Men see the lost cause of dating (girls don't like men) will it actully cause society to fall apart? - Politics | PoFo

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Sorry for the wording in the subject. 'Women' didn't 'actually' fit.

Men see the lost cause of dating (because basically women don't want men in their lives), will it actually cause society to fall apart? 1 hour
Better Bachelor, 208,665 views, 354K subscribers
[quote ] Basically a talking head video, not much to see other than the article. You can check out the podcast for supporters on to save data if you wish.

Seems with men realizing their odds of dating, marriage and family being a lost cause, men are opting out of the workforce or are participating at minimal levels, causing much of the financial and economic issues we see today. Great article by Aaron Clarey I'm going to discuss.

Here is Aaron's book, basically all the statistics you need to know about dating, marriage and women. I really think it's a brilliant and accurate statistical book on the odds of dating and marriage. [quote]

I found it interesting.

He/they point out that in America, men do most of the essential work. Without the work of men the economy and the society may fall apart. They have no solution for men except to adapt.
It might be an interesting book, but I doubt that it's something people are actually worrying about. I don't see society falling apart because a few men decide to "go their own way". :excited:

The only people thinking like this are Incels and MGTOWs.

The author is probably one of those two. :D
Steve_American wrote:the lost cause of marriage

Odd then that a significant percentage of the married come back for more marriage when it all goes to shit.

Among men and women 60 to 69 years old, 23% had married twice and less than 10% had married three times or more.

Among those ages 70 or older, 22% of men and 19% of women had married twice while 8% of men and 6% of women had married three times or more.

Source: US Census Bureau

ingliz wrote:Odd then that a significant percentage of the married come back for more marriage when it all goes to shit.

Among men and women 60 to 69 years old, 23% had married twice and less than 10% had married three times or more.

Among those ages 70 or older, 22% of men and 19% of women had married twice while 8% of men and 6% of women had married three times or more.

Source: US Census Bureau


He is talking about people of working age.
He says it is a new thing. At least it is getting much worse.
Steve_American wrote:Sorry for the wording in the subject. 'Women' didn't 'actually' fit.

"Women" would've fit if you hadn't included "actually" which is a filler word.

Basically a talking head video

I avoid talking head videos whenever possible. We'd be in a better place as a society if more people avoided them.

Seems with men realizing their odds of dating, marriage and family being a lost cause

How many men are saying marriage and family are a lost cause? Do you have any demographic numbers?

men are opting out of the workforce or are participating at minimal levels

They're not working because they're not dating? This sounds very off.

causing much of the financial and economic issues we see today

That's a big statement. Is it supportable with data?

He/they point out that in America, men do most of the essential work.

If you're talking about starting wars, he has a point.

Without the work of men the economy and the society may fall apart. They have no solution for men except to adapt.

What woman would want to marry a man who doesn't want to work unless his dating life is meeting his expectations, or the kind of man who doesn't realize the share women have always had in holding society together?
Well its a bit sad about these MGTOWs spurning women, I guess the remainder of us will just have to step up and try to fill the gap.

I realise I'm an INCEL. its been nearly a week now with out the barest physical intimacy with a woman not even a hug in the street. And tragically its not the first or even the longest period of involuntary celibacy that I've suffered. What to do? What to do? What to about involuntary celibacy and the related problem of involuntary monogamy. I say related, because, in my experience trying to solve the problem of involuntary monogamy can land you with a stretch of involuntary celibacy, if you're not careful.

Some say you need to become a rock star or a top politician. But no when it comes to avoiding involuntary celibacy and involuntary monogamy, you can't beat being a guru. Maybe its a moral lacking in me that I've never really knuckled down and tried to build my own cult.

Incels and MGTOW? You have got to be shitting me. What is this world coming to? If they are Incels, they obviously need to learn how to attract women so they can get a date. That being said, in my experience, there is no such thing as cheap sex and once you sleep with a woman, most want a commitment out of you (even if you don't get her pregnant). So, if I were single, I would refrain from sleeping with a woman I am unwilling to commit to because it just creates a lot of drama and headaches in the future if you do sleep with her but then aren't willing to commit to her. They inevitably get attached to you. And if I were a single man going to commit to a woman, I would make damn sure she has her head screwed on straight and I can live happily with her. Women are funny about that. There is no such thing as "sex with no strings attached." There is always "strings attached" no matter what is said.
I can't actually figure out what the message of this thread is. Is it men are choosing single life over marriage or they don't want to work so they want a single life?

