Men see the lost cause of dating (girls don't like men) will it actully cause society to fall apart? - Page 7 - Politics | PoFo

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Age is just a number, Tom. It sounds very trite, but like a lot of common sayings it’s true.

My friend is 14 years older than her husband and they celebrated their Pearl wedding anniversary this year. My eldest daughters husband is 20 years older than her. Not that much younger than me!

In both cases, they’re very happy and it’s very much a marriage of equals.
If you want to pay for some reason which has nothing to do with getting her knickers off later, then say so. Adding a simple ,no strings attached, to your offer will do it.


Yea. That will do it. What an insulting thing to say to a woman. And about women in general.

And you think I am the "old" one?
Why is it insulting to tell a woman there’s no strings attached to your offer to pay for her meal?

It shows you understand that to a lot of men there would certainly be strings attached, but that you aren’t one of them.

It’s a nice thing to do.
snapdragon wrote:Why is it insulting to tell a woman there’s no strings attached to your offer to pay for her meal?

It shows you understand that to a lot of men there would certainly be strings attached, but that you aren’t one of them.

It’s a nice thing to do.

Because it is tantamount to saying, "I know most women feel they have to fuck for a pizza but you don't."

And I do not grant your premise. I do not believe that there are many men who believe that their date owes them sex for food. Maybe there could be some. Boorishness is far from rare. But there are not many.

Perhaps there are more men who believe that after a few dates, sex is expected. Maybe that gives rise to the notion that their paying for dates is paying for sex. I will even go so far as to say that there are some men who consider the dating scene a game of conquest. Immature ones but there are some out there.

Maybe I want to give women a word of caution. The first thing to find out about your date is the content of his character. But, women, if you are dating him solely because he has a flash car and Taylor Swift meet-and-greet tickets, it is not his character that is the problem. It is yours.
Whoa OK I just caught up on the last couple pages of this thread and Igor you have internalized some weird fucked up 4chan shit. How difficult was it for you to not drop the term "cock carousel" because you basically said all the ideological garbage around it.

Also reminds me of one of my favorite bits from Disco Elysium, which lets you play as a fascist mysoginist.

Women are fine by me. I've been married 2x. Kids? No way. I never liked work much ..... tedious, boring and suffering fools. I early on recognized kids as an expensive pain in the ass. Spend large sums to have a screaming demanding kid around the house? I skipped the kids and saved my money so i could exit the workforce asap. It worked out. I have zero debt, haven't worked in 21 years. Spend summers on the Maine coast and winters in south Florida.
Jeeze, I almost feel like I started this whole kerfuffle. It is a nice gesture to pay for a meal sure. Also not entirely necessary. Depends on the situation.

I've had girls sleep in my room (I mean night out drinking and I offered them a place to crash situation). I offered to sleep on the floor. Once I bedded down on the floor and the girl sorta grunted at me and I took the clue and joined her on the bed and we had wild sex.

Another time I slept on the cold floor. Whatever is cleaver, it's good to pay for the meal and it's fine to split the bill, depends on the situation, at least in my experience.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Whoa OK I just caught up on the last couple pages of this thread and Igor you have internalized some weird fucked up 4chan shit. How difficult was it for you to not drop the term "cock carousel" because you basically said all the ideological garbage around it.

Also reminds me of one of my favorite bits from Disco Elysium, which lets you play as a fascist mysoginist.


I'm not a gamer but that was the greatest game I ever played. I played it through.
It's legit the funniest game I've ever played.

Also it's really fucking weird as a full grown adult to be hung up on someone driving a cheap, functional car and insisting you pay for them. It's not the rationality of the beep boop most optimal use of currency units. One of the primary uses of money is as a form of exerting control over your own reality, and if someone you're dating wants to exert their own sense of independence and control over their situation and you deny them that you're gonna scare them off really quick at best, or find someone you can abuse and dominate at worst.

Adults don't go to dinner knowing they can't cover at least their portion, you don't need to get into a discussion about it or explain you're not trying to fuck them. Telling someone you're not trying to fuck them is just a "My 'I'm not trying to fuck you' t-shirt prompts a lot more questions than it answers" situation. Just politely offer to pay if you care to and if they insist otherwise fucking listen or you come off as a mega creep.

Like if it's really important to you just say, "Hey how about I get dinner and you get the drinks?" if you insist on some weird unequal monetary balance.
Also just because I will never stop shitting on demented reactionary thought, let's all have fun reading the Washington Post Date Lab article about how Blake Neff, former head writer for Tucker Carlson and the man in my avatar, approaches femoids as he would likely call them.

Date Lab: He is a proud Trump supporter. She was not turned off.

McKenzie Smith, 24, client relations for a start-up, and Blake Neff, 27, cable news scriptwriter.

Some Date Labbers call for a bit more care than others when being matched. Take Blake Neff. A South Dakota native, the 27-year-old cable news writer is ambivalent about all things Washington. “I would not necessarily oppose this city’s destruction by nuclear fireball, even if I am in it at the time,” he wrote in his Date Lab profile. He dates rarely and, as an “old-fashioned” soul, is appalled by many of the sport’s modern conventions, such as dating apps and casual hook-ups.

