The Wuhan virus—how are we doing? - Page 161 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
Forum rules: No one line posts please.
@Robert Urbanek You're silly. :lol:

the fifteenth letter of the Greek alphabet

Omicron's scientific name under the Pango system, from the Phylogenetic Assignment of Named Global Outbreak group, is B.1.1.529, which conveys scientific information about its lineage.

Why we're using the Greek alphabet:WHO renames COVID-19 variants with Greek letter names to avoid confusion, stigma

WHO said the goal of using the Greek alphabet is to make it easier and more practical for nonscientific communities to discuss the variants. Javaid said he has found using the Greek letters is helpful when communicating with patients or staff members who are not trained in understanding the technical aspects of the variants' differences. ... 791980002/

They just fully support the virus now. The idea of government helping people is so antithetical to rightwing beliefs that the only reason they will help anyone is to subsidize a disease. Incredible.

Under these new laws, any worker who gets fired for broadly defined “misconduct,” such as flunking an employer-imposed drug test, is disqualified from unemployment benefits—but employees who refuse COVID vaccination are glorified, protected, and subsidized. The state must guarantee, in Reynolds’ words, that these reckless freeloaders “will still receive unemployment benefits despite being fired for standing up for their beliefs.”

The GOP’s coddling of vaccine refusers makes a joke of its rhetoric about self-reliance. This summer, for instance, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee ended the federal government’s supplemental COVID-era unemployment benefits. “We are paying people to stay home. That needs to change,” he declared. But two weeks ago, Lee signed legislation that pays vaccine refusers to stay home. Under Tennessee’s new policy, the state’s normal rule about employees fired for “misconduct”—that they lose their eligibility for unemployment benefits—can no longer be applied to anyone who is terminated for “refusing to receive a vaccination for COVID-19.”


In fact, the Florida law says that if you’re unemployed and you’re offered a job that requires vaccination, you can turn it down and stay on the dole.

Last week, Kansas adopted the same policy: You can keep drawing unemployment checks while declining job opportunities, as long as you specifically refuse “work that requires compliance with a COVID-19 vaccine requirement.” And if you were recently fired for refusing vaccination—or if you were previously denied unemployment benefits because you refused job offers that entailed vaccination—the state now promises that you’ll be “retroactively paid benefits” going back to the beginning of September. This bonus payout is yours, as a special kind of welfare recipient, even if you have “not requested retroactive payment of such benefits.” Tennessee has enacted a similar clause promising “retroactive payment of unemployment benefits,” without a specified time limit.
SpecialOlympian wrote:They just fully support the virus now. The idea of government helping people is so antithetical to rightwing beliefs that the only reason they will help anyone is to subsidize a disease. Incredible.

the Florida law says that if you’re unemployed and you’re offered a job that requires vaccination, you can turn it down and stay on the dole.

So this law means that American workers (in Florida) don't have to get an experimental product injected into their bloodstream?

Since when do farm animals have that right?

I know a lot of Farm Animal lawyers, and they would be content with getting these submissive creatures less painful slaughter techniques. But the freedom not to let the farmer inject you with whatever the farmer thinks might sell? Crazy-pants socialism, that.
QatzelOk wrote:So this law means that American workers (in Florida) don't have to get an experimental product injected into their bloodstream?
:roll: It's time to stop spinning that yarn about the vaccines being experimental, since this has been debunked about a hundred times with other numpties who made the same claim.

No matter how many times you repeat a lie, it still won't be true.
Booster day today! Got it five hours ago.

Posted to affirm that I put my money where my "mouth" is.
XogGyux wrote:Do you store your money inside your mask? Weird. :excited:

Yes, because @Drlee is clearly descended from chipmunks, and therefore is a chipmunk. :excited:
I am not a chipmunk. I am a Scotsman.

Though, now that I think of it, we both stash our nuts in pretty exposed places.
Drlee wrote:Booster day today! Got it five hours ago.

Posted to affirm that I put my money where my "mouth" is.

