They knew the injections damage the immune system - Study - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
Good. This bullshit is where it belongs - Conspiracy Theories

You're talking anti-vax shit and everyone can see thru your foolish arguments based on the flimsiest of information, including studies that are vague, at best, or that don't even support what your argument is. You don't understand what the studies even mean and have taken them out of context many times, already. :knife:
Godstud wrote:Good. This bullshit is where it belongs - Conspiracy Theories

You're talking anti-vax shit and everyone can see thru your foolish arguments based on the flimsiest of information, including studies that are vague, at best, or that don't even support what your argument is. You don't understand what the studies even mean and have taken them out of context many times, already. :knife:

The studies are definitely not vague. But if they were it´s is much more than what should be necessary to not inject billions of people with an experimental drug.

"First do no harm"
JB70 wrote:"Moderna Knew Vaccinated People Will Never Acquire Proper Immunity After Breakthrough Infections" ... 22271936v1 ... e-will?s=r

This Chudov person is either not reading the study properly or lying.

This study looks at how well blood tests work to see if someone has been infected or not. The study suggests that the blood tests are not as good at detecting infections in vaccinated people.
JB70 wrote:The studies are definitely not vague. But if they were it´s is much more than what should be necessary to not inject billions of people with an experimental drug.
1. You do not understand them.
2. They do not support your narrative. You're making that shit up.
3. The vaccines are NOT experimental. To suggest that is the same as claiming to be an ignorant fool.
4, The vaccines are effective. There are mountains of evidence to this effect, with billions of people being vaccinated.
5. People are not dying because of the vaccines. That's a myth peddled by conspiracy theories, and morons.

@Pants-of-dog All the studies he has linked have nothing to do with what he's saying, as JB70 is an anti-vaxxer looking for a study to support something that doesn't exist.... A vast conspiracy.
Drlee wrote:Anti-vaxers like JB70...

The expression "anti-vaxers" appeared a few years ago, and was used to describe various parents associations who came out against most or all vaccines.

JB70 has posted information about the potential dangers of only one vaccine, which doesn't make him a general anti-vaxer.

Some posters are quick to call alternative media "false, lies, propaganda" - which a lot of it is. But so is most of the commercial media that we use to figure out how the world works.

The commercial media believer is just as naive as the Alex Jones Cults. And just as dangerous to themselves and others.
There have been antivaxxers forever This is nothing new. ... nt-4054321

JB70 has not posted ANY study that supports what he is saying. His takes on the studies are what makes it lies and propaganda. The studies do not support his claims.

Yes, @QatzelOk, and you are a big example of a person driven by social media, as you have soaked up the the worst of it, and made it your cause.
No Vanden Bossche Godstud :)

Update from Bossche ... s-with?s=r

"I am herewith reacting to the scientifically simplistic and naïve conclusions drawn in some recent scientific publications: ... 1.full.pdf ... 1.full.pdf

One has no choice but to react to these papers as their authors reach some dangerous but false conclusions"
JB70 wrote:New interview.

Bossche starts around 64 minutes. ... -call.html

Your source is a dangerous idiot. He has published antivax shit for years. I would not waste my time listening to anything this grifter says. But then, among other things, I am a scientist.

I have read this asshat elsewhere. He and Wakefield have been selling this shit for years. To a scientist, their pronouncements are idiotic. I will only waste my time on one example. He rails, hair on fire, about how the virus is mutating and blames vaccines for this. It does not work that way. Then he breathlessly says, that we will have to keep reformulating the vaccine to chase these variants. Well Duh.

Nothing to see here. Just another untrained/uneducated douche bag going off at the mouth.
Drlee wrote:Your source is a dangerous idiot. He has published antivax shit for years. I would not waste my time listening to anything this grifter says. But then, among other things, I am a scientist.

I have read this asshat elsewhere. He and Wakefield have been selling this shit for years. To a scientist, their pronouncements are idiotic. I will only waste my time on one example. He rails, hair on fire, about how the virus is mutating and blames vaccines for this. It does not work that way. Then he breathlessly says, that we will have to keep reformulating the vaccine to chase these variants. Well Duh.

Nothing to see here. Just another untrained/uneducated douche bag going off at the mouth.

What is your comment on his new article doc? :lol:
At least try to understand instead of posting emotional stuff. I´m no expert but he certainly is.

In conclusion, poor neutralizing capacity of anti-S Abs in vaccinees not only enhances their susceptibility to breakthrough infection with Omicron but is also suspicious of delaying viral clearance, thereby promoting prolonged viral shedding and potentially predisposing vaccinees to long-haul Covid while causing them to exert sustained immune pressure on viral virulence [1]. The likelihood of breakthrough infections in C-19 vaccinees will even further increase upon their re-vaccination with an updated S(Omicron)-based C-19 vaccine during the pandemic. This is because re-vaccination will boost the infection-enhancing anti-S Abs and thereby further increase the susceptibility of vaccinees to breakthrough infection. This will result in an even higher capacity of the ACE2 receptor to outcompete broadly neutralizing anti-S(Omicron) Abs for binding to the S-RBM.

Based on the mechanism explained above, it also follows that high titers of non-neutralizing infection-enhancing Abs in vaccinees who experienced a breakthrough infection with Omicron (whether or not facilitated by re-vaccination with an updated S[Omicron]-based C-19 vaccine) will prevent these individuals from exerting immune pressure on variable or conserved S-RBD neutralizing epitopes. This is to say that breakthrough Omicron infections in vaccinees, especially when re-vaccinated with an updated S(Omicron)-based C-19 vaccine during a pandemic, will cause highly vaccinated populations to exert substantial immune pressure on viral virulence (i.e., on S-NTD) [1] but not on viral infectiousness (i.e., on S-RBD). The higher the prevalence of elevated titers of non-neutralizing infection-enhancing Abs, the higher the population-level immune pressure on viral virulence and viral transmission in the host population. On the other hand, elevated titers of non-neutralizing infection enhancing Abs shorten the duration of individual protection after breakthrough infection and increase the risk for a vaccinated individual to develop long-haul Covid. It follows that i) highly vaccinated populations are now paving the way for breeding variants that will not only be highly infectious but also highly virulent in vaccinees [1] and ii) that protection of vaccinees subsequent to breakthrough infection will only be of short duration while their susceptibility to long-haul Covid will dramatically increase.
JB70 must be healthy to drink chlorine because it is also a fluid like water.

Now watch the anti-chloriners come out and say that drinking pure chlorine is dangerous.

What do these low-IQ people with unfashionable clothing think is in their swimming pools!

/sarcasm off
Please tell your government to prepare with the drugs necessary to save the lives of those who got the injections. Vanden Bossche says antivirals.

As i understand:
As the virus mutates the vaxxed only have useless antibodies circulating. Those also outcompete the natural induced abs. They can also enhance infection.

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