End the Darfur Genocide–21st century’s most outrageous crime against the Mankind! (2006) - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of Africa.

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It is not Iraq where the main problem lies; it is not Iran that consists in the worst threat; it is not Palestine that endangers the world peace; it is not Afghanistan where the Islamic Terrorism shapes a menace. It is in Darfur where we will all testify to Our Human Nature; leave the murderous Pan-Arabist El Bashir tyrant longer stay at Khartoum, and you prove that you never learnt anything out of the Nazi lesson. Further tolerate Darfur, and prove that you are not really a human being anymore. The present plan offers a fast intervention and liberation perspective for the oppressed and tyrannized peoples of Sudan. America is to lead the effort; as Dwight Eisenhower said "Pessimism never won any battle".

1. A Military Intervention in Khartoum, heralding Freedom for the Oppressed People of Sudan

At the current level, the establishment of a US-led international coalition and the deployment of the military forces in the Red Sea area would necessitate a minimum of 3 months. To end the underdevelopment caused by the colonial background as set up by France and England in Africa, to uproot the Pan-Arabist gang of totalitarian and criminal thugs, to avoid the bleak perspective of an Islamic extremist class replacing the present murderous dictator, to end the ongoing genocide of the Fur people, to avert further genocides of other peoples of Sudan, and to assert the Founding Fathers’ Ideals and Principles. America should immediately form a coalition with India, Japan, South Africa, Turkey and Israel, plus other willing countries, and prepare a brief and effective military operation.

Although the suggested coalition forces are able to mount millions of soldiers, a few dozens of thousands of Special Forces, well trained and coordinated, would suffice. They could carry out a terrible military hit on Khartoum and Port Sudan, plus 5 major urban centers (Gedaref, Kosti, Shendi, Obeid and Wad Maddani), with success within a week. Transferring the liberation from there (the nucleus of the current dictatorial regime) to the oppressed peoples of the provinces will be an easy affair of just another week or two.

What would count then is what the main reason of US in Iraq has been: lack of trust to local peoples, and readiness to cancel once forever the still extant colonial status quo. There is nothing more disreputable in Africa than official borderlines. Now, with all the lessons taken from the Iraq experience, America should show to the multitude of oppressed and at times inhumanly tyrannized peoples of Sudan that the US-led coalition soldiers are there not for national interests and financial matters but for principles: to ensure Freedom and Equal Opportunities, African Pride and Democratic Progress to all. The local peoples trained by the American coalition forces would keep the arms and defend their cause by themselves, and the tyrannical forces 'exported' from Khartoum to the provinces will be automatically dismantled. Then, the way for a pioneering, anti-colonial, African Nation building will be open. The military intervention should take place around the 21 of March 2007 and it should be completed within a month.

2. An All-Sudanese Convention under the name 'Peoples of Ethiopia' – to be convoked on the 21st April 2007

This extraordinary meeting will gather the representatives of all the tribes and the peoples of Sudan, which corresponds to the land and country of Ancient Ethiopia of the Greco-Roman sources. It must be announced before the military intervention and be held within a month immediately after the end of the fights. A suggested date would be 21st April 2007.

Within this frame, it will be declared that all the participants (list at the very end of the article) accept that all the languages spoken in Sudan (Ancient Ethiopia) are of equal value to all, and that from now onwards they will be handled by all the people of Sudan in terms of equity, fairness and respect. The preservation, cultivation and promotion of all the local languages will be declared as essential element of the con-federal governmental policies in free Sudan.

On the first day of the Convention, Arabic will be abolished as official language.

On the first day of the Convention, Sharia law will be abolished as the official system of Law throughout the country.

On the first day of the Convention, the Arabic name of Sudan that is foreign to the majority of the people of that country will be abolished and replaced by the historically correct name of Ethiopia. This name corresponds to the country immediately south of the Egyptian borders; it was the kingdom (Cush) that the Ancient Greeks and Romans named after the face skin colour of the local inhabitants.

It is to be noted that in the recent decades that name had been usurped by the tyrannical and colonial state of Abyssinia, which is located east and south of Sudan; as it is historically correct that the Addis Ababa regime has no right to this peremptprily accepted, supposedly innovative, name (which was adopted for reasons of inner politics and tyranny prolongation), the UN will have to announce to the Addis Ababa tyrants that they cannot raise claim to the name of Ethiopia, and they have to keep as national name that of Abyssinia (which they had used for many long centuries).

On the first day of the All-Sudanese (All-Ethiopian) Conference, the impossibility of imposition of one's culture and religion over the other's will be solemnly declared by all the participants.

