The Republican Party: The Party of White Supremacy - Politics | PoFo

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I found this article which is an opinion piece but I agree with this article and I think its dead on.

"They want to preserve “uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions,” like discrimination against non-white people."

Bess Levin of Vanity Fair wrote:As the Republican Party has made abundantly clear over the last number of years, one of its main platforms is racism. Obviously, in 2021, it’s hard to just come out and say, “Whites Only, Please,” though one group of GOP lawmakers has come extremely close, and by close we mean that it presumably won’t be long before they start doing team-building exercises that involve burning crosses and sporting white hoods around the Capitol.

Punchbowl News reports that an emerging “America First Caucus“ linked to representatives Louie Gohmert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Paul Gosar has been circulating material championing “a common respect for uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions.” What are “Anglo-Saxon traditions”? For starters, they apparently involve demonizing immigrants. As the AFC writes:

'History has shown that societal trust and political unity are threatened when foreign citizens are imported en-masse into a country, particularly without institutional support for assimilation and an expansive welfare state to bail them out should they fail to contribute positively to the country. While certain economic and financial interest groups benefit immensely from mass immigration, legal as well as illegal, and the aggregate output of the country increases, the reality of large segments of our society as well as the long-term existential future of America as a unique country with a unique culture and a unique identity being put at unnecessary risk is something our leaders can afford to ignore no longer.

As such, America’s legal immigration system should be curtailed to those that can contribute not only economically, but have demonstrated respect for this nation’s culture and rule of law.'

What, exactly, it means to demonstrate “respect for this nation’s culture” is unclear, but we’re pretty sure that line is code for “Speak English, motherfucker,” which we’d bet money Greene has screamed at more than one Uber driver.

Naturally, there’s a lot of other talk about immigrants stealing jobs from Americans—a racist lie conservatives like to tell their constituents—as well as the suggestion that all immigrants are criminals, despite the fact that native-born Americans are statistically more likely to commit crimes. Nevertheless, the group insists that “we cannot tarnish [our country’s greatness] by rewarding those who failed to follow our laws at the expense of those who have, which is why amnesty must be rejected in all forms. Additionally, we must abolish unnaturalized birthright citizenship, which actively encourages hostile interests to undermine the legitimacy of democratic self-governance by engaging in subversive ‘birth tourism’ and chain migration.” “Chain migration,” you may recall, is how former first lady Melania Trump’s parents were able to become U.S. citizens.

Elsewhere, the AFC suggests that teaching children about things like racism is “progressive indoctrination” that “has worked to actively undermine pride in America’s great history and is actively hostile to the civic and cultural assimilation necessary for a strong nation.” (We assume an acceptable curriculum would involve teaching kids that African people wanted to get on those ships, and that Native Americans don’t actually have a claim to the land that was stolen from them.) In the memo’s section on infrastructure, the group writes that “The America First Caucus will work towards an infrastructure that reflects the architectural, engineering and aesthetic value that befits the progeny of European architecture, whereby public infrastructure must be utilitarian as well as stunningly, classically beautiful, befitting a world power and source of freedom.” The AFC is unsurprisingly extremely concerned about “election fraud,” and “is in support of nationwide systemic electoral reform,” i.e. disenfranchising Black people.

The term “Anglo-Saxon,” of course, refers to Germanic inhabitants of England who can trace their origins to people who started settling in the country in the 5th century. In other words, white people. Very, very white people. Where did the America First Caucus get its inspiration re preserving “uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions” from? If we had to hazard a guess, from a group that came before it. Per the University of Richmond:

'The Anglo-Saxon Club of America was founded in Richmond, VA by John Powell and Ernest Sevier Cox, both of whom were white supremacists. The purpose of the Anglo-Saxon club was to preserve Anglo-Saxon civilization in the United States and to participate in the “intelligent selection and exclusion of immigrants.” The club had various chapters on college campuses throughout Virginia, many of whom were in attendance for the meeting held in Richmond. The purpose of the meeting was to draft a constitution for the organization and to strategize expanding chapters throughout the United States.'

Speaking of Virginia, in 2017, Representative Gosar suggested that the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville was a “false flag” operation “created by the left.” Meanwhile, Greene has famously suggested that Muslims shouldn’t be allowed to serve in government and that the California wildfires were started by Jewish laser beams.

In a statement to Punchbowl, Nick Dyer, Greene’s communication director, said, “Capitol Hill is full of dirty backstabbing swamp creatures willing to leak gossip to borderline tabloids, like [Punchbowl News]. Be on the look out for a public release for the America First Caucus platform when it’s released publicly very soon.” ... rst-caucus
libertasbella wrote:Do you believe any unique Anglo-Saxon political traditions are worthy of preservation?

Yes. I do believe.

Why would non white people migrate to America if they carried failed political traditions of their original countries? What is the point of migrating if it becomes another Mexico?
For once I find member Istanbuller's observation more accurate.

IMHO if one thinks the United States is turning into a hellhole, I must say that most other places in the world are going to be far worse.

It should be noted that the immigration restriction of the United States is rather strict, and most of those who decide to move to the United States, and succeed in doing so, know better than joining the white supremacists. As such, there are enough professional politicians who see the profitability of fighting white supremacists. The OP's worry will ultimately become an non-issue.

I see white supremacy as one of the necessary conditions of achieving accountable administration (I see the Anglo-Saxons being the most capable of following procedural justice), but white supremacists have got the concept wrong, and it made their behavior contradicting the real goal. This stupidity actually lowers them to the level they (perceive to) despise.
Patrickov wrote:For once I find member Istanbuller's observation more accurate.