Blake’s sense of humor is quirky (thus the D.C.-could-use-a-good-nuking joke), and he can come across as a wee bit defensive. Then there’s his ideological worldview: In this hypercharged political climate, Blake is a proud Trump voter. For some Washington gals, this would be a one-drink-and-I’m-outta-here evening ender. For others, it could serve as human catnip. To avoid having the date end in a public brawl, a matchmaker must proceed with caution.

Enter McKenzie Smith. The 24-year-old Georgia native works in client relations for a green-energy tech start-up. Big on family and faith, she identifies as a “traditional conservative” and “die-hard Southerner.” In her profile, she expressed a love of politics, history and Russian literature. She cited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as the contemporary politician she’d most like to get to know and Richard Nixon as the historical one. “Ambitious” and “future-oriented,” she has a fondness for intelligent “frat boy types.”

Who am I to argue with the Date Lab gods? These two were clearly a match made in heaven, or at least in the hallowed hallways of cable news. So off we sent them to Bobby Van’s steakhouse on 15th Street NW. The evening began with a slight hiccup. Blake was running late, so McKenzie went to chill out in the bar with a cocktail. When Blake arrived, one of the first statements out of his mouth was that he regards alcohol as “poison.” McKenzie’s first thought: “Yikes!”

Did I mention that Neff listed “honest” as the adjective that best describes him? He was definitely not kidding about this — which led to a few more head-slapping moments, such as his informing the very blond McKenzie that he fancies brunettes. Still, the evening settled into a mostly comfortable groove. The two swapped tales of family, college, movies, travel, politics (prompting a few tense moments, Blake reported) and, of course, why each had given Date Lab a go. McKenzie’s Virginia-based grandparents are longtime fans of the column and had been nudging her to apply. Blake knows a guy who had suffered an epic Date Lab meltdown, and the possibility of an equally searing disaster tickled his dark sense of humor.

Blake was impressed at how “genuinely well-read” McKenzie was and that she had opted not to go to grad school after deciding it didn’t make financial sense. (Washingtonians’ constant bragging about their “B.S. master’s degrees” makes him nuts.) McKenzie was indeed fascinated by Blake’s job [writing racist rants] as well as his Dartmouth education and the fact that he showed up to their date lugging a book about Catherine the Great.

Having gotten off to a late start, Blake and McKenzie wound up shutting down the restaurant. Afterward, they decided to stroll the mostly empty streets near the White House, then, when McKenzie’s heels began to pinch, planted themselves on a park bench. The night ended with a parting hug as McKenzie grabbed a Lyft home.

Weirdly, neither McKenzie nor Blake could say for certain how the evening went. Blake feared McKenzie didn’t get his sense of humor. (She laughed some, but not a ton.) He also suspected she was sending a signal with her remark that she’s not sure she’s looking for a relationship right now. His thought: “If I were Brad Pitt, you would be.”

For her part, McKenzie expressed anxiety that Blake would feel moved to “trash” her in his post-date debriefing, and she acknowledged a lack of initial sizzle: “I’m not sure on either side there was physical chemistry.” Blake is keeping his expectations low. As he told me, “Things could totally blow up going forward.”

Man I can't see why this perfectly inadequate, ugly little bigot doesn't date much and is afraid of being replaced by better species of men. It's a complete mystery as to why the writing room of Carlson's White Power Hour is repeating white replacement theory shit straight from 4chan.

Also just lmfao at this line, by a guy who reached millions of Fox News grandpas and grandmas. Of course the guy who wrote for Tucker was an emotionally dense incel:

He also suspected she was sending a signal with her remark that she’s not sure she’s looking for a relationship right now. His thought: “If I were Brad Pitt, you would be.”
Drlee wrote:Because it is tantamount to saying, "I know most women feel they have to fuck for a pizza but you don't."

Not at all. It’s saying,” I know that many men expect you to fuck them because you’ve paid for their meal, but I’m not one of them.”

And I do not grant your premise. I do not believe that there are many men who believe that their date owes them sex for food. Maybe there could be some. Boorishness is far from rare. But there are not many.

There are loads of men who expect that very thing. And what’s more they can turn very nasty when they’re turned down. Shows how much you know.

Perhaps there are more men who believe that after a few dates, sex is expected. Maybe that gives rise to the notion that their paying for dates is paying for sex. I will even go so far as to say that there are some men who consider the dating scene a game of conquest. Immature ones but there are some out there.

There’s definitely more than a few. More than enough to make women wary. Especially if he starts insisting he pays.

Maybe I want to give women a word of caution. The first thing to find out about your date is the content of his character. But, women, if you are dating him solely because he has a flash car and Taylor Swift meet-and-greet tickets, it is not his character that is the problem. It is yours.

