Moscow deployed 90,000 troops to Ukraine's border - Politics | PoFo

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Moscow deployed 90,000 troops to Ukraine border. Will Putin´s horde attack Europe again , or Moscow wants just to put extra pressure on the Liberal Order ? Stay strong Ukraine, Give them a hellish bite! Greetings from Sweden!​

and Yelnya (ethic Belarusian city ) is much more closer to Belarus than to Ukraine.... where the barbaric Moscow horde is gonna strike, is a good qestion...
Last edited by litwin on 14 Nov 2021 02:12, edited 1 time in total.
Rugoz wrote:Why do we allow litwin's thread spam in Today's News again?

Ivan Lover, read this :

Canada and the West are at war with Muscovy whether they want it or not: military experts
Putin has moved the country towards a more aggressive position in recent years, the alliance’s capabilities and the ability of Western military alliances to respond to Russian incursions, not only physically but also in cyberspace, have faced tough questions.

Canadian Lt.-Gen. Christopher Coates, deputy commander of NORAD, said that while the threat isn’t necessarily one of Russian armies landing on Canadian shores, that doesn’t make the situation any less critical for leaders to address.

“North America is no longer a sanctuary,” he said, stressing that NORAD needs to adjust to the reality that the world is in a new period of uncertainty and challenges to global institutions and alliances.

“Russia and others are engaged in an uncontrolled race for dominance across a variety of domains … Russia’s actions and capabilities are a large part of what’s driving that need for change. ... da-allies/
Ukraine warned of ‘high probability’ of Moscow military escalation this winter

Western intelligence suggests a “excessive chance of destabilisation” of Ukraine by Russia as quickly as this winter after Moscow massed greater than 90,000 troops at its border, in line with Kyiv’s deputy defence minister.

Hanna Maliar informed the FT on the weekend that whereas interpretations of western intelligence “want additional dialogue”, they underlined “the excessive chance of escalation of the state of affairs”.

When requested if the chance of a Russian military aggression was greater than through the previous years, she mentioned: “Info of our [military intelligence services] coincides with the data of companion nations concerning the excessive chance of destabilisation of the state of affairs in Ukraine this winter.”

Maliar added that allies’ conclusions had been “primarily based not solely on details about the quantity of Russian troops alongside the Ukrainian border”, suggesting Washington had extra intelligence about Russian chief Vladimir Putin’s intentions. ... /business/
Sandzak wrote:Ukraine is like "the Greate Wall of Europe". But Europe does not support Ukraine enough I think this is due the lack of capable geo-strategists.

EU with 27 Armies looks on the paper strong but without central command, can the Russians take the hole continent within weeks.

"EU with 27 Armies looks on the paper strong" I see your point , but the times has changed Sweden sends the army to Ukraine, NATO and many others follow + we do attack Moscow from different directions nowadays
Pro-Moscow troops killed in Azerbaijan border clash​
Pro- Moscow said some of its troops had been killed and two combat positions had been lost, while Azerbaijan said two of its soldiers were injured. ... azerbaijan
Russia has amassed 80000 troops at the border with Ukraine in a clear and surefire demonstration that Russia is preparing to invade the Ukraine.

Meanwhile extreme German stupidity & hubris has enabled Putin to hold Europe hostage to his gas demands and evidently Russia is about to take Europe for a ride for all it's worth.

The Telegraph wrote:An energy crisis is coming, but I’d rather be in Brexit Britain than the EU
Europe is at the mercy of Russia's gas supply, and a showdown with Brussels looks certain to blow up

Europe’s energy crunch has returned with a winter vengeance. We are back to warnings of power rationing and industrial stoppage, a looming disaster for the European Commission and the British government alike.

Vladimir Putin has tightened his stranglehold on gas, driving up futures contracts for January by 40pc in barely a week. Prices are nearing the levels of September’s panic. The difference this time is that the underlying geopolitical crisis is an order of magnitude more serious.

