Kyle Rittenhouse Trial - Page 42 - Politics | PoFo

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Rich wrote:Bigoted little fascist aren't you. Let's remind everyone that you were the poster that when I said I believed that the earth was an oblate spheroid, you responded so you are a flat-earther then. As always like so many liberals you constantly project your bigotry and ignorance on to others. This is the conceit of "Liberals" or progressives that they are intelligent, informed and un-bigoted and that anyone who disagrees with them must be unintelligent, ignorant and bigoted. This is different to say conservatives, whose conceits tend to be that they have more common sense and that they worker harder than those who ideologically oppose them.

You are a rude boorish right man who becomes enraged when others don't show due deference to your beliefs and opinions. In this respect you very much resemble the old establishment right wing bigots that you so despise. The right man complex is not confined to any particular part or parts of the ideological spectrum.

No no I really wanna hear your nuanced take on the Arbery case. Tell us why it alright that some albino turds lynched him.

Also me being left leaning doesn't mean I have to be nice to you just because you are loudly and obviously stupid. I don't respect your handicap.

Why not post the video while you're at it and break it down for us? Go for the full blackjack.
Rich wrote:
Bigoted little fascist aren't you.

No, SO is demonstrably left-wing -- you're just using that term 'fascist' as a generic *insult*, when it more properly applies to Kyle Rittenhouse.

Rich wrote:
Let's remind everyone that you were the poster that when I said I believed that the earth was an oblate spheroid, you responded so you are a flat-earther then. As always like so many liberals you constantly project your bigotry and ignorance on to others. This is the conceit of "Liberals" or progressives that they are intelligent, informed and un-bigoted and that anyone who disagrees with them must be unintelligent, ignorant and bigoted.

In this case of *you*, Rich, SO certainly has his reasons.

Rich wrote:
This is different to say conservatives, whose conceits tend to be that they have more common sense and that they worker harder than those who ideologically oppose them.

You are a rude boorish right man who becomes enraged when others don't show due deference to your beliefs and opinions. In this respect you very much resemble the old establishment right wing bigots that you so despise. The right man complex is not confined to any particular part or parts of the ideological spectrum.

You're *admitting* that you make judgments according to *appearances*, since SO 'resembles' a political / ideological adversary.

This is what I call 'behaviorist' rhetoric / consciousness, while glossing over the political content itself, notwithstanding your use of the terms 'fascist', 'liberal', 'progressives', 'conservatives', and 'right-wing'.
(Rich is making *character* / personality characterizations and generalizations, at the social-psychological level, as a replacement for addressing actual *political* topics.)


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As reported on the World Socialist Web Site on Monday, Trump and his right-wing Republican supporters have been celebrating the acquittal of Rittenhouse. They are using the outcome as means or rallying their fascistic base for further attacks against the democratic rights of protesters and the mass struggles of the working class.

Trump’s enthusiasm for the fascist shooter as a “really nice young man” is reminiscent of the statements made while he was President following the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017. After a white supremacist drove his car into an anti-fascist protest, killing Heather Heyer and injuring 35 others, Trump said there were “very fine people” among those participating in the neo-Nazi rampage.

[R]ittenhouse was set upon because he aimed his AR-15-style rifle at protesters and it was they who were entirely within their rights to defend themselves against him. In the words of Assistant District Attorney Binger during his closing argument, “You cannot hide behind self-defense if you provoked the incident. If you created the danger, you forfeit the right to self-defense by bringing that gun, aiming it at people, threatening people’s lives. The defendant provoked everything.” ... t-n25.html
SpecialOlympian wrote:No no I really wanna hear your nuanced take on the Arbery case. Tell us why it alright that some albino turds lynched him.

Also me being left leaning doesn't mean I have to be nice to you just because you are loudly and obviously stupid. I don't respect your handicap.

Why not post the video while you're at it and break it down for us? Go for the full blackjack.

What kind of a racist moron is Rich? That was a lynching. I'm disappointed they didn't get the chair.

