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colliric wrote:It fosters a racist attitude against the hiring of Caucasians and the treatment of Caucasians with respect.


CRT proponents have proven themselves to be generally racist against white people time and time again.

This must be a joke comment?

Several recent examples in my country of CRT believing primary school teachers forcing the young caucasian Boys(as well as boys of other races for the other thing mentioned) to stand up and "apologize for your sex and your race".

colliric wrote:
It fosters a racist attitude against the hiring of Caucasians and the treatment of Caucasians with respect.

CRT proponents have proven themselves to be generally racist against white people time and time again.

Several recent examples in my country of CRT believing primary school teachers forcing the young caucasian Boys(as well as boys of other races for the other thing mentioned) to stand up and "apologize for your sex and your race".

So we're going all out crazy here.

I've got the best sale in a hundred years going, I'm selling bridges for pennies on the dollar, don't miss this opportunity!
colliric wrote:https://7news.com.au/news/melbourne/students-shamed-in-melbourne-high-school-for-being-white-christian-privileged-males-c-2681609

https://www.theaustralian.com.au/commen ... 05fcc90f99

National news.

Teacher was racist(CRT in action), sexist(Misandric) and bigoted(against Christians).

Glad she lost her job.

The fact that these two links are all you could come up with in response says a lot about your position.
KurtFF8 wrote:The fact that these two links are all you could come up with in response says a lot about your position.

No I just picked the most specific Australian example, since the phenomenon of shaming young Boys in the classroom is extremely common for Misandric sexist reasons too now.

A recent American example from Yale there.

"The psychopathic problem of the white mind!"??

How is that person not automatically fired on the spot?

Explain to me how a person who believes "white minds are psychopathic" is not racist against Caucasians?
Again all you have is these random anecdotes being over hyped by right wing outlets. Just playing right into the (correct) perception that CRT is just the latest boogieman for the right wing.

This faux outrage is largely the result of what's called white defensiveness. Instead of addressing the fact that racism exists, any attempt to point out how racism exists is met with anger and defensiveness. It really gets to meme level of immaturity usually too. "You said that racism exists?! Well that's actually racist!"


White defensiveness? What the fuck is that? Lol.

.... Oh and you dodged my question about "the psychopathic white mind" proving my point.

If I point out calling "white minds" psychopathic is racist, is that White Defensiveness?
Last edited by colliric on 16 Jun 2021 14:46, edited 1 time in total.
Well, the minimalism should be the answer to why people lose their time with racism instead of what it is actually about. Trying to justify why you need to pay people less and get higher profits. Slaves are about someone trying to get labor at the lowest possible cost. Blacks produce labor like white people produce labor. The color issue is about denying the reason for racism. Trying to justify shit that is about trying to get some free labor. Lol. There? Solved that issue.

Hey folks are you against free labor for greedy people? Yes I am. Then don't be a racist. And make sure you don't back capitalism that is about paying low wages and races to the bottom in Africa and Asia and in Latin America. Europeans making barely living wages also got to be against it. Hee hee.
colliric wrote:White defensiveness? What the fuck is that? Lol.

I just gave you a link to the wiki article on it.

.... Oh and you dodged my question about "the psychopathic white mind" proving my point.

I didn't dodge it at all. I pointed out that all you have provided is right wing talking points that are at best isolated anecdotes. The right is unable to actually counter the arguments of CRT so it resorts to this absurd stuff.

If I point out calling "white minds" psychopathic is racist, is that White Defensiveness?

Was this more than one person or are there tons of professors/educators saying this?
KurtFF8 wrote:Again all you have is these random anecdotes being over hyped by right wing outlets. Just playing right into the (correct) perception that CRT is just the latest boogieman for the right wing.

This faux outrage is largely the result of what's called white defensiveness. Instead of addressing the fact that racism exists, any attempt to point out how racism exists is met with anger and defensiveness. It really gets to meme level of immaturity usually too. "You said that racism exists?! Well that's actually racist!"

