The Wuhan virus—how are we doing? - Page 176 - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Patrickov wrote:Quite to the contrary she denounced them in that very same post.

From what I see in her response to colliric's post, she was describing a situation where propaganda, be it left-wing or right-wing, reached the viewer and made adverse influence.

She might be presenting in a way like what you've said above, but as I see she is calling for resistance against this very damn thing.

I think it would have been better if guidance instead of sarcasm had been put up.

No, @QatzelOk does not actually address any points.

He just waits until it is his turn to post and then posts passive aggressive BS about how everyone but him is brainwashed by media. I find it funny when he does this while simultaneously repeating right wing media talking points.

But again, the truckers convoy is less than 200 trucks.
So what have we learned children?

That truck drivers do not generally represent the intelligentsia?

That truck drivers can be easily manipulated by anyone pulling a country song on them?

That Colliric does not understand science?

That "freedom" can be defined as the right to kill others for no good reason at all?

That science has no place in right wing politics?

That right-wing politicians are willing to spend the lives of those who do not contribute much money in the service of those who give them large contributions?

There is nothing definite out there on all this mess. Lies from early on and the lies continue going into year 3. People die from covid and MANY have major health issues before tested for the covid, so many die WITH covid, but that is not they are all lumped together. Madness...

This written by someone with the science "education" of a fifth grader. Ask an epidemiologist dumbass. No wait. There is little chance that you know one and even less that you would understand what he/she is saying. You just proved that.
Drlee wrote:So what have we learned children?

That truck drivers do not generally represent the intelligentsia?

You are talking to children, and yet find time to demean truck drivers?

That you assume that truck drivers "don't know stuff" and that only the intelligentsia 'know' the truth about epidemiology, vaccines, Bill Gates, and all the other manipulation that humans have been put through by the declining oligarchs of the West and their impending bankruptcy.

Truck drivers have lots of time to reflect, and unlike our politicians, don't get lobbied by giant corporations and then coached by Hollywood on how to lie.
Rancid wrote:Bill Gates

People like him have enough money to kill the entire human race.

Aren't y'all proud of what y'all done made.
When Gates dies he'll go back to being IT legend remembered for founding Microsoft, just like Steve Jobs before him.

No one remembers Jobs epic Trump-style failure with his second computer company, and 50/50 tenure at Pixar.

The Michael Jackson of the IT industry. Hated while alive, conspiracy theories abounding, then Sony got full publishing rights to his music in Death, including the Beatles back catalogue because he owned it. So now he's Saint Jackson again.

Till then, it's conspiracy theory open season. Same phenomenon happening with Gates.

colliric wrote:When Gates dies he'll go back to being IT legend remembered for founding Microsoft, just like Steve Jobs before him.

No one remembers Jobs epic Trump-style failure with his second computer company, and 50/50 tenure at Pixar.

The Michael Jackson of the IT industry. Hated while alive, conspiracy theories abounding, then Sony got full publishing rights to his music in Death, including the Beatles back catalogue because he owned it. So now he's Saint Jackson again.

Till then, it's conspiracy theory open season. Same phenomenon happening with Gates.


How is that evidence about the trucker’s convoy coming?
Look at this crazyness. ... 09304.html
This is someone that trust their doctors on the need to remove the heart and put someone else's heart on their body and then pump them with a bunch of medications that is going to fuck your immune system so that you don't reject the heart. But you still think that the doctors are lying to you about the vaccine...
Also note the neck of the father and weird voice, that my friends is a tracheostomy. Now, there are many reasons to have one, the guy has the skin of a smoker so perhaps he had throat cancer or bad lung disease... but we are in covid times and the world is very ironic, so there is a small chance that this guy recently got the disease to such a serious point that needed a tracheostomy while going to tv to argue why the stupid decision of his son is the right one.

This world is fokin crazy. They asked the reported "what would you do" and the reported is like... uhm? Get the damn shot (I paraphrase). These people are living on a bubble. They overestimate the risks of vaccines by several orders of magnitude and then understimate the risk of the disease by several orders of magnitude. Infections on a person receiving anti-rejection meds is not good. They can play the "this poor guy is young and has a wife and kid" but there are thousands of other young guys with wife and kids also in the transplant list... except those are vaccinated and less likely to end up in the ICU with covid intubated when they catch the disease while taking an immune suppressive regimen.
colliric wrote:When Gates dies he'll go back to being IT legend remembered for founding Microsoft, just like Steve Jobs before him.
The Michael Jackson of the IT industry.

