Roe V. Wade to be Overturned - Politics | PoFo

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Godstud wrote:Fuck USA. Fuck your misogynistic state.

This goes even further. If I understood this ruling correctly, then any right that is not explicitly enumerated in the constitution is kaput. This ruling could easily undo 200 years of progress in every facet of our lives. :eek:
I hope that every woman in the USA loses her shit over this. They should. What's next, overturning their right to vote?
Roe V. Wade has been bad from the start. Who in the hell do women think they are? Not willing to accept the consequences for their actions while suing the shit out of men for child support that they (women) could have avoided.

This puts the responsibility exactly where it belongs. On women. If they do not want to have babies they can exercise two of their inalienable rights. The first is take birth control pills and the second is to keep their knees together.

Maybe now we will stop talking trash about women's rights and start talking about people having the money, health care and job opportunities to keep the babies they made.

Some of the blame goes on the "Pro choice" crowd. It would have been one thing to have the option of early term abortions but it is quite another to kill viable babies mid to late term. Ghastly.

As much and nobody wants to talk about it this way, abortion is largely a women's issue. It is their bodies, as they are frequent to say. Well they got what they deserved.

For every woman who voted Republican, this baby is for you. For every woman who did not vote...this baby is for you. As the majority in America and pretty much able to dictate whatever they like if they would just get off their bon bon broadened ass and do the political work. They didn't. Took a pass. Beat feet for home. Said "yes dear" and voted for Trump. You got it. Now be silent you nice little ladies and do what your husbands and other men tell you to do. There is a nice girl.

So this goes right back to the states where it belongs. If women do not like the law in their state, well that is just too damn bad. After all. Voting is just too hard. It is simply a chore to figure out what to wear....No run along ladies and learn to suck rather than fu....
Democrats control Congress, don't they? Surely if they care so much about abortion then they'll legislate on this matter, which I think has been an argument against Roe v Wade for a while now... But I might be wrong.
Fuck off @Drlee (Unless your post was sarcastic...)

Drlee wrote:This puts the responsibility exactly where it belongs. On women. If they do not want to have babies they can exercise two of their inalienable rights. The first is take birth control pills and the second is to keep their knees together.
Birth control isn't absolutely 100%, even when taking precautions. Men are active participants in sex. It takes sperm to fertilize an egg. >: Men can also wear condoms... but I suppose that escapes you?

"Keep your knees together", is the same thing that assholes tell women who are raped.

Drlee wrote:Some of the blame goes on the "Pro choice" crowd. It would have been one thing to have the option of early term abortions but it is quite another to kill viable babies mid to late term. Ghastly.
This is another pro-Birther lie, that you've sucked up. Abortions done after 24 weeks(when the fetus is viable) are extremely rare.

Canada, where abortion is fully legal.

Today's letters: Late-term abortions are not happening in Canada without a ‘reason’
No physician in Canada can terminate a pregnancy over 24 weeks without serious indications. The assertion that late-trimester abortions can be performed “for any reason, or no reason at all” is just not true. ... t-a-reason

The same lies are being told in Canada, though, and the idiots lap it up like the good morons that they are.

Drlee wrote:Now run along ladies and do what your grandmothers did....Learn to suck rather than fuck...
. So no responsibility is applied to men? Why not keep your dick in your pants?
@Unthinking Majority, It was never about that, and you know it. This is about the archaic US government wanting reproductive control over women, and idiots pretending it's about saving lives, going along with it.

USA. One step closer to Fascist theocracy.
@Drlee @Unthinking Majority @Godstud

Overturning Roe vs Wade will not affect rich women or women of means. The people who are trying to overturn Roe vs Wade know this and are people who encourage their women to get abortions at times while denying that same right to low income women.

So Roe vs Wade, and those who support overturning it, are really supporting rich women being allowed to get an abortion while denying the same right to low income women.

This is really a war where the wealthy seek to ensure that the poor reproduce, whether they want to or not, so that the wealthy do not have a labor shortage, and can easily exploit the underclass for cheap labor to maintain or further their own wealth and privilege.

It's about power, money, and control for those who support overturning Roe vs Wade.
Unthinking Majority wrote:I just can't get behind a court decision which will lead to fewer babies being killed. Fuck these stupid babies.

From what I understand, laws prohibiting abortion do not reduce the number of abortions.

Instead, the number of abortions stays about the same, while the number of illegal and unsafe abortions increases dramatically.
I think I'm gong to get a vasectomy. seriously.

This is the year to do it, I hit my insurance deductible, which means it would be free to do it.
Rancid wrote:I think I'm going to get a vasectomy. seriously.

This is the year to do it, I hit my insurance deductible, which means it would be free to do it.

I'm actually set to go for a consultation within a month because now that I have had my second kid I ain't waiting around for a happy accident and I'm just about to turn 30.

On the plus side, states that do want abortion to be legal should still be able to safeguard it, as I think Colorado has already done so. I imagine however it just means that not only will it be done away with in the red states, but that they'll be able to more openly persecute women as we already see the beginnings of.
States that want to legalize abortion will be able to keep it legal. This ruling would not be a ban on abortion, it's just lifting a ban on banning abortion.

