Russia-Ukraine War 2022 - Page 405 - Politics | PoFo

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Euro countries need to stop the exit of russians from russian. Before the mobilization was announced, these russians were not thinking about leaving russia... either they supported the whole thing, or at least they tolerated it as long as it was not affected them personally. Either way, these are not the kind of people that we need in the west. The people that fled before, sure take them, they are not guilty of what their crazy regimen does, but does that only changed their mind when they became affected... that's fucked up.
Furthermore, Russia is a pot in the boiler, if you let the russians that don't want to serve escape, if you let this "steam" out slowly, the pot will not explode. We need to have the pot seal airtight and have it go Kaboom at once. Fuck this, putin needs to be dethroned and this can only happen if we keep the unhappy russians in russia so they can protest and take action in russia. Dont provide a venting system to release the pressure. :knife:
XogGyux wrote:They are part of Ukraine. The referendums are illegitimate and not going to be recognized internationally.

Pfft :lol: , the Balkans full of countries that held illegitimate referendums (or none at all) and yet you recognized them happily.
Message being nobody gives a f* , right?

Well Russia does not give a f*, too - for recognition of 15% of the countries which support glorification of Nazism 8)

It's basically like Crimea case, you still bark at the fence, but Kiev ambitions to kill people there deflated.
The same is going to happen with these 4 regions.
No more systemic harassment of people by Kiev proxy regime.
People first, western sick ambitions very last.
Last edited by Independent_Srpska on 25 Sep 2022 07:52, edited 1 time in total.
Rugoz wrote:By annexing territory Russia has basically closed the door to negotiations. There's no way the world will accept this, in particular not when its combined with veiled nuclear threats. Imagine what kind of precedent that would set.

Oh, yeah. The best way proposing negotiation was to arm Nazi units like Azov, Right sector, C-4 and send them to kill people in Donbass.
Pity Putin did not understand your proposal for negotiation.
XogGyux wrote:Euro countries need to stop the exit of russians from russian. Before the mobilization was announced, these russians were not thinking about leaving russia... either they supported the whole thing, or at least they tolerated it as long as it was not affected them personally. Either way, these are not the kind of people that we need in the west. The people that fled before, sure take them, they are not guilty of what their crazy regimen does, but does that only changed their mind when they became affected... that's fucked up.
Furthermore, Russia is a pot in the boiler, if you let the russians that don't want to serve escape, if you let this "steam" out slowly, the pot will not explode. We need to have the pot seal airtight and have it go Kaboom at once. Fuck this, putin needs to be dethroned and this can only happen if we keep the unhappy russians in russia so they can protest and take action in russia. Dont provide a venting system to release the pressure. :knife:

Yes, that's the way.
Let's ban Tchaikovsky and borsch , too!
Let's ban Russian sports team from competing, let's sanction children, wives , mistresses of Russian officials.
They are all ,anyway, filthy non-Aryans!
Independent_Srpska wrote:Yes, that's the way.
Let's ban Tchaikovsky and borsch , too!
Let's ban Russian sports team from competing, let's sanction children, wives , mistresses of Russian officials.
They are all ,anyway, filthy non-Aryans!

They are mostly coming to Turkey. I have seen a lot of lone Russian males lately. It is not far away from Russia. :D


Shanghai Cooperation Summit 2022:

Last edited by Istanbuller on 25 Sep 2022 08:36, edited 1 time in total.
The Guardian

Russia’s allies China and India call for negotiations to end Ukraine war
Moscow isolated at United Nations assembly, with no major country siding with it

China and India have called for a negotiated end to the Ukraine war, stopping short of robust support for traditional ally Russia.

After a week of pressure at the United Nations general assembly, Russia’s foreign minister took the general assembly rostrum to deliver a fiery rebuke to western nations for what he termed a “grotesque” campaign against Russians.

But no major nation has rallied behind Russia, including China, which just days before the February invasion of Ukraine had vowed an “unbreakable” bond with President Vladimir Putin.

China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, called on Russia and Ukraine to “keep the crisis from spilling over” and from affecting developing countries.

“China supports all efforts conducive to the peaceful resolution of the Ukraine crisis. The pressing priority is to facilitate talks for peace,” Wang said on Saturday.

“The fundamental solution is to address the legitimate security concerns of all parties and build a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture.”

During his visit to the United Nations, Wang met Ukraine’s foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, in their first talks since the war began.

Earlier this month Putin acknowledged Chinese “concerns” about Ukraine during a meeting with his counterpart, Xi Jinping.

US officials have been heartened by what they see as China’s lack of concrete backing for the war and said that Beijing has declined requests to send military equipment, forcing Russia to rely on North Korea and Iran as its own supplies dwindle.

China’s reaction to Russia is being closely watched for clues on its approach to Taiwan, a self-governing democracy that Beijing claims as its territory.

Wang held firm that China would take “forceful steps” against any interference, insisting that efforts to prevent “reunification” with Taiwan would be “crushed by the wheels of history”.

India, unlike China, has a warm relationship with the United States but it has historical ties with Russia, its traditional defence supplier.

“As the Ukraine conflict continues to rage, we are often asked whose side we are on,” said India’s foreign minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar.

“Our answer, each time, is straight and honest – India is on the side of peace and will remain firmly there,” he said.

“We are on the side that calls for dialogue and diplomacy as the only way out.”

Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, at a news conference declined to answer whether there has been any pressure from China. In his speech, he sought to cast blame squarely on the west.

“The official Russophobia in the west is unprecedented. Now the scope is grotesque,” Lavrov told the general assembly.

“They are not shying away from declaring the intent to inflict not only military defeat on our country but also to destroy and fracture Russia.”

The United States, he said, since the end of the cold war has acted as if it is “an envoy of God on Earth, with the sacred right to act with impunity wherever and whenever they want”, Lavrov said.

He also blasted the European Union as an “authoritarian, harsh, dictatorial entity” and said the bloc’s leadership forced one member state’s leader – the Cypriot president, Nicos Anastasiades – to cancel a planned meeting with him.

Lavrov criticised the west for not engaging with Russia, saying, “we have never stepped away from maintaining contact”.

Western powers are looking at further sanctions after Putin called up reservists and made a veiled threat to use nuclear weapons, and have refused to recognise results of referendums on Russian annexation being held in occupied territories.

They have welcomed Lavrov’s isolation, noting how he only showed up at a security council session on Thursday to deliver remarks and not to listen to others.

Russia enjoyed one rare voice of support on Saturday at the general assembly. Mali’s interim prime minister, Col Abdoulaye Maïga, appointed by coup leaders, hailed the “exemplary and fruitful cooperation” with Moscow.

The junta has welcomed Russia’s Wagner Group security firm, despite western allegations of rights abuses, as France pulled out troops who had been struggling to contain a jihadist insurgency.

The Chinese are obviously playing for time, hoping their ally can reverse recent Ukranian gains on the battlefield. 3 months ago it was Ukraine that were desperate to show the world that they could win this conflict. Now the shoe is on the other foot.
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By Rugoz
XogGyux wrote:Euro countries need to stop the exit of russians from russian. Before the mobilization was announced, these russians were not thinking about leaving russia... either they supported the whole thing, or at least they tolerated it as long as it was not affected them personally. Either way, these are not the kind of people that we need in the west. The people that fled before, sure take them, they are not guilty of what their crazy regimen does, but does that only changed their mind when they became affected... that's fucked up.
Furthermore, Russia is a pot in the boiler, if you let the russians that don't want to serve escape, if you let this "steam" out slowly, the pot will not explode. We need to have the pot seal airtight and have it go Kaboom at once. Fuck this, putin needs to be dethroned and this can only happen if we keep the unhappy russians in russia so they can protest and take action in russia. Dont provide a venting system to release the pressure.

Eh...if I were Russian I would flee too. It's a pathetic country of pathetic people. I wouldn't want to die for them one way or another. As long as Putler boils them slowly, there won't be any popular uprising.
I will leave this here because of the western informative blockage you , dear Fanboys', suffer from...

Faced with the inability of Western countries to negotiate and the Ukrainian Government’s “war against its own people” in the east, Russia had “no choice” but to launch what the Government refers to as its special military operation, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the UN General Assembly on Saturday.

Independent_Srpska wrote:I will leave this here because of the western informative blockage you , dear Fanboys', suffer from...

Independent_Srpska wrote:Yes, that's the way.
Let's ban Tchaikovsky and borsch , too!
Let's ban Russian sports team from competing, let's sanction children, wives , mistresses of Russian officials.
They are all ,anyway, filthy non-Aryans!

That is not what I have said and you know it. Russia was waging wrong for 6 month before this mobilization. Plenty of people fled the country before, I have no issues with those that left before. I have no issues with russian emigrants that have resided in other countries for years and/or decades. I have an issue with those that only decided to flee once it was obvious that they had to pay a price for their actions. Frankly I would have thought you would agree with this.... why do you want your mobilization-elegible men fleeing the country that you are supporting? :knife:
XogGyux wrote:That is not what I have said and you know it. Russia was waging wrong for 6 month before this mobilization. Plenty of people fled the country before, I have no issues with those that left before. I have no issues with russian emigrants that have resided in other countries for years and/or decades. I have an issue with those that only decided to flee once it was obvious that they had to pay a price for their actions. Frankly I would have thought you would agree with this.... why do you want your mobilization-elegible men fleeing the country that you are supporting? :knife:

Mr. Lavrov has a message for the Fanboys:

Furthermore, Russophobia, he said, had reached unprecedented proportions, with Western powers making no secret of their ambition to militarily defeat Russia, and try to “destroy and fracture Russia…What they want to do is to remove from the global map, a geopolitical entity, which has become all too independent.”
If Russia did not want to be defeated she should not start wars that she unable to win.

Someone should inform Lavrov that people are responsible for their own actions. Even more so ministers like Lavrov and Presidents like Putin.

Russia has already been defeated on the ground and all her organisational problems have become apparent for the entire world to see.

It can now bow down to salvage what little remains or she can press on to full oblivion. The choice is Russia's to make and not anybody else's fault.
Very true. This unprovoked attack will go down in history as one of the most bone-headed blunders in the history of war.

As a military and political leader Putin is a very good flute player.
Independent_Srpska wrote:Mr. Lavrov has a message for the Fanboys:

Biden has a true prophecy for Russian Fanboys


Russian fanboys have a bitter pill to swallow. Jewish comedian from "non-existent Ukrainian country" brings Putin Mega Russian Patriot to his knees begging Turkey & Iran.

They be needing ketamine to cope.
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