Petrol Stations closed in the UK-Military to be drafted to deliver fuel - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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Beren wrote:I compared Brexit to Trumpism, or MAGA. It's not my fault that the whole thing started with Brexit and ended with the storming of the US Capitol. :lol:

Brexit was really more of an accident than anything else. The EU was never popular in the UK and Cameron was dumb enough to make a referendum about it. Euroscepticism and right-wing populism is quite prevalent in Europe, so I think it's more comparable to that than MAGA. Trumpism is kind of unique in its attack on democratic institutions.
Rugoz wrote:Euroscepticism and right-wing populism is quite prevalent in Europe, so I think it's more comparable to that than MAGA. Trumpism is kind of unique in its attack on democratic institutions.

Trumpism is also right-wing populism and whatever-scepticism, and as you said it could be compared to whatever's going on in Hungary and Poland, which also could be called Make Hungary Great Again and Make Poland Great Again.
B0ycey wrote:The Anglos are no different from any one else. The problem is they hang on to former glories which I guess is absent from other nations which make them do idiotic things. Brexit is the sense of doing things on our own and the Americans don't want to lose their hegemony.

I think that the English are very different from other people and all European nations have their particularities.

I understand your point that politically the Anglos have simply made a bad political choice like everybody else and that national character conversations are best to be avoided but in all honesty mate I think that such conversation cannot be avoided for the particular case.

The English are dead set on self-destruction and they are proud of it too. Frankly I cannot fathom the fact that the government is still standing and standing firm with no alternative in sight after all these massive cock-ups.

This is a big thing, unique in the UK.

The country is running out of fuel, medicine, food. I book electricians 2 months in advance, plumbers 4 months in advance. Not a single hire in over 6 months despite offering crazy signing, and retention incentives and 35% higher salary. Today I had to go find petrol in 5 litre cans from the villages for my staff to be able to go to work. The petrol situation has been going on for at least 3 weeks in Cambridge and not a single peep had been made until this past Friday when the industry leaders finally decided to speak up.

But this is not the worse, the worse is that there is no alternative narrative. There is no option B. This would not be so in any other European country. And that is where the national character kicks in. You have entitled manchildren that refuse to admit error no matter how deep in the shit they are in and I'm not talking about the politicians but the demos.

I totally agree with Potemkin the English have some unique characteristics that play into this problem in a very big way.
I don't know @noemon. Everyone has their own opinion on the British and being British myself I find it hard to agree that we are all idiots. But nationalism isn't unique to the Anglos in any case and although I agree the UK is imploding right now, this has only happened to this extent since Johnson. Even May wouldn't have just ignored this crisis until it was too late and by and large, except her Secretary of State, she had a good team. So what is the problem? The current government and not our mentality. Or that is my opinion on things. You can blame Brexit for a lot of things, and you cannot fix the split we have I guess, the same split that has occurred in America it seems. But time is on our hands and the younger generation is more European in ideology and the Empire generation is dying off. So we can we be fixed. But I do think we have to suffer for a little while yet. Having said that, for every crisis, Johnson appeal does go down and should a moderate leader replace him, we may even improve global relationships which is perhaps the real issue the UK government is having right now. Not home affairs, but being taken seriously on the global political scene.
GLOBAL Britain is so good that during a fuel shortage the 2nd largest oil refinery that produces 1/6th of your fuel might go belly up. Perfect management, perfect administration, so much economic, political and geostrategic foresight.
noemon wrote:I think that the English are very different from other people and all European nations have their particularities.

I understand your point that politically the Anglos have simply made a bad political choice like everybody else and that national character conversations are best to be avoided but in all honesty mate I think that such conversation cannot be avoided for the particular case.

The English are dead set on self-destruction and they are proud of it too. Frankly I cannot fathom the fact that the government is still standing and standing firm with no alternative in sight after all these massive cock-ups.

This is a big thing, unique in the UK.

