Why the left will cut Biden loose - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Why the left will cut Biden loose

Cognitive decline, rude outbursts, outrageous racial slurs, lies and cratering poll numbers

Victor Davis Hanson, June 23, 2022

Republican pundits and conservative activists are debating whether they can win in 2024 with the successful Trump agenda but without the controversial former President Donald Trump as their nominee.

The Democrats have a similar, but far more serious dilemma with President Biden as the Democratic Party’s nominee in 2024.
Unlike the Trump administration’s successful four years, Mr. Biden’s tenure has been an utter disaster. There are no policy offsets to the personal liabilities and unpopularity of Mr. Biden himself.

Mr. Biden’s liabilities transcend his physical infirmities, his advanced age and his seeming geometric rather than an arithmetic rate of mental decline.

Mr. Biden, moreover, proves daily that he is not a nice guy. His excesses, past and present, are precisely those the left considers mortal sins.

Walking back Mr. Biden’s absurdities has become the nonstop, tiresome task of many on the left. As it faces a midterm disaster in November, many no longer see any compensating reasons not to drop Mr. Biden.

When the Republicans take the House of Representatives in 2022 there will be nonstop investigations of Hunter Biden’s alleged tax avoidances, his possibly illegal work as an unregistered foreign agent, and Mr. Biden’s untaxed compensation he received from the Biden lobbying consortium.

Consider also Mr. Biden’s nastiness.

During the 2020 campaign he personally attacked a young co-ed as a “lying dog-faced pony soldier” and a stocky questioner was reduced to “fat.”

Unlike former President Donald Trump’s art of the deal, exaggerations and distortions, Mr. Biden says things that are not simply untrue, but abjectly preposterous — such as the United States currently has a lower inflation rate than major European industrial powers.

In Mr. Biden’s world, there were no COVID-19 vaccinations until he took the oath of office. Russian President Vladimir Putin, the oil companies, the refiners or Mr. Trump is responsible for the historic crippling gasoline price hikes he caused by canceling drilling and pipeline projects.

Mr. Biden claims his negative-growth, hyperinflating economy is not disastrous but strong.

He serially lies that he drove a semi-truck. He has not been to the Middle East 38 times. He never received an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy. Nor was he a full professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

The MAGA movement is not the “most extreme political organization in American history.”

In other words, Mr. Biden reveals the same fantasies and plagiarism that ended his 1988 and 2008 presidential campaigns.

On matters of race and sexuality, Mr. Biden is the epitome of that for which the left, supposedly, has zero tolerance. Mr. Biden was infamous for damning with praise then-candidate Barack Obama as the first “clean” and “articulate” African American presidential candidate.

In a fake patois, Mr. Biden once warned an audience of Black professionals that Mitt Romney would “put y’all back in chains.”

During the 2020 campaign, candidate Biden derided a Black journalist as a “junkie” and lambasted a radio host and his audience with the claim “you ain’t Black” if they didn’t support his candidacy.

Spinning racialist fables like Mr. Biden’s “Corn Pop” stories would brand any conservative politician as a racist. As president, Mr. Biden still uses the term “negro,” and he called an African American adviser “boy.”

On disturbing matters of sexuality, Mr. Biden is even more coarse.

After the Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh hearings, the nation was lectured that “women must be believed.” But it was the left who attacked former Biden aide Tara Reade who surfaced in 2016 to accuse then-Sen. Biden, her former boss, of sexually assaulting her.

Mr. Biden himself had a creepy history of invading the private space of young women — inappropriately kissing them, hugging and squeezing them, and smelling and blowing into their hair and ears.

Finally, Mr. Biden was forced to apologize — sort of — by claiming he belonged to an earlier generation when such aggression was simply normal behavior. It was not then or now.

The latest controversies whirl around the British tabloid Daily Mail’s publication of the diary of Mr. Biden’s own daughter.

From the Mail’s lurid reporting, Ashley Biden seems to suggest that she showered with her father at an age when “showers w/my dad (probably [were] not appropriate).” And she seemed to connect Mr. Biden familial inappropriateness with her regret over being “hyper-sexualized (at) a young age.”

