Evo Morales Gets Bounced; Seeks Asylum in Mexico - Page 15 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties from Mexico to Argentina.

Moderator: PoFo Latin America Mods

Forum rules: No one line posts please. This is an international political discussion forum, so please post in English only.
skinster wrote:Since I'm allowed to post just one tweet, here it is because how lovely does this look? :excited:

She and her fellow coup-plotters are responsible for massacres in Senkata, Huayllani and Pedegral, which killed 38 people, left 800+ wounded and arbitrary detained over 1500 people.

If only :lol:

I see the gusanos on social media, at least they try to be convincing. JR gives a feel of 'barely-can-be-bothered' but will persevere in an attempt to save a face that is not even worth saving since he's entirely wrong here.

The regimes that you support actively and arbitrarily capture, torture and kill people. As much as you pretend to be some kind of defender against imperialism or capitalism, the reality is that you support crazy regimes that are monsters. Venezuela, Belarus, Russia, China, Syria etc. Actually Bolivia might be the most okay country that you have supported.
The Reds are under your bed, @skinster! Why aren't you more afraid?! :eek:

JohnRawls wrote:The regimes that you support actively and arbitrarily capture, torture and kill people.

John "Bolton" Rawls, enthusiastic supporter of every aspiring Pinochet under the sun, wants you to know he is against abuse of power. :lol:

On a serious note, you know the woman you are pointlessly defending in this thread gave the military carte blanche to kill people, right? :roll:
JohnRawls wrote:The regimes that you support actively and arbitrarily capture, torture and kill people.

And the regimes that you support don't? :eh:

As much as you pretend to be some kind of defender against imperialism or capitalism, the reality is that you support crazy regimes that are monsters. Venezuela, Belarus, Russia, China, Syria etc. Actually Bolivia might be the most okay country that you have supported.


Seriously, @JohnRawls, have the courage of your own convictions. If you hate socialism and progressive governments (and I'm guessing that you do, because of your past experience with the USSR), then fine. Support guys like Pinochet or Stroessner or Batista or "the crazy coup lady". But trying to paint authoritarian elitist right-wing military juntas as populist liberal democrats is just laughable. You're trying to have your cake and eat it - you denounce the former USSR because of its lack of respect for human rights, then you turn around and support tin-pot dictatorships in Latin America despite their lack of respect for human rights. So... do you respect human rights or not? And if not, then what is the basis for your opposition to socialism? Because you clearly hate socialism for some other reason.... :eh:
Potemkin wrote:And the regimes that you support don't? :eh:


Seriously, @JohnRawls, have the courage of your own convictions. If you hate socialism and progressive governments (and I'm guessing that you do, because of your past experience with the USSR), then fine. Support guys like Pinochet or Stroessner or Batista or "the crazy coup lady". But trying to paint authoritarian elitist right-wing military juntas as populist liberal democrats is just laughable. You're trying to have your cake and eat it - you denounce the former USSR because of its lack of respect for human rights, then you turn around and support tin-pot dictatorships in Latin America despite their lack of respect for human rights. So... do you respect human rights or not? And if not, then what is the basis for your opposition to socialism? Because you clearly hate socialism for some other reason.... :eh:

Where did this come from. I have not attacked socialism and specifically mentioned dozens of times that Norther European model is the best model in the world right now in my opinion.

I hate any and all dictators equally. The difference is that I don't close my eyes to the wrong doing of any right wing and centrist dictators compared to the left closing their eyes to any wrongdoing of literally any anti-western dictator usually or leftist dictators in particular.

That is the core difference between us.

You are trying to paint me as a socialism hater now for some reason, usually that means that people have run out of arguments. Which is a laughable notion since I voted for our local socialists 1 election ago. :eh: Having been on this forum also, you know that I am more or less a centrist with a rather boring position on many issues.
No, @JohnRawls you are not a centrist. You are a pro Yankee right wing shit supporter.

You don't know anything about what Latin America has to go through to get any kind of half way decent democratically elected government that cares about people being paid $2 dollars an hour.