Just a wee reminder:: money is germy. :x

Hubby's getting one of rhe Cuban vaccines and he's bringing some home for BIL and me, as refridgeration isn't an issue. They've got a high rate of vaccination. The govt houses a doctor on every block. I wonder if this sort of familiarity helps enhanced their vaccination rate.
In the lasted dumbass stunt from the administration, Biden announced that all insurance companies must offer free in-home Covid testing.

But wait. It appears from the reporting that I have seen that Medicare and Medicaid will NOT cover in home testing. The most vulnerable Americans are excluded.

They need to find out who made this decision and send him to a reeducation camp.
In all seriousness. When does this become mass murder? When are the politicians who do this going to face the hangman? These right-wing, pro death penalty (for blacks) shit heads are literally murdering people before our eyes a surely as if they shot them in the face.

But they will face nothing but genteel retirement with a couple of black servants to keep house.

I could not live with myself.
Drlee wrote:In all seriousness. When does this become mass murder? When are the politicians who do this going to face the hangman? These right-wing, pro death penalty (for blacks) shit heads are literally murdering people before our eyes a surely as if they shot them in the face.

But they will face nothing but genteel retirement with a couple of black servants to keep house.

I could not live with myself.

Many do not value all life equally and as long as certain people are not dying but only the plebs, then it's business as usual.
I always reflect on the French Revolution and how the terror which is spoken of is only minor except to the powerful whose heads were rolling.
The French Reign of Terror is spoken of with horror and execration by the people who talk in joyful praise about the mad adventure of the Dardanelles. And yet in any one day of battle at the Dardanelles there were more lives lost than in all the nine months of the Reign of Terror.
THERE were two “Reigns of Terror,” if we would but remember it and consider it; the one wrought murder in hot passion, the other in heartless cold blood; the one lasted mere months, the other had lasted a thousand years; the one inflicted death upon ten thousand persons, the other upon a hundred millions; but our shudders are all for the “horrors” of the minor Terror, the momentary Terror, so to speak; whereas, what is the horror of swift death by the axe, compared with lifelong death from hunger, cold, insult, cruelty, and heart-break? What is swift death by lightning compared with death by slow fire at the stake? A city cemetery could contain the coffins filled by that brief Terror which we have all been so diligently taught to shiver at and mourn over; but all France could hardly contain the coffins filled by that older and real Terror—that unspeakably bitter and awful Terror which none of us has been taught to see in its vastness or pity as it deserves.

We're all just wood in the woodchipper for many.
Who cares for the routine deaths of gang violence, or the pregnant mothers who lack prenatal care in Texas and die of easily avoided or managed complications, or even the soldiers who fight the poor bastards in other countries under a false pretense. Nope, it is business as usual up to the point that it disrupts their lives and their goals such as making a buck.
Godstud wrote:...the vaccines being experimental...this has been debunked about a hundred times...

Godstud, did you know that Pfizer is spelled "Pf" and not "Ph" like it is in many of your posts in this thread.

And Pfizer - along with being a drug dealer - is also a billionaire sponsor of the debunk-o-sphere.

Source below:

Drlee wrote:In all seriousness. When does this become mass murder? When are the politicians who do this going to face the hangman? These right-wing, pro death penalty (for blacks) shit heads are literally murdering people before our eyes a surely as if they shot them in the face.

But they will face nothing but genteel retirement with a couple of black servants to keep house.

I could not live with myself.

The Republican policy platform seems to be, “we’re going to kill as many of our voter base as possible”. And their voter base seems to be okay with that. I say, let them get on with it. Lol.
@QatzelOk :lol: Oh no! I mis-spelled a name! Pfizer. Phizer... I like how I spell it better. Yes, me mis-spelling Pfizer completely supports your argument that the vaccines are experimental. :roll:

Find me more Youtube videos of idiots with no medical or scientific knowledge telling us all about what they think. Do you usually consult with Hollywood celebrities about medical issues? :lol: Is this you going back on everything you ever said about media telling us what to think and that you weren't going to get brain-washed?

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