When Mr. Trump was accused by porn star Stormy Daniels of a consensual tryst or was caught on old Access Hollywood tape crudely boasting about inappropriately touching female admirers, the resulting uproar nearly derailed the Trump 2016 campaign.

The point is not just the asymmetrical treatment that has shielded Mr. Biden’s cognitive decline, rude outbursts, outrageous racialist slurs and bizarre sexual aggressiveness.

Instead, the left now fears Mr. Biden’s terrible polls and a worse record — and the resulting damage he is doing to the Democratic Party.
In such a losing political context, Democrats will soon find no further reason to cover for Mr. Biden’s own serial abhorrent personal behavior on matters of financial probity, sex, race and truthfulness.

No wonder they are growing desperate to find ways to cut him loose — without making Vice President Kamala Harris his successor.

https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/20 ... -for-2024/
BlutoSays wrote:Why the left will cut Biden loose

Cognitive decline, rude outbursts, outrageous racial slurs, lies and cratering poll numbers

Victor Davis Hanson, June 23, 2022

Republican pundits and conservative activists are debating whether they can win in 2024 with the successful Trump agenda but without the controversial former President Donald Trump as their nominee.

The Democrats have a similar, but far more serious dilemma with President Biden as the Democratic Party’s nominee in 2024.
Unlike the Trump administration’s successful four years, Mr. Biden’s tenure has been an utter disaster. There are no policy offsets to the personal liabilities and unpopularity of Mr. Biden himself.

Mr. Biden’s liabilities transcend his physical infirmities, his advanced age and his seeming geometric rather than an arithmetic rate of mental decline.

Mr. Biden, moreover, proves daily that he is not a nice guy. His excesses, past and present, are precisely those the left considers mortal sins.

Walking back Mr. Biden’s absurdities has become the nonstop, tiresome task of many on the left. As it faces a midterm disaster in November, many no longer see any compensating reasons not to drop Mr. Biden.

When the Republicans take the House of Representatives in 2022 there will be nonstop investigations of Hunter Biden’s alleged tax avoidances, his possibly illegal work as an unregistered foreign agent, and Mr. Biden’s untaxed compensation he received from the Biden lobbying consortium.

Consider also Mr. Biden’s nastiness.

During the 2020 campaign he personally attacked a young co-ed as a “lying dog-faced pony soldier” and a stocky questioner was reduced to “fat.”

Unlike former President Donald Trump’s art of the deal, exaggerations and distortions, Mr. Biden says things that are not simply untrue, but abjectly preposterous — such as the United States currently has a lower inflation rate than major European industrial powers.

In Mr. Biden’s world, there were no COVID-19 vaccinations until he took the oath of office. Russian President Vladimir Putin, the oil companies, the refiners or Mr. Trump is responsible for the historic crippling gasoline price hikes he caused by canceling drilling and pipeline projects.

Mr. Biden claims his negative-growth, hyperinflating economy is not disastrous but strong.

He serially lies that he drove a semi-truck. He has not been to the Middle East 38 times. He never received an appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy. Nor was he a full professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

The MAGA movement is not the “most extreme political organization in American history.”

In other words, Mr. Biden reveals the same fantasies and plagiarism that ended his 1988 and 2008 presidential campaigns.

On matters of race and sexuality, Mr. Biden is the epitome of that for which the left, supposedly, has zero tolerance. Mr. Biden was infamous for damning with praise then-candidate Barack Obama as the first “clean” and “articulate” African American presidential candidate.

In a fake patois, Mr. Biden once warned an audience of Black professionals that Mitt Romney would “put y’all back in chains.”

During the 2020 campaign, candidate Biden derided a Black journalist as a “junkie” and lambasted a radio host and his audience with the claim “you ain’t Black” if they didn’t support his candidacy.

Spinning racialist fables like Mr. Biden’s “Corn Pop” stories would brand any conservative politician as a racist. As president, Mr. Biden still uses the term “negro,” and he called an African American adviser “boy.”

On disturbing matters of sexuality, Mr. Biden is even more coarse.

After the Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh hearings, the nation was lectured that “women must be believed.” But it was the left who attacked former Biden aide Tara Reade who surfaced in 2016 to accuse then-Sen. Biden, her former boss, of sexually assaulting her.