IMHO if one thinks the United States is turning into a hellhole, I must say that most other places in the world are going to be far worse.

It should be noted that the immigration restriction of the United States is rather strict, and most of those who decide to move to the United States, and succeed in doing so, know better than joining the white supremacists. As such, there are enough professional politicians who see the profitability of fighting white supremacists. The OP's worry will ultimately become an non-issue.

I see white supremacy as one of the necessary conditions of achieving accountable administration (I see the Anglo-Saxons being the most capable of following procedural justice), but white supremacists have got the concept wrong, and it made their behavior contradicting the real goal. This stupidity actually lowers them to the level they (perceive to) despise.

In other words, paradoxically, the white supremacists make lousy whites. No arguments there, @Patrickov. They're clearly trying too hard. ;)
Potemkin wrote:They're clearly trying too hard. ;)

Indeed, just like how the Chinese trying too hard to advertise how "great" and "benevolent" they are.
Patrickov wrote:Indeed, just like how the Chinese trying too hard to advertise how "great" and "benevolent" they are.

Indeed. Just like white supremacism, the louder they proclaim it, the more one doubts it. ;)
Potemkin wrote:Indeed. Just like white supremacism, the louder they proclaim it, the more one doubts it. ;)

Because it is not effective to proclaim something that presents itself.

Events and consequences always speak louder in this case.
Patrickov wrote:Because it is not effective to proclaim something that presents itself.

Events and consequences always speak louder in this case.

Indeed. The white supremacists are usually the shoddiest examples of the white race and of humanity in general, despite their loud proclamations to the contrary. If they are indeed superior, then they shouldn't feel the need to keep informing everybody of it, just in case they've forgotten. ;)
Potemkin wrote:
Indeed. The white supremacists are usually the shoddiest examples of the white race and of humanity in general, despite their loud proclamations to the contrary. If they are indeed superior, then they shouldn't feel the need to keep informing everybody of it, just in case they've forgotten.

We're in the most consequential political fight since the Civil War.
colliric wrote:
And once again the Democrats are going to lose.

You hear that a lot, but a year ago they lost the White House, and the Senate, and before that they lost the House.

As I have been trying to tell people for years, it's a fight.

We haven't even started fighting.
libertasbella wrote:Do you believe any unique Anglo-Saxon political traditions are worthy of preservation?

I dunno why don't you tell us what the fuck a Anglo-Saxon political tradition is? It's such a vague term as to be meaningless, so some examples outside of the ones in the OP which you seem to believe are good might help.

Personally, every time I have ever heard someone announce themselves as a proud Anglo-Saxant it just means they're about to play Racism's Greatest Hits, Vol. 12.

Punchbowl News reports that an emerging “America First Caucus“ linked to representatives Louie Gohmert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Paul Gosar has been circulating material championing “a common respect for uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions.”

Lol like the three dumbest people in Congress. I'm pretty sure there's a story floating around about Louie Gohmert being so fucking dumb that on his first day he wandered the halls asking "Where do I find the lobbyists?"
late wrote:
What's the point of staying here if we turn into another banana republic with a tinpot dictator...

Funny you should say that....

ckaihatsu wrote:
The U.S. is 'banana-republicking' itself.



This, by the way, is a reference to Trump's almost-coup, which is typical of U.S.-imperialism-backed tinpot dictators in Latin America: ... in_America
Patrickov wrote:
there are enough professional politicians who see the profitability of fighting white supremacists.

*Profitability*, huh? Please, do explain -- I'm listening.

Patrickov wrote:
The OP's worry will ultimately become an non-issue.

I see white supremacy as one of the necessary conditions of achieving accountable administration (I see the Anglo-Saxons being the most capable of following procedural justice), but white supremacists have got the concept wrong, and it made their behavior contradicting the real goal. This stupidity actually lowers them to the level they (perceive to) despise.

You can't escape the empirical *demographics*, if that's the *result*, anyway -- the result of circling the wagons is a circle of wagons.
late wrote:
You hear that a lot, but a year ago they lost the White House, and the Senate, and before that they lost the House.

As I have been trying to tell people for years, it's a fight.

We haven't even started fighting.

On the contrary -- the Democrats are too concerned with post-attempted-coup 'bipartisanship':

Biden and the Democrats are desperately seeking to contain this conflict, endlessly appealing for “unity” with a party dominated by co-conspirators who defend the plot to overthrow the election and install Trump as a dictator. In this pursuit, the Democrats are engaged in a cover-up of the vast scope of the conspiracy headed up by Trump and his accomplices in the military, the police, the intelligence agencies and the Republican Party.

They aim to conceal from the working class the very real danger of fascism and dictatorship, for fear of the revolutionary social and political consequences of mass opposition from below. They are aided and abetted by rightward lurching, quasi-anarchist and libertarian elements like Greenwald, as well as sections of the pseudo-left, who represent privileged sections of the middle class. For all his denunciations of the Democratic Party, Greenwald only ends up apologizing for its own efforts to downplay the danger of the far right. ... h-j29.html
ckaihatsu wrote:
On the contrary -- the Democrats are too concerned with post-attempted-coup 'bipartisanship':

Biden is going to get a bipartisan infrastructure bill, that's a pretty big win.

I expect a lot of things are going to get added to the upcoming reconciliation bill, like voting rights.

Basically, I agree with you, but Biden's experience as a senator is helping him do things I did not think possible. If he can protect voting rights, he's close to FDR territory, meaning one of the best.
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