don't know how you have concluded that considering the things she has said, have been said before with Diana. I don't doubt the words she says actually. But the focus seems to be the one reference on Archies skin colour than mental health and media intrusiveness it seems, which was most of her points. Perhaps had Archie not been mentioned, everyone would be singing off the same singsheet. But he was. And as such must have been a key point. Because despite mentioned it, Harry was still trying to defend his family. Clearly it was important enough to mention but not enough to push anyone under the bus. Which means he knows there is underlining racism against Meghan and wants change and acceptance but not to destroy the institution completely.
B0ycey wrote:I don't know how you have concluded that considering the things she has said, have been said before with Diana. I don't doubt the words she says actually. But the focus seems to be the one reference on Archies skin colour than mental health and media intrusiveness it seems, which was most of her points. Perhaps had Archie not been mentioned, everyone would be singing off the same singsheet. But he was. And as such must have been a key point. Because despite mentioned it, Harry was still trying to defend his family. Clearly it was important enough to mention but not enough to push anyone under the bus. Which means he knows there is underlining racism against Meghan and wants change and acceptance but not to destroy the institution completely.

Who do you believe? Meghan or Harry?

They both gave different stories.

Both Harry , Meghan and Oprah have insisted it wasn’t the queen or prince Philip who wondered about the looks of any possible children, so who then?

Harry’s dad or brother? Someone else entirely? And what was the context?

Then Meghan goes on to imply Archie’s mixed race is the reason he wasn’t made a prince, which means it was the queen after all. No one else has the right to amend the protocol.

Complete nonsense, anyway.
That’s not why he isn’t a prince.

None of it adds up.

There’s a story william urged Harry to wait and make sure of himself before marrying Meghan, but there’s no reason to believe that’s because of her race, but because William thought Harry was in too much of a rush.

As for the mental health thing, it doesn’t ring true. Why couldn’t she see a doctor?
Harry has been having therapy for years, so what was stopping him from getting her help?

He said he was too ashamed to tell anyone. How supportive of him(!)
All that rambling about asking HR for help. It’s nothing to do with them.
She seems to think she was working for an actual firm.

I do believe she was told by her PR team there was nothing to be done about the negative press she was getting, because there wasn’t and isn’t. They were able to prevent some things being printed, but not all.
Having a free press means accepting there will be negative as well as nice stuff printed.

All she has done is make it a thousand times worse.

I’ve not even touched on the so called wedding in the back garden. She’s even dragging the Archbishop of Canterbury into her lies

Edit: I personally think Harry is so absolutely terrified of losing Meghan that he’ll do anything and say anything to keep her. I don’t think he’s very well himself, mentally.
He’s given up everything for her .
I hope she’s worth it.
Last edited by snapdragon on 13 Mar 2021 23:17, edited 1 time in total.
People may not be racists themselves, but still seek to deliberately pander to racists and not just racists but hardline White supremacists. Take her Majesty's and the established line of inheritance's great new champion, Brendan O'Neil. In an earlier life, before he discovered the joys of Brexit, O'Neil and his old friends used to be out on the streets chanting "What do we hate? The racist state? What are we for? The Open Door!" I'm not sure what O'Neil's new friends like Nigel Farage would make out of that. Forgive me if I'm wrong but I never understood the Open Door to be part of Farage's vision. Back in those days the Socialist Workers Party used to have a slogan as well, "Unconditional but critical support for the Provisional IRA", O'Neil and his comrades were horrified by this, horrified that a British Marxist Party should dare to a criticise the Fenian freedom fighters. Oh yes its rather ironic that our anti woke warrior should have done so much to create the anti British woke hate culture.

So I don't accuse O'Neil of personally being a racist. But I certainly don't buy that he's stupid either. He knows perfectly well that a sizeable portion of the Royal Family's core support, that a sizeable portion of the Royal Family's most devoted supporters are deeply White supremacist. And he knows the Royals can not afford to alienate them. Clearly Mr ONeil has taken his 30 pieces of Silver. British, Prody, Monarchist, silver at at that. Whether Charles, William or even the Queen is personally racist is quite beside the point. the Royal Family have got what they wanted. They want to reassure their White Supremacist fanbase with the promise of another 100 years of pure White monarchy, mean while adding enough "Coloured" window dressing to keep the Liberals happy.

Meghan's great crime was to outshine Waity Katy, not the most demanding of achievements. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't kick her out of bed, but she's no glamour Queen. And its not just about looks, Meghan's story is just better for Woke Britain than Kate's. The funny thing is that monarchists like to sell the monarchy as the great unifier, where as the truth is that Charles and William would both happily burn this country to the ground as long as they got to be King of the Ashes.
snapdragon wrote:Aren’t you in your seventies, rich? That’s a bit ambitious, isn’t it? Saying you wouldn’t kick Katherine out of bed?
Not to mention more than a bit nauseating.

No I'm not in my seventies, not even close. But anyway my previous girl friend was younger than Catherine. I take the claimed titles of the Royals as a personal insult. By claiming those titles the Royals have forfeited all rights to be treated with respect. To me hard line Republicanism seems instinctive as a heterosexual male, but apparently that feeling is not universal.
B0ycey wrote:Don't you know...


... the same logic that brought you 10pm pub closings to stop Covid.

We had this fearporn back when the Yorkshire ripper was about. Can you imagine having to take responsibility for your own safety? That isn't to say this could have been prevented. Perhaps it couldn't. But I would say the guy being a police officer was more of a factor than him being a man - although I don't know for sure. Perhaps we can have a curfew for cops as well.


Well the police aren’t doing themselves any favours by harassing women at vigils :hmm:

I’ll say this though, if I ever face a curfew I will think twice before breaking it :|
There should be an evaluation as to the types of crime committed during curfews..
ness31 wrote:I’ll say this though, if I ever face a curfew I will think twice before breaking it :|
There should be an evaluation as to the types of crime committed during curfews..

There isn't ever going to be a curfew. Because if there was people would purposely break it due to injustice because that is what people do. Like people turning up for a vigil that was cancelled due to a pandemic.

These crimes are rare anyway. The last one I can remember was the Suffolk Strangler like 15 years ago now. So it is what is called an over reaction statement by a member of the Greens who was around when Pankhurst was in nappies. That is to say meaningless. We had these kind of conversations during Sutcliffe where the logic is why ask women to stay home when they don't commit the crimes. The reason is perhaps unfair but logical in any case. Because people should be responsible for their own safety, because if you won't do it, why should anyone else do it for you? Men are victims of crime at night as well I might add. So I would always say walk in groups regardless. But whatever. She is a sole voice in a partisan chamber.
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