Mr. Biden himself had a creepy history of invading the private space of young women — inappropriately kissing them, hugging and squeezing them, and smelling and blowing into their hair and ears.

Finally, Mr. Biden was forced to apologize — sort of — by claiming he belonged to an earlier generation when such aggression was simply normal behavior. It was not then or now.

The latest controversies whirl around the British tabloid Daily Mail’s publication of the diary of Mr. Biden’s own daughter.

From the Mail’s lurid reporting, Ashley Biden seems to suggest that she showered with her father at an age when “showers w/my dad (probably [were] not appropriate).” And she seemed to connect Mr. Biden familial inappropriateness with her regret over being “hyper-sexualized (at) a young age.”

When Mr. Trump was accused by porn star Stormy Daniels of a consensual tryst or was caught on old Access Hollywood tape crudely boasting about inappropriately touching female admirers, the resulting uproar nearly derailed the Trump 2016 campaign.

The point is not just the asymmetrical treatment that has shielded Mr. Biden’s cognitive decline, rude outbursts, outrageous racialist slurs and bizarre sexual aggressiveness.

Instead, the left now fears Mr. Biden’s terrible polls and a worse record — and the resulting damage he is doing to the Democratic Party.
In such a losing political context, Democrats will soon find no further reason to cover for Mr. Biden’s own serial abhorrent personal behavior on matters of financial probity, sex, race and truthfulness.

No wonder they are growing desperate to find ways to cut him loose — without making Vice President Kamala Harris his successor.

https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/20 ... -for-2024/

Utter hypocrisy in party political hack job, Of all the fiaws of Biden exposed Trump has the same but much much worse.

Biden has no real support on left, never did. He was not Trump, but certainly not the left's preferred Democratic nominee. The left is certainly keen for another candidate in 2024, but they always were, they never were behind Biden to say they are going to cut him looses fundamentally misunderstands or misrepresents the situation. Any support by the left for Biden in 2020 was through clenched teeth,they may support him agin because he still isn't Trump, but it;s never been their preffered option. It wasn't in 2020,

To say Biden is more dishonest than Trump is just a ludicrous claim. Or sucessful.

Trump administration more sucessful? No. Trump more honest. Not even remotely close.

Partizan hackery byideologue with no respect for the facts or the truth. Just like you Bluto . Have apologized or withdrawn you absurd allegations? You dishonest amoral hack just like this guy, he will say anything regardless of the actual facts.
pugsville wrote:
Utter hypocrisy in party political hack job

Victor Davis Hansen is worse than that, utterly wacko...

But even busted clocks are right occasionally. Both Trump and Biden are too old for another term. Both carry a lot of baggage, even if Trump carries a lot more.

Party infighting happens all the time, but I expect this will be an esp. tough fight for Dems, which can hurt their chances in the election.

With Republicans, the guy that can persuade the party bosses that he won't piss on their cereal will likely get the nomination. This will be completely private, of course, can't let the Death Cult know there is any sanity going on.
late wrote:Victor Davis Hansen is worse than that, utterly wacko...

With Republicans, the guy that can persuade the party bosses that he won't piss on their cereal will likely get the nomination. This will be completely private, of course, can't let the Death Cult know there is any sanity going on.

The Washington Times is a publication of the Unification Church cult, i.e. Moonies. So it should come as no surprise that they'll have a tendency to make outlandish assertions, at least to some extent, from time to time. As for your last sentence, Trump already has " pissed in their cereal ", yet still has been able to attain and maintain a cult of personality.
Deutschmania wrote:
The Washington Times is a publication of the Unification Church cult, i.e. Moonies. So it should come as no surprise that they'll have a tendency to make outlandish assertions, at least to some extent, from time to time. As for your last sentence, Trump already has " pissed in their cereal ", yet still has been able to attain and maintain a cult of personality.

No doubt, they'll try and keep it from happening again.
pugsville wrote:Utter hypocrisy in party political hack job, Of all the fiaws of Biden exposed Trump has the same but much much worse.

