Men see the lost cause of dating (girls don't like men) will it actully cause society to fall apart? - Page 12 - Politics | PoFo

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Drlee wrote:they need to arm themselves to go to the grocery store

22% of women in the United States now own or carry a concealed firearm.

some cowering font of fear

'Better safe than sorry' is their motto even if, statistically, the odds of being assaulted in any one year are small.

Every 2 minutes, a woman is sexually assaulted in the U.S. There are some 207,750 victims of sexual assault each year. Eighty percent are under the age of 30.

Now, you know my views on carrying, but didn't you say you arm yourself on occasion.

Are you a cowering font of fear?
Last edited by ingliz on 02 Dec 2021 17:44, edited 3 times in total.
Drlee wrote:@Pants-of-dog

I am not being rude. Just direct. I know your crowd eschews that sort of thing.

This is not about "belief". I know that the overwhelming majority of women do not harbor irrational fears nor are they let them be paralyzed by irrational fears.

I think you are incorrect about what women think. I believe this because the women in this thread disagreed with you.



I have no idea what you are trying to imply.

If you want me to respond to whatever it is, please clarify.
ingliz wrote:
No, not every man but not every woman was property then either.

After the revolution in every state, the legal status of free women depended upon marital status. Unmarried women, including widows, were called “femes soles,” or “women alone.” They had the legal right to live where they pleased and to support themselves in any occupation that did not require a license or a college degree restricted to males. Single women could enter into contracts, buy and sell real estate, or accumulate personal property, which was called personalty. It consisted of everything that could be moved - cash, stocks and bonds, livestock, and, in the South, slaves. So long as they remained unmarried, women could sue and be sued, write wills, serve as guardians, and act as executors of estates. These rights were a continuation of the colonial legal tradition. But the revolutionary emphasis on equality brought some important changes in women’s inheritance rights. State lawmakers everywhere abolished primogeniture and the tradition of double shares of a parent’s estate, inheritance customs that favoured the eldest son. Instead, equal inheritance for all children became the rule - a big gain for daughters.

Well done, but apparently the birth rate didn't fall to zero...

Most women married, rape was a property crime, you couldn't vote, and punishment for sexual violence was close to nonexistent.

Which is why none of you are responding on point, if you had the choice, you'd be barking mad to pick 1821 over 2021...
wat0n wrote:@Pants-of-dog simple, using male feminism as a selling point is an awful dating advice.

Oh, I see.

You must have misunderstood and thought I was providing dating advice.


I was saying that men should listen to women and respect their feelings if women feel the situation threatens their safety or comfort.

This is true for dating as well as any other context where men and women interact.
The problem with feminism is not that its too strong, strident and uncompromising but that it is too pathetic, weak and appeasing. The problem with feminists is not that they hate all rapists and misogynists, let alone hate all men, but that they love rapists and misogynists, that most of them can't wait to grovel before them. Most feminism is totally phony, it s just a thinly disguised cover for hatred of Europeans, European culture and anything that can be identified with Europeans. This is the cultural Marxist status hierarchy:

Islam trumps
Race trumps
everything else trumps
biological female.

What we're seeing with the Trans Agenda is just the same old story that we've seen over and over again. A man rapes a woman. All he has to do is decide that now he is a woman and he has to be let into a woman's prison where he (or sorry she) can sexually assault some more women. We just blithely allow these double standards. Why is the Pope not being spat at in the street? The pope and all his followers say that women are inferior to men and are not fit to become priests. This is exactly what the leaders of Apartheid South Africa said, that so called Blacks were inferior and couldn't be trusted with the top jobs, which had to be reserved for Whites. South Africa became a pariah.

Until recently women were not even allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia. Imagine you were head of a state or a minister from a country which banned "Blacks" or Muslims from driving. Imagine if a western country's government invited you to visit. There would be a civil war. Yet President Obama grovelled before the King of Saudi Arabia.

People claim rape culture's getting worse. Well it almost certainly is, because of the normalisation of rap(e), or ghetto rap music and culture. This vile and hideous sub culture has been glorified and made cool because its "Black". Referring to women as bitches has been normalised by the left made acceptable. And then these leftie hypocrites whine on about rape culture. Every where you look you see the same pattern. Gangs of Muslim men and men from Muslim communities in Britain have been raping, prostituting, drugging and beating under age girls on an industrial scale. And at every stage Liberals and lefties within the police, the crown prosecution, social services, health services and education have sought to protect the perpetrators. Anyone who sought to protect these girls or bring the perpetrators to justice had their careers and some cases their lives ruined.
late wrote:1821


The Married Woman in Maltese Law

"When a woman becomes a wife, she automatically loses several of her rights and privileges and becomes subject to her "beloved".

ingliz wrote:22% of women in the United States now own or carry a concealed firearm.