Kurt, the reality is that liberals never deal with the issue of racism honestly. They should. Racism if you look at Bacon's Rebellion in the history of the USA? Is about some indentured servants and slaves coming up with a plan to try to get more rights and change their socioeconomic conditions. So the divide and conquer scheme had to be brought into play. Native Americans, Blacks, White indentured ones, women and landless and penniless people are all disadvantaged in these elite class conscious societies--only rich, property owning, old white men had 'rights'. So in order to not have crazy scenes like these between pissed off lower class folks? You got this:

Unite and fight these elitist smug assholes. But that can be prevented...by some scheme about you got a different skin color than I do and that means we don't share anything. The reason for this dumb tactic is about not changing class based Capitalism. Because you can have Black elites in Africa exploiting other black Africans, you can have Mayan Indians smug elitists exploiting other Mayan elitists. Why in the USA does it become about colorism? Because the liberals spout equality and all are equal in rights but they refuse to deal with capitalism being endemically unequal. They need to find a distraction. The conservatives are pro classist shit and racist. They don't have any dedication to equality. They just straight up believe in oppression as a system they adore.

The liberals want equality but don't see the hypocrisy in fighting for a society where class differences are based on economic profit disparities and who owns and who doesn't own. So they come up with endless schemes of white guilt or how this one ethnic group is to fight against the system that they refuse to change its base....change the system that has to have class and a group they profit from and use the secondary distraction of some physical differences that are there for mother nature to let us know she is looking out for our health and our lives. It was never meant to be some bone of hierarchical lying socially constructed nonsense thing used to separate humanity's main problems with the nature of social and economic discrimination or institutionalized racism. Get over the colorism and deal with the reason behind the need to be racist to justify why someone has to be paid less than another. Are all people getting what they need to be able to meet their needs? If they are not? Fix it. First.
Of course liberals will never have a full grasp on race or these histories because of their rejection of a real analysis of class as you say. But the right wing rejection of CRT isn't based in reality either and is rather based in this bizarre effort to just never discuss race. It's a warped version of liberal colorblindness really.
KurtFF8 wrote:Of course liberals will never have a full grasp on race or these histories because of their rejection of a real analysis of class as you say. But the right wing rejection of CRT isn't based in reality either and is rather based in this bizarre effort to just never discuss race. It's a warped version of liberal colorblindness really.

Race is not discussed because they don't want to cope with the basis of any sort of privileges they may have. If you acknowledge things you usually grow conscious of it and you are obligated to cope with an action. They don't want to take action? So they ignore the issue. It is self-delusion Kurt. Something humans do all the time to themselves. Some of it is about preserving your boundaries and other times it is about ignoring what you refuse to change. For the conservative elements of society, it is the latter.
One doesn't need to appeal to some aberrations like the ones @colliric showed to reject CRT. It also doesn't mean that it shouldn't be discussed in civics class either, just as other things plenty of people disagree with can and should be discussed there.

I find it odd to see Marxists supporting CRT, given its theorists also criticize and bastardize plenty of Marxist concepts.
colliric wrote:https://7news.com.au/news/melbourne/students-shamed-in-melbourne-high-school-for-being-white-christian-privileged-males-c-2681609

https://www.theaustralian.com.au/commen ... 05fcc90f99

National news.

Teacher was racist(CRT in action), sexist(Misandric) and bigoted(against Christians).

Glad she lost her job.

So you are applauding someone being cancelled for saying something that made people feel uncomfortable. This is a good example of cancel culture here.

You also seem to be arguing that because one person in Australia may have said something questionable, Florida should ban discussion on racism. How does that make sense?
KurtFF8 wrote:I just gave you a link to the wiki article on it.,

I was joking. White people have the right to point out racism that is directed at them. It's not "white defensiveness" to point out someone is being racist attacking lay Caucasians based upon their skin colour and race.

I didn't dodge it at all. I pointed out that all you have provided is right wing talking points that are at best isolated anecdotes. The right is unable to actually counter the arguments of CRT so it resorts to this absurd stuff.

