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This is why Trump's attempted coup d'etat on January 6th never had a snowball in hell's chance of success - the leadership of the American armed forces loathe and despise him. Without the army behind him, suppressing his attempted coup was merely a minor police action.
Potemkin wrote:
This is why Trump's attempted coup d'etat on January 6th never had a snowball in hell's chance of success - the leadership of the American armed forces loathe and despise him. Without the army behind him, suppressing his attempted coup was merely a minor police action.

Wasn't just the army that thought he was dangerous.

The military tries hard to stay politically neutral.

The coup nearly succeeded.
late wrote:Wasn't just the army that thought he was dangerous.

The military tries hard to stay politically neutral.

The coup nearly succeeded.

Imagine for a moment if Trump's march on the Capitol had succeeded. The leadership of the American armed forces would have then been faced with a stark choice: to obey Trump's orders, or to refuse to obey his orders. My guess is that they would have refused. What would happen next? A civil war? :eh:
Potemkin wrote:Imagine for a moment if Trump's march on the Capitol had succeeded. The leadership of the American armed forces would have then been faced with a stark choice: to obey Trump's orders, or to refuse to obey his orders. My guess is that they would have refused. What would happen next? A civil war? :eh:

It's very fortunate that the military leadership understand their oath is to the constitution, and not to the president.

I suspect the next Republican play will be to try and embed more MAGA types within the military command structure though. This could set us up for Trump 2.0 (who ever that is) becoming dictator.

That would be bad for China if that happened though. They should not want a more authoritarian government in the US.

late wrote:The coup nearly succeeded.

The coup was nowhere near to succeeding.


For a successful coup you don't take selfies. You round up the government and imprison them. What happened is dumb (or unfortunate) luck. Security basically let them in and once they were in no one had a clue what to do next. If you mean it could have been successful had the protesters had intent, then perhaps, but the Army would have stormed the capitol and squashed the coup anyway. And Trump didn't mean this. I can't believe we still have idiots that think Trump organised this after the farce impeachment trial when all the evidence (conjecture at best) was tweets that occurred during and after the event and not before. And they weren't compelling in the sense he called for the coup but rather that he wasn't condoning it. He even at one point asked them to go home btw. This was never an attempt to take over the government. That isn't to say these protesters shouldn't be prosecuted as if it was an attempt, you do have to send a message for the future after all, just that you shouldn't insult your intelligence that your government was ever under threat.
B0ycey wrote:
The coup was nowhere near to succeeding.

Love the crazy.

After the girl was shot, if they had acted like a mob and shoved through the door, some would have been killed, but then the killing would have started in earnest. Earlier, one smart officer lead the mob away from the unlocked door, giving them time to barricade it.
late wrote:Love the crazy.

After the girl was shot, if they had acted like a mob and shoved through the door, some would have been killed, but then the killing would have started in earnest. Earlier, one smart officer lead the mob away from the unlocked door, giving them time to barricade it.

The only crazy one is you thinking there was intent in the Coup. :lol:

They got their cameras out and sure someone got shot by an officer but the place didn't get shot up like Waco nor was there a siege. It was merely an intrusion. But if you are so partisan that you genuinely think the coup was near to success, then not only do you give Trump supporters more credit than they deserve, you also didn't understand what really happened.
Igor Antunov wrote:


-He's still serving, still top general

-he's still a traitor who defied the constitution

-Biden puppet won't do a thing

-China controls US confirmed.


meanwhile in Juchi bamboostan :

Muscovite Navy Commander Stole Two 13-Ton Bronze Propellers From His Own Destroyer
he Russian Navy says that a former commander of the now-decommissioned Sovremenny class destroyer Bespokoynyy conspired with others and stole the ship's two bronze propellers while it was in dry dock being converted into a floating museum.
The alleged caper sounds like it was ripped straight from the plot of a comedic Hollywood heist movie, with the thieves reportedly swapping out the pair of screws, each weighing approximately 13 tons, for ones made out of a cheaper metal. ... -destroyer

Godstud wrote:Paywall and a meme. How typical.