Biden has no real support on left, never did. He was not Trump, but certainly not the left's preferred Democratic nominee. The left is certainly keen for another candidate in 2024, but they always were, they never were behind Biden to say they are going to cut him looses fundamentally misunderstands or misrepresents the situation. Any support by the left for Biden in 2020 was through clenched teeth,they may support him agin because he still isn't Trump, but it;s never been their preffered option. It wasn't in 2020,

To say Biden is more dishonest than Trump is just a ludicrous claim. Or sucessful.

Trump administration more sucessful? No. Trump more honest. Not even remotely close.

Partizan hackery byideologue with no respect for the facts or the truth. Just like you Bluto . Have apologized or withdrawn you absurd allegations? You dishonest amoral hack just like this guy, he will say anything regardless of the actual facts.

Yeah, you summed it up. The OP is a moron and consumes grifter media that overplays the power of the left.

Like, what kind of fucking retard do you have to be think the left cutting Biden loose means anything? You'd be Bluto, the guy who always wins in old Popeye cartoons.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Yeah, you summed it up. The OP is a moron and consumes grifter media that overplays the power of the left.

Like, what kind of fucking retard do you have to be think the left cutting Biden loose means anything? You'd be Bluto, the guy who always wins in old Popeye cartoons.

Another thing is that the " left" in the U.S.A. isn't a monolith. The political left , by which I mean social democrats to outright Communists, has never been united, especially as it concerns the Democratic Party's big tent. For example, in the last presidential election, some prominent far left figures, namely Bob Avakian , Noam Chomsky , and lastly the actor, and progressive activist, Susan Sarandon , had encouraged people to vote for Biden, as part of a popular front . However, there were also radical left candidates who ran for president against Biden, such as most notably Howie Hawkins , and Gloria La Riva . In summary, the American left , unlike the Republican right in relation to Trump, are not a personality cult of bootlickers, who simply passively , uncritically, go along with Pres. Biden on all matters. No, any such qualified tactical support that those on the political left, such as myself , may give to Biden is nothing more than at most remote material co-operation.

Nobody mentioned yet that if they drop Biden ... they would have to put Kamala Harris in power !


Now wont THAT be interesting.


The elites in the USA really have f-ed themselves. They tried to get their favorite Harris in power, that didnt worked at all, then they picked their second choice Joe Biden and put him in charge ... with Harris in position two.

And now ... they're stuck with a president and vice president who are both idiots. Biden because he's turning into a plant (and wasnt that bright before either), Harris because she simply has zero skill (unsurprisingly).

Mind you, Bush jr also is an idiot, but at least he can connect to people, and he had Dick Chenney for the (evil) thinking.

Obama of course is also deeply evil and a gaslighter, but he also had brains. He apparently already made fun back then of Biden for screwing everything up he touches, and wasnt he right about that one.

You can say about Trump what you want, but he certainly has his talents. He can connect to people and was at least a little bit creative and unpredictable. His ideas about Ukraine are so good that Noam Chomsky, by many still seen as the most important leftwing intellectual, felt the need to publically praise him for them. The same Noam Chomsky who called Trump a Hitler during the last presidental election.

And now ... we only have Biden and Harris. Fools, surrounded by more fools.

Now this will be fun. *grabs the popcorn* :D

P.s.: Oh I forgot to mention. The left is completely marginalized in the USA. Theres single people like Tulsi Gabbard or Chris Hedges, and this small new party https://peoplesparty.org/ that probably doesnt stand a chance.

The democrats and republicans are only in a race who is more rightwing. Trump was already to the left of Clinton, whats with his suggestion the USA should stop fighting wars and focus more on itself. And Biden is only even more rightwing than Clinton.
Even the Biden administration is treating Kamala like the hot turd she is. She has zero chrarisma, and they're just sending her out to say "Do what now?" in the face of Democrats having zero response to Roe V. Wade being repealed.

Nobody likes her. She and Mike Pence have some things in common in that they have nothing in common with the average voter. Mike Pence had so little personality that he was super into Garfield cartoons. Kamala is on the same level.
Democrats are a bunch of morons. They constantly give the Republican fascist wing a crack to exploit to bringing authoritarianism to America.

Both parties are also very invested in keeping the current two party system, so there's not much that could be done to kick out democrats (or republicans).

RIP America, RIP freedom.

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