Consequently, the reality of Sudan's cultural – educational underdevelopment will be addressed as issue no 1 for the entire country.

Sudan's (that is Ethiopia’s) rational development and speedy rise into a modern multicultural, multilingual, multiethnic and multi-religious state among the civilized world will be declared as main target of the present and future cooperation of all the participants.

All the members of the Pan-Sudanese (All-Ethiopian) Convention will accept the need to develop and form the various tribes and ethnic groups into conscious modern nations.

All the participants will agree for the need of a new Constitution that will stipulate the culturally African, financially liberal, and politically con-federal, post-colonial character of the Sudanese state that will be totally demilitarized, as federal bodies of policies will report only to the federal governments.

Every ethnic and linguistic group of Sudan (from now on called Ethiopia) will have immediate access to self-determination, and to the development of its independent cultural, linguistic, historical, educational, religious, and political identity within its federal borderlines and, if desired so, under the con-federal umbrella.

The various participants of the Pan-Sudanese (All-Ethiopian) Convention will accept that their work has the perspective of at least an entire generation.

The participants will declare that their main immediate interest is the preparation of a new Constitution that will guarantee the principles announced within a text that will close the Pan-Sudanese (All-Ethiopian) Convention, namely the Declaration of the Rights and Aspirations of the Peoples of Ethiopia (formerly Sudan).

Within this text, the historical name of Ancient Sudan, which is Ethiopia in the Ancient Greek and Roman sources, and which has been illegitimately usurped by neighboring Abyssinia, will be claimed and vindicated as name of the Confederation of the Cushitic and Nilo-Saharan Republics.

The country will be declared as unadulterated African country, and that's why it will immediately quit the Arab League, denouncing Pan-Arabism in all its atrocious forms of practice as racism, and as a criminal colonial theory and system, responsible for all the evils Sudan faced during its five decades of existence.

As a first proof of anti-Arab policies, Ethiopia (formerly Sudan) will immediately recognize officially the state of Israel, will exchange diplomatic missions at the highest level, will establish regular economic and commercial exchanges, will introduce air and maritime transportation connection with Israel, and will enter into cultural, educational, scientific cooperation agreements, boosting for the first time tourism industry in Ethiopia (formerly Sudan) in a way to counterbalance and outperform the Red Sea tourism of any other country.

On the first day of the All-Sudanese (All-Ethiopian) Conference, the pioneering African character of the country will be solemnly declared, and as top foreign policy targets will be fixed the following axes:
- International condemnation of the French and English colonial empires as perpetrators of the most atrocious Crimes against the Mankind
- Denunciation of Colonialism as the worst form of racism
- Denunciation of every cultural instance of England and France on African soil as act of war against the peoples of Africa
- Demand to have all French and British cultural centers and archeological missions throughout Africa closed down.
- Advocacy against the Anti-African activities of cultural and linguistic colonialism perpetrated by the disreputable Francophonie organization until no African state remains member of this colonial institution.
- Demand for colonial bailout, recompense and reparations that will amount to one tenth of the national budget expenditure for France and England for a period of 10 years; the amount should form a fund, which run by a committee of financiers would be proportionally and effectively distributed to address sanitary, educational, ecological and financial needs throughout Africa.

Elected representatives of the peoples of Ethiopia (formerly Sudan) will shape immediately a provisory government that will be empowered to sign and implement all these agreements by the Convention.

3. Participants in the Convention

A. Two (or more wherever indicated) elected representatives of the following linguistic groups:
Ama (3),
Anuak (3),
Bari (5),
Ta-Bedawi (10),
Belanda Bor,
Belanda Viri,
Beli, Berta,
Daju (3),
Didinga (3),
Dinka – Northeastern (5),
Dinka – Northwestern (3),
Dinka South Central (5),
Dinka – Southeastern (5),
Dinka – Southwestern (5),
Fulfulde (3),
Fur (10),
Gaam (3),
Hausa (10),
Jumjum (3),
Jur Modo,
Kacipo – Balesi,
Kanuri (3),
Kadugli (3),
Kenuzi Dongola (5),
Loppit (3),
Luwo (3),
Mabaan (3),
Masalit (3),
Moru (3),
Murle (3),
Nubian / Mahas (5),
Nuer (10),
Otuho (3),
Reel (3),
Shiluk (3),
Toposa (3),
Zaghawa (3),
Zande (5),
which means a total of 299 participants.

