The Wuhan virus—how are we doing? - Page 173 - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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QatzelOk wrote:So Boris, after being repeatedly caught in Covid parties with no masks or distancing and a big smile on his face, admits through policy, that it was all a scam anyways. And he should know - he's an insider. Perhaps he didn't protect himself because... he knew it was all fake. He was just doing what his corporate bosses told him to do.

The people have shown that they will believe anything that commercial media says.

He didn't just admit it wasn't worthy of the endless fear porn, he literally said it needs to be treated as if it was simply a slightly worse than normal case of the Flu. He said this because, in addition to vaccines, the prescription pills now exist and the death rate is dropping.

He gave the anti-vaccine movement an official quote they can now use worldwide with "- British Prime Minister Boris Johnson" following it.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Since race is not the only difference, your criticism is therefore unsupported.

By that logic, giving any minorities taking a test an extra ten points isn't racially biased because it only gives them an edge rather than just granting it to them. Sorry, not buying it for a minute.

Again, many people have to deal with far more obstacles to access care while also being out at risk more often.

And it just so happens that in the USA, this falls along racial lines because the USA is a product of its own history.

If that is the case then there is no need to base any benefits on race, just base them on the obstacles in question or their effects and the benefits will naturally flow to those that have been most impacted by those obstacles. If minorities are more vulnerable due to physical ailments then basing the distribution on the physical ailments alone will naturally benefit minorities more.
The real question is why do countries like Burundi, Bhutan, Chad, Tanzania have such low death rates? Overall the death rate in non Muslim Africa is incredibly low, even in Muslim Africa its lower than European countries. They have far less vaccines. They've had less lock downs, way, way less social distancing, less mask use and the masks they have used are not the expensive one pushed on us by the pharmaceutical-sickness industrial complex. You can also be damn sure that they not using all the anti bacterial cleaners that we are using.

I know a lot of Liberals are stupid and ignorant, but some of the people working within the pharmaceutical-sickness industrial complex know exactly what they are doing. They are deliberately and systematically trying to cripple our immune systems to make us totally dependant on them. Of course there is no conspiracy. they won't say it openly to each other, at least not unless its in the most veiled form. When "The Liberal" says "You will own nothing and be happy!" that includes even your own body.
Doug64 wrote:By that logic, giving any minorities taking a test an extra ten points isn't racially biased because it only gives them an edge rather than just granting it to them. Sorry, not buying it for a minute.

If that is the case then there is no need to base any benefits on race, just base them on the obstacles in question or their effects and the benefits will naturally flow to those that have been most impacted by those obstacles. If minorities are more vulnerable due to physical ailments then basing the distribution on the physical ailments alone will naturally benefit minorities more.

I already addressed this.

Please reread my posts on the last few pages to see why you are wrong here.
Unthinking Majority wrote:The Canadian government, like the US government, is corrupt to its core.

That is correct.

Most of our politicians are shallow mercenaries who work for the rent-seeking classes. The mafias.

And now, we are going to pay a huge price for this negligence.

► Show Spoiler
QatzelOk wrote:That is correct.

Most of our politicians are shallow mercenaries who work for the rent-seeking classes. The mafias.

And now, we are going to pay a huge price for this negligence.

► Show Spoiler

Well just be careful because if you're over 75 years old with health problems you might die.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Well just be careful because if you're over 75 years old with health problems you might die.

Wars: Shut your mouth or you might die.

Wars: Ignore the atrocities of your own nation or you might die.

Totalitarianism: Do as the state tells you or you might die.

Threatening your own population with instant death... is the work of tyrants who are working for rent-seekers.

And fear creates a very stupid population. Advertising and most media, is mainly about inducing fear, because fear sells products. The scared American consumes his own weight in plastic and AAA batteries every day because he is so scared... scared because of mass media.

Scared = $$$ for rent seekers
QatzelOk wrote:Wars: Shut your mouth or you might die.

Wars: Ignore the atrocities of your own nation or you might die.

Totalitarianism: Do as the state tells you or you might die.

