Is Boris Johnson on the ropes? - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Europe's nation states, the E.U. & Russia.

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How much more of this embarrassment can the UK take? Or perhaps more importantly the Conservative Party given there is a growing number of MPs pushing for a no confidence vote. Brexit is done. Or not done actually, but as far as BoJo can take it with Frosty at the helm who seems to have forgot what we actually signed up for. Then there was the business conference where he forgot his notes and starting talking about Peppa Pig World thinking that his stories at the theme park could hide his incompetence. The umpteenth broken promises over social housing and HS2. Endless lies and sleazy. Not respected by global leaders, his poll figures now put him behind Starmer meaning his gloss has gone finally here as well. Seems hell bent on backing deadwood and having deadwood as yesmen. Not to mention Cummings and condoning driving vision impaired. So you have to wonder why Johnson wants to continue this clusterfuck he has created. Or why we the public should accept it in any case. We need a leader. Or at least someone who can steer us past Covid19. There isn't much in the Tory backbenchers who could bring credibility to the party, but maybe Sunak can. I don't know. I just know BoJo is finished and the quicker he sees that the quicker this nation can heal from his premiership.

Bring forward the Tory rebels.

You don't think he's doing it on purpose? He's always run away from problems, and he's been complaining about his pay for months. He sees Theresa May wooden as she is making millions on the lucrative after-dinner circuit and thinks I'll have some of that.
ingliz wrote:@B0ycey

You don't think he's doing it on purpose? He's always run away from problems, and he's been complaining about his pay for months. He sees Theresa May wooden as she is making millions on the lucrative after-dinner circuit and thinks I'll have some of that.

No I don't think he is doing it on purpose. I think he wants to remain due to trying to gain some form of legacy from Brexit, COP26 and social care reforms etc, all of which are finally balanced and none of which he could push over the line whilst he is power. The problem is his clown act is starting to wear off, levelling up is becoming a joke, his social care act punishes the North, climate change is something no government wants to compromise their economy over and none of whom have an interest in listening to a clown in any case, Brexit he doesn't want to compromise on so will fail and only getting the DUP into the talks can the mess be sorted out anyway so we are now left with his falling poll figures. So how much shit does he want to put himself and the country through? Because he can resign tomorrow and have those ex PM deals if that was his purpose. So if he remains he clearly thinks he an achieve something. Although he can't. He doesn't see that he is the problem now. And his Churchillian attitude is making him blind.

@AFAIK, people didn't vote of Johnson. They voted for Brexit (which ironically wasn't a majority). You can't vote for a PM anyway so if the Tories ousted him out, that is Democratic under the UK system.
B0ycey wrote:No I don't think he is doing it on purpose. I think he wants to remain due to trying to gain some form of legacy from Brexit, COP26 and social care reforms etc, all of which are finally balanced and none of which he could push over the line whilst he is power. The problem is his clown act is starting to wear off, levelling up is becoming a joke, his social care act punishes the North, climate change is something no government wants to compromise their economy over and none of whom have an interest in listening to a clown in any case, Brexit he doesn't want to compromise on so will fail and only getting the DUP into the talks can the mess be sorted out anyway so we are now left with his falling poll figures. So how much shit does he want to put himself and the country through? Because he can resign tomorrow and have those ex PM deals if that was his purpose. So if he remains he clearly thinks he an achieve something. Although he can't. He doesn't see that he is the problem now. And his Churchillian attitude is making him blind.

@AFAIK, people didn't vote of Johnson. They voted for Brexit (which ironically wasn't a majority). You can't vote for a PM anyway so if the Tories ousted him out, that is Democratic under the UK system.

I suspect that BoJo is simply an upper-class English version of Gordon Brown - he has always had such a colossally self-inflated ego from childhood onwards that he has always seen it as his birthright that he would become Prime Minister some day, regardless of his total lack of personal suitability for the role, or indeed any evidence at any time in his life that he would be remotely competent at it. And, just like Gordon Brown, he seems to regard the day-to-day business of actually being Prime Minister to be irksomely menial and tedious, altogether beneath his dignity. And it’s all our own fault - we keep electing these arrogant tosspots. Lol.
AFAIK wrote:To be fair we didn't actually vote for Brown we voted for Blair and watched him step down.
We really have no taste.

