Did You Get Vaccinated? - Page 29 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Did You Get The Jab?

No, but I will.
No, but I will if required.
No, and I never will. Fuck off.
Rugoz wrote:No it doesn't.

Igor and you should make a movie together.


I don't believe in the moronic insanity of Critical Race Theory..... How dare you suggest I do. I'm insulted.
@Igor Antunov

Neither of you have presented any good reason for not getting vaccinated.

I have a very good and very simple reason: I want to protect my friends and family and getting vaccinated significantly reduces the chances of infection and transmission.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@colliric
@Igor Antunov
Neither of you have presented any good reason for not getting vaccinated.

I have a very good and very simple reason: I want to protect my friends and family and getting vaccinated significantly reduces the chances of infection and transmission.

Boys more at risk from Pfizer jab side-effect than Covid, suggests study
US researchers say teenagers are more likely to get vaccine-related myocarditis than end up in hospital with Covid
Healthy boys may be more likely to be admitted to hospital with a rare side-effect of the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine that causes inflammation of the heart than with Covid itself, US researchers claim.

Their analysis of medical data suggests that boys aged 12 to 15, with no underlying medical conditions, are four to six times more likely to be diagnosed with vaccine-related myocarditis than ending up in hospital with Covid over a four-month period.

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/ ... ests-study

I just did. Also applies to moderna btw check article. So MRNA fuckery is afoot.

Now in the long term we may find many decisive reasons as to why these gene therapy vaccines were a disaster across multiple demographics. Until then continue jabbing like it's free candy.
Last edited by Igor Antunov on 18 Sep 2021 03:08, edited 1 time in total.
Igor Antunov wrote:Boys more at risk from Pfizer jab side-effect than Covid, suggests study

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/ ... ests-study

I just did.

This is merely one facet of a more complicated issue.

Getting Covid is generally more likely to lead to myocarditis than the vaccines. This is even true for young adolescent males:

https://www.aappublications.org/news/20 ... ren-083121

    The risk of myocarditis for children under 16 years is 37 times higher for those infected with COVID-19 than those who haven’t been infected with the virus, according to a new study.

    Authors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said the study provides more evidence that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh a small risk of myocarditis after vaccination.

    Researchers analyzed data from more than 900 hospitals and found inpatient visits for myocarditis were 42% higher in 2020 compared to 2019, according to a new Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

    Among 36 million patients, about 0.01% had myocarditis between March 2020 and February 2021. The median age of people with myocarditis was 54 years, and 59% were male.

    About 42% of patients with myocarditis had a history of COVID-19, mostly within the same month. The team determined the risk of myocarditis to be 0.146% among those with COVID-19 and 0.009% among those not diagnosed with COVID-19.

    Across all ages, the risk of myocarditis was almost 16 times higher for people with COVID-19 compared to those who aren’t infected. The myocarditis risk is 37 times higher for infected children under 16 years and seven times higher for infected people ages 16-39 compared to their uninfected peers.

    ….(article continues)….

So if we look at actual studies, we can see that vaccination (and thereby protecting oneself from infection) is much less likely to lead to myocarditis than getting infected.

The report mentioned in the article can be found here:

https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/ ... 21-DM64772

It is important to note that your evidence only looks at Pfizer, while my study looks at Covid cases. Yours only looks at the effect of one vaccine, while mine looks at the effect of all of them.

It could easily be that only Pfizer causes this problem in adolescent males.

So, even if one specific vaccine is related to a higher chance of myocarditis for adolescent males, this simply means that adolescent males should get another of the vaccines, if the worry is myocarditis.

And it still is not a good reason for anyone other than adolescent males to get vaccinated. Neither you nor I are adolescents, so this is irrelevant to both of our situations.

This argument of yours also assumes that adolescent makes live in bubbles where they could not possibly infect others, and is thus highly unrealistic.

Try again.

Now in the long term we may find many decisive reasons as to why these gene therapy vaccines were a disaster across multiple demographics. Until then continue jabbing like it's free candy.

This is useless speculation and not an argument to not get vaccinated.

They're making fun of her not getting the vaccine and "goading the virus", but in reality this was because of her lack of social distancing and masks.

Also she's got the money to get the best treatment like Joe Rogan did. So it'll be over in a few days.

Damn it. She's even more a nutcase Zionist than Shapiro is.

