The Wuhan virus—how are we doing? - Page 113 - Politics | PoFo

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@Godstud, when the CDC reconsiders their completely ludicrous anti-science "advice" on masks for all K-12 students, I'll reconsider taking them seriously. If there's any group in the nation that don't need vaccinations, much less masks, it's children.
@Doug64 Your cartoons still do nothing to change your confirmation bias, nor actually support your false claims that the CDC has reconsidered their stance. In fact, the claims you made were not based on fact, but opinion. The video you posted wasn't any more than a propaganda piece.

You lied about what the CDC(in your previous post) said( I provided links showing this), so at this point there isn't much reason to take your stance into reasonable consideration, unless you can actually prove your claims, silly cartoons notwithstanding.

Doug64 wrote:If there's any group in the nation that don't need vaccinations, much less masks, it's children.
Because children never spread disease, right? :roll: Do you actually think before you write something down?
Godstud wrote:@Doug64 Your cartoons still do nothing to change your confirmation bias, nor actually support your false claims that the CDC has reconsidered their stance.

When did I say that the CDC had reconsidered its ludicrous "advice" on masks? That video clip is CNN, not CDC, and the idiot was calling for everyone to wear N95-type masks, because the paper and cloth ones most everyone wears are pretty much useless.

Because children never spread disease, right? :roll:

This one, not so much. If you don't catch it you don't spread it, and for children the Wuhan virus is apparently not much worse than the flu, if that much. The CDC has a handy chart looking at deaths per 100,000 by age:


Ages 16-17 might get as high as 0.05 per 100,000 occasionally and 12-14 occasionally 0.04, the grade-schoolers never get higher than 0.02 and spend most of the time at 0.00.
@Doug64 Nothing you posted addresses the fact that children can still spread the disease. Even people who are asymptomatic can infect others. Epic fail, on your part, AGAIN. :knife:

Educate yourself, for a change.

Studies that have systematically tested children and adolescents, irrespective of symptoms, for acute SARS-CoV-2 infection (using antigen or RT-PCR assays) or prior infection (through antibody testing) have found their rates of infection can be comparable, and in some settings higher, than in adults.12, 15, 24-29

Children and adolescents can also transmit SARS-CoV-2 infection to others. Early during the COVID-19 pandemic, children were not commonly identified as index cases in household or other clusters9, 10 largely because schools and extracurricular activities around the world were closed or no longer held in-person. However, outbreaks among adolescents attending camps, sports events, and schools have demonstrated that adolescents can transmit SARS-CoV-2 to others.11, 14, 30 Furthermore, transmission studies that have examined secondary infection risk from children and adolescents to household contacts who are rapidly, frequently, and systematically tested demonstrate that transmission does occur.29, 31 ... hools.html
Godstud's stats are from the CDC, an institution created by the same nations that genocided 250 cultures, telling lies the entire time.

And they did this lying and killing... to make money.

I wonder what the money-making scam is this time.

Anyone who believes failing Western governments and their sidekick silicon valley corporate tycoons... has learned zero from our history. They have only un-learned by watching mass media.
QatzelOk wrote:Godstud's stats are from the CDC, an institution created by the same nations that genocided 250 cultures, telling lies the entire time.
Go back to your QAnon cave. Your foil hat is on too tight. :moron:

QatzelOk wrote:And they did this lying and killing... to make money.
Very few people made money, and only in select places. Your claims are beyond stupid. :knife:

QatzelOk wrote:I wonder what the money-making scam is this time.
Travel to India and ask them. :knife:

That you believe this is all a plot of the "Western governments" only shows how absolutely out of touch with reality you actually are.
Well Godstud. There are disgusting semi-human beings who are dismissing or downplaying the threat of this devastating disease. I think you know who we mean. Florida and Texas are great examples of just how many people the Republican Party is willing to kill to further an agenda that only appeals to people so uneducated or so blinded by confirmation bias that they cannot even protect themselves.

Today at the clinic a morbidly obese, diabetic, Republican, homeless woman in her late 60s refused vaccination because "Trump says it is a hoax" and she believes him. She will likely die for her beliefs. If when she gets Delta Variant it will kill her very quickly. Not quickly enough that she will not likely infect at least 7 other people nor quickly enough to be a merciful death. But One earlier poster with his "Junk Science" and immigration diversions will not care. After all. What is a few hundred thousand dead people if it gets his master Trump reelected?

Sad who we allow to call themselves Christian these days.
Drlee wrote:Florida and Texas are great examples of just how many people the Republican Party is willing to kill...

I'm not sure if you have me pegged with this description.