Russia has mobilized 100,000 troops near Ukraine’s border in what Nato calls a “large and unusual build-up” with hostile intent. American and British intelligence officials last week showed Ukraine’s top brass satellite images and electronic intercepts indicating a “high probability” of military attack this winter, led by the sorts of Spetsnaz special forces deployed in Crimea.

Mr Putin has already prepared the ground for the perfect energy squeeze. He took advantage of the world’s post-pandemic gas shortage over the late summer to withhold the top-up flows needed to replenish Europe’s depleted storage.

Other than short bursts of extra supply, almost as a tease, Gazprom has been delivering minimum contract volumes. Inventories are currently 52pc in Austria, 61pc in Holland, 69pc in Germany at a time of year when they should be near 100pc.

The Kremlin is now closing the trap. Energy analysts ICIS says Gazprom booked “nothing” for December through the Mallnow metering point on the Polish-Belarus pipeline. Europe is facing a supply-deficit of 32m cubic meters a day. By ill luck, Algerian flows have been cut by an intractable dispute with Morocco.

“It is hard to know whether Putin is leveraging the energy weapon to try to reverse Europe’s green deal or whether this is really about preparations for an attack on Ukraine,” said Professor Alan Riley from the Atlantic Council.

“But he has to be careful because if he plays this card, he can never play it again. Europe will redesign its energy system and stop buying Russian gas altogether,” he said.

Whatever Mr Putin’s plans for Ukraine, possibly seizure of the Donbass and the Black Sea coast as far as Odessa, a parallel showdown with Brussels over the Baltic Nord Stream 2 pipeline looks certain to escalate.

German regulators have suspended the certification process because Gazprom was trying to get around EU monopoly laws. They had no choice: a stitch-up had become impossible. “Poland would have issued an immediate injunction to stop it at the European Court,” said Prof Riley.

The Greens are about to enter the German government and they think Nord Stream is scandalous, Kremlin imperialism with no purpose other than diverting existing gas flows from the Ukraine pipeline and depriving Kiev of its means of economic self-defence. Mr Putin will not back down lightly since Nord Stream 2 is central to his drive to alter the strategic balance of power in Europe, and overturn the post-Cold War settlement. The chances are that he will keep stoking the gas crisis until a frozen Europe begs for mercy, or tears itself apart.

Thierry Bros, a former energy security planner for the French government, said Brussels has stumbled blindly into a Kremlin ambush. “Putin set his master plan in motion last July and August. I didn’t believe it at first but now there can be no doubt. He told us we’d be getting more gas in October but it never came, and November has been worse, and now there’s going to be nothing through Mallnow,” he said.

“Europe has failed to follow the Churchillian precept of security of supply and has got itself into an existential crisis of its own making out of sheer incompetence. This could cause a break-down of the EU’s integrated energy system and lead to the collapse of the whole bloc,” he said.

EU states resorted instantly to health nationalism at the onset of Covid-19. Germany blocked exports of PPE equipment without compunction, even within the single market and after the goods had been paid for.

Mr Bros said the lip-service pieties of the EU energy market are likely to prove just as hollow if push comes to shove. Countries may invoke national security laws and hoard whatever energy they have rather than feeding it into the common pool.

“We’re running into a presidential election in France. People will scream if our industries are being shut and we’re told we have to accept rationing in order to heat the Germans,” he said.

For the British to rely on energy interconnectors from Europe in such circumstances shows touching faith in paper contracts. The UK imports little Russian gas but that is less reassuring than it sounds. It is part of Europe’s integrated nexus, and cross-Channel prices move in near lockstep. In one crucial respect the UK is in worse shape: it allowed the Rough storage site to close, to save pennies, and against vehement warnings, leaving this country nakedly exposed with just days of winter back-up.

The Government made a bet that the UK could always, and easily, obtain liquefied natural gas on the global market. But this country now finds itself in a bidding war for scarce LNG supplies with China, which is armed with $3.2 trillion of foreign exchange reserves and has ordered officials to secure energy as a matter of regime survival. The Asia spot price has just hit the once unthinkable level of $32 per MBBtu, if you can get it.