Let's see.... Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Boris Johnson.... :lol:
AFAIK wrote:I love how Boris is in favour of Turkey joining the EU and Britain leaving and no one questioned him about that.

Brexit-Shmexit. He was going to side with whichever cause would help him become Prime Minister. Because why wouldn't he?
Istanbuller wrote:Fear mongering. Let's jump out before hordes come in. :D

To be honest, there are 2 choices that EU will need to face in the future. Either integrate Turkey or Russia when Erdogan or Putin will go, respectively. For Russia, it is a bit simpler since they are culturally closer I suppose and it is almost guaranteed that after Putin there will be a liberal democratic shift. May be not straight away but still. In case of Turkey, the situation is a bit more muddier since I have no clue who will come to power after Erdogan with any degree of certainty. And Europe obviously can't admit both at the same time, so whoever does it faster gets the priority. I am pretty sure the US will love your candidacy in the EU more than Russia though due to geopolitical concerns.

Long story short, with the economic problems of the eastern Europe basically resolved EU is actually ready for more expansion. The Balkans are obvious choices but this kinda means that you and Russia are close to joining and the real block to that would be your current political structures and governments in general.
Russia have chosen the Chinese path @JohnRawls. They are so far away from joining the EU it is laughable you think it could happen. I doubt Turkey is joining either but at least they want to join and perhaps will continue to push membership if nothing else. Sometimes your imagination makes your posts go way off the rails.
B0ycey wrote:Russia have chosen the Chinese path @JohnRawls. They are so far away from joining the EU it is laughable you think it could happen. I doubt Turkey is joining either but at least they want to join and perhaps will continue to push membership if nothing else. Sometimes your imagination makes your posts go way off the rails.

To be more precise Putin chose that path. Fear not, his approval rating is around 30-25% percent from his high 70% or 80%. Russian people finally woke up to what the fuck is going on in the last couple of years but the problem is that they can't do anything about it now, well yet.

I am not sure what boat Erdogan is in nowadays but I assume it is also not that great, may be a bit better for him than for Putin but then again, Putin as an Dictator/Autocrat is more intelligent with his choices so Erdogan might collapse due to his failed economic ideas for example. Corruption and cronyism are features and not bugs of their systems but Erdogan economic policies are totally out of whack as of the last couple of years, well and before. At least the Russians don't fuck around with monetary policy unless there are sanctions and so on.
After Putin, it will just be a prodigy @JohnRawls. It doesn't matter what the public want, although I suspect like the rest of Eastern Europe, they only want the Cherries from the EU and not full membership.

The truth is the EU would love nothing more than Russia to be part of the EU, if nothing else for their gas. The fact that Russia and the EU are further away now than ever before despite the US Trump affair means Russia see themselves above the minor states of the continent. And since their sanctions they have gone East anyway. They aren't going to go to Europe for anything, who will have a shopping list of demands if they even dared whoever takes over. And instead they will integrate with China and play pawn games with Belarus and Ukraine.
B0ycey wrote:After Putin, it will just be a prodigy @JohnRawls. It doesn't matter what the public want, although I suspect like the rest of Eastern Europe, they only want the Cherries from the EU and not full membership.

The truth is the EU would love nothing more than Russia to be part of the EU, if nothing else for their gas. The fact that Russia and the EU are further away now than ever before despite the US Trump affair means Russia see themselves above the minor states of the continent. And since their sanctions they have gone East anyway. They aren't going to go to Europe for anything, who will have a shopping list of demands if they even dared whoever takes over. And instead they will integrate with China and play pawn games with Belarus and Ukraine.

Nope, the vast majority of the anti-Putin crowd is pro-Europe. Even a large chunk if not outright majority of the support that Putin has is pro-Europe. The problem is Putin and his close compatriots that can't go pro-Europe for obvious reasons.

