Did You Get Vaccinated? - Page 36 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Did You Get The Jab?

No, but I will.
No, but I will if required.
No, and I never will. Fuck off.
colliric wrote:?

He bought it at roughly $1000-4000(2017) and sold it at $30000... He made nearly 10x(30x if he bought at 1k) the amount he put in. And that was just his Bitcoin.

If he held on till either the April ATH or Last Week's ATH, it would have been nearly 30x. Heck if he bought it at $1k early in 2017 that would have been 90x.

I can show you the graph if you wish.

Heck if you bought a few hundred bucks of $SHIB when it listed during the Dogecoin bull run earlier this year, today you can retire with several lifetimes of money saved up. Record breaking run to the Cryptocurrency top ten market cap. Probably will have massive fall to about a third it's price too(early holders will still be in hard profit so won't let go). I sold my few thousand profit, because It looks like nearly peaking and I like Doge not Shib. I could be wrong, but looks ok so far.

Sure. The same guy that has made tons of money and is ready to retire anytime is the same one complaining in another thread that he is working the graveyard shift and presumably impacting his quality of life. Newsflash, people that have money to retire and are not enjoying their job because it is physically hurting them... either retire, or switch jobs even if that means taking a paycut (after all if you can retire, presumably you have enough money to take a pay cut from your job).

At the end of the day, I don't give a fuck. The reality is, a drunken boy can have 200k that he won on a casino. That does not make this boy reliable, knowledgeable of vaccines (or anything else) or a good investment sensei.
Good luck.
By B0ycey
colliric wrote:Some people just like working even if they no longer need to.

Sure some like working when they don't have to. But not in security. :lol:

Besides, you learn the tell telling signs on the Internet over time. You know who to trust and who to not, the lies, the exaggerations, the truth behind the ego, the agenda. Even an insomniac will have a trait beyond not sleeping btw. It is a sign of someone who has a lot of time on their hands and lack of responsibility or someone who worries alot. Either way, it doesn't sound like a guy who has made millions. But you take his words as gospel. Why not. We need to keep the narrative that Bitcoin has made Igor a multi millionaire given you are racing to match this achievement.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Question: how much virtual currency is needed in order to get vaccinated and protect the health of your friends, family, and colleagues?


As for the rest of your incoherent babble and approximations:

a) idle hands are the devil's playthings. If I have nothing to do shit is going down. I'm a little nuts, if I'm not working, I'm robbing poker games at gunpoint and planning elaborate minecraft actions. i.e If my life is too easy or too static I start doing risky things. I hate gambling with material goods, but I love gambling with lives. Mammalian organisms amuse me. So soft and squishy and they make dumb noises when you poke them.

b) I love the autonomy and responsibility and high risk of certain types of work. I hate the domestication and regular schedule of a long term career. It's just wage slaving. I love traveling for work, and I'm never doing one thing - I've never had less than 2 jobs, usually 3 at a time. Always at least one high risk activity to keep the juices flowing.

c) I hate daylight, I hate the sun, I hate the sound of birds. I am most active at night because nights are beautiful, nighttime heightens each sensation, relative to the garish light of day. By far the most interesting things happen and the most interesting people come out at night. If I'm gonna neet at home living off my bank account I might as well have my funeral tomorrow.

d) never getting jabbed
@Igor Antunov

I do not care about you or your personal decisions. If you do not want to get vaccinated, feel free to risk your life. Just avoid being within six feet of anyone else and do not enter buildings open to the public.

Instead, I an simply explaining that any smart persn would get vaccinated after reading the information that you have presented.

The answer to the question is “zero”. You do not need any currency to get vaccinated.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@Igor Antunov

I do not care about you or your personal decisions. If you do not want to get vaccinated, feel free to risk your life. Just avoid being within six feet of anyone else and do not enter buildings open to the public.

Instead, I an simply explaining that any smart persn would get vaccinated after reading the information that you have presented.

The answer to the question is “zero”. You do not need any currency to get vaccinated.

Well if you're triple vaxxed and your vaccine works I should be free to spit in your face, you're protected no? You're not? Then stop peddling experimental crap that doesn't work. I don't get this cultish big pharma behaviour. Sheep gonna sheep I guess. Only good for the slaughter, dumb sheep.
Last edited by Igor Antunov on 01 Nov 2021 03:20, edited 1 time in total.
@Igor Antunov

If you have a magic machine that can tell with 100% efficacy which people are protected by a vaccine and which are not, then you could conceivably argue that you have a right to be close enough to others that you would not pose a threat as a possible asymptomatic but infectious carrier.

But you do not have such a machine.

Also, you seem to be arguing that the vaccine only “works” if it provides 100% protection. That is not the case. It works insofar as it significantly reduces the chances of infection, suffering serious effects from the illness, and death.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@Igor Antunov

If you have a magic machine that can tell with 100% efficacy which people are protected by a vaccine and which are not, then you could conceivably argue that you have a right to be close enough to others that you would not pose a threat as a possible asymptomatic but infectious carrier.