How hard is it to understand that the Right in Latin America hate poor people and Indian and African based people? It is damn obvious to everyone who visits Latin America for five minutes. But because the USA lies its ass off to get pro corporation hegemony in Latn America you fall for that shit every time because you think socialism in Latin America is about some Romanian guy dictator or some Eastern European oppression via the Soviet Union. IT IS NOT John. At all. It is cut and dried in many ways in Latin America. Left liberating and backing democracy and poor working people's rights, and Right in Latn America, torture, elitism, class snobs and PIGS killing with impunity.

Anez, is a typical Latin American dumbell leader that is into killing off people she considers her inferiors. That the USA gov't backs her? No surprise. They backed Pinochet, Straussner, Somoza, Batista, and every other dictator in the world that kisses their ass in Latin America. They give MONEY to make sure the ones fighting for human rights get no progress at all.

Venezuela has oil. The USA wanted control of it. Because it is a controlling nation with petro dollars they want to make sure don't go to waste. It is obvious to even the right wing assholes in Latin America what the USA government is about. But you? John Rawls? You just don't want to accept it. WHY? What the hell is the matter with you? You have no logical thought when it comes to being blind about Yankee crap. You are BIASED in a bad bad way.
Rugoz wrote:But that's what happened. Democracy was restored. We have to see how long it will last.

No Rugoz it is not restored. The mistake Evo made was not allowing someone else from his socialist Indian rights party to replace him via the ballot and changing or trying to change the constitution. 12 years is enough to be in power. It is time for others to take over. The people liked the changes he made. But he should have stepped down. Period. He was democratically elected and had to fight a very very long history of Europeans only in the presidency history.

Do you know Rugoz Bolivian political history? Did you know Bolivia was part of Peru? Yes or no? Start learning about these places whom you think you know the political history of. Because you don't. A bunch of patronizing Eurocentric eltist thinkers swallowing sheer lies about 'restoration of democracy'. Who are the majority in Bolivia? INDIANS. Period. How can you claim to be democratic if the majority of the INDIANS in Bolivia never get a president that is INDIAN?

Explain that to me. It is like South Africa. A majority nation of Africans who were never ruled by Africans from the Native African Zulus, etc. Only people who were from the Netherlands, England and WHITE people only for generations and centuries. That is dumb and undemocratic.

But, they all think democracy is about liberal white corporate shit theories. It is not.

You got to realize Bolivia was split off from Peru because of the mines. Bolivian mines. The majority of Indians in Bolivia live horrific working conditions and get paid almost nothing for laboring all day extracting from the earth minerals. The wealth all goes to corporations and the family of wealthy farmers and miners and landowners. They pressured Indian communities of their land rights and keep doing so. Why? Profit.

Neoliberalism. Some Indian rights leader comes along like Evo and they get pissed. Upsetting the apple cart. Get the Americans to paint him as a dictator. That is what they do. Why? To get in there and get the resources.

Why do they think they have a right to land and resources that is not theirs? Why? IMPERIALISM.

I hate that shit mentality. The British have it, the French, the Portuguese, Spanish, Belgians, and Holland. All of the ex European powers along with the USA Americans who are the New World imperialists. It says, "Don't respect the rights of Indians, Africans, or nations who are rich in land, resources, low wage labor and weak government structures and who are struggling. Abuse them, take everything from them and then blame them for everything that goes wrong. That way we make money and wash our hands of the blood."

That is their way of coping. I HATE THAT SHIT. It killed my mother that mentality. It kills us all. Fucking pieces of shit thinking of violent greed mentality. I hope they BURN in hell for that death and destruction. It is EVERYWHERE in Latin America.

And the dumb ass AMericans are so stupid and uninformed that they believe all that LYING about us all the damn time. Along with the admirers of Yankee CRAP like @JohnRawls . Who am I going to believe? My mother fighting for breath in some Intensive Care Unit because the USA government experiments in Puerto Rico on throwing uranium bombs to see if it kills people in Iraq and uses Puerto Ricans as guinea pigs and cannon fodder for their imperial war ambitions...and she is dying full of radiation poisoning and they do that because Puerto Ricans are not allowed to vote and can't sue the USA government for contaminating the land? Or people like John Rawls who believe Yankee BULLSHIT about doing good and being for democracy? DEMOCRACY. If the damn Yankees believed in democracy they would not have knocked off dozens of democratically elected leaders all over the world. But they don't. They believe in GREED and power grabs and ignoring ordinary working people's needs.