Threatening your own population with instant death... is the work of tyrants who are working for rent-seekers.

And fear creates a very stupid population. Advertising and most media, is mainly about inducing fear, because fear sells products. The scared American consumes his own weight in plastic and AAA batteries every day because he is so scared... scared because of mass media.

Scared = $$$ for rent seekers

What I admire about Muhammed Ali is that he was fearless. He took the hits and risked jail and his boxing titles/career for his beliefs, which he wasn't wrong about. And he did that twice, the first time when he changed his name to a Muslim one and made all the racist whitey's PO'd.
Unthinking Majority wrote:What I admire about Muhammed Ali is that he was fearless.

Same with James Bond and Clint Eastwood's cowboy characters.

They are fearless, and this is what scared people find entertaining: the image of a man who is NEVER scared (as opposed to the media viewer who is ALWAYS scared).
@QatzelOk If you can't tell the difference between a movie character and a real person, then you're the one with the problem, and not everyone else.

Courage is overcoming fear. A perception of a person being fearless does not mean they feel no fear, only that they overcome it. Ali wasn't fearless, but he was courageous.
QatzelOk wrote:Same with James Bond and Clint Eastwood's cowboy characters.

They are fearless, and this is what scared people find entertaining: the image of a man who is NEVER scared (as opposed to the media viewer who is ALWAYS scared).

People need heroes I guess, if they are scared and don't want to be.
Unthinking Majority wrote:People need heroes I guess, if they are scared and don't want to be.

Daily Mail wrote:America only has fictional heroes
Iranian cleric mocks US and says Tehran can’t strike back at targets of Soleimani’s stature because America only has fictional heroes

'Think about it. Are we supposed to take out Spider-Man and SpongeBob?

'They don't have any heroes. We have a country in front of us with a large population and a large landmass, but it doesn't have any heroes.

'All of their heroes are cartoon characters — they're all fictional.'


Godstud wrote:...If you can't tell the difference between a movie character and a real person, then you're the one with the problem...

I personally haven't watched commercial media in 21 years. So not being able to recognize the difference between real and fiction... is not a particular problem of MINE.

Have you seen that fictional film called "The Truman Show?" It explores the theme of "infantilization" and "loss of ability to distinguish between reality and fictional media products."

Here, take a test.


About the president's emergency mandates, colliric wrote:...He said this because, in addition to vaccines, the prescription pills now exist...

Yes, Pfizer shareholders told the POTUS that it was okay to act in a certain way. But does the US constitution really mandate Pharma-corporation giants into the advisory role to the POTUS?
What about car companies (the reconstructed American cities to their liking in the 50s and 60s)?
What about railroads (they had entire nations genocided and ethnic cleansed)?
The thing is though, if Pfizer and Moderna both got together and bribed every politician in America to force everyone to have the vaccines the net result would be about a million lives saved.

If the Chinese manufacturers of masks bribed every politician in the world to force people to wear masks, the net result would be millions of lives saved.

You are articulating a problem that is not a problem. They are not doing it any way and at this point whatever it takes to get Trump followers to do the right thing is fine with me. Note please the Trump has repeatedly advocated vaccination.
General Flynn is more of a hero than Soleimani could have ever hoped to be. He is literally fighting to free the entire world and he commands a worldwide army of digital soldiers.

Sorry Qatz, Soulman was a loser. I know he's a loser because he's dead. I don't care how some Imam wants to contextualize their loss, because that Imam is trying to justify being a loser.

QatzelOk wrote:Have you seen that fictional film called "The Truman Show?" It explores the theme of "infantilization" and "loss of ability to distinguish between reality and fictional media products."

How would you even know if you never bothered to see the film? Why would I engage you in discussion of a film or its wider meaning when you refuse to even watch it on principal?

This is ignoring all of the times you called me drunk sobbing the Oscar-Meier Wiener song.