The country is running out of fuel, medicine, food. I book electricians 2 months in advance, plumbers 4 months in advance. Not a single hire in over 6 months despite offering crazy signing, and retention incentives and 35% higher salary. Today I had to go find petrol in 5 litre cans from the villages for my staff to be able to go to work. The petrol situation has been going on for at least 3 weeks in Cambridge and not a single peep had been made until this past Friday when the industry leaders finally decided to speak up.

But this is not the worse, the worse is that there is no alternative narrative. There is no option B. This would not be so in any other European country. And that is where the national character kicks in. You have entitled manchildren that refuse to admit error no matter how deep in the shit they are in and I'm not talking about the politicians but the demos.

I totally agree with Potemkin the English have some unique characteristics that play into this problem in a very big way.

Some societies just seem hell-bent on destroying themselves, and that's all there is to it. I suspect it's the same mentality at work in modern Britain which led the American South to march proudly over a cliff in the 1850s and 1860s.... :hmm:
Bliss is great for alien right-wing ignoramuses with no grasp on the extent of the problem.

Businesses are shut down, not because of Covid, not because of lockdown, not because of a lack of demand but because they can no longer operate due to a lack of staff and products.

Businesses in the UK have no staff to carry on operating, not just for HGV and hospitality but for anything at all. Businesses have been offering 50% higher salaries, signing and retention bonuses for several months and have been unable to make a single hire. Salaries going up is not having any effect on attracting babies from their womb, it's simply pushing inflation up with no actual effect on labor availability.

This is not isolated on a single industry but it is happening across the board.

Cambridge University itself is having existential issues because it can no longer attract European post-docs who then went on to fill the labor ecosystem around the city.

1/3 of nandos restaurant closed due to supply-chain problems, over half of energy suppliers will be wiped out by the end of the year in the best-case scenario. Even McDonalds has stopped selling fizzy drinks for over a month because they can not get coke syrup in their forecourts.

Inflation is skyrocketing and we are only in the prologue of the beginning.
noemon wrote:Bliss is great for alien right-wing ignoramuses

Well, isn't that what the working class is always accused of, being ignoramuses? Why would these idiots vote for Brexit? it's against their interests!


To be fair, I am guilty of that too, to some extent. And of course this might only be temporary anyway, in which case we're redeemed.
noemon wrote:Bliss is great for alien right-wing ignoramuses with no grasp on the extent of the problem.

Businesses are shut down, not because of Covid, not because of lockdown, not because of a lack of demand but because they can no longer operate due to a lack of staff and products.

Businesses in the UK have no staff to carry on operating, not just for HGV and hospitality but for anything at all. Businesses have been offering 50% higher salaries, signing and retention bonuses for several months and have been unable to make a single hire. Salaries going up is not having any effect on attracting babies from their womb, it's simply pushing inflation up with no actual effect on labor availability.

This is not isolated on a single industry but it is happening across the board.

Cambridge University itself is having existential issues because it can no longer attract European post-docs who then went on to fill the labor ecosystem around the city.

1/3 of nandos restaurant closed due to supply-chain problems, over half of energy suppliers will be wiped out by the end of the year in the best-case scenario. Even McDonalds has stopped selling fizzy drinks for over a month because they can not get coke syrup in their forecourts.

Inflation is skyrocketing and we are only in the prologue of the beginning.

Well, well, well. Guess that migration crysis of Europe is not a bad thing after all and Merkel was right? Who could have thought :lol:

By the way, this has a lot to do with Covid in general. Covid was just an extreme example that pilled on top of Brexit. The more skilled the fields, the harder it will be felt.
Rugoz wrote:U.K. Worker Shortage Sparks Rare Blue-Collar Wage Boom ... -wage-boom

Brexit delivers.

Meanwhile the self-declared left-wingers on Pofo are complaining because they have to wait for the plumber :lol:

Tell me about it, the wages have gone up significantly for Estonia also across the board. The difference is that we have people to fill the vacancies from places like Spain or Greece or any other place that can come.
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