When the chickens come home to roost for those assholes in Yankeeland and their government bought off sellout politicians? And the Americans have to suck up to realize the democracy is a damn SHAM? They whine on TV.

Get a clue. The rot is in your face. You can't deny it. Why try?
Tainari88 wrote:No Rugoz it is not restored. The mistake Evo made was not allowing someone else from his socialist Indian rights party to replace him via the ballot and changing or trying to change the constitution. 12 years is enough to be in power. It is time for others to take over. The people liked the changes he made. But he should have stepped down. Period. He was democratically elected and had to fight a very very long history of Europeans only in the presidency history.

Do you know Rugoz Bolivian political history? Did you know Bolivia was part of Peru? Yes or no? Start learning about these places whom you think you know the political history of. Because you don't. A bunch of patronizing Eurocentric eltist thinkers swallowing sheer lies about 'restoration of democracy'. Who are the majority in Bolivia? INDIANS. Period. How can you claim to be democratic if the majority of the INDIANS in Bolivia never get a president that is INDIAN?

Explain that to me. It is like South Africa. A majority nation of Africans who were never ruled by Africans from the Native African Zulus, etc. Only people who were from the Netherlands, England and WHITE people only for generations and centuries. That is dumb and undemocratic.

But, they all think democracy is about liberal white corporate shit theories. It is not.

You got to realize Bolivia was split off from Peru because of the mines. Bolivian mines. The majority of Indians in Bolivia live horrific working conditions and get paid almost nothing for laboring all day extracting from the earth minerals. The wealth all goes to corporations and the family of wealthy farmers and miners and landowners. They pressured Indian communities of their land rights and keep doing so. Why? Profit.

Neoliberalism. Some Indian rights leader comes along like Evo and they get pissed. Upsetting the apple cart. Get the Americans to paint him as a dictator. That is what they do. Why? To get in there and get the resources.

Why do they think they have a right to land and resources that is not theirs? Why? IMPERIALISM.

I hate that shit mentality. The British have it, the French, the Portuguese, Spanish, Belgians, and Holland. All of the ex European powers along with the USA Americans who are the New World imperialists. It says, "Don't respect the rights of Indians, Africans, or nations who are rich in land, resources, low wage labor and weak government structures and who are struggling. Abuse them, take everything from them and then blame them for everything that goes wrong. That way we make money and wash our hands of the blood."

That is their way of coping. I HATE THAT SHIT. It killed my mother that mentality. It kills us all. Fucking pieces of shit thinking of violent greed mentality. I hope they BURN in hell for that death and destruction. It is EVERYWHERE in Latin America.

And the dumb ass AMericans are so stupid and uninformed that they believe all that LYING about us all the damn time. Along with the admirers of Yankee CRAP like @JohnRawls . Who am I going to believe? My mother fighting for breath in some Intensive Care Unit because the USA government experiments in Puerto Rico on throwing uranium bombs to see if it kills people in Iraq and uses Puerto Ricans as guinea pigs and cannon fodder for their imperial war ambitions...and she is dying full of radiation poisoning and they do that because Puerto Ricans are not allowed to vote and can't sue the USA government for contaminating the land? Or people like John Rawls who believe Yankee BULLSHIT about doing good and being for democracy? DEMOCRACY. If the damn Yankees believed in democracy they would not have knocked off dozens of democratically elected leaders all over the world. But they don't. They believe in GREED and power grabs and ignoring ordinary working people's needs.

When the chickens come home to roost for those assholes in Yankeeland and their government bought off sellout politicians? And the Americans have to suck up to realize the democracy is a damn SHAM? They whine on TV.

Get a clue. The rot is in your face. You can't deny it. Why try?

I understand why you would think what you think considering the history of the region but it doesn't mean your prejudices are correct. You said that I am prejudiced and the answer to it is perhaps. The reality though that you are much more prejudiced in a similar regard. At least I try to be more impartial while you consider people like Guiado or the crazy coup lady de facto some kind of imperialists who don't care about people while somehow Maduro who is basically starving his people is humane.

Both left and right can be bad or good. Both Left and Right policies can lead a country to ruin and it has in SA.(And success) Look at Venezuela and look at Argentina. From the most developed countries in the world or region to fractured nations under different regimes. Give credit when it is due but also give blame and criticism when it is appropriate. All what I say, I consider appropriate.
Rugoz wrote:Image

Socialism is voted in. Democratically. In many nations all over the world. The Yanks tend to not like it because like Bernie Sanders and other socialists at home in the USA they go for non corporate shit and reject neoliberalism.