You have somewhat contradicted yourself in your own post.

Michael Jackson is NOT back to being simply "the singer of Billy Jean."

Other things came to the forefront of this ultra-rich and ultra-destroyed human pseudo-god.

Like Gates perhaps, Michael Jackson's character was completely destroyed by too much fame and too much power.

Thanks for backing me up on this.
XogGyux wrote:Look at this crazyness. ... 09304.html
This is someone that trust their doctors on the need to remove the heart and put someone else's heart on their body and then pump them with a bunch of medications that is going to fuck your immune system so that you don't reject the heart. But you still think that the doctors are lying to you about the vaccine...
Also note the neck of the father and weird voice, that my friends is a tracheostomy. Now, there are many reasons to have one, the guy has the skin of a smoker so perhaps he had throat cancer or bad lung disease... but we are in covid times and the world is very ironic, so there is a small chance that this guy recently got the disease to such a serious point that needed a tracheostomy while going to tv to argue why the stupid decision of his son is the right one.

This world is fokin crazy. They asked the reported "what would you do" and the reported is like... uhm? Get the damn shot (I paraphrase). These people are living on a bubble. They overestimate the risks of vaccines by several orders of magnitude and then understimate the risk of the disease by several orders of magnitude. Infections on a person receiving anti-rejection meds is not good. They can play the "this poor guy is young and has a wife and kid" but there are thousands of other young guys with wife and kids also in the transplant list... except those are vaccinated and less likely to end up in the ICU with covid intubated when they catch the disease while taking an immune suppressive regimen.

Thank God Yahoo has suspended this story.

These so-called "parents" should have their parental rights terminated, their child vaccinated and put in child care, and receive the heart is doctors consider it necessary. Our monumentally stupid contingent have to be stopped before killing children. It is bad enough that they kill themselves with their stupidity, but to allow them to kill children because they are listening to the likes of DeSantis and other Republican leaders? Nope.

Maybe it is time for a doctor strike. Refuse to see patients until they are vaccinated. No procedures that are not immediately lifesaving.

People who would never miss their tetanus shot refusing to get vaccinated against a disease that has killed or maimed their neighbor? Not intelligent. Mentally unstable. Deluded. I am out of words to describe these political pawns.
Drlee wrote:Maybe it is time for a doctor strike. Refuse to see patients until they are vaccinated. No procedures that are not immediately lifesaving.

I have heard something along the same lines from some of my colleagues. We are tired of this thing. But it is not the right thing to do either. Last week I had a difficult encounter with a patient that reports side effects to just about every medication we give him for his BP. He shows up in our clinic with BP of 220 and losartan give him lightheadedness, nifedipine gives him stomach upset, carvedilol gives him something else. You get the picture. I am certain most if not all of these side effects are psychosomatic and not at all related to the medications. And he need medications because his heart will explode after having 2x heart attacks if he continues to have 220BP all the time. It is difficult to deal with these people, and these kind of difficult patients are not only seen in covid. When I was training I had a haitian lady with a huge goiter that was pressing on her neck. We recommended surgery but she insisted that she was cursed and that the goiter was the curse and she could not have surgery.
If we give up for people with covid... do we give up with the anxious old guy that is scared of BP medications? or the lady that thinks she was bewitched? I don't think we can. I know it is hard, but this is our job and we have to continue doing it as best we can, even if it entails talking with these people over and over and over and over again.
XogGyux wrote:I have heard something along the same lines from some of my colleagues. We are tired of this thing. But it is not the right thing to do either. Last week I had a difficult encounter with a patient that reports side effects to just about every medication we give him for his BP. He shows up in our clinic with BP of 220 and losartan give him lightheadedness, nifedipine gives him stomach upset, carvedilol gives him something else. You get the picture. I am certain most if not all of these side effects are psychosomatic and not at all related to the medications. And he need medications because his heart will explode after having 2x heart attacks if he continues to have 220BP all the time. It is difficult to deal with these people, and these kind of difficult patients are not only seen in covid. When I was training I had a haitian lady with a huge goiter that was pressing on her neck. We recommended surgery but she insisted that she was cursed and that the goiter was the curse and she could not have surgery.
If we give up for people with covid... do we give up with the anxious old guy that is scared of BP medications? or the lady that thinks she was bewitched? I don't think we can. I know it is hard, but this is our job and we have to continue doing it as best we can, even if it entails talking with these people over and over and over and over again.