Once again, you are not allowed to chase people you believe committed a crime, neither are you allowed to kill them.

I saw the video and I fully agree with you.
By Rich
colliric wrote:What kind of a racist moron is Rich? That was a lynching.

:lol: Oh well I must be a very special kind of moron then. A moron who even at the age of 9 or 10 years old could fool his teachers into thinking he was exceptionally intelligent. I went for sponsorship from one of the UK's top companies, they told me that they had never seen anyone get such a high percentage of questions correct on the aptitude test. I guess I just must have been lucky. I had a girl friend was a member of Mensa, I was able to fool her into thinking that quote "my intelligence was frightening". :) Not bad for a moron eh!.

Its possible that this was a lynching, as in the three accused deliberately set out to execute the victim from the start. It just seems unlikely to me. The three of them would have to have been very stupid. They would surly have to have known that they risked severe prison sentences. I agree that this was an unlawful homicide. They had clearly gone beyond anything that could be described as self defence or stand your ground.
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By anna
Doug1943 wrote:There is a saying, "In war, truth is the first casualty".

These people want us dead.

With apologies to Shakespeare, it looks like you've been hoisted by your own canard.

"These people" don't want you dead. You just want to believe it so you have an excuse for LARPing.
Lmao I suggest everyone check out deranged Doug64's locked post that's still on the first page of this subforum. He absolutely learned the lesson the rightwing wanted from a non-guilty verdict in the Rittenhouse Trial: it is time to openly kill anyone left of theocratic fascism and call it self-defense.

Some choice quotes from a guy who is completely normal, he is only being forced to indulge his murder fantasies:

Doug64 wrote:It should be obvious that the Kyle Rittenhouse trial has proved what all patriots have been suspecting for a long time: the Left wants us dead. It's that simple.

If you try to protect businesses from violent rioters and looters ... and if they attack you ... you should just die.

We have to prepare. Every serious patriot who does not own an AR15 or the equivalent, should get one as soon as possible, plus the usual accessories ( a half dozen magazines, 2000 rounds of ammunition, etc). That's going to cost a couple of thousand dollars, so if you don't have it, something is better than nothing, even a bolt-action single-shot .22. [In fact, in some situations, a .22 or a shotgun is a better weapon than an AR15, because it gives you the option of inflicting less-than-fatal wounds on attackers, which it may be in your interests to do.] (And in general, we need how to wage 'sub-lethal' warfare, the way the Leftist rioters do. This is a subject for another thread.)

Plus, you had better start preparing for a prolonged breakdown of the social/economic/legal order. If you and your family are able to live on your own provisions (food, toiletries, medicines, etc) for a few months, you'll be in a much better position if and when such a situation comes.

Note that in a real social collapse, you will be under moral pressure to help out less-provident friends and relatives and neighbors. So it's in your interests to get them to prepare now.

Finally, community defense -- both now -- when violent rioting and looting is effectively permitted by Democratic officials -- and in the future, requires organization. Just having a bunch of men with rifles turn up at a spot being targeted by the criminals and the Left is NOT enough. The defenders must have been previously organized into a disciplined group, with a chain of command, auxiliariy support teams (legal, intel, comms, transport, logistics), and have trained for all sorts of situations.

Once your group reaches a size of a few dozen members, with another hundred or two sympathyzers, you will have people with the skills you need: military, medical, engineering, communications.

If there had been such a group at Kenosha -- instead of just a group of well-meaning armed patriots -- Kyle Rittenhouse could have been incorporated into it, and wouldn't have gotten mixed up with the human garbage the patriots were there to defend against. Similarly in Portland, where Aaron Danielson was murdered because he thought he could walk the streets safely amidst the Portland AntiFa vermin.

Some people who seem to know what they're doing in this department are the NAMBLA.ORG -- contact them and see if they can help you. I only know them from the web and from email exhcanges and a couple of Zoom sessions, but they seem sensible. They're former Arizona Oathkeepers who are not making the mistakes the original Oathkeepers made.

They will also send you a copy of the Turner Diaries-- completely free.