Neoliberalism is an abject failure. Horror of a thing.

It has made poverty and inequality much much worse than it was in the past.

But instead of getting rid of its proponents? The people who are not even American Yankees and live in Estonia cheer that crap on....WHY? IT SUCKS. Why cheer that on?

I don't care what British citizens have been brainwashed with at all. The ignorance about Latin American political histories in the UK is HORRIBLE.

No one knows anything there. They believe a bunch of lies. Lies. Distortions. That is all anyone knows in the UK about Latin America. Stop being some lapdog for the YANKS that lie through their teeth.

It pisses me off!
wat0n wrote:Well, something she objectively did not do was to try to remain in power indefinitely. Can't say the same about certain other Bolivian Presidents...

Stop talking crap Waton. Chile had that killer in power on and off from 1973-1998.

That killer fascist pig torturer propped up and backed by Kissinger and Nixon. Right wing Republican American crooked prez and his far right war criminal.

The Right is in no moral place to be talking about 'democracy' in Chile or in any other country.

I can't stand your shitty pro right conservative American bullshit positions either.

Who are the ones who run around torturing half the world with Yankee dollars propping them up in Latin America? THE RIGHT. La derecha Waton. Acepta eso y deja de hablar MIERDA!

Ninguno de los gobiernos de izquierda son populares con el gobierno yanqui. Ninguno. Por que? Porque los yanquis no les importa un carajo los derechos humanos de NADIE. Solo el poder de hacer BILLETES. Unos avariciosos asquerosos pro guerra y bajos en etica. No tienen etica.

John Perkins:

Confessions of an Economic Hitman:

He was sent in to bribe politicians who were against American corporations and American geopolitical positions. If the bribes did not work? Send in the jackals. Killers. Torture and death. And bribes and corruption. He noticed the immorality and he is trying to inform people on the American positions. They are about naked greed and aggression.

Why deny the obvious? Because you hate the Left no matter if they are democratically winning elections. Deny. Why? Because you want some elitist shit position about your own selfish reality. It sucks. You contribute to injustice and death with that mentality. You do.
JohnRawls wrote:I understand why you would think what you think considering the history of the region but it doesn't mean your prejudices are correct. You said that I am prejudiced and the answer to it is perhaps. The reality though that you are much more prejudiced in a similar regard. At least I try to be more impartial while you consider people like Guiado or the crazy coup lady de facto some kind of imperialists who don't care about people while somehow Maduro who is basically starving his people is humane.

Both left and right can be bad or good. Both Left and Right policies can lead a country to ruin and it has in SA.(And success) Look at Venezuela and look at Argentina. From the most developed countries in the world or region to fractured nations under different regimes. Give credit when it is due but also give blame and criticism when it is appropriate. All what I say, I consider appropriate.

I don't buy your impartiality bullshit John, I don't. At all.

What gets me angry? Is the lack of caring. That pisses me off bad. The lack of caring about Latin America, Africa and nation who are not powerful and rich. That PISSES ME OFF.

If you don't care? You will sink most of the world and humanity with it. Start caring.

I don't understand your positions John. You are Estonian. ESTONIAN. You are not some American dummy voting for Trump in some rural town buying all that shit about the conservative pro corporate Democrats being Communists.

Yet you identify with them? Can you explain to me why you believe their lies and bullshit? Or are you a cynic and think politics is all liars and biased prejudiced idiotic talk without any validity or truth to anything?

I don't go for politics that are about selfishness, greed and cheering on Empires destroying the world and all the people who work hard and can't feed their families. That is not the reason I am on this forum talking about REALITY. Not some lies you bought about the USA.

The USA is in crisis. They got some people who believe in not dealing with democracy anymore or pretending to because they know something is not right. It is not right. It has not been for a very long time. But they are told lies all the time and eventually it will become a very ugly and violent situation.

And the fault of it all is the value system that allowed what John Perkins in the above video talks about John Rawls.

It is about....you accept the bribe and let us plunder your nation. Or we will kill and destroy you.

Do you like that naked aggression? Yes or no? Answer the question @JohnRawls ?