The truth is the cost of marriage has to be a factor. Then there is the cost of break up. Then child care cost if you have children. A relationship isn't a zero sum game if it breaks down. So it doesn't surprise me that men (and women) are thinking of (and acting upon) single life given they might not want all the BS of a failed relationship. Does that break down society? I don't see why. The one advantage of single life is lower commitments allow you more time and freedom to pursue career goals. Where they issue maybe is population sustainability if the born rate is below the death rate.

Having said that Incels who do decide to to be single for whatever reason also need to respect women in any case. We had an incident in the UK last year where an incel went in a shooting rage because he was fed up with women rejecting him - and his opinion isn't alone. There is nothing wrong with taking a single route, but please don't feel resentment or entitlement.
Doubling the workforce by allowing women to work in traditional roles has driven wages down across the board by 50% relative to inflation while simultaneously crippling the family unit, making it impossible for one person to be the breadwinner, one stay at home parent to raise kids, and by extension for coherent families to form (the added cost of childcare, broken single family households, divorce, etc all explain the social collapse we are witnessing). Prove me wrong.

Also @ godstud, you're clearly just trolling now. Always going with the normie mainstream narrative, I expect you to start promoting free tibet and Uighur CIA psyops soon.

Who cares. Western civilization is literally breeding itself into extinction if reproduction rates stay the same. Many women don't want kids they want dog-babies and careers. Good jobs ladies. And men keeping turning into bigger and bigger p*ssies, preferring to stay inside playing video games and watching youtubers like this idiot rather than going outside and getting laid. Good job fellas.

BTW if you treat your dog like your child you have mental illness.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Do not get married, do not have children. Everyone should minimize the amount of love in their lives and maximize their material possessions.

The capitalist’s Credo. Why hand over all your hard-earned moolah to a bunch of moochers like a wife and kids? Words to live by. :up:
The link in the OP doesn't work.

Our society is degenerate.

I wish I could get a new girlfriend, but the only girls I get to see are female deer.

Society is broken. People don't interact anymore.

I thought of going to a square dance last week. Something different to mix it up.

I went to the website afterwards (I got the idea when I drove by and saw the banner), and it was just a bunch of old fogies. No surprise, but I was hoping for a good old country girl, nearer my age. Who knows, I could bump into one at the square dance.

I'm not into the bar scene much anymore, and besides, covid lockdowns destroyed any semblance of society there was.

I can't dance worth a shit, but maybe I should try to figure out the dance style that girls around my age like, and get my ass up to go there, and then dance like shit.

I mean, I just wanna meet chicks.

Or wait a second.

This is one of the reasons writing is so useful, to work out ideas.

I should go to that square dance (it's a weekly event, I live in hick and hillbilly land, and they have an open square dance every Friday).

I can go dance with a couple old ladies (they'll be teaching me, and shit, square dancing is kinda interesting, and I haven't done it since elementary school).

If I make a good impression, they'll want to introduce me to their daughters.

That's actually a golden plan.

Damn, that looks fairly awful, but if I can get introduced by a square dancer to a country girl daughter it might be worth it.
Shit, I don't know if that will work or not. Eh, maybe, why not.

"How did you meet?"

"He danced with my mom at a square dance."

Eh, that ain't bad.

The undertone is that this was just the beginning, but that we subsequently hit it off.

Eh, that's fine.

I wouldn't be talking of square dancing if I didn't find it somewhat interesting.

I mean, it looks like kinda dumb, but even looks better than trolling the internet all night (a low bar).

Eh, I just gotta go in with good intentions.

There ain't shit to do 'round here, and I've thought of going to that square dance ever since I saw the banner.

Maybe I should go tomorrow.

It isn't about meeting chicks or meeting daughters.

Eh, you go in pure, with good intentions, and you never know what might happen.

Eh, you never know, you might even have a good time and enjoy it.

And, eh, you never know, it could come to pass that you are introduced to a farmer's daughter.

And, eh, you could just hit it off, eh, you never know.

Maybe I oughta go to that square dance, maybe tomorrow, and if not, maybe some time.

Mainly because, I drove past it, and it stoked my fancy, and I thought, "that's kinda interesting".

Although square dancing kinda seems like it sucks, but I'm just bored out of my mind in general, and looking for new and different shit to do, that's the main thing.

But, if I could meet a farmer's daughter, that's a cherry on top, but not expected or anything.

But damn, they'd be surprised to see me I'm sure, the square dancers.

I still look like a skater, and I am 37, but somehow still look like I'm 27 (I don't know why, just like I don't know why I still look like a skater).

Either tomorrow or next week, I think maybe I am going to that square dance.
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