But you do not have such a machine.

I just showed that it does nothing for the delta variant. See the British article. It does not reduce chances of infection. And if it's not completely effective for at least a decade or more it's not a vaccine. Stop calling it that. It's a shitty seasonal treatment.
@Igor Antunov

The definition of a vaccine does not include a minimum amount of time during which they are effective. I will continue to call the vaccines as such.

And you did not provide any evidence.

This is evidence:

https://www.news-medical.net/news/20210 ... gests.aspx

    COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness barely affected by Delta variant, research suggests

    Jocelyn Solis-Moreira
    Sep 27 2021

    Has the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant reduced vaccine effectiveness? If you ask Ian Foster of Argonne National Laboratory and colleagues, the answer is not really. New research published in the preprint medRxiv* server suggests vaccines approved in the United States are stable and well-performing.

    Delta has overtaken the Alpha variant as the most dominant severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus in the United States. It caused an uproar of concern in late summer 2021 after reports of breakthrough infections in vaccinated individuals.

    The United States remains the country with the highest number of cases and deaths from coronavirus infection 19 (COVID-19). In the past 28 days, there have been over 4 million coronavirus cases and over 48,000 deaths.

    The researchers suggest that vaccines are an excellent protective measure against Delta as it’s unlikely the Delta variant significantly evades vaccine-induced immunity. Additionally, differences in vaccine effectiveness likely come from the ages of vaccinated individuals.

      “We conclude from these data that there is no evidence that the Delta variant escapes immunity from the COVID-19 vaccines in use in the U.S.A., and that there is therefore no evidence that the variant causes additional breakthrough infections, above and beyond the infections already expected due to the known imperfect effectiveness and efficacy of the available COVID-19 vaccines,” wrote the team.

So, a quick Google search and the first few paragraphs from the first medical article contradict your claim.

That is how you should do evidence.
XogGyux wrote:Incoherent babblings of a distressed brain.

I'm gonna use that for the title of my memoirs. :excited:
Oh no boys you got too cocky.

England and Wales registered 20,823 more deaths than the five-year average in the past 18 weeks.
Experts called for an urgent inquiry into whether the deaths were preventable.
Professor Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University of Oxford, said: “I’m calling for an urgent investigation.”
He continued: “If you look at where the excess is happening, it's in conditions like ischemic heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver and diabetes, all of which are potentially reversible.”


Too bad there's no vaccine for those.
Igor Antunov wrote:Oh no boys you got too cocky.


Too bad there's no vaccine for those.

So the majority of those deaths were from Covid, according to the article. The best way to prevent this is to get vaccinated.

And the rest are probably due to the lack of preventative care that is no longer accessible because unvaccinated people are overwhelming the health care system. The best way to prevent this is to get vaccinated.

It seems like the information presented supports the argument that people should be vaccinated.
So my patience and vigilance proved fortuitous. I'm getting jabbed soon with Novavax. I've received the Hepatitis B vax which is the same tried and true protein based method of delivery. I'm happy to received annual 'boosters' with such a vaccine because it's completely harmless long term.

There we go, you still mad bros?
@Igor Antunov A covid-19 vaccine is still a covid-19 vaccine. I guess you won't be a foolish tool for MUCH longer...

All the covid-19 vaccines are harmless, long-term. Too bad there isn't a vaccine for your idiocy.
Last edited by Godstud on 21 Nov 2021 15:06, edited 1 time in total.
Igor is doing a passable job of trolling this thread. Of course none of his shit is true but trolls never care much for truth.

I would bet real money that he has been vaccinated and is lying about it. Look at where he claims to live. Not exactly a bastion of free choice.

I have to wait on my third jab for a few weeks because of a medical procedure. Sad about this.
Godstud wrote:@Agent Steel A covid-19 vaccine is still a covid-19 vaccine. I guess you won't be a foolish tool for MUCH longer...

All the covid-19 vaccines are harmless, long-term. Too bad there isn't a vaccine for your idiocy.

What are you even responding to here?
I've had the jab, a few months ago.

I get along very well now with my second head. I call him 'Cedric'. We play poker a lot, though I'm pretty sure he cheats by looking at my cards.... :eh:
Drlee wrote:Igor is doing a passable job of trolling this thread. Of course none of his shit is true but trolls never care much for truth.

I would bet real money that he has been vaccinated and is lying about it. Look at where he claims to live. Not exactly a bastion of free choice.

I have to wait on my third jab for a few weeks because of a medical procedure. Sad about this.

Nope. Never been jabbed for the meme flu. Like I said I've been waiting for an inactivated vaccine or the next best thing, novavax is it.

The only difference between me and you is that you're a junkie. I take my meds strategically.
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