I suppose you are right. No harm in dreaming.

I make a distinction about these politically inspired idiots though. Perhaps we allow insurance providers to deny coverage. The problem is they are so numerous. I guess we have to take some comfort in the fact that this disease gives a great many of them many days to contemplate their lunacy. If not forever.

Many of our homeless population have odd medical fetishes. The other day we had a woman who would not allow a bandaid on her arm because she was sure it would cut off circulation to her hand. She got quite excited by it. The attending told her that he would put a telfa and coban wrap so that it "balanced the blood flow". She was fine with that. Clever doc.
Drlee wrote:I suppose you are right. No harm in dreaming.

I make a distinction about these politically inspired idiots though. Perhaps we allow insurance providers to deny coverage. The problem is they are so numerous. I guess we have to take some comfort in the fact that this disease gives a great many of them many days to contemplate their lunacy. If not forever.

Many of our homeless population have odd medical fetishes. The other day we had a woman who would not allow a bandaid on her arm because she was sure it would cut off circulation to her hand. She got quite excited by it. The attending told her that he would put a telfa and coban wrap so that it "balanced the blood flow". She was fine with that. Clever doc.

Well. I have not yet had one of those recarcitrant "I will never vaccinate" people leave my hospital. Many of them that got sick for not having the vaccine readily admitted that they were just lazy and didn't realize the danger that they were in, they even asked if we could give the first shot before they got discharged. Others come convinced but after the disease they claim to have converted. Finally we had the ones that came convinced and they leave "I'll think about it" (which admittedly is a step forward from "never"). I don't know how many of these people are really converts, how many of these people will forget to get the vaccine or how many of these people just lied to not appear confrontational and to avoid having the discussion altogether. However, I believe that between the disease and the doctors, we manage to convince a significant amount of these people. After all, the greatest argument in favor of the disease is not made with logic, explanations, science or scientific arguments. When these people spend 2 month on a ventilator, or when they have their mother or grandmother die because they skipped a stupid vaccine... that's the #1 path out of the cult. I have seen teenagers scream their lungs out when their mother died... someone that was not vaccinated because her children told her not to. The children are now vaccinated.
I just hope we manage to recruit some people without having to endure the ultimate punishment for stupidity.
National Post: Freedom Convoy 2022 live updates: 'We are the fringe minority'. ... -2022-news

Yep. Biggest Convoy protest in world history confirmed. Exact numbers not quite certain, but it did break the record by a large margin. ... 15016.html

Over 100,000 Donors raised nearly $10 million.

Only half of them needed to be truckers turning up.
It's not breaking any world records.

As of yesterday it was reported around 250-300 trucks. ... -1.5757761

You so want it to be true that you are lying and even deluding yourself, @colliric. First was the blatant lie about 50,000 trucks....
Godstud wrote:It's not breaking any world records.

As of yesterday it was reported around 250-300 trucks. ... -1.5757761

You so want it to be true that you are lying and even deluding yourself, @colliric. First was the blatant lie about 50,000 trucks....

No I'm not, the record is actually only 480 trucks. This has in fact broken the record, but officially by how much is unknown as the numbers are not official.

There was over 100,000 donors who raised nearly $10 million.

Do the math. You only needed 0.5% to show up in person.


99000+ donated $8 million to the cause.

Daily Mail: ... ttawa.html

Over 50% showed up in person. We're not changing the figures, it possibly was up to 50000 trucks.

Only needed 480 trucks to break the record, so even if far lower than that, they most likely broke it.

Now watch as Godstud calls BBC a UK outlet so what do they know? It was only 600 Donors.

There was in fact 16000 Canadian truckers who were unvaccinated for their reasons. Trudeau put them all out of a job. But yeah, magically only 300 showed up. Lol.

You should bloody well be celebrating the Guiness World Record official recognition coming your country's way. It's called bipartisan celebration of a historical achievement, even if you don't agree with the reasons for the protest.

Note: Obviously I averaged the BBC number up to 100k and 10mill as is standard practice. It was 99k and 8-9 mill.

Updated for people living in Ottawa:

City in lockdown. Don't come, don't call.

Trudeau has gone to his emergency bunker to hide(understandably for his security, technically the PM).
The trucker protest is a protest made up of jackasses. That my opinion on it.

You said 50,000 TRUCKs and then tried to justify your response, @colliric, rather than admit to a mistake, so suck it up, fanboy! :lol:
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