Enjoy a good laugh fellas, don't disagree with you Biden cultists on this one.
colliric wrote:Image

They're making fun of her not getting the vaccine and "goading the virus", but in reality this was because of her lack of social distancing and masks.

Also she's got the money to get the best treatment like Joe Rogan did. So it'll be over in a few days.

Damn it. She's even more a nutcase Zionist than Shapiro is.

Enjoy a good laugh fellas, don't disagree with you Biden cultists on this one.

Now you believe that these people are nuts?
I got COVID, a viral illness, lets get an antibiotic (works against becteria) an anti-parasite (works against parasites) and a lupus medication. But won't get the covid vaccine. :knife:

Masks were OK when there were no vaccines. Now we have vaccines, people should get the fucking vaccines.
Telegraph was ok in the 19th century, but now we have fucking phones, use the fucking phone.
I've always believed Loomer is a crazy Zionist nutcase. She's even worse than Shapiro is.

"Goading a virus" is not the most intelligent thing to do. She'll brush this off as "HaShem teaching me humility" then continue her crazy nutcase ways.
@Igor Antunov @colliric

It is good that you convinced your especially elder relatives to vaccinate.
XogGyux wrote:De-stupifying is a slow and arduous process.

Why do you mock people for doing the right/correct thing?
JohnRawls wrote:Why do you mock people for doing the right/correct thing?

I am in fact not mocking them. I was before, now I am simply stating the fact that going back to reality is harder and slower.

De-greasing is not the same thing as greasing. They were stupid before, now they are less stupid :lol:
@JohnRawls A better way to phrase it would be to say, "Education is a slow and arduous process.".
Godstud wrote:@JohnRawls A better way to phrase it would be to say, "Education is a slow and arduous process.".

Says the dude who supports Dementia Joe 110%.

One day we're going to succeed educating Democrats about Drone Strikes on "suspected terrorists" being pure straight up murder. You're meant to attack them AFTER they've made the direct threat, or AFTER you've found direct evidence. Not BEFORE.
colliric wrote:Says the dude who supports Dementia Joe 110%.

One day we're going to succeed educating Democrats about Drone Strikes on "suspected terrorists" being pure straight up murder. You're meant to attack them AFTER they've made the direct threat, or AFTER you've found direct evidence. Not BEFORE.

I'll take dementia joe over incompetent psychopath Trump any day of the week.
Well yes careful and deliberate education is a slow and arduous process especially when the testing phase is ongoing. None of you who rushed for the mRNA mysery juice are educated on the matter. You just resorted to panic and faith. I'm not getting any of the mRNA vaccines. Astrazeneca is more effective long term and seemingly less likely to cause long term cardio damage. But I'll hold out on that too, seeing as covid isn't a relevant risk to me and prison island isn't opening up any time soon. I'm still aiming for the inactivated vaccines. I can wait.
colliric wrote:Says the dude who supports Dementia Joe 110%.
:eh: Where did I do that? The only thing I have supported for Biden is the vaccination process, which is the topic at hand, and not your infatuation with your orange-idol, Traitor Trump. You're funny.

Vaccinations have nothing to do with politics. Why does it always come back to that with you? Obsessed much?

@Igor Antunov Any of the Covid-19 vaccines is better than no vaccine. This is an indisputable fact.
Godstud wrote::eh: Where did I do that? The only thing I have supported for Biden is the vaccination process, which is the topic at hand, and not your infatuation with your orange-idol, Traitor Trump. You're funny.

Vaccinations have nothing to do with politics. Why does it always come back to that with you? Obsessed much?

@Igor Antunov Any of the Covid-19 vaccines is better than no vaccine. This is an indisputable fact.

We don't know this long term, eg 5+ years from now. Time to stop preaching it as fact. What we do know already is that 12-17 year old boys got more damage from the mRNA vaccines than they ever could have gotten from covid. Who knows what else we will learn, for example after millions of babies are injected.
Do you know what a fact is, @Igor Antunov? I don't think you do.

- a thing that is known or proved to be true.
- the truth about events as opposed to interpretation.

What you are doing is making predictions and suppositions that are not based on established facts.

What if??? That's all you have. :knife:

Igor Antunov wrote:What we do know already is that 12-17 year old boys got more damage from the mRNA vaccines than they ever could have gotten from covid. Who knows what else we will learn, for example after millions of babies are injected.
That's false. Stop lying.
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