De Facto the last election showed that the liberal democrats in the face of Navalny and some others probably have the same or more support than Putins party overall across the whole country. If you add the nominal pro-Putin liberal democrats in the face of LDPR and some others then Liberal democrats have the outright majority and that even not mentioning the Putins United Russia party. I am not sure what will happen to them when Putin is gone or if the regime collapses.

As it stands now, United Russia(Putins party) and Liberal Democratic opposition(Navalny and others) have around 25-30% support respectively. LDPR is around 10% and there are some other smaller parties that in total scrape up around 10-15% with the communists having 15 and other crazies like the monarchists 0-5%. This was the case before Putin outright falsified the last election so the support should have shifted couple of points more in favour of the Liberal Democrats.
Putins approval rating is near 70% @JohnRawls and protests for Navalny were hardly worth the column inches. I don't know what pro EU part you are looking at, but I am not aware them and there isn't any movement to join the EU in Russia. Turkey on the otherhand do want to join the EU. So given that I would see Turkey joining before Russia. And I don't see that happening either. And what about Ukraine? Another nation hung out to dry. But it doesn't matter. This is just another post of wishful thinking and wake me up when Russia hand in their application will you. :lol:
B0ycey wrote:Putins approval rating is near 70% @JohnRawls and protests for Navalny were hardly worth the column inches. I don't know what pro EU part you are looking at, but I am not aware them and there isn't any movement to join the EU in Russia. Turkey on the otherhand do want to join the EU. So given that I would see Turkey joining before Russia. And I don't see that happening either. And what about Ukraine? Another nation hung out to dry. But it doesn't matter. This is just another post of wishful thinking and wake me up when Russia hand in their application will you. :lol:

Well, nope.

There are two ways the question was asked. Why is this important? Well the main problem here is that in a authoritarian and dictatorial societies, it is hard to get straightforward answers due to fear of prosecution and so on. So if you look at his "approval" rating then you will find out that it currently sits at around 55-60%. But when you open the details a bit more you see that it is not the case.

Here is his "trust" rating which is a funny word for statisticians to find out the approval ratings in authoritarian countries.


So the question is then is this data real? I mean obviously there needs to be an in-depth understanding why people answer differently for those 2 questions.

So people conduct additional surveys like this:


Which show that the problem is that people just don't see anybody else coming to power because of him and which kinda shows that only 22% think that he is successful at dealing with problems of Russia while 27 more think it is possible that he can deal with the problems in the country.

But then you start checking what about his whole ecosystem, like his party and what is going on there then. Surely there must be a corelation of some sort.



The more interesting data from this is this:


Why is this important? Well, we know statistically that the latest election has been rigged the most in all of Russian history. We also know the ways it was rigged to a large degree but the people are answering that they weren't forced to vote. There is a conclusion that can be done that people are severely frightened right now with the fact that Navalny is in jail, the opposition has been declared as terorrists and most of them are either in jail right now also or have fled the country and that the newspapers have been banned or severely limited as of late.
JohnRawls wrote:To be honest, there are 2 choices that EU will need to face in the future. Either integrate Turkey or Russia when Erdogan or Putin will go, respectively. For Russia, it is a bit simpler since they are culturally closer I suppose and it is almost guaranteed that after Putin there will be a liberal democratic shift. May be not straight away but still. In case of Turkey, the situation is a bit more muddier since I have no clue who will come to power after Erdogan with any degree of certainty. And Europe obviously can't admit both at the same time, so whoever does it faster gets the priority. I am pretty sure the US will love your candidacy in the EU more than Russia though due to geopolitical concerns.

Long story short, with the economic problems of the eastern Europe basically resolved EU is actually ready for more expansion. The Balkans are obvious choices but this kinda means that you and Russia are close to joining and the real block to that would be your current political structures and governments in general.

Turkey is doing fine with everyone in the EU except Greece and Cyprus. There is no way you can convince these two guys. EU leaders should put these guys in their places.
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