Try some other popular scapegoat theme?
@Godstud, if the adults have been vaccinated, then even if you believe the CDC's numbers on how infectious children can be, how much children can pass the Wuhan virus to others doesn't matter because the adults are protected. If the adults aren't yet vaccinated, that's their choice. I happen to agree with Spenser Cox, the governor of Utah, when he announced that Utah won't be following New York's example of requiring vaccinations to eating in restaurants or work out at the gym, though the state will provide N95 masks for students under twelve (but not mandate their use--that's prohibited by law in Utah):

    "The CDC is asking all of you who are vaccinated to take one for the team once again to protect people who are not vaccinated but had the opportunity to do so. I'm guessing that the Venn Diagram of people who are unvaccinated and willing to wear a mask is very very slim, if at all. So I'm grateful that there are people who are willing to sacrifice and wear a mask again to protect the unvaccinated. I got to be honest with you, I don't know if I'm one of those people. I'm really tired, I'm really done with it and I'm not real excited to sacrifice to protect someone who doesn't seem to care. But I'm glad there are some people out there who are."

As for the children themselves, those aged 5-17 make up 0.07% of US Wuhan deaths where age is identified (361 out of 504,563) when they are 16.3% of the population--they are not at high risk.
Doug64 wrote:@Godstud, if the adults have been vaccinated, then even if you believe the CDC's numbers on how infectious children can be, how much children can pass the Wuhan virus to others doesn't matter because the adults are protected. If the adults aren't yet vaccinated, that's their choice. I happen to agree with Spenser Cox, the governor of Utah, when he announced that Utah won't be following New York's example of requiring vaccinations to eating in restaurants or work out at the gym, though the state will provide N95 masks for students under twelve (but not mandate their use--that's prohibited by law in Utah):

    "The CDC is asking all of you who are vaccinated to take one for the team once again to protect people who are not vaccinated but had the opportunity to do so. I'm guessing that the Venn Diagram of people who are unvaccinated and willing to wear a mask is very very slim, if at all. So I'm grateful that there are people who are willing to sacrifice and wear a mask again to protect the unvaccinated. I got to be honest with you, I don't know if I'm one of those people. I'm really tired, I'm really done with it and I'm not real excited to sacrifice to protect someone who doesn't seem to care. But I'm glad there are some people out there who are."

As for the children themselves, those aged 5-17 make up 0.07% of US Wuhan deaths where age is identified (361 out of 504,563) when they are 16.3% of the population--they are not at high risk.

@Doug64 , this reveals a whole philosophy of government and of human nature which is as sad as it is instructive. Some will let people violate the clear common good and even applaud it, others balk at that and try to not only insist that others must do what is right, but must be forced to do so. If possible.

We're not in a dictatorship, unless it's a dictatorship of a nation of Anarchists, nothing ''conservative'' about this at all. Maybe people can't be forced to do the right thing against their wills, although some can have a breakthrough and be enlightened. US Constitutional case law is quite clear, citizens can and probably should be vaccinated against their will for the greater community good, case law from a time when conservatives weren't really libertarians (who are really just anarchists) and still had a concept of the greater good beyond individual selfishness.

And I find it so remarkable too that I'm someone who is among the last to be pro-''science'' or submit to the authority of the modern ''expert'' class. Nor am I hysterical over new COVID-19 variants just yet. But... the evidence is clear, vaccines are working about as well as could be expected and then some. If we can get rid of smallpox or polio, we can rid ourselves of COVID-19.
Again @Doug64, you talk about children dying from it, when I am talking about them infecting others. You conveniently ignore that reality, because it doesn't match your confirmation bias,. You really don't give a shit about people, as long as you can sell your narrative.

Choice to be a threat to people around them? :knife: Forcing foolish people to do things is one of the only options if you have a society where you want to protect the people from fools and the things they do. Why do you think they made seatbelt laws? They did it because some people are so foolish that you have to force them to do thing for their own safety. Vaccines are not just about your own safety, but the safety of others. Again that's something you don't give a fuck about.

You really think we can reach 80% if we do not vaccinate children? I assume you assume 95% of the adults are going to be vaccinated, right?

Incidentally, the death rate of the flu is 0.03%, so 0.07% is not insignificant. :knife:
Doug64 wrote:@Godstud, if the adults have been vaccinated, then even if you believe the CDC's numbers on how infectious children can be, how much children can pass the Wuhan virus to others doesn't matter because the adults are protected. If the adults aren't yet vaccinated, that's their choice. I happen to agree with Spenser Cox, the governor of Utah, when he announced that Utah won't be following New York's example of requiring vaccinations to eating in restaurants or work out at the gym, though the state will provide N95 masks for students under twelve (but not mandate their use--that's prohibited by law in Utah):

    "The CDC is asking all of you who are vaccinated to take one for the team once again to protect people who are not vaccinated but had the opportunity to do so. I'm guessing that the Venn Diagram of people who are unvaccinated and willing to wear a mask is very very slim, if at all. So I'm grateful that there are people who are willing to sacrifice and wear a mask again to protect the unvaccinated. I got to be honest with you, I don't know if I'm one of those people. I'm really tired, I'm really done with it and I'm not real excited to sacrifice to protect someone who doesn't seem to care. But I'm glad there are some people out there who are."

