I am SICK AND TIRED of Repuds attacking all Dems & liberals as being groomers & pedophiles. - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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He thinks he's taunting everyone, but he's just embarrassing himself in his own moronity.

You know this doof is closet-queer as all hell.

Actual straight people literally don't care.
Morgan Le Fey wrote:You know this fucker is closet queer as hell.
So now you're homophobic, too? :eh:

Morgan Le Fey wrote:Actual straight people literally don't care.
If you don't care then why bring it up?
The problem is that sexual deviancy progresses along a spectrum and so the LGBTQ really do have a higher incidence of pedophiles. The push to legitimize pedophilia is definitely coming from LGBTQ people and their allies, so this type of thing won't be going away. It's also impossible to put a lid on it without having infighting within the tribes, such as with the recent Balenciaga debacle, or the extremely dubious things that some Twitter employees had been writing.
Wulfschilde wrote:
The push to legitimize pedophilia is definitely coming from LGBTQ people and their allies, so this type of thing won't be going away.

Nutjobs have been saying that for a very long time.

The nuts are still nuts, but it ain't happened.

Not going to happen, either..
Wulfschilde wrote:The problem is that sexual deviancy progresses along a spectrum and so the LGBTQ really do have a higher incidence of pedophiles.


For example, Trump is a sexual predator who targeted minors. He seems heterosexual.

The push to legitimize pedophilia is definitely coming from LGBTQ people and their allies, so this type of thing won't be going away.

No. It is Republican politicians who oppose laws banning child marriage and age of consent laws.
Godstud wrote:So now you're homophobic, too?

Go play your doublespeak games with someone who doesn't know Orwell. You're a weird, weird guy and not remotely the only one with skin in this game.

It's like calling out Black people for using the "N" word because you think they or I care about you scoring your White Savior Points. Maybe since you're a StraightLord you haven't heard about the Q-Word reclamation? LOL ok Elon Junior.

We can not talk and be fine if you aren't savvy enough to get me brah.

Godstud wrote:If you don't care then why bring it up?

I didn't bring it up brah, the actual anti-LGBT person here did. I pointed out a known fact to all LGBT people: straight people aren't our enemy- They don't care! Closeted Queers care a whole lot. Look right to the Vatican!

Watch the crap you throw at the wall so that it doesn't end up sticking to you.

Pants-of-dog wrote:I care because all this anti-LGBTQ rhetoric (in the guise of opposing grooming) increases the risk of violence against my LGBTQ family and friends.

Were you saying this to me?

Surely you understood my context.

The problem is that sexual deviancy progresses along a spectrum and so the LGBTQ really do have a higher incidence of pedophiles. The push to legitimize pedophilia is definitely coming from LGBTQ people and their allies, so this type of thing won't be going away. It's also impossible to put a lid on it without having infighting within the tribes, such as with the recent Balenciaga debacle, or the extremely dubious things that some Twitter employees had been writing.

This is some grade A #1 Homophobia of the type practiced since the 1800s. A virulent strain it first demonizes the "pedophile" class as unfixable monsters (Obviously they must not be allow to hurt children, lets not play to their hysterics) then tries to tie homosexual people and trans folks too as something along the lines of these demonized people.

Its what right-wing hysterics always rely on. It was as false in the 19th Century as it is in the 21st but its far worse because anyone can be better if they actually just do a little work and try to be polite humans.

This is the day and age of the anonymous dunk though so cheapshots like this play well with those who don't know better and think now one else can.

Either way the homophobic nature of the comment renders its writer irrelevant out of hand. Male relatives are the most likely sexual predators of children and they prey on either gender 50% of the time. Pedophile attraction is about the age and lack of maturity of the sexual target. What someone holding moronic opinions like yourself couldn't grasp is that whether or "gay" or "straight" these attractions are now and only ever have been to adults.

I've come to despise the Russian Orthodox Church right up there with the Latin one in Rome. What a group of scum, queer all of them too.
Last edited by Morgan Le Fey on 14 Dec 2022 06:39, edited 6 times in total.
Morgan Le Fey wrote:He thinks he's taunting everyone, but he's just embarrassing himself in his own moronity.

You know this doof is closet-queer as all hell.

Actual straight people literally don't care.

The whole "homophobes are all homosexuals" thing is a bit demeaning to gay people, in my opinion.

I think the reality is just that simply some people are shitty. And especially in rightwingers, who see things in terms of hierarchies and society as a system of hierarchies that must be maintained, they simply want someone to shit on because it justifies whatever shit situation they're in. They have bought fully into capitalism, the American ideal, etc. and they can't reflect on how they worship a system that shits all over them so they need a minority to punch down on.

When you been convinced that all collective action toward improving society or that any kind of wealth distribution is ~COMMUNISM~ then your only alternative to improving your life is to enshrine your place in the hiearchy and ensure there are people below you. Governmental action can't help you, but it can make other people lives worse. And in the eyes of a reactionary that's just as good. Better even!
I think saying they're closeted makes them sympathetic, when they are simply extremely shitty people. They would gladly live under an underpass warming their hands over a trash fire so long as they know anyone who isn't white or heterosexual is being actively punished by the government and that said punishment elevates them over the punished.

Calling them closeted homosexuals presumes they could be better people. They can not be better people. They are inherently shitty losers who are irredeemable because they are motivated by hatred of others, not themselves.

You're free to disagree but that is how I interpret American conservative thought. Saying they hate themselves presumes a level of introspection they are incapable of. I would posit that the average American conservative is dumber than a gorilla and could not recognize themselves in a mirror. And if you handed them a rainbow flag they would attack their own reflection until their fists were bloody.
Also I'm loving the Balenciaga hate because just look up what a jacket or a pair of pants costs on their website and tell me that this wasn't amazing marketing for them. Nobody who is dumb enough to be angry at them can afford a single thing they sell.

Like, literally, if you want a Balenciaga branded case for your Apple airpods it's $250. They don't give a shit that any loser moron on this website is angry at them, they're not their customer base.

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