Biden Just Lit the Spark - Politics | PoFo

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Looks like, at least as those people think, that Fox guy is asking that question with the purpose of slandering Biden. Therefore, Biden's rudeness is what the questioner, who is on the wrong side, deserves.

I support all challenges including this one, but we all reap what we sow.
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Patrickov wrote:Looks like, at least as those people think, that Fox guy is asking that question with the purpose of slandering Biden. Therefore, Biden's rudeness is what the questioner, who is on the wrong side, deserves.

I support all challenges including this one, but we all reap what we sow.

Journalists ask tough questions. Part of hosting a press conference is the ability to handle them. That's not slander. That's the media and it's been the media for generations.
Journalists have to ask politicians obvious and/or stupid questions, and politicians have to give obvious and/or stupid answers. That’s how the game is played. Biden is just being a grouchy grandpa again. Lol.
To be fair a lot of the attraction of Biden as a candidate was that he shared characteristics with Trump. His similarites with Trump were seen as increasing his electability. Both Trump and Biden behave like Medieval monarchs demanding deference and subordination from journalists. Biden like Trump is somewhat unique. He was and remains well to the left of Obama. He's pretty Woke, but manages to combine this with crass political incorrectness that would make most Republicans blanch.

Both Trump and Biden, whether by accident or design practice what in psychology is called flooding therapy. If you say something political incorrect or something that transgresses the norms of politics. It causes a lot of outrage. But if you magnify that by a 100, it doesn't magnify the outrage by a 100, if anything it reduces it.

Both Trump and Biden have been incredibly successful politicians. I might be wrong about this but I'm not convinced that either really gets their respective parties anywhere long term. Who can replace Trump? Who can replace Biden? I can't see any potential replacement really being able to get away with their transgressive styles.
Last edited by Rich on 25 Jan 2022 12:41, edited 1 time in total.
Rich wrote:To be fair a lot of the attraction of Biden as a candidate was that he shared characteristics with Trump. His similarites with Trump were seen as increasing his electability. Both Trump and Biden behave like Medieval monarchs demanding deference and subordination from journalists. Biden like Trump is somewhat unique. He was and remains well to the left of Obama. He's pretty Woke, but manages to combine this with crass political incorrectness that would make most Republicans blanch.

Both Trump and Biden, whether by accident or design practice what in psychology is called flooding therapy. If you same something political incorrect or something that transgresses the norms of politics. It causes a lot of outrage. But if you magnify that by a 100, it doesn't magnify the outrage by a 100, if anything it reduces it.

Both Trump and Biden have been incredibly successful politicians. I might be wrong about this but I'm not convinced that either really gets their respective parties anywhere long term. Who can replace Trump? Who can replace Biden? I can't see any potential replacement really being able to get away with their transgressive styles.

Lyndon Johnson was a similar sort of politician - in fact, LBJ was so crassly vulgar and politically incorrect that it was then, and still is, truly awe-inspiring. :lol:
XDU wrote:

The replies in the comments go to show it was deliberate too and how many people back him up instead of getting outraged.

Lit the spark for what?

Sure he shouldn't have said it that rudely but obviously that was a stupid question.
Potemkin wrote:Lyndon Johnson was a similar sort of politician - in fact, LBJ was so crassly vulgar and politically incorrect that it was then, and still is, truly awe-inspiring. :lol:

I don't care. LBJ is a hero to the Dominican people for fighting off the communist scorged from Cuba. The DR is arguably the strongest economy in Latin America (not an exaggeration). If it wasn't for LBJ, the DR would be just like Cuba right now.

Has Trump ever apologised?

10 years ago, when he was doing the Birther lie, he insulted a number of reporters. He didn't apologise to them, he also never admitted Birtherism was a brain dead lie.

Biden is human, Trump is a monster. Biden apologised the same day...
Crantag wrote:

LBJ. The man, the legend! :up: :D
Rich wrote:To be fair a lot of the attraction of Biden as a candidate was that he shared characteristics with Trump. His similarites with Trump were seen as increasing his electability. Both Trump and Biden behave like Medieval monarchs demanding deference and subordination from journalists. Biden like Trump is somewhat unique. He was and remains well to the left of Obama. He's pretty Woke, but manages to combine this with crass political incorrectness that would make most Republicans blanch.

Both Trump and Biden, whether by accident or design practice what in psychology is called flooding therapy. If you say something political incorrect or something that transgresses the norms of politics. It causes a lot of outrage. But if you magnify that by a 100, it doesn't magnify the outrage by a 100, if anything it reduces it.

Both Trump and Biden have been incredibly successful politicians. I might be wrong about this but I'm not convinced that either really gets their respective parties anywhere long term. Who can replace Trump? Who can replace Biden? I can't see any potential replacement really being able to get away with their transgressive styles.

Inspirational. I often see people slandering Biden in order to praise Trump, but this is the first time I see a post praising Biden with the underlying objective of praising Trump.
Patrickov wrote:Inspirational. I often see people slandering Biden in order to praise Trump, but this is the first time I see a post praising Biden with the underlying objective of praising Trump.

It’s @Rich, @Patrickov - sane enough to be informative, crazy enough to be inspirational. Lol.

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