B. One hundred (100) Arabic native speaking businessmen, intellectuals, Human Rights activists, and academia, all rejecting the ideology of Pan-Arabism and agreeing on the African identity of the country, who will be elected through local mass meetings.

C. One hundred twenty (180) representatives from the major opposition parties, namely the Popular National Congress or PNC (of Hassan al Turabi), the Democratic Unionist Party (of Muhammed Uthman Al Mirghani), the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (Salva Mayardit Kiir), the Umma Party (of Sadiq al Mahdi), the Darfur Liberation Front, the Sudan Liberation Movement, the Justice Equality Movement, the Beja National Congress, and the Nuba Survival (20 representatives per party).

D. In addition, seventy one (71) representatives of newly established, free, political parties that denounce Sharia, opt for secular and multi-ethnic Sudan, and reject absolutely the ideological falsehood of Pan-Arabism.

This makes a total of six hundred fifty (650) participants in the Convention

4. The Declaration of the Rights and Aspirations of the Peoples of Ethiopia (formerly Sudan)

The founding text of the Confederation of the Sudanese Republics of Ethiopia will reassess the multiethnic History of Ancient, Christian, Islamic and Modern Sudan (from now on Ethiopia) as that of a purely African, non-Arabic, state. The text must be prepared following deliberations of three months. Suggested date is therefore the 21st June 2007.

* Equal rights for men and women,
* freedom of speech and public discourse,
* right to vote at the age of 18 for female and male citizens,
* separation of the religion from politics at both, the con-federal and the federal, levels,
* 12-year primary and secondary obligatory education,
* the introduction of writing systems based on Latin for dialects that are not currently written,
* the imposition of the eight official - administrative languages (see below) of the country at the Primary and Secondary Education,
* the formation of an educational background in at least another 20 languages and dialects of the confederation (to offer the possibility of Primary and Secondary Education in a more diversified and representative way in the years ahead),
* market economy,
* deregulation and denationalization,
* employee participation in the denationalized companies,
* obligatory civil marriage,
* possibility of inter-religious and interethnic marriages,
* explicit prohibition of the excision, and of the strict forms of Islamic veil,
* full denunciation of sex, ethnic, linguistic and/or religious discrimination,
* local administration at the level of municipalities, provinces, and departments (currently called administrative divisions),
* parliamentary life first at the federal level and then at the con-federal level,
* obligatory indexation of female candidates at a minimum 35% for all the parties' lists and for the elected parliamentary members (implying eventually empty seats and by-elections),
* obligatory indexation of ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities of each federal state - within the context of every federal parliament - at fully proportional figures,
* imposition of eight official languages at the con-federal level, namely
- Danglawi – Kenuzi Dongola
- Nubian Mahas
- Dinka (South - Eastern)
- Ta-Bedawi
- Fur
- Haussa
- Nuer
- Arabic
* Imposition of a new flag and of a new national hymn, both inspired from the Cushitic – Meroitic past of Ancient Ethiopia, will be stipulated among other seminal issues in the Declaration of the Rights and Aspirations of the Peoples of Ethiopia.

5. The Constitutional Committee and the Constitution

Elected during the Convention, the Constitutional Committee will be an institutional body of 65 representatives that will compose the New Constitution of the Confederation of the Sudanese Republics of Ethiopia, based on the Declaration of the Rights and Aspirations of the Peoples of Ethiopia.

The Constitution must be ready in a period of six months after the first consultation. This implies a deadline fixed on the 21st December 2007.

During this period the government and the president will be limited to caretaker's activities, with the exception of the aforementioned changes of constitutional and diplomatic character (part 2 of present article). Any order and directive issued by the Convention and/or the Constitutional Committee will be imperative for the government and the president during the overall period of the nine months.

The Constitution will
- be based on the combined Swiss, German and Turkish constitutions,
- declare the African identity and the secular character of the country,
- stipulate the details of the parliamentary elections in all the federal republics' parliaments (similar to those of the German Laender), and
- specify the function of the con-federal parliament.

Absolute separation of the Legislative from the Executive and the Judiciary will form the base of the new political system.

Interior security and police will be established and organized locally, at the level of each federal republic, without central interference.

The country will have no military resources and will enter in international pacts and military cooperation agreements with the USA, Japan, India, Turkey, Switzerland, and Israel for the guarantee of its international borders, which will be the present ones.

The aforementioned six guaranteeing countries will be in charge of the country's development and of the natural resources' exploitation; therefore they will have to offer immediate support in any case of foreign attack.