Better safe than sorry

Every 2 minutes, a woman is sexually assaulted in the U.S. There are 207,754 victims of sexual assault each year. Eighty percent are under the age of 30.

And didn't you say you arm yourself on occasion? Are you a cowering font of fear?

Sad statistic. Of course this should not be allowed at all but that is a different thing. They are, by the way, and as you know, more likely to be harmed by their own firearm than they are to be protected by it.

Yes. Occasionally I do carry a firearm. Very rarely and only when I perceive a real threat. And I hasten to add, a threat that cannot be avoided by not putting myself in harms way.
Rich wrote:Gangs of Muslim men and men from Muslim communities in Britain have been raping, prostituting, drugging and beating under age girls on an industrial scale.

What you forget to mention is gangs of Christian men and men from Christian communities in Britain have also been raping, prostituting, drugging, and beating underage girls on an industrial scale.
Last edited by ingliz on 02 Dec 2021 18:56, edited 2 times in total.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Oh, I see.

You must have misunderstood and thought I was providing dating advice.


I was saying that men should listen to women and respect their feelings if women feel the situation threatens their safety or comfort.

This is true for dating as well as any other context where men and women interact.

I thought this thread was about dating.

A person who's scared of strangers is unlikely to be in the dating pool, so that sounds like an irrelevant point.
wat0n wrote:I thought this thread was about dating.

Yes, it is clear why you made that incorrect assumption.

But the fact that this thread is about dating does not mean that I am giving advice on how to get a date.

A person who's scared of strangers is unlikely to be in the dating pool, so that sounds like an irrelevant point.

Women are in the dating pool.

Women have a natural, logical, and healthy distrust of Schrodinger's rapist.

So your supposition seems incorrect.
That is something I agree with, dr lee.

Ingliz’s claim that women were safer back in the day because they carried a sharpened steel comb seems very unlikely to me. Why bother with that when they could carry a flick knife?

It’s not difficult for a man to twist a weapon out of a woman’s hand, whatever it might be and use it against her.

Times have definitely changed for the better, despite the fact there’s a long way to go still.

If a woman refuses your offer to see her home, then there’s no need to feel offended. Nobody’s accusing you of being a rapist, but the sad fact is a woman can’t be sure. You might be that one man in ten, or whatever the percentage might be, who is not safe to be with, for all she knows.

She might not want you to know where she lives. I wish I could say that’s paranoid behaviour, but it’s just common sense.

Edit: I don’t agree that pants of dogs point is hyperbolic.
snapdragon wrote:Ingliz’s claim

I didn't claim that, but women at the time did. In the early 70s, there was a scare that women were arming themselves. Steel tail combs were effectively banned, if only briefly. Any woman found with one on their person was charged with carrying an offensive weapon.

As to how effective they can be - Warning over 'Afro combs' as teenage girl is jailed for 10 years for killing 16-year-old in dispute over boys.
Last edited by ingliz on 02 Dec 2021 21:58, edited 2 times in total.
wat0n wrote:Clearly, a woman who believes she has a decent chance to be raped by any man she meets won't go out looking to date them don't you think?


That only makes sense if you assume women make decisions based solely on a single factor.

This assumption is incorrect, in my experience.
snapdragon wrote:when they could carry a flick knife?

A flick knife is an offensive weapon per se; combs are not.

Before the ban, brief as it was, possession of a comb was not an offense until you used it as a weapon.

I think waton's post underscores a distinction between today's daters and those are off my age.

My early years were almost pre-internet. A girl had scads of time to get to know potential dates in the cafeterias at university before accepting a date. Today there is a lot of online dating and I expect the chance of meeting a guy, getting to know him, develope a sense of what he's like is somewhat more limited. Perhaps work-mates, but not all employers approve of this sort of arrangement. Hummm
Pants-of-dog wrote:No.

That only makes sense if you assume women make decisions based solely on a single factor.

This assumption is incorrect, in my experience.

So what was the point of posting that opinion piece then?

I hope you won't say something "well, you men should understand their perspective" as even those who claim to do so are rejected by these people.
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