Oh for god‘s sake. You’re unbelievable. You know what you can do with your patronising word of caution.
snapdragon wrote:There are loads of men who expect that very thing. And what’s more they can turn very nasty when they’re turned down. Shows how much you know.
You're generalizing as much as the misogynist who calls all women "bitches". I know of only one guy who would ever do that, and everyone he knows thinks he's an asshole.

snapdragon wrote:Oh for god‘s sake. You’re unbelievable. You know what you can do with your patronising word of caution.
It's no more than you men are the "every man expects sex if he buys" Bullshit. If you can generalize then so can we.
If the woman says I’d rather we split the bill, just say okay. Don’t start insisting on anything.

And Godstud, I doubt if you’ve dated as many men as I have. I also have three adult daughters and women friends and we’ve shared our experiences.

Men who offer to pay for the meal often expect it to reap the reward of sex afterwards. That’s a fact. There’s no way of knowing in advance who these men might be. Most of the time they’re just chancing their arm and they take it in good part when the woman refuses their offer and says she would rather pay her share. Nothing more to be said and that is that. The line has been drawn.

But dr lee took it further. He advises men to insist on paying, even if the woman demurs - and that is domineering behaviour and not advice that ought to be acted on.

He might have the best intentions. How is she supposed to know? If it’s important to a man that he pays for the evening , then it’s a good idea to make it plain to his date that there no strings. She will feel more comfortable and will feel able to relax and enjoy herself.

Otherwise, split the bloody bill and have done with it. This is the 21st century, not the 19th.
Potemkin wrote:I bet you sported a porn 'tache back in the 70s

I also sported a well-worn Rive Gauche (Yves St. Laurent) leather greatcoat with an Astrakhan collar I picked up cheap from a local drug dealer. A single gold earring and a pair of hand-tooled Mexican cowboy boots too.

It was all theatre.

The intended audience?

At that time, mostly middle-class university students and bored housewives.

It all sounds very cold-blooded, but who was using who? No one expected it to be anything more than a brief dalliance, ships passing in the night; we all had fun, and I can honestly say I never put it where it wasn't wanted.
Last edited by ingliz on 29 Nov 2021 13:41, edited 1 time in total.

Personally, I would make it clear that their are no strings attached when paying for the meal and not make a big deal out of it. It is customary for guys to do so but is not required. If she still insists on splitting the bill, then I will accept and split the bill.

I wouldn't let such an issue ruin an opportunity to get to know the woman better. I have no interest in sleeping with a woman I don't know no matter how stunningly beautiful she is. She could be crazy or have STDs for all I know.
snapdragon wrote:And Godstud, I doubt if you’ve dated as many men as I have. I also have three adult daughters and women friends and we’ve shared our experiences.
No, I haven't dated any men, but I have an adult daughter who wouldn't agree with you and I know of no friends who think like that.

snapdragon wrote:Men who offer to pay for the meal often expect it to reap the reward of sex afterwards. That’s a fact.
Then again, I can talk to three men who say women are only interested in what's in men's wallets, so it must be fact, right? :?:

Anecdotal evidence and all...

snapdragon wrote:But dr lee took it further. He advises men to insist on paying, even if the woman demurs - and that is domineering behaviour and not advice that ought to be acted on.
No, what Drlee is talking about is a traditional thing that gentlemen do. It's about as domineering as opening a car door for a woman, or pulling a chair out for her to sit on.

snapdragon wrote:He might have the best intentions. How is she supposed to know?
By his behavior.

snapdragon wrote:If it’s important to a man that he pays for the evening , then it’s a good idea to make it plain to his date that there no strings. She will feel more comfortable and will feel able to relax and enjoy herself.
That would come off as completely creepy to most women. "Don't worry, if I buy dinner I don't expect sex." Do you honestly think that would come across any other way? :eh:

snapdragon wrote:Otherwise, split the bloody bill and have done with it. This is the 21st century, not the 19th.
Yes, and many women still expect the man to take them out, not go on a Dutch date.
tomskunk wrote:@snapdragon

Personally, I would make it clear that their are no strings attached when paying for the meal and not make a big deal out of it. It is customary for guys to do so but is not required. If she still insists on splitting the bill, then I will accept and split the bill.

I wouldn't let such an issue ruin an opportunity to get to know the woman better. I have no interest in sleeping with a woman I don't know no matter how stunningly beautiful she is. She could be crazy or have STDs for all I know.

Absolutely. The film fatal attraction wasn’t entirely fiction !

I wouldn’t say it’s customary these days. Most women don’t expect men to splash their cash on them, especially in the early days.

And, you’re right, it’s best to make yourself plain right from the get go. Especially to younger women.

In the U.K., 85% of women between the ages of 18 to 24 have been sexually harassed or worse. It’s not nice, Tom. Makes them very wary of accepting gifts from men who are virtually strangers - and it’s no wonder.

Older women might be more sophisticated and know how to deal with unwanted attention, but it’s still not a nice thing. I’ve had to do it myself and it can be scary. A couple of times the man has become verbally very aggressive and even physically aggressive. Yet they seemed to be nice men and we were getting on well. As I said, sometimes they turn nasty.

All men have to do is be aware of that. It’s not personal. It’s the times we live in and have probably always lived in.
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