Because that is what the USA government in Latin America and the Caribbean is about. Not only there. In Indonesia, Asia, Africa and every place they can get a hold of.

I hate that. Why? Because it kills innocent people. It makes wages low and poverty grinding. It brings misery and hopelessness and lack of progress. And it is painful to see people living through it.

People are not living in fantasyland in these places. Why do they vote for someone like Jose Mujica or Evo Morales or Hugo Chavez or Trujillo in Panama or the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, or AMLO in Mexico or countless other leftists in Latin America? WHY VOTE FOR THESE CANDIDATES? If the Americans disapprove of them and will cause trouble?

Because the right wing sellouts don't do jack shit for poor people in these nations. NOTHING.

It is like @Potemkin stated with you. They are not liberal democrats John. They are brutal killing dictators. Backed by the people John Perkins video stated.

What is your answer to that reality? Don't run and answer the question!?
Tainari88 wrote:Stop talking crap Waton. Chile had that killer in power on and off from 1973-1998.

That killer fascist pig torturer propped up and backed by Kissinger and Nixon. Right wing Republican American crooked prez and his far right war criminal.

The Right is in no moral place to be talking about 'democracy' in Chile or in any other country.

I can't stand your shitty pro right conservative American bullshit positions either.

Who are the ones who run around torturing half the world with Yankee dollars propping them up in Latin America? THE RIGHT. La derecha Waton. Acepta eso y deja de hablar MIERDA!

Ninguno de los gobiernos de izquierda son populares con el gobierno yanqui. Ninguno. Por que? Porque los yanquis no les importa un carajo los derechos humanos de NADIE. Solo el poder de hacer BILLETES. Unos avariciosos asquerosos pro guerra y bajos en etica. No tienen etica.

John Perkins:

Confessions of an Economic Hitman:

He was sent in to bribe politicians who were against American corporations and American geopolitical positions. If the bribes did not work? Send in the jackals. Killers. Torture and death. And bribes and corruption. He noticed the immorality and he is trying to inform people on the American positions. They are about naked greed and aggression.

Why deny the obvious? Because you hate the Left no matter if they are democratically winning elections. Deny. Why? Because you want some elitist shit position about your own selfish reality. It sucks. You contribute to injustice and death with that mentality. You do.

Well, I would say your Maquiavellian view where the crimes committed by leftist dictatorships are to be overlooked (if not praised), or when Latin American leftists try to hold to power no matter what, is exactly the sort of selfishness you are complaining about. So Chavistas can engage in mass forced disappearances, loot the Venezuelan State and establish their own establishment while they are at it, Bolivian Presidents can bend the Constitution (after taking over the judiciary) to violate the Constitution using farcical arguments, Cuban Communists can establish a totalitarian regime and simply refuse to hold free elections for decades while setting their own Nomenklatura up and Nicaraguan ex guerrilleros can simply hold to power indefinitely while repressing all dissenting street protests, but since they are anti-American socialists (or perhaps pseudo-socialists, since with the exception of Cuba they don't even adjust to Marxian concepts anyway, to the point that saying they are left-wing authoritarian populists is way more accurate), you don't really care.

And why is it selfish? Because it's in your political interests as a socialist Puerto Rican nationalist to ignore all their flaws while projecting them onto the Latin American right, and not even in its current form but that from the Cold War (which is only slightly better than both this faux, and the actual, socialism).

Here I'm simply echoing the gist of @Potemkin's main argument to @JohnRawls. It runs both ways.
wat0n wrote:Well, I would say your Maquiavellian view where the crimes committed by leftist dictatorships are to be overlooked (if not praised), or when Latin American leftists try to hold to power no matter what, is exactly the sort of selfishness you are complaining about. So Chavistas can engage in mass forced disappearances, loot the Venezuelan State and establish their own establishment while they are at it, Bolivian Presidents can bend the Constitution (after taking over the judiciary) to violate the Constitution using farcical arguments, Cuban Communists can establish a totalitarian regime and simply refuse to hold free elections for decades while setting their own Nomenklatura up and Nicaraguan ex guerrilleros can simply hold to power indefinitely while repressing all dissenting street protests, but since they are anti-American socialists (or perhaps pseudo-socialists, since with the exception of Cuba they don't even adjust to Marxian concepts anyway, to the point that saying they are left-wing authoritarian populists is way more accurate), you don't really care.

