Breaking news: Russiagate was a fraud created by Clinton campaign & newsmedia - Politics | PoFo

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I...can't believe this. But turns out Trump was right about Russiagate being a hoax. The FBI Special Investigation turned up nothing on him of course, and now we learn that Hillary Clinton's lawyer completely fabricated the Russiagate allegations shortly before the 2016 election and is being indicted by the FBI for those lies, and this points to certain US media being complicit in spreading these lies. The infamous Steele Dossier was likely also nonsense created by the Democrats: ... intons-b42

A lawyer for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign was indicted on Wednesday with one felony count of lying to the FBI about a fraudulent Russiagate story he helped propagate. Michael Sussman was charged with the crime by Special Counsel John Durham, who was appointed by Trump Attorney General William Barr to investigate possible crimes committed as part of the Russiagate investigation and whose work is now overseen and approved by Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Sussman's indictment, approved by Garland, is the second allegation of criminal impropriety regarding Russiagate's origins. In January, Durham secured a guilty plea from an FBI agent, Kevin Clinesmith, for lying to the FISA court and submitting an altered email in order to spy on former Trump campaign official Carter Page.

The law firm where Sussman is a partner, Perkins Coie, is a major player in Democratic Party politics. One of its partners at the time of the alleged crime, Marc Elias, has become a liberal social media star after having served as General Counsel to the Clinton 2016 campaign. Elias abruptly announced that he was leaving the firm three weeks ago, and thus far no charges have been filed against him. ... 021-09-16/

A lot is going to come out of this. This is going to just going to validate and embolden Trump supporters and give him more popularity. This is going to make people ask "if he was right about Russian collusion, was he right about electoral fraud too?". This is devastating for the Democrats, how will people ever trust them again...even non-Trump supporters and Democrat surpporters?

I think there's still more to come on this story, possibly other charges. Remember that these charges are with a Biden attorney general at the DOJ.
#15192248 ... -of-tricks

It was only last October, for instance, that we learned that then-President Obama was briefed by his CIA director, John Brennan, on an intelligence report that Clinton planned to tie then-candidate Trump to Russia as “a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.” That was on July 28, 2016 — three days before the Russia investigation was initiated.
Michael Sussman was charged with the crime by Special Counsel John Durham, who was appointed by Trump Attorney General William Barr to investigate possible crimes committed as part of the Russiagate investigation and whose work is now overseen and approved by Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland.

So a Trump guy is after a Clinton guy, which is approved by a Biden guy. :lol:
Unthinking Majority wrote:I...can't believe this. But turns out Trump was right about Russiagate being a hoax. The FBI Special Investigation turned up nothing on him of course, and now we learn that Hillary Clinton's lawyer completely fabricated the Russiagate allegations shortly before the 2016 election and is being indicted by the FBI for those lies, and this points to certain US media being complicit in spreading these lies. The infamous Steele Dossier was likely also nonsense created by the Democrats:

Everyone knew it but that didn't stop them from ruining Donald Trump's presidency.

Democratic Party is not religious so they don't have moral concerns. Telling lies is not considered to be a sin in their minds. They don't actually believe in the concept of sin. So it is perfectly okay for them to spread lies.
Beren wrote:So a Trump guy is after a Clinton guy, which is approved by a Biden guy. :lol:

Over-ambitious Democrats, especially those trying to establish their family name in history, seem very prone to stabs from behind.

IMHO JFK and RK were killed because of this. It's not surprising if Hilary Clinton faces similar threat.

Of course, now that she lost presidential election twice and is rather old, the "deep state" in the Democratic Party, if exists, probably will not resort to harming her personal safety, but nuisances like this are really something I expect to happen.
Now I understand why Trump thought COVID was a Democrat conspiracy and why he told people not to vote by mail because he was afraid the Dems were going to commit electoral fraud. And why he still thinks the election was stolen. The man is paranoid and is convinced the Democrats and "fake news" leftwing media are out to get him and he's not wrong in general on that point given this news.

This situation is insane. Trump is still a dangerous dill-hole, but I think many on the right are going to dig in with their support for him. 2024 is going to be nuts.

Clinton and the Dems + the anti-Trump media are just as responsible for Jan. 6 as Trump is. CNN still won't STFU about Trump. They'll run or not run any story as long as it means more ad dollars.
Trump's links, thru his employees, to organized crime are not fabricated, however. That over 32 people were charged during the Meuller indictments, was also not fabricated.

Here Are All of the Indictments, Guilty Pleas and Convictions From Robert Mueller's Investigation ... lty-pleas/

How can THAT be a fraud?

Trump's links to Deutsche Bank that were known to deal with the Russian mafia, after running out his credit in American banks, was not fabricated. Trump's business interests in Russia were also not fabricated, as were his conflicts of interest.

The many US Intelligence agencies stating that Russia was meddling in the 2016 election was not fabricated.

So far the only thing that they was WAS fabricated, was a direct link to Trump(which they couldn't prove)

There was a lot of truth backing the so-called "fraud".

You can, of course, want to ignore all that. If you want to pretend that reality doesn't exist, you have to ignore a great deal. That Clinton might take advantage of that, isn't hard to believe. Look at what Trump's been trying to do with Hunter Biden, after all.

I don't think that this is an "indictment of Russia-gate". There's enough evidence for Russia-gate, to stand on it's own despite the admissions of one lawyer. There's too much truth for a few lies to absolve the crimes of those who did engage in crimes.

