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Rancid wrote:Western media continues to put out the idea that Ukraine will eventually have to cede territory. They have been saying this a lot in the last week. In fact, they are basically predicting it now (which is certainly a possibility of course). They are repeating this so often to the point that Zelensky asked the west to shut the fuck up with that kind of talk. Clearly, western media is more pessimistic than Ukrainians (80%+ don't want to give any land up) and the pro-Ukraine people on this thread.

"Western media" doesn't even exist. It's meaning is basically "not Russian/Chinese state propaganda garbage".
ingliz wrote:I watched a live report from the Donbas on Sky News International last week. The correspondent was going on about how disgusting it was the Russians were shelling residential areas. By chance, she met a resident and asked him what he thought. He soon put her straight and told her to stop talking rubbish: the Ukrainians were shelling the town.

The look on her face was priceless.

Needless to say, that interview was not shown on a loop.


I wonder if we saw the same report by Alex Crawford, however, at the end of the interview the guy also turned out to be pro-Russian who'd even prefer the Donbas joining Russia. But I'm sure you wouldn't have forgotten about that in any case.

Rancid wrote:Western media continues to put out the idea that Ukraine will eventually have to cede territory. They have been saying this a lot in the last week. In fact, they are basically predicting it now (which is certainly a possibility of course). They are repeating this so often to the point that Zelensky asked the west to shut the fuck up with that kind of talk. Clearly, western media is more pessimistic than Ukrainians (80%+ don't want to give any land up) and the pro-Ukraine people on this thread.

So.. where is this western media that claims "Ukraine will win" that @Igor Antunov, @Independent_Srpska, and @Rich are saying exists? Where is this so called western media propaganda? My guess, you are all making this assumption without actually paying attention because it fits whatever dumb shit points you want to make.

Dude, you really refuse to acknowledge reality :lol: right?
Could it be a syndrome of some kind?

Ukraine as you knew it - ceased to exist. DPR and NPR are reality.
Western media started to acknowledge it, Ukrainians know it for months, Zelensky knows it, but is too much of a coward to say it aloud and to stop the war.....what prevents you?

And dude, there is a hashtag #UkraineWillWin :lol: ffs just search it up will recognize your brainwashed mantra...

Independent_Srpska wrote:Dude, you really refuse to acknowledge reality :lol: right?
Could it be a syndrome of some kind?

Ukraine as you knew it - ceased to exist. DPR and NPR are reality.
Western media started to acknowledge it, Ukrainians know it for months, Zelensky knows it, but is too much of a coward to say it aloud and to stop the war.....what prevents you?

And dude, there is a hashtag #UkraineWillWin :lol: ffs just search it up will recognize your brainwashed mantra...


She is a politicians. You and Antunov say media. Politician is not equal to media.
Haha do not play dumb.

Just put in Google "Ukraine will win" and in Twitter #Ukrainewillwin and voila enjoy the narrative created by irresponsible politicians and media.
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By Beren
Independent_Srpska wrote:Ukraine as you knew it - ceased to exist.

That's for sure and it ceased to exist in 2014, however, whether they won or lost the war is a matter of point of view, such as the glass is half full or half empty. In my opinion the most important thing here is that Russia couldn't pull back Ukraine in its own orbit, I wonder if how much it comforts them that they at least managed to make the Sea of Azov their inland sea (for the moment).
Beren wrote:That's for sure and it ceased to exist in 2014, however, whether they won or lost the war is a matter of point of view, such as the glass is half full or half empty. In my opinion the most important thing here is that Russia couldn't pull back Ukraine in its own orbit, I wonder if how much it comforts them that they at least managed to make the Sea of Azov their inland sea (for the moment).

Oh, the only winner in this situation is USA, that was clear 200 pages ago.
Russia can only be satisfied with deterring NATO from their frontyard.

So, the glass is empty for Europeans, if you ask me.
"Independent_Srpska wrote:Russia can only be satisfied with deterring NATO from their frontyard.

Ukraine's more integrated with NATO and Poland than before, so I wonder if they can be really satisfied with that, the next time they'll have to fight a lot more NATO-ised and armed Ukraine, as well as some Polish troops perhaps. Due to the failed regime change attempt now it's vital for Russia to secure its southern flank, especially Crimea and the whole Azov region, militarily.
"Independent_Srpska wrote:
Russia can only be satisfied with deterring NATO from their frontyard.

Well Skippy. They kinda' fucked that up now didn't they? If Russia gets any further from its "goals" it will be trying to join NATO itself.
Ukraine is more integrated with Russia than before, literally. Its entire industrial heartland is about to become a series of Russian republics.