Congress could also legislate to force states to legalize abortion by conditioning federal funding to that effect. There's already precedent of Congress doing that (e.g. effectively forcing the states to set the legal drinking age at 21+ in the 1980s).
Wellsy wrote:I'm actually set to go for a consultation within a month because now that I have had my second kid I ain't waiting around for a happy accident and I'm just about to turn 30.

We talked about doing it years ago after my second (and last was born). This new development in the news is making us think about doing this again. I think I'm going to bring it up with my wife later today.

Also congrats on having kids younger man. My wife and I are always the youngest parents in my kid's classes these days. you will experience the same. (had my first kid before the age of 30, and had my second just after 30).

I can still keep up with my kids unlike the other parents. Some are 15-20 years older than me, and we have kids in the same grade. :eek:
No physician in Canada can terminate a pregnancy over 24 weeks without serious indications. The assertion that late-trimester abortions can be performed “for any reason, or no reason at all” is just not true.

Interesting. So Canada does not give women the right to choose absolute control over their bodies. So just like us they are arguing about how much control. Business as usual.

People get the government they deserve. This is a states rights issue. Let the states decide. The free market system will still allow those who can afford it to go to neighboring states for an abortion. I don't know what the big deal is. If women want abortion to be legal they can have it. Obviously, judging from how many of them vote, they don't want it to be legal.

Just as obviously they want men to pay for them to have children that they could easily have prevented. So this development is all good.

So goes representative government.

I know of nobody who thought that Roe V. Wade was a good decision.
Saeko wrote:

Wtf??? :?:

It is a draft.

@Drlee Good post and @Godstud It doesn't really matter if its sarcasm or not. He has a clear point in my opinion.
Drlee wrote:Roe V. Wade has been bad from the start. Who in the hell do women think they are? Not willing to accept the consequences for their actions while suing the shit out of men for child support that they (women) could have avoided.

This puts the responsibility exactly where it belongs. On women. If they do not want to have babies they can exercise two of their inalienable rights. The first is take birth control pills and the second is to keep their knees together.

Maybe now we will stop talking trash about women's rights and start talking about people having the money, health care and job opportunities to keep the babies they made.

Some of the blame goes on the "Pro choice" crowd. It would have been one thing to have the option of early term abortions but it is quite another to kill viable babies mid to late term. Ghastly.

As much and nobody wants to talk about it this way, abortion is largely a women's issue. It is their bodies, as they are frequent to say. Well they got what they deserved.

For every woman who voted Republican, this baby is for you. For every woman who did not vote...this baby is for you. As the majority in America and pretty much able to dictate whatever they like if they would just get off their bon bon broadened ass and do the political work. They didn't. Took a pass. Beat feet for home. Said "yes dear" and voted for Trump. You got it. Now be silent you nice little ladies and do what your husbands and other men tell you to do. There is a nice girl.

So this goes right back to the states where it belongs. If women do not like the law in their state, well that is just too damn bad. After all. Voting is just too hard. It is simply a chore to figure out what to wear....No run along ladies and learn to suck rather than fu....

I don't know how much of this is represent your real thoughts vs a character/caricature.
Forcing a pregnancy to term and/or a delivery as some sort of punishment "because you did not take precautions when you should have" is 1. Retarded, 2. Evil, 3. Cruel (to mother and eventual baby), 4. Impractical.
Imagine, you could make the same argument for most chronic medical problems: You did not exercise, eat right, avoid smoking when you were young(er), so you don't get a heart stent, or you don't get a lung transplant, or you don't get to use the dialysis machine.

Beren wrote:I guess the same states will ban abortion that will allow people to own and carry guns as they want, so at least those unwanted children will be able to shoot each other later. :up:

Sad but true :lol: .
JohnRawls wrote:It is a draft.

@Drlee Good post and @Godstud It doesn't really matter if its sarcasm or not. He has a clear point in my opinion.

Clear perhaps. Good points? I disagree.
What kind of society are we if we use this as some sort of punishment of your "promiscuous/irresponsible behavior".

Oh... so you had sex in a drunken night, got pregnant and don't want the kid, nor are you financially capable or emotionally mature enough to raise a healthy kid? You know what you need? You need to grow a baby in your uterus, push it out of your vagina, name it, take care of it for 18years and that will teach you a lesson... Does that seem to you like the appropriate way to deal with this issue? Ofcourse this scenario is only addressing this very specific case that is deliberately portraying the caricature that anti-abortion people have in their mind. It does not even consider the reality of potential health concerns to the mother (some of which are detected during pregnancy care), or fetal malformation?, unintentional consuption of teratogenic substances by mother prior to knowing she was pregnant?
Do you think states are going to be nuanced about this? and allow for reasonable exceptions? Good luck with that.
This is backward ass-shittery. 50 years worth of law overturned by highly political maneuvers. @Drlee you are wrong, this is not a vote issue. The Supreme court was unceremoniously stolen by mitch McConnell when he pulled out of his ass to not allow votes on Obama's nominee... the Supreme court was mis-shappen when just weeks prior to the election, McConnell again does the exact same opposite yet once more.
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