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An atheist-free area for those of religious belief to discuss religious topics.

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Forum rules: No one line posts please. Religious topics may be discussed here or in The Agora. However, this forum is intended specifically as an area for those with religious belief to discuss religion without threads being derailed by atheist arguments. Please respect that. Political topics regarding religion belong in the Religion forum in the Political Issues section.
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By Drlee
@XDU The chip on your shoulder is too big. You do not understand the definition of cynical or mocking. You are uber defensive about this stuff. I have run into a boat load of folks just like you before. You have no intention of engaging in a discussion or a debate. You want to lecture.

@Potemkin Actually, 10 minutes is more than enough time for most people, and too long for some.

Well certainly not enough time to know someone well but certainly enough time to know that you don't want to.
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By Unthinking Majority
Drlee wrote:Fuck you. When you have as much education as I do, get back to me. Actually, in our group, you would find it hard to find someone without a college degree other than the current college students who volunteer in large numbers.

I don't care how many degrees or books someone has, if they believe Jesus turned water into wine and rose from the dead without evidence they are illogical. And if they preach this as true they're selling snake oil but actually believe what they're selling.

I'm not saying God of Gods don't exist, I'm saying there's no evidence any human has actively communicated with them and then wrote down what they said in a book or scroll. It's illogical with without evidence. Bullshit baffles brains.

If the best you have to defend your beliefs is "fuck you" and "but i have a degree" then that tells me all I need to know. I'm not even anti-Christian I'm more anti-religion and anti-bullshit. There's a lot of great stuff in the Bible, but it's side-by-side a lot of nonsense. Same with churches themselves. The Bible should be viewed as a book of philosophy and parables, people who take it literally or as dogma are fooling themselves.

But you know what UM? If you should fall on hard times and need our help, we would be there for you, no questions asked.

Well I respect this philosophy at least. But you don't need God and Jesus to think or behave like this.
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By Drlee
Not going down that road. I learned long ago that there is no arguing with people who want absolute proof before they believe anything is of value.

And you are right. It is not necessary to be a religious person to do good things. The thing is though that religious people do it so very much more often and more generously that the others hardly merit mention.

But if you want to organize atheists to do good things as a group (which is vastly more efficient than arguing about someone who sent $10.00 to the community chest) then go right ahead. I will believe it when I see it.
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By MistyTiger
I think that in the old days, church functioned as a gathering hole. People needed to socialize and throw out their family issues with likeminded people. Public prayer could be used for public humiliation like if someone were to pray about so and so's wart. :lol:

Now people turn to social media to gather and moan about their lives. The people who once went to church are now the ones on Facebook and Twitter who post dumb stuff all day and every day. We have seen how people have used Facebook to create trouble in society and manipulate the public.

So social media is the new church.
By Rich
Unthinking Majority wrote:I'm not saying God of Gods don't exist, I'm saying there's no evidence any human has actively communicated with them and then wrote down what they said in a book or scroll. It's illogical with without evidence. Bullshit baffles brains.

Yes there is. Srinivasa Ramanujan thoroughly documented his communications with Lakshmi (Namagiri Thayar). Now I know a lot of "White" western liberal "science believers" will say he was just some dumb Indian so what did he know, but I'm yet to hear a credible alternative explanation, so Occam's razor, he communicated with Lakshmi.
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By Unthinking Majority
Rich wrote:Yes there is. Srinivasa Ramanujan thoroughly documented his communications with Lakshmi (Namagiri Thayar). Now I know a lot of "White" western liberal "science believers" will say he was just some dumb Indian so what did he know, but I'm yet to hear a credible alternative explanation, so Occam's razor, he communicated with Lakshmi.

If the choice is between "a human communicated with a God" or "they lied", Occam's razor would be that "they lied".
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Drlee wrote:@XDU The chip on your shoulder is too big. You do not understand the definition of cynical or mocking. You are uber defensive about this stuff. I have run into a boat load of folks just like you before. You have no intention of engaging in a discussion or a debate. You want to lecture.

Well certainly not enough time to know someone well but certainly enough time to know that you don't want to.

Everything you've said there comes off as a word race. It's like you're projecting all of your own problems and don't want them identified. Whatever boss.
By Rich
Unthinking Majority wrote:If the choice is between "a human communicated with a God" or "they lied", Occam's razor would be that "they lied".

Not in the case of Ramanujan. In the case of the ten commands or the Koran, sure this is just some bollocks that many a reasonable intelligent human being with a bit of creativity could have made up. They require no further explanation. But Rananujan revealed truths (I'm not claiming he was some perfect channel), the depths of his revelations are still being investigated by mathematicans near 100 years after his death. So no Occams's razor would not be that he lied.
By Rancid
What is religion 2.0? What will replace religion?

Thus, far, without it, we appear lost with a cynicism that produces a nihilistic culture.

I am not religious, however, religious was a critical pillar of human development and survival.
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By Potemkin
Rancid wrote:What is religion 2.0? What will replace religion?

Communism, of course. The holy relics of Saint Lenin were revered by hundreds of millions of believers for generation after generation....


Thus, far, without it, we appear lost with a cynicism that produces a nihilistic culture.

I am not religious, however, religious was a critical pillar of human development and survival.

Communism will heal every broken heart and will wipe away the tears from every child's eyes. The old world will pass away, and there will be a new heaven and a new earth....
By Rancid
Potemkin wrote:Communism will heal every broken heart and will wipe away the tears from every child's eyes. The old world will pass away, and there will be a new heaven and a new earth....

This sounds beautful
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By Potemkin
Rancid wrote:This sounds beautful

It is beautiful, @Rancid. All you have to do is accept our Lord and Saviour Karl Marx (peace be upon him) into your life…. :)
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By Unthinking Majority
Rich wrote:Not in the case of Ramanujan. In the case of the ten commands or the Koran, sure this is just some bollocks that many a reasonable intelligent human being with a bit of creativity could have made up. They require no further explanation. But Rananujan revealed truths (I'm not claiming he was some perfect channel), the depths of his revelations are still being investigated by mathematicans near 100 years after his death. So no Occams's razor would not be that he lied.

Well i'll look this fellow up. Maybe they were a math prodigy? Imagine if Einstein said E=MC2 came from a religious revelation...

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