Also I just remembered the time you posted an article condemning The Sopranos characters because they munched down on onion rings in single bites. As if one of the main themes of the show wasn't how Tony Soprano runs a murderous criminal enterprise so that neither he or his family can enjoy an upper middle class lifestyle beyond the fact that they consume goods manufactured for that class.

Like, that was the point of the show. It starts off with a mobster going to therapy because he's not happy with the life he has built. It wouldn't kill you to enjoy something for once, Qatz. It's way more boring when you drone on about how you purposely exclude yourself from large swathes of society. It really just comes off as you being a giant self-important scold.
I've been considering buying and re-watching the Sopranos(watched most of it the first time it aired in Australia) but I always end up watching The Godfather Trilogy instead....

Much better than the Theatrical cut was.

I think I'll buy Sopranos Season 1 and start from the beginning yet again. Sopranos had alot of the same themes and ideas behind The Godfather, and that was really the point of the show, bring "Godfather and Goodfellas production quality" to a long-form television show with some more soap opera added.

P.S. I LOVED THE FINAL EPISODE.... The Gone With The Wind inspired "it ends here, Tommorow's another day, Rhett will be back, Tony will get wacked by whomever he saw at the door of the Restaurant, but you'll never see it!" ending was perfect.
Drlee wrote:The thing is though, if Pfizer and Moderna both got together and bribed every politician in America to force everyone to have the vaccines the net result would be about a million lives saved.

Well not if I got my way. I'd happily, nay joyfully see the whole of the West, burnt to the ground rather than submit to the vaccine fascists. Now you don't need to particularly worry about my opinion as my combination of political tendencies is pretty unique. However there are tens of millions if not hundreds of millions men, women and even young adults that take a "holistic" attitude towards health. For a great many of them this is a very important issue.

I know a lot of these people, most of them are extremely unlikely to show up on this or similar political forums. Contry to lockdown liberal fantasies these are not Neo Nazis, just looking for an issue to spread hate over. In Britain many may have supported Jeremy Corbyn, in America many will have been Sanders supporters. Many have been apolitical. I remember years back one of my friends / intimates asked me what was the difference between left and right. Another didn't know which party was in power during a General Election. Over here in Britain Brexit politicised a lot of people who had hitherto been largely apolitical. It seems that Covid has politicised the last of the apolitical hold outs.

The Liberals / Lefts response to Trump's victory in 2016 seems to have been: lets see if we can find a few million more potential voters that we can piss off and alienate. Vaccines and Lockdown are my number one issue. The right and freedom to control their own bodies will be the number one issue for a lot of people. Politics is about priorities, hence I have switched round and fully support Antifa, Extinction Rebellion, defunding of the police, anything that undermines the ability of the state and corporations to enforce lockdowns and vaccines.
SpecialOlympian wrote:How would you even know if you never bothered to see the film?

The expression "to bother to do something" means to make an effort.

It takes no effort to sit gawking at a movie for two hours. Zero. It makes you get fat even. Reduces your health.

I saw the Truman Show a few years BEFORE quitting film and TV. And what a great film to make you want to stop watching films! The movie demonstrates how poison movie-watching is to your mind.

Maybe you should "bother" to try to understand this principal - of mental pollution through media.

Mental-pollution-through-media is trending very strongly right now.
I'm proud of Qatz for having a proper, Western Puritanical outlook. Movies are indeed bad, because any time not spent working or praising the Lord is time wasted.

The rest of what Qatz said is drivel, but he is 100% spot on about how we must be productive with every moment of our day. Either in service to an employer or God. Although I think movies which praise the Lord or gainful employment may count for this.
SpecialOlympian wrote:I'm proud of Qatz for having a proper, Western Puritanical outlook. Movies are indeed bad, because any time not spent working or praising the Lord is time wasted.

The rest of what Qatz said is drivel, but he is 100% spot on about how we must be productive with every moment of our day. Either in service to an employer or God. Although I think movies which praise the Lord or gainful employment may count for this.

Oh good... After my current Sopranos Season 1 binge is over I'll watch Ben-Hur, Jesus Christ Superstar and Passion Of The Christ again, I promise!
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