Another Young Healthy Person Injured Badly by Pfizer - Politics | PoFo

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Healthy 19-year-old from Australia bedridden after receiving Pfizer vaccine

Teen suffers from blood clots after receiving second dose

Cienna Knowles, a 19-year-old equestrian, uploaded a harrowing video on Oct. 24 about the debilitating side effects she experienced after being forced to get Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

According to her doctors, Knowles developed portal vein thrombosis (PVT) after her vaccination. In a video uploaded to her TikTok account, Knowles shared that she was terrified of getting vaccinated but she eventually signed up for vaccination because she was told that she couldn't work if she wasn't vaccinated.

Knowles also said that she wouldn't be allowed to drive or travel if she didn't get the Pfizer vaccine. Additionally, she was told that choosing to remain unvaccinated was a selfish thing to do.

Before getting vaccinated, Knowles said she was "a perfectly normal 19-year-old kid" and that she's never had to go to the hospital. She was also a very active person.

picture here: ... XSmall.jpg ... ccine.html

I wonder how common this actually is? There have been several anecdotal stories coming in.

I do very much wonder whether the risk to expected benefit ratio is actually worth it for younger people, since the chance of them dying from the virus is much lower than it is for the elderly.
A month ago I read in Ukrainian news that a teenage boy died of heart failure within hours of getting a Pfizer shot. His parents claimed he was healthy, and involved in sports with no history of any heart conditions. The boy was 15-17 year old.
The World Health Organisation is claiming that there is "no evidence" that the boy's death was due to the vaccine. But that does not mean that it wasn't caused by the vaccine. What "evidence" exactly would there be?
WHO/Europe | Media centre - No evidence to link death of young Ukrainian to vaccine ... to-vaccine
On the evening of September 13, 19-year-old student of the Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute Volodymyr Salo died in the Kyiv region. The guy died a few hours after being vaccinated against the coronavirus. This was reported by the press service of the university.
According to the preliminary conclusion of doctors, the death took place due to cardiopulmonary insufficiency. However, the final cause will not be known during one month after the completion of medical research. ... myra-sala/

Ukraine investigates cause of man's death after COVID shot | Reuters ... 021-07-03/
Ukraine's health ministry is investigating why a 47-year-old man died four hours after he received a shot of the Pfizer.
It said the death might have no connection to the shot and that another five people who were vaccinated from the same vial as the man who died were in a satisfactory condition.
For those who may be wondering, in Australia, the vaccine injury scheme will not even pay for the first $5000 of expenses.

Australia COVID vaccine injury claims total more than 10,000 ( ... 598yy.html

This in a country with a population size 13 times smaller than the US (and 2 and a half times smaller than the UK).
jaminhealth wrote:
I have read so many reports on young healthy people dying after being jabbed. I'm in U.S. So Calif.

There are tons and tons of BS out there.

Billions have gotten the shot(s). When you have that many people, some are going to die even if they don't get the shot. Others will have some weakness that kills them, it's not the shot, it's a defect of some sort.

This is a new generation of vaccine, it's quite safe and quite effective.

Btw, wearing a mask is just common sense at this time. It's not expensive, doesn't harm you, but it does help limit the spread of the disease. Resisting a simple mask makes no sense at all.
And it's not billions on these Experimental jabs....Yes, they are NOT approved. Everyone being jabbed is in the clinical trials, they are the animals that were NEVER used in these rushed jabs. Rushed thru and for a vaccine to be proven takes somewhere from 5-10 yrs, not months. It's been a saga on Crimes Against Humanity.
jaminhealth wrote:
And it's not billions on these Experimental jabs....Yes, they are NOT approved. Everyone being jabbed is in the clinical trials, they are the animals that were NEVER used in these rushed jabs. Rushed thru and for a vaccine to be proven takes somewhere from 5-10 yrs, not months. It's been a saga on Crimes Against Humanity.

That's an interesting fantasy.

But that's all it is.

Yes, the vaccine was rushed, but the reality is that it has worked well.

To be honest, you've been suckered.
jaminhealth wrote:And it's not billions on these Experimental jabs....

Yes, they are NOT approved.

Everyone being jabbed is in the clinical trials, they are the animals that were NEVER used in these rushed jabs.