Start acting now. No one knows the future, but we can be pretty sure it is going to be turbulent. Those who have prepared, and organized and trained with others, will be in a much better position to survive it.

Good brains, extremely good brains. Showing that it's legal to kill protestors under the flimsiest of excuses in order to protect white supremacy property is proof that the left wants to kill us and we must strike first.
You need the cops, regardless of your feelings on them being occasionally too brutal.

His post is a good example why you need cops on the scene still. Still need them to do their basic job.

For your own safety too.

The real lesson that people should be getting from this trial AND the Arbery case is that it is illegal to chase a person you suspect of a crime. They will be protected by Self Defence laws or it will be judged to be a lynching.
His post is the ravings of a lunatic who thinks someone who went out to murder people protesting police brutality makes him, Doug specifically, the victim and therefore justifies his desire to murder leftists as self-defense.

"If I can't take human lives over property that isn't even mine the leftists are literally trying to kill me" is how a crazy person thinks. Hope that helps you get into his dumbass thought process.

He's an actual fucking Oath Keeper. But don't worry, he's one of the good ones who wants to form a paramilitary vigilante group. Not one of the bad ones who also form paramilitary vigilante groups. In self-defense against the leftists his hero martyr murdered and will be forever rewarded by the rightwing for. Leftists must die now before what they did to Kyle Rittenhouse happens again (die at the hands of a brave vigilante hero-victim's gun).
colliric wrote:
You need the cops, regardless of your feelings on them being occasionally too brutal.

His post is a good example why you need cops on the scene still. Still need them to do their basic job.

For your own safety too.

The real lesson that people should be getting from this trial AND the Arbery case is that it is illegal to chase a person you suspect of a crime. They will be protected by Self Defence laws or it will be judged to be a lynching.

Yet *more* typically myopic obtuse conflating, displacing the political content itself. This feels like the pilot post for a new rival discussion board you're starting, the *Non*-Political Forum.

The cops in Kenosha *weren't* on the side of the protestors, I assure you, so your analogy collapses under its own weight here.

The prosecution's interest over Arbery's killers *isn't* comparable to Kyle's vigilantism over Black Lives Matter protestors -- there's a *political* difference there that you and your kind just can't seem to grok, all for the sake of being faithful statists, I suppose, or for whatever.

Those who willingly, wantonly invade people's safety by toting along an AR-15, are the clear *aggressors* in that situation, so 'self-defense' is a real *stretch*, logically, no matter what the judge said. And, the protestors in Kenosha did *not* actually "lynch" Rittenhouse, so, again, bad analogy / comparison.
By Rich
colliric wrote:You need the cops,

No we don't! Any where the police have helped enforce lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing or vaccine mandates I support de-funding the police.
Only the police could have protected and served the rioters who were rioting over the inability of police to protect, serve, or stop justifying their own murders. This is why we need to triple the police budget.
Rich wrote:
No we don't! Any where the police have helped enforce lockdowns, social distancing, mask wearing or vaccine mandates I support de-funding the police.

This is like the *abortion* issue. The "issues" you pick to politicize are those that *aren't* inherently political, nor should *be* political -- a woman's right over her own body, and the common 'non-sick' human health interests of everyone on the planet.

Now you're impishly stealing a recent slogan from the left-wing. Keep digging, Rich.
By Doug64
SpecialOlympian wrote:Lmao I suggest everyone check out deranged Doug64's locked post that's still on the first page of this subforum....

I don’t know who that was, but it wasn’t me. You might want to edit your post.

EDIT: Please don’t confuse me with Doug1943.
Doug64 wrote:I don’t know who that was, but it wasn’t me. You might want to edit your post.

EDIT: Please don’t confuse me with Doug1943.

Wait, so that was ‘Evil Doug’, and you’re ‘Good Doug’? :?:

…Are there any other ‘Dougs’ you want to tell us about…? :eh:
By Doug64
@Potemkin, I have no idea how many clones of me there are out there, "evil" or otherwise. :D
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