Roe V. Wade to be Overturned - Page 53 - Politics | PoFo

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Women need to know their place as viable producers of future white men. They should be thankful that graceful and dignified people such as myself, Kavanaugh, and Based Amy Cohen Barret have made the decision on their behalf to contnue the white race on its march to glory.
Beren wrote:Well, it depends on if what the majority wants, doesn't it? If ungodly fetus murderers comprise the majority in a state, then abortion should be allowed, if hypocritical religious bigots are the majority in another state, then it should be banned. It's a victory for states' rights as well as state-level pluralism and diversity anyway. :excited:

Yea, but most states rights advocates aren't really for states rights. "Let the states local communities decide" is a mantra that they never actually keep or believe. They are liars and full of deceit. They have proven time and time again, what they really care about is power. Fuck them.

Recent examples, here in Texas. Texas conservatives love to claim "let the local communities decide what's right for them". Then they advocate for bans on local cities/towns/counties deciding on things like mask mandates (which I'm against, but if you are for local communities deciding what they want to do, then you should let them according to these people), and also what local school districts are allowed to teach or not teach. Back to the national level, these conservative fuck heads would have no problem passing national level laws that restrict other states. They do not give a fuck about states rights. That is a lie, a propaganda trick.

This concept is a lie in conservative America, so fuck them all to hell. They can shove it up their ass. Fuck Abbot, fuck all these lying piece of shit conservatives, fuck them all.

There is no way that these fuckwits that want to overthrow democracy can be worked and cooperated with. Fuck them. They have destroyed this nation. It's done and dead.
Last edited by Rancid on 26 Jun 2022 17:14, edited 4 times in total.
Pants-of-dog wrote:If it is not about punishing the pregnant person for their choices, why is it important to make an exception for when they did not choose?

Not if they are deadbeats.

And this removal of rights will create more deadbeats.


Conservatives are not punishing women for getting pregnant l They are punishing women for being sexually active.



Arizona’s high rate of maternal mortality shows a blatant disregard for women’s health. It is comparable to an openly sexist society like Chile.

Banning abortion is correlated with higher maternal mortality rates, so according to the science, this removal of abortion rights will probably end up with higher maternal mortality in those states that ban it.

The rape exception is hypocritical as I have said. It is an attempt at an act of compassion but is steeped in racism as a matter of fact. Please note before you play this broken record yet again, that my state has no rape exception.

Maternal mortality rates are irrelevant. If there is a problem with prenatal care then the state, which is so all fired interested in the unborn in the first place, should fix the care problem. Abortion has nothing to do with that.

And, for the record, I do not agree with your premise.

AND AGAIN. Two points. The abortion ban is not unique to "conservatives". There are a great many so-called liberals and moderates who dislike abortion extremely. More than a third of democrats identify as pro life. The overwhelming majority of Americans want some limits on abortion. Indeed under Roe V. Wade, states were allowed and even encouraged to establish limits on abortion.

Secondly it is not about punishing promiscuity. If it was, abortion would be permitted for married women and banned for single ones. You logic is flawed. Does the abortion ban inconvenience women who do not want to have a child? Yes. That is no more "punishment" for women than the draft is "punishment" for men.

Now POD. If you want to go off-topic and assert that this change in the law is indicative of the fact that women do not have nor is there any move to give them equal rights to men, I quite agree. If there such an intention we would have quotas of fathers getting custody to ensure that the responsibility for raising children did not disproportionately fall on women. Oh yea. And we would pass the Equal Rights Amendment.
Some polls are showing that 59-60% of Americans disapprove of overturning Roe. 41% approve. When you look at only women, it's something like 67% disapprove the decision.

Something like 58% of Americans would like to see a law that makes abortion legal nation wide. Given the way power is distributed in the US. I'd guess that you would need 75-80% of the population for that to happen. In other words, abortion is going to remain illegal in massive swaths of the US for the foreseeable future.

Also, it appears that Americans are still in denial that gay marriage is next. Only 57% believe gay marriage will be limited by the SCOTUS. Yet, the SCOTUS themselves has stated they will go after it, yet people are still in denial (i.e. that number should be way higher than 57% given the court already announced its intentions). Americans have been too comfortable with their rights it seems; taken them for granted which creates this denial. More will be lost. The court has already stated it will go after gay marriage, just being gay in general (like making it ok for states to ban just being gay), and birth control.

This is that phrase that goes something like "They came for my neighbors and did nothing because they weren't going after me.... now they are coming after me when its too late to do something".

America is sliding into shit hole-ism. Good luck Americans. I suggest you work on an exit plan in case things get irreparable.
Drlee wrote:The rape exception is hypocritical as I have said. It is an attempt at an act of compassion but is steeped in racism as a matter of fact. Please note before you play this broken record yet again, that my state has no rape exception.

Maternal mortality rates are irrelevant. If there is a problem with prenatal care then the state, which is so all fired interested in the unborn in the first place, should fix the care problem. Abortion has nothing to do with that.

And, for the record, I do not agree with your premise.