And the western media began rolling back the 'Ukraine winning' narrative only recently when the scale and permanence of the Russian offensive in Donbas became apparent. Also the NPC's are losing interest, they've moved onto the next trendy thing (school shootings). So you will see a big drop in mainstream media Kievan propaganda propagation.
Igor Antunov wrote:Ukraine is more integrated with Russia than before, literally. Its entire industrial heartland is about to become a series of Russian republics.

And the western media began rolling back the 'Ukraine winning' narrative only recently when the scale and permanence of the Russian offensive in Donbas became apparent. Also the NPC's are losing interest, they've moved onto the next trendy thing (school shootings). So you will see a big drop in mainstream media Kievan propaganda propagation.

Dude you are fucking insane. In 3 months, the US alone has approved 50billions, WITH A B. Of those, about ~40 billion for military aid... from the US alone. In addition, In addition, there is a huge European coalition that probably will match a very large portion of this payment. All of this to say, that on the first half of this year, Ukraine will have access to more defense capital than what even russia spends. That does not even count the free intel which surely costs millions of not billions (satellites, radars, spy planes, etc).

Forget for an instant the humanitarian aspect. From a purely strategic position, Russia fucked up, they are "wasting" their military against a country that they never had to fight and/or worry about but now has a undescribable hatred against russians. Russians and Ukranians will hate each other for the next 100 years and Ukraine will continue to grow w/ closer ties to rich western countries while russia will continue to rot on its tundra, the west will slowly wean itself off the opium of oil. Putin will have to pray for Xi saving his ass, but china only does was is good for china and saving Putin's ass does not seem so appealing right now. Great job on that partnership "without limitations" :lol: . Cannot even choose your allies properly. Who is on Russia's side? Belarus? Azerbaijan? :lol: Russia stand alone, the puppet governments barely tip the balance. There is no way out of this without admitting defeat or starting WWIII.
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By Rancid
@Igor Antunov, why does your boy Putin and his pussy ass dick suckers keep bringing up nuclear weapons? That's a bitch move.
XogGyux wrote:Dude you are fucking insane.

He is not insane. He is simply evil.

XogGyux wrote:Who is on Russia's side? Belarus? Azerbaijan?

China (at least they have no choice, as they do not want to bite the bullet and admit that the Mandate of Heaven has been moved to the Five Eyes)
The reason Russia keeps mentioning nukes is that they just found out that their military couldn't fight its way out of a rucksack. The horrific losses it has taken for very modest gains has ensured that it will not be a conventional power ever again. All it has is nukes. Russia is terrified that NATO will step in. It knows that NATO air superiority would turn Russia's army into a smoking hole in just a few days.

They will continue to hold out or even advance a little in Ukraine but with every passing day Russia becomes weaker and weaker. T-62s FGS. 31MPH top speed. Fucked armor. Lovely targets. Intelligence estimates say that Russia has lost 1000 tanks. They can't replace them. Though it claims to have 12,500 tanks, Russian media is reporting that they only had 2685 of them. And now Ukraine has played pop goes the weasel with around 1000 of those. They are well and truly fucked. Haven't seen a fighter except for one flown by an aging retired general which was brought down by a MANPADS. But Russia can bump along and make advances sometimes. But Russia a superpower? Not for a long time.

Russia needs to declare victory, pull out and have yet another parade while they still have enough good equipment to have a parade.
Drlee wrote:Russia needs to declare victory, pull out and have yet another parade while they still have enough good equipment to have a parade.

That would only stop the bleeding, it would not do anything to heal the wound. I highly doubt that relationships would go back to normal if they simply fake winning and leave Ukraine. In order for them to have a reasonable return into amicable relationships with western countries they would have to carry a degree of responsibility that quite frankly, they don't seem to be even in the vicinity off. Also, Putin needs to go before Russia can even consider returning to prior relationships. In other words, they are fucked.
XogGyux wrote:I highly doubt that relationships would go back to normal ...

We have to accept that this is simply NOT the Putin regime's aim AT ALL. The same can be said for China (CCP at least), as well as the likes of Antunov and Independent_Srpska.

There is nothing else those being righteous can do, other than annihilation, now.
Sandzak wrote:They are Bosnian Serbs worst kind of Hillbillies, ...

Hillbillies around the world think the same.

Hong Kong is in part ruined by the government appealing to these motherfuckers.

And you can see how (most) Republican supporters on PoFo think.
I don't hate them (as much) because I think it takes mad people to take down other mad people.

Sandzak wrote:but their Moonshine "Šljivovica" is legendary.

Well, I don't drink so I fail to appreciate that. Sorry.
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