You think it's absurd to call out overt obvious anti-caucasian racism? Isolated anecdotes my ass that school boys incident was national news reported by all the major networks in Australia.

Was this more than one person or are there tons of professors/educators saying this?

I've already provided you two prominent examples of CRT proponents being overtly racist.
Pants-of-dog wrote:So you are applauding someone being cancelled for saying something that made people feel uncomfortable. This is a good example of cancel culture here.

You fail to understand these kids were attacked for simply being White + Christian + Boys and were made to feel embarrassed in front of their classmates, humiliated in public, and made to "apologize" for crimes they have never committed. You fail to understand these children were significantly traumatised by the entire experience and complained about this to their parents who subsequently took action against the school. This is not cancel culture, this is the kids parents doing the right thing and getting that sexist, racist and bigoted teacher fired from the school.

You can be racist against Caucasians (because they are a race), discriminatory against Christians (because Christianity is a religion) and Sexist against boys(it's called Misandry).

What you call Cancel culture here is a good old fashioned "you traumatised the kids and pissed off their parents, so we have to fire you".

There is a difference between "uncomfortable" and being directly traumatised by being publically humiliated in front of your classmates by an idiotic teacher.
Last edited by colliric on 16 Jun 2021 18:36, edited 1 time in total.
colliric wrote:I was joking. White people have the right to point out racism that is directed at them. It's not "white defensiveness" to point out someone is being racist attacking lay Caucasians based upon their skin colour and race.

Please provide evidence for the claim that white people in Florida schools are victims of racism.

You think it's absurd to call out overt obvious anti-caucasian racism? Isolated anecdotes my ass that school boys incident was national news reported by all the major networks in Australia.

This thread is not about Australia. Also, it was only covered by a few right wing papers as far as I can tell.

I've already provided you two prominent examples of CRT proponents being overtly racist.

No, you provided two articles about one episode in Australia that may have nothing to do with CRT.

colliric wrote:You fail to understand this kids were attacked for simply being White + Christian + Boys and were made to feel embarrassed in front of their classmates, humiliated in public, and made to "apologize" for crimes they have never committed. You fail to understand these children were significantly traumatised by the entire experience and complained about this to their parents who subsequently took action against the school. This is not cancel culture, this is the kids parents doing the right thing and getting that sexist, racist and bigoted teacher fired from the school.

You can be racist against Caucasians (because they are a race), discriminatory against Christians (because Christianity is a religion) and Sexist against boys(it's called Misandry).

What you call Cancel culture here is a good old fashioned "you traumatised the kids and pissed off their parents, so we have to fire you".

So you support censorship when it stops white people from having their feelings hurt.

This still is a stupid argument for supporting the ban in Florida.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Please provide evidence for the claim that white people in Florida schools are victims of racism.

No. You can look that up yourself. You can go read why they are removing it from Florida Schools. You're just being lazy.

This thread is not about Australia. Also, it was only covered by a few right wing papers as far as I can tell.


Dude, Seven News is not right-wing, they're one of the biggest television networks in Australia. It was reported on by ALL MSM in Australia, including the fucking ABC.

So you support censorship when it stops white people from having their feelings hurt.

There's a difference between hurt feelings and directly traumatised kids.

You do a shitty job and discriminate against kids on the basis of Race, Religion and Sex, you get fired period. Parents are going to parent.
colliric wrote:No. You can look that up yourself. You can go read why they are removing it from Florida Schools. You're just being lazy.

So you do not have evidence. I will now assume you were incorrect.

There's a difference between hurt feelings and directly traumatised kids.

I will assume that you have just as much evidence for trauma as you do for your claim about the poor white kids in Florida: none.

You do a shitty job and discriminate against kids on the basis of Race, Religion and Sex, you get fired period. Parents are going to parent.

So, people who are racist should be fired. Cool.

Should teachers be censored too?
Is @Pants-of-dog really defending forcing kids stand up in front of everyone and apologize for the sins of others who happen to have the same skin pigmentation, religion or genitalia?
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