Bans on abortion and high maternal mortality rates are correlated.

I assume both are caused by societal sexism.

AND AGAIN. Two points. The abortion ban is not unique to "conservatives". There are a great many so-called liberals and moderates who dislike abortion extremely. More than a third of democrats identify as pro life. The overwhelming majority of Americans want some limits on abortion. Indeed under Roe V. Wade, states were allowed and even encouraged to establish limits on abortion.

Secondly it is not about punishing promiscuity. If it was, abortion would be permitted for married women and banned for single ones. You logic is flawed. Does the abortion ban inconvenience women who do not want to have a child? Yes. That is no more "punishment" for women than the draft is "punishment" for men.

How does this refute that this is about punishing sexually active women?

All you seem to be saying is that we are just as judgemental about married women having sex.

Now POD. If you want to go off-topic and assert that this change in the law is indicative of the fact that women do not have nor is there any move to give them equal rights to men, I quite agree. If there such an intention we would have quotas of fathers getting custody to ensure that the responsibility for raising children did not disproportionately fall on women. Oh yea. And we would pass the Equal Rights Amendment.

This seems like a whataboutusm.
Beren wrote:Right, but how about the SCOTUS? Are they also faking it while only being against abortion?

SCOTUS itself is very conservative. Odds are they are states rights fakers too.
Rancid wrote:Some polls are showing that 59-60% of Americans disapprove of overturning Roe. 41% approve. When you look at only women, it's something like 67% disapprove the decision.

Something like 58% of Americans would like to see a law that makes abortion legal nation wide. Given the way power is distributed in the US. I'd guess that you would need 75-80% of the population for that to happen. In other words, abortion is going to remain illegal in massive swaths of the US for the foreseeable future.

Also, it appears that Americans are still in denial that gay marriage is next. Only 57% believe gay marriage will be limited by the SCOTUS. Yet, the SCOTUS themselves has stated they will go after it, yet people are still in denial (i.e. that number should be way higher than 57% given the court already announced its intentions). Americans have been too comfortable with their rights it seems; taken them for granted which creates this denial. More will be lost. The court has already stated it will go after gay marriage, just being gay in general (like making it ok for states to ban just being gay), and birth control.

This is that phrase that goes something like "They came for my neighbors and did nothing because they weren't going after me.... now they are coming after me when its too late to do something".

America is sliding into shit hole-ism. Good luck Americans. I suggest you work on an exit plan in case things get irreparable.

Once you make popular votes not the base for democratic political processes in the USA? You open the door for minority rule. Once you have a very conservative Right wing SCOTUS? You will have the overturning of rights and rule by ideological bents. Most of that SCOTUS is right wing. You will have fascist tendencies in legal matters for decades in the USA. The democrats are not left people. They are moderate right wing people in almost every category. So the USA is going down the tubes according to @Rancid. I moved out of to a nation with a socialist as president.

You can keep your fascist stuff in the US. I don't want to live with the racists and the ones who think like some fools in here that you are born to lose if you are born Latino or Black or Native American, etc. That is for a society looking for a civil war. I don't want to live in a civil war environment. Too old for that stuff.

But Rancid, you have a home here with me. Lol. I say buy a house in Europe or in some nation you like. And have a Plan B for if the fascism comes for your wife, yourself or your kids.

If they start to experience racist Texan rednecks with guns in public places threatening her and calling her names and your kids? Don't wait for the fascist police to knock on your door. It will be too late by then.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Conservatives are not punishing women for getting pregnant l They are punishing women for being sexually active.

If it's a punishment then they're punishing themselves as well. All people who have sex are affected, men and women, married or not. Women more than men obviously, but conservative women as well.

Since you have no actual evidence that this is meant as a punishment your claim can be rejected
SpecialOlympian wrote:Women need to know their place as viable producers of future white men. They should be thankful that graceful and dignified people such as myself, Kavanaugh, and Based Amy Cohen Barret have made the decision on their behalf to contnue the white race on its march to glory.

I understand you are retarded and all, but you need to know that blacks have about 4X more abortions than whites.
Unthinking Majority wrote:If it's a punishment then they're punishing themselves as well. All people who have sex are affected, men and women, married or not. Women more than men obviously, but conservative women as well.

Since you have no actual evidence that this is meant as a punishment your claim can be rejected

I have provided evidence. Not only is there the whole rape.exception thing, there is also the fact.that many pro-lifers talk about responsibility and consequences for choices.

You yourself have done this.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I have provided evidence. Not only is there the whole rape.exception thing, there is also the fact.that many pro-lifers talk about responsibility and consequences for choices.

You yourself have done this.

Have you considered the possibly that people don't like the idea of innocent unborn children being killed? I would think any time such a policy exists it will cause some controversy and debate. I don't care what a woman does with her own body, I care when they kill babies.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Have you considered the possibly that people don't like the idea of innocent unborn children being killed? I would think any time such a policy exists it will cause some controversy and debate. I don't care what a woman does with her own body, I care when they kill babies.

