Who Russians blame for Escalation in Donbass - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Russians appear not to place blame on Putin at all. Close to 70% of Russians appear to place blame either on Nato or Ukraine. This according to a poll of Russians by some outfit going by Levada Center.

Could this be because Russians dont get cnn, msnbc, bbc? Do Russians have access to foreign media?

Russians Largely Blame US, NATO Allies for Escalation of Tensions Near Ukraine

Almost half of Russians blame the U.S. and its NATO allies for the escalation of tensions in eastern Ukraine, according to the results of a poll released April 29 by Russia’s leading independent pollster, the Levada Center. Forty-eight percent of respondents hold that view.

Those who believe the U.S. and NATO are to blame for the escalation dominate all age groups among the poll’s respondents. They account for 36 percent of respondents 18-24 years old, 40 percent among respondents 25-39 years old, 50 percent of respondents 40-54 years old and 57 percent of respondents 55 years old and older.

https://www.russiamatters.org/blog/russ ... ar-ukraine
Sandzak wrote:It is sad Slavs kill Slavs. But the Russians like Serbs see them just as true Slavs.

Kievan Slavs are tired of being Slavs. They have sworn to keep the great Slav rebellion going until all Slavs are free.No Slav is free until all Slavs are free. Down with Slavry.
Juin wrote:Kievan Slavs are tired of being Slavs. They have sworn to keep the great Slav rebellion going until all Slavs are free.No Slav is free until all Slavs are free. Down with Slavry.

What the Russians did with Ukrainians was more cruel then the Holocaust (Holdomor). It is worser to be killed by a brother then by a stranger.

But from Ukraine all Slavs come from.
Ganeshas Rat wrote:It would be more cruel if it did exist.

I tell you a story:

My dad was in General staff of Bosnia during the war (lowest officer).

I asked him who was the hardest Motherf*** you know? You have seen Arab Mujahedeen and so on...

He said: One member of the Handschar SS (one of 2 Bosnian SS-Divisions).

He survived Stalingrad, and robbed him through Eastern Europe from north to south... as he came home his family was killed by Serbs... he went to the nearest serb village set them at fire and killed anybody who came out from the burning houses...

He spent 15 Years in a communist prison, where they tortured him to underwrite his confession but he did not give in and there were no proofs.

After this he began to work in the company where my dad was a manager... He asked him if my dad can organize him a gun... My Pa organized him a gun...

My dad asked him:" Did realy 6 million jews died?"

The Nazi answered: No we did not kill 6 million, we killed more, everything who just looked jewish... in the forests of eastern Europe...

I asked: How did he survive torture?

-He loved it, pain made him horny :lol:

How was he as worker?

Yeah, I talked about the so-called 'Holodomor', not the Holocaust. But it's funny because it's actually connected. In the Israel they teach there were 6,000,000 jews who died in the holocaust and 5,000,000 other victims. Um, why 5 millions? Seems a bit wrong. Oh, so there was a prophecy about 11,000,000 Jewish victims. Hitler didn't fulfill the prophecy exactly, but it's surely about the Holocaust, so it's 6,000,000 jews and 5,000,000 non-jews. The logic. The conservative estimate of civilian deaths in the WWII for the Soviet Union alone is 17,000,000 nowadays. But it's not as important as the prophecies.

I am of course will never be delighted to hear how millions of Russian people who were put on the edge of survival and starved to death by the self-proclaimed Bolshevik government are not really victims, they never died, they actually were aggressors who tortured poor Ukrainians (out of pure sadism). Somewhat on the level of 'Jews started the Holocaust to purge the Gypsies'.
Sandzak wrote:What the Russians did with Ukrainians was more cruel then the Holocaust (Holdomor).

It was the Communists that did that to the Ukrainians not the Russians. Many decent Russians opposed the Bolshevik genociders. Many Russian farm workers were starved to death or sent to work camps by the Bolshevik parasites. Imperial Russia's ethnic minorities were over represented in the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks hated Russia. Lenin thought that anything of any worth in Russia had been created by the Jews/
Rich wrote:It was the Communists that did that to the Ukrainians not the Russians. Many decent Russians opposed the Bolshevik genociders. Many Russian farm workers were starved to death or sent to work camps by the Bolshevik parasites. Imperial Russia's ethnic minorities were over represented in the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks hated Russia. Lenin thought that anything of any worth in Russia had been created by the Jews/

Stalin hated Jews. Stalin ordered the genocide, Lenin not.
How could the war be peacfully resolved???

Ukraine accepts officialy and legaly the annexation of the Krim. For the Krim the Russians payed with blood and land. The Russians Tsar conquered the Krim from the Ottomans but the debts of this war were so high, so the Tsar had to sell Alaska to the USA.

In return the Ukraine gets the Donbass and Russia ends the Azawo Sea blockade.

I think everything could be resolved with a compromise, or am I too long in Switzerland???

Personally, I think Ukraine should go nuclear and once they obtain nuclear weapons, bide it's time and wait for the opportune time to take back Crimea and Donbass through the use of force and a surprise attack that completely and totally catches the Russians off guard. But I think Ukraine should obtain nuclear weapons first before doing so. Massing armor on Ukraine's border in response to a surprise attack is a big target for a nuclear weapon should Russia decide to intervene to stop Ukraine from taking back land that rightfully belongs to them. That's if the Russians choose to mass that armor before intervening to stop Ukraine from taking back it's land. But with a nuclear Ukraine, it will certainly give pause to Putin for massing a bunch of armor on Ukraine's border given that is a great target for a nuclear weapon to wipe all that massed armor out that is bunched together.
Politics_Observer wrote:@Sandzak

Personally, I think Ukraine should go nuclear and once they obtain nuclear weapons, bide it's time and wait for the opportune time to take back Crimea and Donbass through the use of force and a surprise attack that completely and totally catches the Russians off guard. But I think Ukraine should obtain nuclear weapons first before doing so. Massing armor on Ukraine's border in response to a surprise attack is a big target for a nuclear weapon should Russia decide to intervene to stop Ukraine from taking back land that rightfully belongs to them. That's if the Russians choose to mass that armor before intervening to stop Ukraine from taking back it's land. But with a nuclear Ukraine, it will certainly give pause to Putin for massing a bunch of armor on Ukraine's border given that is a great target for a nuclear weapon to wipe all that massed armor out that is bunched together.

There you go again, trying to get the Ukrainians to commit mass suicide. Why do you hate the Ukrainians so much, @Politics_Observer? :eh:
Politics_Observer wrote:@Potemkin

I am just trying to encourage the Ukrainians to fight for what is there's.

Crimea isn't theirs. Not historically, and not now. They had it for a few decades, but now Russia has taken it back. :)
Politics_Observer wrote:@Potemkin

Russia gave it the Ukrainians during Soviet times. Hence it belongs to Ukraine. What? Is Russia an "indian giver?"

Still not worth dying in a nuclear holocaust over.

And what of the Donbass region?

What of it? It's majority Russian, and has always been majority Russian. What about their right to self-determination? :eh:

That's like arguing that the southern United States, which seceded from the Union had a "right to self determination." Those southerners owed loyalty to the United States and hence the Union was right in retaking the south back by force. Just as the Russians living in Crimea and Donbass owe loyalty to Ukraine and thus Ukraine is right in taking back by force it's territory. Those southerners had a voice in the U.S. government before seceding and could vote, just as the Russians in Ukraine.

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