As for the children themselves, those aged 5-17 make up 0.07% of US Wuhan deaths where age is identified (361 out of 504,563) when they are 16.3% of the population--they are not at high risk.

You seem to be ignoring the fact that kids can pass it on to people who cannot get the vaccine for medical reasons.

Also, kids can get Covid and suffer from it.

Finally, it is impossible to get to herd immunity without vaccinating kids.
A Neighborhood Watch party for my block in Vacaville was cancelled due to the heat and COVID concerns. A local Walmart has posted a sign on the door asking all patrons, including those vaccinated, to resume wearing masks inside.

A small COVID-19 testing trailer at the Premium Outlets, which had gotten nearly no business for several weeks, is now busy again. When I go for my walk at the Outlets, there are between three and ten people (adults) waiting for a test. I’m not sure who would be getting a test. As a person already vaccinated, I wouldn’t need one. If you are worried about COVID, you might as well wait in line for a vaccination instead of waiting in line for a test.
@Pants-of-dog, Doug64 is not forgetting anything. He is ignoring it, because it doesn't fit his bizarre narrative.

They know children are perfect carriers for Covid-19, and that is the reason why most schools in places where they have outbreaks, are closed. It has much less to do with protecting the children as protecting everyone else.
@Doug64 said ".... then even if you believe the CDC's numbers on how infectious children can be...". And why would you not believe the numbers?

I am glad that you consider the deaths of 350+ children (CDC numbers you seem to believe for some reason) no big deal.

And we are at the crux of the problem. The problem has nothing to do with the actions of vaccinated people. It has everything to do with the actions of people who are NOT vaccinated. They are the problem. I have to wear a mask because some dumb fucker (mostly Trump following drones) will not be vaccinated. You do realize that Utah has no mask mandate. Now the science clearly shows that mask wearing saves lives. So it is clear that the Mormon run government of Utah has no problem requiring its members to wear funny underwear to protect themselves from sin but won't require a mask to protect their own family members from death. Here is a great idea for Family Home Evening.....How about we take turns helping grandma gasp for breath.

When I was a kid they used to make us watch ghastly films of actual traffic accidents. It was thought that watching people scream in agony or bodies being disengaged from steering wheels would scare us into driving more carefully. Maybe we ought to make all Americans watch a video of a strong young athlete struggling for his last breath as doctors just watch unable to do anything.

But make no mistake. People who refuse vaccination FOR ANY REASON are the problem. They are killers. Selfish, unintelligent and dangerous. And it is just a matter of time until these selfish human Petri dishes cook up a version of this virus that evades the vaccines we have now. Then the Republican plan to use this issue to get elected in 2022 will come to fruition. Hey Doug. How do Mormons feel about about cremation? Not wild about it I think. Well. They can relax that policy just like they did segregation right before the feds threatened to take away their tax status.
Stormsmith wrote:This amuses me.

QatzelOk has remarked time and time again on the 'Genocide' of people and cultures. For eons. Yet here he is, in Ontario, who along with Quebec are our Florida or Texas or Louisiana, and advocating the same policies that will cause deaths and, for survivers, long term disorders that will make their health care systems v difficult to sustain over the long haul. That will result in high yield profits for the pharmaceutical industry

I wonder why
Drlee wrote:@Doug64 said ".... then even if you believe the CDC's numbers on how infectious children can be...". And why would you not believe the numbers?

Obviously because the CDC is part of the deep state and only publishes such studies to harm Trump, the most important man in the universe around whom all things orbit.

Soon you will all see that COVID is just a flue and also that it was a supervirus created by China to keep Trump from being reelected. You're all going to look like fools when Trump is sworn in later this month, you'll see.
Don't you know @SpecialOlympian? Covid-19 went away a year ago, last April, just like Trump said it would.


If Trump had acted, instead of being apathetic about Covid-19, he could have guaranteed re-election. It was soooo easy for him to turn it into a guaranteed re-election, but he chose not to. As a result, he lost the election landslide. He lost in bigly fashion. He was the weakest link, and the biggliest loser. Even his squeals of fraud were weaksauce, but his cultists bought it, like the saps that they are.
Godstud wrote:If Trump had acted, instead of being apathetic about Covid-19, he could have guaranteed re-election. It was soooo easy for him to turn it into a guaranteed re-election, but he chose not to. As a result, he lost the election landslide. He lost in bigly fashion. He was the weakest link, and the biggliest loser. Even his squeals of fraud were weaksauce, but his cultists bought it, like the saps that they are.

He would've won if he'd done anything besides sat on his fat ass and pressured the GOP into sending more COVID checks out.

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