If you did not care about their behaviour and choices, then you would not use their behaviour and choices to justify your stance.
Drlee wrote:The rape exception is hypocritical as I have said. It is an attempt at an act of compassion but is steeped in racism as a matter of fact. Please note before you play this broken record yet again, that my state has no rape exception.

Maternal mortality rates are irrelevant. If there is a problem with prenatal care then the state, which is so all fired interested in the unborn in the first place, should fix the care problem. Abortion has nothing to do with that.

And, for the record, I do not agree with your premise.

AND AGAIN. Two points. The abortion ban is not unique to "conservatives". There are a great many so-called liberals and moderates who dislike abortion extremely. More than a third of democrats identify as pro life. The overwhelming majority of Americans want some limits on abortion. Indeed under Roe V. Wade, states were allowed and even encouraged to establish limits on abortion.

Secondly it is not about punishing promiscuity. If it was, abortion would be permitted for married women and banned for single ones. You logic is flawed. Does the abortion ban inconvenience women who do not want to have a child? Yes. That is no more "punishment" for women than the draft is "punishment" for men.

Now POD. If you want to go off-topic and assert that this change in the law is indicative of the fact that women do not have nor is there any move to give them equal rights to men, I quite agree. If there such an intention we would have quotas of fathers getting custody to ensure that the responsibility for raising children did not disproportionately fall on women. Oh yea. And we would pass the Equal Rights Amendment.

I love where I live now. I really love it. I think people should have the freedom to live where they like to live.

Women who have children and choose to have the child or children? And that can't pay bills, are stuck with two jobs and never supervise the kids they chose to have? The state is full of people telling the women you have to take responsibility but they leave them without a plan to support the kids? Are looking for trouble.

It is easy to fill your mouth as a conservative like the ones making these decisions in the SCOTUS about the sacredness of human life. But they don't want to spend a dime on social and economic programs that strengthen families. Like that tax credit per month of $350 dollars per child per month. No, the parents are drug addicts says Manchin. No, they are not. They said it helps enormously with bills, and rent. They can finally have stability because the inflation and the costs are out of control.

But the politicians want to not help but judge and lecture. The politicians on the Right want to judge, and lecture and not help anyone but their own pockets. They are asking for violence, war, and running for their lives from angry mobs. That are going to be on the Left, filled with Blacks and Latinos, Asians and Immigrant families, poor liberals and middle class Americans who became trailer park and tent dwelling Americans in one generation.

They are asking for a civil war with this shitty inaction and lack of policy initiatives.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@wat0n

Arizona’s high rate of maternal mortality shows a blatant disregard for women’s health. It is comparable to an openly sexist society like Chile.

Banning abortion is correlated with higher maternal mortality rates, so according to the science, this removal of abortion rights will probably end up with higher maternal mortality in those states that ban it.

Again, the rates you are looking at come from estimates and they are way off the real rates. Chile is estimated to have a maternal mortality rate that is about 40% lower than the actual figure.

I don't know if there's a report that looks at actually measured rates, not modeled estimates.

I'd like to see some evidence of the correlation between abortion and maternal mortality you mention, controlling for income, age structure of the population, etc. I think we have to wait and see if maternal mortality rates increase in states banning abortion - I'm fairly sure some papers will be written some 5 or so years from now about this matter. It shouldn't affect maternal mortality because abortion for preserving maternal health is still protected under rational basis review (this is mentioned explicitly as a state interest considered by Mississippi's law in the ruling's final text for the majority opinion), so states banning abortion in this case will almost surely face litigation.
Rancid wrote:@Scamp are you gay? Serious question.

No. I have been married to the same woman for many years. I like women, and think many of them are beautiful.
But I can tell you @Rancid are gay.
Scamp wrote:I understand you are retarded and all, but you need to know that blacks have about 4X more abortions than whites.

Yes, and they know that being born Black in the racist fucked society that keeps telling them how inferior they are, how dumb and animal like they are, how they will never amount to anything, how they are criminals, ignorant, and servant and slave class for all time, how they are born to be in jail, how they are untrustworthy, lazy, good-for-nothings and so on? Yes, Scampy you racist asshole, I can understand how a black woman that is pregnant with a husband, boyfriend, lover is in jail and she can't find a job, and is on crack to forget the fucked up messages people like send to the Black community all day--might decide--do I want some child of mine to live through all that terrible shit? The answer is no, I don't.

How do I know this? I read my older son's social worker's file. His mother internalized all that racism. She believed all the fucking lies you racist people spew all day. And she took it out on her only child that had a black father and a black mother. The other two had different fathers who were not Black. So the target for her self hatred was my son. An innocent kid. Who did not know that the world is full of assholes like you spewing shit about Black men and black criminals and who sit on their ass all day spewing that filth waiting for the Blacks to believe all that bullshit you believe.

You have done enough damage with your racist bullshit. When your nation is burning to the ground by the opposition to your lies and bullshit and your dreams of a 1950s America is gone forever. You should realize that the Blacks have guns too. They can hate too and they can go after your racist ass as well.
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