If the Government has not already created an “energy war room” with emergency powers, it should do so forthwith. My fear is that we will drift into something akin to the Covid debacle of February 2020, when officials professed cheery confidence in their contingency plans (for a flu pandemic), heroically ignoring what the virus was already doing in Italy.
Britain has advantages. Half its gas comes from internal supply on the Continental Shelf, unlike dependent Europe. Its service economy has a lower energy intensity ratio than Germany.

It has useful friends. The Emir of Qatar has diverted LNG cargoes to the UK after a friendly chat with Boris Johnson, the fruit of tight defence, cultural, and royal ties. The Qataris turned down a similar request from Brussels because of an antitrust dispute over sales contracts. Might one discern a Brexit dividend in this?

Offshore wind is working as it should and has dented the exorbitant bill for imported gas. Renewables have made up 32pc of the UK’s power over the last week. Be thankful for small mercies. Drax has 1.3 gigawatts of coal capacity in reserve that could be cranked up quickly.

The UK could follow Japan and switch some gas plants to oil, currently trading at half the price of spot LNG ($180 equivalent). It could in extremis book LNG cargoes and hold the tankers at anchor as emergency storage. The Government could extend the life of the Hunterston B nuclear plant for a few months until we got through the worst.

Clive Moffatt, an expert on energy security, said it is already too late. “There’s no short-term fix to this. The grid is going to have to shut down industrial gas users. That is the only way to keep hospitals open and homes heated,” he said. But if I had to choose, I’d rather be in Boris’s Britain this winter, than Ursula’s Europe.
Russia is accusing Ukraine of massing 125,000 troops on the border with donbass. Bidet has declared he's going to 'sanction russia very hard'. ... 2021-12-01 ... putin-says ... 021-12-01/

Green light is effectively active for Putin's ambition, Russia is going to dismember Ukraine. Russia will grow larger. Everything east of Dnieper should be taken by Russia. Also that would probably start a genuine fascist revolution in the rest of Ukraine so that would put a pickle in the west's anus. Watch this space for dramatic updates.
litwin wrote:Stay strong Ukraine, Give them a hellish bite! Greetings from Sweden!​

Aren't you planning on joining the cause? Bare your arms and fight as they say. It makes me laugh given your stance on Russia that you are asking others to bite as you stand as far back as you can in Sweden. :lol:

If Russia did indeed invade Donbass, Sweden would be part of coalition against that. Plenty of time to put your name forward don't worry.
Igor Antunov wrote:Bidet has declared he's going to 'sanction russia very hard'.

Looks like the U.S. will tell Ukraine to cede some of its territory to Russia. Not a promising show of support.
Political Interest wrote:How can you be sure of this?

We should be trying to de-escalate as much as possible at this point.

Ceding Donbass is a de-escalation, i.e. it prevents a military conflict with Russia. But after that you obviously have to put a stop to Russia's incursions, with NATO protection.
Rugoz wrote:Well it won't if Ukraine is part of NATO, that's the point. :roll:

Russia is poised to annex the country before NATO can even schedule a real meeting. There is no avenue for this course of action. US tried this with Georgia and it keeps pushing with Ukraine because it's a big prize, Russia's soft underbelly. This is why Russia won't allow any part of Ukraine to join NATO.
Rugoz wrote:Ceding Donbass is a de-escalation, i.e. it prevents a military conflict with Russia. But after that you obviously have to put a stop to Russia's incursions, with NATO protection.

About 1000 years ago, a scholar in China (to be specific, father of the renowned Su Dongpo) commented on the behavior of the warring states around one and a quarter millennium prior to him as follows:

"Ceding territory to the Qin was like putting out fire with firewood. The fire will only be put out when you are out of firewood."
(original text: 以地事秦,猶抱薪救火,薪不盡,火不滅)

(EDIT: It's actually a quote from one of their ancestors -- considering all of them share surnames -- actually living in the said period)

I strongly believe the states in concern did consider about putting a stop to Qin's incursion back then, but once you do a ceding there's often no turning back.

Not all countries could fight on like Finland had in WW2.

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