And why is it selfish? Because it's in your political interests as a socialist Puerto Rican nationalist to ignore all their flaws while projecting them onto the Latin American right, and not even in its current form but that from the Cold War (which is only slightly better than both this faux, and the actual, socialism).

Here I'm simply echoing the gist of @Potemkin's main argument to @JohnRawls. It runs both ways.

Where is a socialist government Bloated with MONEY from billionaires? Where? The money and the power plays are from the Capitalist neoliberals Wat0n. Yet you are obsessed with the defects of Nicaragua or Cuba or Venezuela? Those governments are fragile and without MONEY. Sanctioned and embargoed or pressured all damn day to collapse. WHY? Because they don't go for capitalism that is done in every capitalist nation in Latin America. The USA banks and etc spent a lot of money making sure Pinochet's Chilean economy was stable. Why? You figure it out. They wanted zero socialism. For Latin America. You hate it Wat0n. Yes, I am a Puerto Rican socialist. I am. I don't deny it. I think getting rid of some colonial powerless bullshit status is imperative for progress in Puerto Rico.

You think it is about poof a democratic vote and all is solved. It goes to show how naive and uninformed you are about not only PR but the entire history of American aggression all over the world. Not just in the Western hemisphere Waton.

Who are you? Do you define yourself politically @wat0n ? Or do you avoid a label because you are un blandito? Whatever Wat0n. I don't like your positions. I have read enough of them to know you have the ones backing some form of American dominance of the world. Why? Because most people from Chile and from the Right love imperial shit and love identifying with powerful pro right pigs most of the time. They want to be powerful and fear the Left.

You think the Left is corrupt. That is true in many cases. The Right is corrupt. The difference? You either become an anarchist criticizing both sides. If you are a liberal democrat you should be trying to get rid of Pinochet type shit and it rarely works. But I am not naive. The reality is you have to have some values in politics about dealing with problems with large masses of people. Who are the majority? Rich or poor? Poor. So deal with them with JUSTICE. That is my philosophy about politics. Punto y se acabo. No te gustan los pobres? Deja la mierda y declarate un comemierda burguesito. Because that is what it is about with class conscious anti Leftism in Chile. Gente con ideas malas y falta de teoria para la gente con pocos recursos.

You don't see the hypocrisy? You don't? I do.

If socialism doesn't work? Leave the socialist voters and socialist societies ALONE. Don't pressure them with sanctions and embargos. Oh, it is because of human rights. No, it is not. It is about GREED. Greed from capitalist powerful people. Who control everything.

It is either our way of making money and hegemony or the highway.

BTW. where do I praise some killers and violence and injustice? I have been on this forum for 12 years? Where is the praise for killing and me being Machiavellian? NO WHERE will you find a single post of mine praising injustice, violence and death. Or aggressive greed. Not once.

Go and lie on me some more you are the one who is a Machiavellian selfish type. Go and get the quotes. They don't exist!
Tainari88 wrote:I don't buy your impartiality bullshit John, I don't. At all.

What gets me angry? Is the lack of caring. That pisses me off bad. The lack of caring about Latin America, Africa and nation who are not powerful and rich. That PISSES ME OFF.

If you don't care? You will sink most of the world and humanity with it. Start caring.

I don't understand your positions John. You are Estonian. ESTONIAN. You are not some American dummy voting for Trump in some rural town buying all that shit about the conservative pro corporate Democrats being Communists.

Yet you identify with them? Can you explain to me why you believe their lies and bullshit? Or are you a cynic and think politics is all liars and biased prejudiced idiotic talk without any validity or truth to anything?

I don't go for politics that are about selfishness, greed and cheering on Empires destroying the world and all the people who work hard and can't feed their families. That is not the reason I am on this forum talking about REALITY. Not some lies you bought about the USA.

The USA is in crisis. They got some people who believe in not dealing with democracy anymore or pretending to because they know something is not right. It is not right. It has not been for a very long time. But they are told lies all the time and eventually it will become a very ugly and violent situation.

And the fault of it all is the value system that allowed what John Perkins in the above video talks about John Rawls.

It is about....you accept the bribe and let us plunder your nation. Or we will kill and destroy you.

Do you like that naked aggression? Yes or no? Answer the question @JohnRawls ?