No information.

its so funny to see posts here, still , Moscow is 1% of the world GDP, its Nigeria in snow
Moscow wants to refurbish its piece-of-garbage carrier ... -upgrades/

Last edited by Thunderhawk on 16 Sep 2021 17:47, edited 1 time in total. Reason: removed double post
B0ycey wrote:The only crazy one is you thinking there was intent in the Coup. :lol:

They got their cameras out and sure someone got shot by an officer but the place didn't get shot up like Waco nor was there a siege. It was merely an intrusion. But if you are so partisan that you genuinely think the coup was near to success, then not only do you give Trump supporters more credit than they deserve, you also didn't understand what really happened.

Dude, protestors stormed the Capital building during a joint session of congress when congress was formally confirming the votes for Biden's election victory. The tip of that spear knew what they were doing and everybody else followed like the sheep that they are.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Dude, protestors stormed the Capital building during a joint session of congress when congress was formally confirming the votes for Biden's election victory. The tip of that spear knew what they were doing and everybody else followed like the sheep that they are.

Sure, it was a protest after all. They obviously wanted to disrupt the session and they did. But that isn't a coup. Nor was a coup near success. And they didn't act like they were going to take over the government anyway which was the claim made. They were a bunch of sheep that got (un)fortunate that security was rubbish and once they were in they didn't know what to do next. If they actually wanted to enter the chamber and round up congress they could have. Instead they stayed in the foyer and took selfies. And now they seem to regret what they did and are denouncing Trump. Hardly Lenin and the Winter Palace. :roll:
B0ycey wrote:Sure, it was a protest after all. They obviously wanted to disrupt the session and they did. But that isn't a coup. Nor was a coup near success. And they didn't act like they were going to take over the government anyway which was the claim made. They were a bunch of sheep that got (un)fortunate that security was rubbish and once they were in they didn't know what to do next. If they actually wanted to enter the chamber and round up congress they could have. Instead they stayed in the foyer and took selfies. And now they seem to regret what they did and are denouncing Trump. Hardly Lenin and the Winter Palace. :roll:

There were people there that wanted to overturn the election results. There were protestors that had handcuff tie-wraps and wanted to find Pence, Pelosi etc. and were intent on making sure the Democratic process and peaceful transfer of power did not occur. That's an attempted coup.

It may be a lazy crappy poorly organized coup with most of the people doing it spur of the moment and/or just following along with no true violent intent as more of a protest gone riot, but it still happened. There were people involved that were there for more than just selfies and were hunting down politicians they didn't like. They did enter the Chamber btw, and your narrative of the facts are inaccurate.
Unthinking Majority wrote:There were people there that wanted to overturn the election results. There were protestors that had handcuff tie-wraps and wanted to find Pence, Pelosi etc. and were intent on making sure the Democratic process and peaceful transfer of power did not occur. That's an attempted coup.

It may be a lazy crappy poorly organized coup with most of the people doing it spur of the moment and/or just following along with no true violent intent as more of a protest gone riot, but it still happened. There were people involved that were there for more than just selfies and were hunting down politicians they didn't like. They did enter the Chamber btw, and your narrative of the facts are inaccurate.

Are you seriously claiming this was an attempted coup? :lol:

It was lazy because there was no actual attempt to do anything of the sort. Had there been an attempt they could have rounded everyone up. They took photos and pissed off home whilst claiming things they didn't act on amongst themselves. Your government was never in danger of falling. And if you think otherwise then you are frankly stupid.
B0ycey wrote:Are you seriously claiming this was an attempted coup? :lol:

It was lazy because there was no actual attempt to do anything of the sort. Had there been an attempt they could have rounded everyone up. They took photos and pissed off home whilst claiming things they didn't act on amongst themselves. Your government was never in danger of falling. And if you think otherwise then you are frankly stupid.

Like everything else in his life, Trump half-assed his 'coup d'etat'. He must have known that it couldn't possibly succeed, because the leadership of the armed forces loathe and despise him, as he well knew. I suspect this is why he didn't personally lead the march on the Capitol, and why he was very careful in his choice of words that day. He knew it would fail, and leave his own loyal followers hanging out to dry. He just wanted to frighten and piss off the people whom he blamed for 'stealing' his second term as POTUS from him. In other words, he was willing to traumatise and humiliate his nation on the world stage, and to permanently damage the credibility of American democracy, merely because he was having a temper tantrum and wanted to throw his toys out of the pram. This behaviour seems perfectly reasonable to Donald Trump because he recognises nothing in this world greater than himself. Not the Congress, not the American nation, not the American people, not the entire human race. Nothing.

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