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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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B0ycey wrote:What you talking about? America is so full of corruption it is unreal. Like the Flint water crisis,. How the fuck did that one happen?

When you put it like that it seems that this is a problem isolated to America. The world is full of corruption. You think China has less corruption? China? The UK? Germany? Guatemala? Haiti? Egypt?
Singling out the US seems unfair.
XogGyux wrote:When you put it like that it seems that this is a problem isolated to America. The world is full of corruption. You think China has less corruption? China? The UK? Germany? Guatemala? Haiti? Egypt?
Singling out the US seems unfair.

Yea, basically, what is more practical and interesting to discuss when to comes to corruption, is the type of corruption, degree to which it exists, and how it is managed/handled. Also, it's also important to factor in general incompetence.
XogGyux wrote:When you put it like that it seems that this is a problem isolated to America. The world is full of corruption. You think China has less corruption? China? The UK? Germany? Guatemala? Haiti? Egypt?
Singling out the US seems unfair.

You need to read the post before to understand what I was saying. The US isn't the only nation that suffers from corruption, but it does suffer from corruption. Corruption isn't isolated to just authoritarian states which was the claim being made. And to help you out given I don't want to sound anti American or singling them out, if you have a government you will find corruption. The UK for example had an expenses scandal a decade back.
B0ycey wrote:You need to read the post before to understand what I was saying. The US isn't the only nation that suffers from corruption, but it does suffer from corruption. Corruption isn't isolated to just authoritarian states which was the claim being made. And to help you out given I don't want to sound anti American or singling them out, if you have a government you will find corruption. The UK for example had an expenses scandal a decade back.

Thats no problem, then we agree. Just quoting you does not mean I'm admonishing your point, I used it as an introduction for my opinion, that's all.
The whole definition of corruption is a bit of a moveable feast.

We are an oligarchy. That is not inherently corrupt but rather just unfair.
Drlee wrote:The whole definition of corruption is a bit of a moveable feast.

We are an oligarchy. That is not inherently corrupt but rather just unfair.

All oligarchies are inherently corrupt.

People with power will not use it to further their own interests, if they can do so illegally without being called to account, well they will.

Oligarchies donlt enforce the law when conflicts with their own vested interests, it *IS* corruption.

Whtas your argument that the oligarchs content with the unequal division of power/resources will just maintain the status quo, that they will not use their positions f power and influence to get more power/resources because they had a fundamental view that of the they will view bending the law, abusing their power which they can get away with due the their influence and power will be stopped somehow but their inherent respect for law, that they fundamentally have enough, and that taking more just be wrong will stop them.

The history of humans says they will act corruptly.
Rawls, you're a fucking Democrat. I might as well be talking to Nancy Pelosi. You think there's an ideal Republican who only exists as a perfect sphere in a vacuum with coherent beliefs when this doesn't even describe your average American voter, who is a katamari ball of kludged together beliefs with no rhyme or reason to them and even less self-examination on how they got there.

Republicans are shit, racist people. There is an entire rightwing media system dedicated to keeping a significant portion of the American population in an entirely different reality where vaccines inject nanobots that track you. And these same people carry cellphones with the GPS turned on by default.

You are overthinking Republicans. They are petty racist authoritarians who only see government as a way of punishing people they hate. It's not more complicated than that. You are seriously overthinking what the American conservative mindset is, and you have two Americans (myself & Rancid) telling you how shit these people are.
SpecialOlympian wrote:You are overthinking Republicans. They are petty racist authoritarians who only see government as a way of punishing people they hate. It's not more complicated than that. You are seriously overthinking what the American conservative mindset is, and you have two Americans (myself & Rancid) telling you how shit these people are.

By this logic you could also argue the progressive wing of the Democrats are also petty racist authoritarians who only see government as a way of punishing people they hate (rich people, white people, men, unborn babies, police, Israel).

Which means centrist Democrats of the Bill Clinton variety are the only sane people in the country who don't routinely hate people or walk around angry all the time.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Rawls, you're a fucking Democrat. I might as well be talking to Nancy Pelosi. You think there's an ideal Republican who only exists as a perfect sphere in a vacuum with coherent beliefs when this doesn't even describe your average American voter, who is a katamari ball of kludged together beliefs with no rhyme or reason to them and even less self-examination on how they got there.