True... to the extent that all humans are also animals, including yourself and I.
Rushed thru and for a vaccine to be proven takes somewhere from 5-10 yrs, not months.

Nonsense. There is no pre-specified time that defines if something has been proven or not.
While it is true that "traditionally" it has taken that long, the amount of resources, time, research, effort by scientists, governments, researchers, and even patients that went into this event, fully explains how we got there so much quicker.

To each his own.
I prefer my own natural immune system and BILLIONS do not even go there.
So putting a foreign experimental jab in one's body is OK with so so so many.

Critical thinking does not exist.

Even more nonsense. I wonder if you will "prefer your own natural immune system" when you get an abscess, or diverticulitis, or appendicitis, or cellulitis, or UTI, or meningitis... perhaps you should stay at home, not go to the doctor to receive antibiotics? #notmedicaladvise.
They are NOT approved and Pharma and FDA continues to lie. You have not followed all the researchers and doctors that I have thru all this. Probably no one around here has..

And other infections, yes I would get abx drugs and whatever needed

all the health issues you mention have been with us for mega decades.

C19 is so new it's never been dealt with before in

our lives.
Puffer Fish wrote:I wonder how common this actually is? There have been several anecdotal stories coming in.

I do very much wonder whether the risk to expected benefit ratio is actually worth it for younger people, since the chance of them dying from the virus is much lower than it is for the elderly.

You can look it up and let us know.
jaminhealth wrote:You have not followed all the researchers and doctors that I have thru all this. Probably no one around here has..

ROFL. Dude. I am a physician myself. I read weekly NEJM, Annals of IM, JAMA and The Lancet. In addition, I follow up respectable podcasts on the field of medicine from around the world. I have personally taken care of hundreds, perhaps thousands of patients with covid and I am lucky enough to work in an institution that has very well know experts on the field which in turn have informed my practice.
If you wish to pretend that reading the tweets of a couple fringe lunatics makes you a connoisseur of covid, go ahead, but we both will know that is is merely posturing and pretending.

And other infections, yes I would get abx drugs and whatever needed

Oh really? so you don't have any problems getting the tetanus vaccine, the pneumococcal vaccine, the influenza vaccine? It is only this new vaccine that is the issue.

So only new therapies bother you... I guess you also oppose monoclonal antibodies such as Regeneron because that is a new therapy as well correct?

This is all a sharade. 99 out of 100 patients that I see don't even know what medications they are on for or what they are intended to treat. They don't know their medical conditions, they don't know the name of their blood pressure pills, or the cholesterol pills or the side effects or anything. Good luck trying to get a history of chemotherapy from a patient presenting to the ER. Nobody knows shit. But when it comes to COVID, they are all experts on vaccines and remdesivir and regeneron. This is stupid, you are mostly hurting yourself. If you want to fall on your sword, by all means. But we don't have to pretend to live in your fantasy and we will call you out on the nonsense.
jaminhealth wrote:And all the jabbers allow

govt politicians to be their guidance.

Fools to trust anyone in govt.

I don't trust government. However, I also know that there isn't a worldwide conspiracy among every scientist and doctor in the world to inject people for profit.

If the virus or vaccines were fake or dangerous or whatever you'd see scientists and doctors blowing the whistle. My doctor is basically a genius and told me to get the shot, he said he just had a patient who got COVID almost a year prior and is still struggling with symptoms. "Long COVID" is no joke, it can significantly affect your mental cognition: ... -brain-fog
jaminhealth wrote:And all the jabbers allow

govt politicians to be their guidance.

Fools to trust anyone in govt.

Many of us don't have much choice.

Seriously, it is very hard to call out the conspiracy outright because sensible governments have to encourage people to vaccine anyways.

There are governments (like the one in Hong Kong) which pushes unreasonable policies and having ulterior motives (resume Mainland transgression) in pushing their vaccination agenda, but the best we can do is just refrain from unnecessary actions until there's no alternative.

Or do you have other suggestions? What is lacking from people like you is usually solutions.
Unthinking Majority wrote:If the virus or vaccines were fake or dangerous or whatever you'd see scientists and doctors blowing the whistle.

This may work in the West, but the same cannot be said for other parts of the world, especially in places where experts cannot speak their mind freely.

In fact, that kind of oppression contributes a lot to the Wuhan pneumonia pandemic in the first place.

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