@Unthinking Majority Can you honestly say that those people in prison now, due to the investigations, should not be there? If you can't, then the entire "Russia-gate" thing, isn't fraudulent.
Godstud wrote:Trump's links, thru his employees, to organized crime are not fabricated, however. That over 32 people were charged during the Meuller indictments, was also not fabricated.

Here Are All of the Indictments, Guilty Pleas and Convictions From Robert Mueller's Investigation ... lty-pleas/

How can THAT be a fraud?

Trump's links to Deutsche Bank that were known to deal with the Russian mafia, after running out his credit in American banks, was not fabricated. Trump's business interests in Russia were also not fabricated, as were his conflicts of interest.

The many US Intelligence agencies stating that Russia was meddling in the 2016 election was not fabricated.

So far the only thing that they was WAS fabricated, was a direct link to Trump(which they couldn't prove)

There was a lot of truth backing the so-called "fraud".

You can, of course, want to ignore all that. If you want to pretend that reality doesn't exist, you have to ignore a great deal. That Clinton might take advantage of that, isn't hard to believe. Look at what Trump's been trying to do with Hunter Biden, after all.

I don't think that this is an "indictment of Russia-gate". There's enough evidence for Russia-gate, to stand on it's own despite the admissions of one lawyer. There's too much truth for a few lies to absolve the crimes of those who did engage in crimes.

@Unthinking Majority Can you honestly say that those people in prison now, due to the investigations, should not be there? If you can't, then the entire "Russia-gate" thing, isn't fraudulent.

Nobody said people in the Trump admin didn't commit crimes. But none of them were convicted of anything to do with collusion with Russia. Those Trump admin scumbags were hacking emails, lying to imvestigators etc. There's no evidence f collussion. If there was i wouldnt be surprised at all but we need evidence.
Unthinking Majority wrote:If there was i wouldnt be surprised at all but we need evidence.
I agree with that, but I think that too many people are conflating the two issues, and the previous issues(Mueller Investigation indictments) definitely increased the plausibility of Russia-gate being real.
So the Clinton campaign fabricated a story to make Russiagate plausible enough with their allies in the media, and now their enemies grab the opportunity to make their own counter-hype to refute Russiagate completely. :lol:

It seems the Clintons still have to be dealt with so much that their enemies occasionally ally with each other against them and seriously work on destroying them. Governor Cuomo also was a Clinton ally, I guess.
Beren wrote:So the Clinton campaign fabricated a story to make Russiagate plausible enough with their allies in the media, and now their enemies grab the opportunity to make their own counter-hype to refute Russiagate completely. :lol:

It seems the Clintons still have to be dealt with so much that their enemies occasionally ally with each other against them and seriously work on destroying them. Governor Cuomo also was a Clinton ally, I guess.

You don't get it, don't you?

Robert Mueller was appointed as a special counsel to oversee allegations of Trump campaign's links to Russia. He was appointed by Trump's Department of Justice. According to his final report, Democrats in the lower house impeached Donald Trump twice. Later, John Durham was appointed by Trump's DoJ again. He was appointed after 2020 election results came in. Former AG William Barr stated that he appointed him after the election to make sure hes does his job regardless of who is in pwer. Special consuels has "special protections" to complete their tasks.

What is so confusing here which bar you from understanding?
Russiagate: or, that time the world's single most aggressive practitioner of regime change wars and clandestine foreign interventions went into actual shrieking hysterics over some stupid memes targeting idiot boomers on Facebook.

Literally everything about Russiagate was ridiculous, starting with the USA's long and well-documented history of meddling in post-1991 Russia's affairs for its own cynical ends.

Besides, even if "The Russians" made some targeted memes on Facebook, it was something the idiot boomers had already been doing for decades through chain emails. (Of course, Hillary should be familiar with chain emails, given her supporters in 2008 were quite fond of spreading the Birther conspiracy through this medium).

The most disturbing aspect of the whole affair, though, is how people have now come to be automatically suspicious of hacked or leaked materials that show western governments in a bad light. Twitter now appends "this information may have been obtained through hacking" warnings to important investigative journalism. As though exposing information that a government doesn't want to het out, somehow makes it less credible.

We've also got this absurd new trend of "fact checking" from certain self-appointed, rather self-important corporate media outlets, which seems to be far more about bolstering the official narrative than about any sort of real journalism. It will almost certainly go horribly wrong if and when there is another Iraq-style push for war.
But there were convictions?

Not to mention Trump junior meet up with the Russians. If the claim is that Clinton over played the Russian interference for a political purpose, perhaps that is true. But clearly there were people in Trumps team that met up with Russian delegates and the question is how much of an impact did this have in Trumps victory in 2016. My opinion is not a lot. Trump was the only candidate that was actually addressing American blue-collar concerns and ultimately people want a fix to a problem they don't understand. When it was clear he couldn't deliver and was part of the swamp, they voted him out by the same margin they elected him. The divide today is simply because the reason he was elected hasn't been fixed and now people are fighting this issue with ideology rather than facts now.
Beren wrote:Trump was deeply involved with the Russians, the tip of the iceberg still missed, though. Godstud summed it up pretty well.

Trump officials were indicted over fake dossiers and memos in Mueller probe. What John Durham is doing is investigating Mueller probe.

I advise you people not to be too much partisan. It is not that hard to admit that you were all fooled into fraud and lies created by Democratic Party.

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