Republicans are shit, racist people. There is an entire rightwing media system dedicated to keeping a significant portion of the American population in an entirely different reality where vaccines inject nanobots that track you. And these same people carry cellphones with the GPS turned on by default.

You are overthinking Republicans. They are petty racist authoritarians who only see government as a way of punishing people they hate. It's not more complicated than that. You are seriously overthinking what the American conservative mindset is, and you have two Americans (myself & Rancid) telling you how shit these people are.

I guess so and there is nothing wrong, in my opinion, at being Nancy. The main difference between me and you is that I am not tired of trying to convince or fight the good fight right. And I also believe that majority are sane even if there are insane elements. Insanity has always existed to this degree and I find it fascinating that people think it is somehow something new that never existed before so we have to change the methods that we have used that worked.
SpecialOlympian wrote:OK buddy, whatever you say.


They hate poor people and the middle class. They preach against wealth creation and lowering taxation while at the same time being rich as shit, getting payed $175,000 by the taxpayer, minimising their tax and attending parties that have a $30000 USD(that's $55k-60k AUD!) ticket price. And then use the excuse "the ticket was free, so I had to attend this meeting of the superficial ultra wealthy reminiscent of the Hunger Games".

And yes that bias is reflected in your opinions of the opposition party and their voters, whose supporter base is predominantly middle class poorer families of multiple ethnic backgrounds.

Republicans: Get vaccinated while preaching against vaccines.

Democrats: Rich as shit, while actively avoiding and minimising their own tax and preaching "higher taxes for rich(read as: actually, everyone that's not us)".

I know which one does more damage and harm to society in the long run, unlike you. You're meant to be a financial expert, yet you support the party that actively opposes wealth creation for poorer families, loves a good "party at taxpayers expense" and lowering their taxes. Frankly it's weird how much you love that party. You're definitely in a cult, undying devotion and obsession in defending the cult leaders is the biggest sign!
Lmao this is absolutely hilarious coming from the guy who frequently goes on rants about partisanhip, again for a political party in another nation, and describes partisanship as not capitulating to the GOP on all demands.

The GOP hates the poor and is racist as shit. When they're not busy pushing America into pointless wars they find other ways to actively kill their base in every state they lead. and all of your information comes from what I assume are the dumbest chud grifters on the internet given your incel stance and focus on the very real problem of spermjacking in this thread. Lmao, just lmao.

Your comparison is hilarious and your understanding of the US tax system is non-existent at best, colored entirely by whatever chud grifters you listen to who spend more time talking about how liberals are evil incarnate than actually discussing issues because the GOP has nothing to offer the American people besides white grievance and conspiracy theories.
She looked like a fucking rich-ass Kardashian wannabe in that photo and you know it.

And I was wrong, the ticket cost was $35000 USD(nearly $65k AUD).

Meanwhile many of her constituents are out of jobs and struggling to pay the rent.

That was a shitty photo and you know it.
I don't care that AOC wore a dress to an event she got invited to because they wanted whatever attention it pulls. This is hilarious to me, being called a cult member by a guy who unconditionaly supports the GOP while residing in another country because it's the latest thing whatever your dipshit thought leaders told you to be angry about, like a parent dangling keys in front of a toddler.

Hey, you know what was a good look for a GOP politician? The time Steve Scalise got his balls turned into a fine pink mist by a true American patriot and then went right back to congress to continue dismantling our completely inadequate national insurance system because a black man did it (who himself basically stole Romney's plan).
SpecialOlympian wrote:I don't care that AOC wore a dress to an event she got invited to because they wanted whatever attention it pulls. This is hilarious to me, being called a cult member by a guy who unconditionaly supports the GOP while residing in another country because it's the latest thing whatever your dipshit thought leaders told you to be angry about, like a parent dangling keys in front of a toddler.

Hey, you know what was a good look for a GOP politician? The time Steve Scalise got his balls turned into a fine pink mist by a true American patriot and then went right back to congress to continue dismantling our completely inadequate national insurance system because a black man did it (who himself basically stole Romney's plan).

I for one love it.
She truly knows how to troll retardicans.
Guess I forgot to add: Steve Scalise's healthcare was paid for by my taxes and he never spent a moment having to worry about crippling medical bills or whether or not he could afford a treatment or get it approved. It made his returning to Congress sans-dick so brave so he could continue fighting the brave fight against nationwide insurance subsidies.
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