Because that is what the USA government in Latin America and the Caribbean is about. Not only there. In Indonesia, Asia, Africa and every place they can get a hold of.

I hate that. Why? Because it kills innocent people. It makes wages low and poverty grinding. It brings misery and hopelessness and lack of progress. And it is painful to see people living through it.

People are not living in fantasyland in these places. Why do they vote for someone like Jose Mujica or Evo Morales or Hugo Chavez or Trujillo in Panama or the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, or AMLO in Mexico or countless other leftists in Latin America? WHY VOTE FOR THESE CANDIDATES? If the Americans disapprove of them and will cause trouble?

Because the right wing sellouts don't do jack shit for poor people in these nations. NOTHING.

It is like @Potemkin stated with you. They are not liberal democrats John. They are brutal killing dictators. Backed by the people John Perkins video stated.

What is your answer to that reality? Don't run and answer the question!?

It is pretty simple, you have no trust in what the country and the world can be while I have seen first hand what can happen in good and bad outcomes from the liberal capitalist system and the alternatives. For you it is all lies. For me, I appreciate the system seeing the alternatives.

I wrote this couple of times but Estonia exited the collapse of the Soviet Union in a pretty bad state which gave it a lower start compared to most other European Warshaw pact countries and even worse it happened a bit later compared to other Warshaw pact countries like Poland, Czechoslovakia etc. The reality though is that we recovered and are part of the OECD club now, recently having surpassed places like Greece, Portugal and already coming up on places like Spain, Italy etc. And we did that starting from basically African situation in what? 25-30 years...

There was no secret to this success. It came through what the people that you hate describe. The reason why we succeeded is because we actually tried and cared and took the things like rule of law, democracy, competitiveness etc seriously. Estonia took a pretty hardcore libertarian approach from the start. We are the children of people like Milton Freedman. He helped us devise our goddamn economic policy to a degree.
When the 2008 economic crisis came, Estonia fired 25% of all government employees for example also so we are both in action, in law and in theory Neoliberal Freedmanist economies.

While people like you Tainari cry about being pillaged by imperialists, Estonia didn't do it. We learned, we persevered and we succeeded. Somehow we have become THE MOST successful post USSR republic. And we can compare our situation to places like Russia which is 3 times worse on average due to their crony capitalism and corruption. We can compare to Belorussia who are 4 times worse due to their left socialist leanings and dictatorship.

So my ideas have a lot to do with the reality that I live in and experiences that I can see around. So compared to your prejudiced view that everyone is imperialist, the reality is that most countries don't even try.(My reality) People and politicians don't care about corruption, don't care about rule of law, don't care about voting even which leads to their ruin and people like Putin, etc coming to power. But if you do then success awaits. THis is success that you will need to work for but it will come like it did with great many countries.

You complaining imperialism here, imperialism there is just an excuse. A story that you heard from your ancestors, your parents, and now tell yourself of why your country or countries nearby have not succeeded. It is always easy to blame somebody else and I would say it is an instinct. It is hard to blame yourself, it is hard to not be corrupt, to follow the law, etc. Imperialism existed and it is fair to criticize countries who have partook in it but it is not an excuse not to be successful after 30,40,50 etc years after becoming independent. If Estonia, one of the smallest countries in the world with no resources can do it then it is racist to think that others can't. The funny thing is that even dictatorships can be successful but it is a lot harder for them to do it. Look at Singapore as an example.

TLDR: Stop being a dictatorship, enforce the rule of law, fight corruption and have a sane economic policy will lead you to success. Imperialism is not an argument of why your country is poor. Estonia have been occupied by so many countries in its history that you won't have enough fingers on both hands to count but we are still here, better than most, not blaming Europe or even Russia for it. (Although we have disputes with Russia due to its current regime) IT IS REALLY RACIST TO THINK THAT YOUR COUNTRY CAN'T SUCCEED IF ESTONIA COULD, A COUNTRY SO SMALL MOST PEOPLE DON'T EVEN KNOW IT EXISTS WITH LITERALLY NO RESOURCES TO SPEAK OFF.
@skinster Way to quote things out of context. Or is that the only sentence that you could understand? I mean, literally anyone can read the text above yours and understand what you did.

But I particular enjoy how either desperate or single minded you are at times.
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Russia-Ukraine War 2022

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