The concept of no military expenses will be justified within the text of the Constitution itself by both, as due to the urgent need of economic and educational development of the country, and to the pacific, Cushitic / Nilo-Saharan African character of the country.

The soil resources, as well as any work related to river water exploitation, will be declared as equally and fairly beneficial to the overall development of the Confederation, whereas agricultural and industrial development will be conceptualized and carried out according to the various particular needs of the federal states.

The establishment of a proper, modern net of land and fluvial transportation throughout the country will be shared by the federal administrations and the con-federal government.

The erection of dams, civil infrastructure and health institutions will also be shared by the federal administrations and the con-federal government.

The con-federal government will subsidize greatly the education as developed and managed by the federal governments.

A perspective of 25 years will be offered for the promotion of the aforementioned eight official languages as educational media at the level of respective universities.

The same time perspective will be given to another 20 languages so that they be developed and promoted properly in order to finally become medium for Primary and Secondary education for the respective native speakers.

At the level of the Primary and Secondary education, every pupil and student will be offered
- 12 years of education in the native language (for all courses),
- 9 years of English language course (or another foreign language course), and - 6 years of a second Sudanese language course.

Because of the catastrophic role Arabic played in engulfing the country in stagnation, poverty, misery, underdevelopment, and inhuman barbarism, Arabic will not be allowed to be the choice of 'second' Sudanese language for any pupil.

6. Referendum for the Constitution
(followed by Federal and Con-federal elections leading to the formation of Federal Governments, and a Con-federal Government)

The Constitutional Committee will submit the Constitution to general referendum and simple majority of vote will signify its acceptance. Prior to the referendum, appropriate and comprehensive deliberations will take place within every linguistic community and ethnic group. A three months period will be offered to the deliberations in this regard. Suggestive date for the referendum is the 21st March 2008. A special body of vigilant inspectors and international observers will be there to guarantee the pertinent, acceptable according to the democratic norms, completion of the referendum.

If the Constitution is rejected by the people of one Federal Republic, full access to total independence and statehood will be offered to the people in question, and all the administrative authorities of the provisory government of Ethiopia (formerly Sudan) will withdraw from that territory.

The Federal Republics under formation and the official languages of each one are presented hereby:

1. F.R. of Nubia – currently Shamaliyah
Language: Nubian (Mahas)

2. F.R. of Dongola – currently Shamaliyah, part of Khartoum, and part of Nahr an Nil
Language: Danglawi (Kenuzi Dongola)

3. F.R. of Blemmyes / Bedja – currently Bahr al Ahmar, Kassala, and part of Nahr an Nil
Language: Ta-Bedawi

4. F.R. of Fur – Nuba – currently Gharb Darfur, Gharb Kurdufan, Janub Darfur, Janub Kurdufan, Shamal Darfur, and Shamal Kurdufan.
Languages: Fur, Hausa

5. F.R. of Dinka – Nuer – currently Warab, Al Wahdah, Bahr al Jabal, Al Buhayrat, Junqali, An Nil al Abyad, Sharq al Istiwa'iyah, Gharb al Istiwa'iyah, Gharb Bahr al Ghazal, and Shamal Bahr al Ghazal.
Languages: Dinka, Nuer

6. F.R. of Meroe – currently A'ali an Nil, Al Jazirah, Khartum, Al Qadarif, An Nil al Azraq, and Sinnar,
Language: Arabic

7. Elections for the federal parliaments and the con-federal parliament

Following the successful acceptance of the New Constitution, general free elections for the federal parliaments and the con-federal parliament will be announced and will take place during the next three months (this suggests before 21st June 2008). Again in this case, a special body of vigilant inspectors and international observers will be there to guarantee the pertinent, acceptable according to the democratic norms, completion of the referendum. Following the free elections, a new government will be elected and installed, and then the National Assembly, the extraordinary common session of the federal and the con-federal parliamentarians, will elect the new president of the Con-federal Republics of Ethiopia. If all the peoples agree, the unity of the country will have thus been kept intact. US-led peacekeeping force will be present wherever demanded by local people in various Ethiopian (formerly Sudanese) provinces during all this period.
First published in Buzzle on the 13th December 2006
1. Western people believe that the perpetrators are incapable of applying the genocide to places where they care. The same cannot be said for other dictators / genocidal maniacs like, say, Putin, Xi Jinping, Ali Khamenei or Kim Jong-un.
2. Conversely, the said dictators / genocidal maniacs above are happy to see it continue so that they can do the same and / or accuse the West for hypocrisy for this.

Not sure because I didn't click on the link. Bl[…]

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