Moscow posters promoting Moscow women to marry Han- Chinese men - Politics | PoFo

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Well, look at what happens when young men wanting sex don't have enough single women to have sex with or marry. Ancient South American tribes like the Yanomamo would kill firstborn infant females. After a while, they were short of women for that generation. So they would go on war hunts with other tribes often for the sole purpose of having women to have babies with. Chinese society up until 2015 had the one child-only policy for Han Chinese Mandarin speakers and look what happened? Shortage of women. A lot of shortage because of stupid sexist dumb-ass preferences. So? Now, they need Russian women to fill in the gap.

They are going to Malaysia, the Philippines, and everywhere looking for women to marry. Assholes. Should have realized don't kill your daughters due to stupid sexist beliefs. Otherwise, the men become desperate. Pendejos. :D
Well, they better not come to my country looking for girls and young women to marry. Lol. None of us like Siberia or the cold litwin.

Do you think I want to go and live in that cold tundra? NO WAY.

I did not like Colorado winters and they have more days of sunshine than Florida. Forget about living out in some frozen place with 60 below zero and worse temps.

I get the shivers just thinking about it.

I was born in front of that beach because the hospital is on that beach area.

Tainari88 wrote:Well, they better not come to my country looking for girls and young women to marry. Lol. None of us like Siberia or the cold litwin.

Do you think I want to go and live in that cold tundra? NO WAY.

I did not like Colorado winters and they have more days of sunshine than Florida. Forget about living out in some frozen place with 60 below zero and worse temps.

I get the shivers just thinking about it.

I was born in front of that beach because the hospital is on that beach area.

[i]man KGB genitals are very unhappy with this development I am sure a coup and revolution is underway[/i] , " better not come to my country looking for girls and young women to marry" which is ?
Beren wrote:Such propaganda has been going on for a while.

How I Became Russian

So while Russian men are supposed to go fight and die in Ukraine for (the sake of) the Motherland, Chinese men are suggested marry their women, or their women are suggested marry Chinese men. Just another great plan or idea of Putin's! :excited:

many Moscow genitals are unhappy, they know that Han- China is much more dangerous for them than the west , ussr fought commie hans since 70s to the last days ....

hans wants back.png
litwin wrote:[i]man KGB genitals are very unhappy with this development I am sure a coup and revolution is underway[/i] , " better not come to my country looking for girls and young women to marry" which is ?

My country is the country that the Despacito song from Luis Fonsi is from. I am sure, we are prudes and worry about showing our flesh to the world. NOT.

We are famous for beautiful women Litwin. The woman in the despacito video is called Zuleyka Rivera. Miss Universe winner. There are a lot of them. Do I worry that the Chinese men will come looking for the women here? Not really. The Puerto Rican men don't really marry many women outside of their own group. Just because the other women are kind of ugly. That is what they say. Haha.


Tainari88 wrote:My country is the country that the Despacito song from Luis Fonsi is from. I am sure, we are prudes and worry about showing our flesh to the world. NOT.

We are famous for beautiful women Litwin. The woman in the despacito video is called Zuleyka Rivera. Miss Universe winner. There are a lot of them. Do I worry that the Chinese men will come looking for the women here? Not really. The Puerto Rican men don't really marry many women outside of their own group. Just because the other women are kind of ugly. That is what they say. Haha.


Puerto Rican women are too FREE, to emancipated FOR HAN OR Muscovite slaves . ps GREAT ISLAND, CULTURE AND WOMEN OF COS. I HOPE YOU and your island DO WELL 8)

Yeah, I don't see a Russian or Ukrainian man marrying a Chinese woman working. I am happily married to an American woman. That being said, during my time learning the Russian foreign language, from what I gathered, if a man wants to date a Slavic woman, he will be expected to pay on the first few dates and act as a gentleman. For example, opening the door for the lady, opening the car door for the lady, and pulling out the chair and such. More traditional values and gender roles regarding the dating culture among Slavs. Moreover, most Slavic women are very well-educated and can earn their own money. They are also very family oriented too.
Sandzak wrote:@litwin We are heading to WW3!

On one side Russia, China, Iran and North-Korea on the other Western democracies.

China has dared even to threaten the USA with war.

Reminds me the Peloponnesian war between Athens and Sparta alliances.

Post Scriptum

Slavic women are the most beautifull on the planet.

we´think and write about future of Bosnia , talk to EU institutes, they MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SERBIAN LANDS IN BOSNIA . your place is reserved in NATO/EU. about WWIII , relax Moscow horde (ulus) produces 1 % of the world GDP, soon it´ll be over much like in 1917/1991

commie - China has own problem , Moscow is too small and to far away to protect , the commie hans dont care believe me
Tainari88 wrote:Well, they better not come to my country looking for girls and young women to marry. Lol. None of us like Siberia or the cold litwin.

Do you think I want to go and live in that cold tundra? NO WAY.

I did not like Colorado winters and they have more days of sunshine than Florida. Forget about living out in some frozen place with 60 below zero and worse temps.

I get the shivers just thinking about it.

I was born in front of that beach because the hospital is on that beach area.

Japan will take back Karafuto (Sakhalin) Island | Peter Zeihan, Geopolitics of Japan 5:02

You know the Japanese really need to rethink their entire relationship with the Russian Federation.

The Russians did have antagonistic relationships in the past with Japan. Let me see if I can find a video:

Japan was an imperial power. So was Russia in its past.

It is on its second anachronistic power grab for Ukraine. It is not doing well.

Meanwhile China still is pissed a bit at Japan for WWII.

Have you ever watched the Ip Man movies? For me it symbolizes why the Chinese hate the Japanese and love making movies where the Chinese beat up the Japanese. Lol.

I think one has to stop with the imperialism. It is not going to be doing anything but pissing off the people being invaded by force and with bullshit thoughts of civilizing the inferior peoples and bringing superior technology to the primitive. Those are all lies.
Tainari88 wrote:You know the Japanese really need to rethink their entire relationship with the Russian Federation.

The Russians did have antagonistic relationships in the past with Japan. Let me see if I can find a video:

Japan was an imperial power. So was Russia in its past.

It is on its second anachronistic power grab for Ukraine. It is not doing well.

Meanwhile China still is pissed a bit at Japan for WWII.

Have you ever watched the Ip Man movies? For me it symbolizes why the Chinese hate the Japanese and love making movies where the Chinese beat up the Japanese. Lol.

I think one has to stop with the imperialism. It is not going to be doing anything but pissing off the people being invaded by force and with bullshit thoughts of civilizing the inferior peoples and bringing superior technology to the primitive. Those are all lies.

". So was Russia in its past. "

in its past ?
litwin wrote:". So was Russia in its past. "

in its past ?

Litwin Russia has declined a lot since 1991. It is a shadow of what it once was in terms of 'empire' and it wants what it once thought it controlled. That is the reason for the present war with Ukraine. It wants to be what it used to be with the USSR. But the USSR were a large group of nations with unequal power relationships, corruption and badly done consumer goods planning brought it all crashing down. They got to accept it was a self made failure and move on with their much smaller control. But you got Putin the dictator wanting to do a dictator thing. So you got a war now.

Another lesson for you to realize that no matter which nation has the IMPERIAL mentality? Get rid of it. Move on from lessons learned from the past. Once you have made the mistakes you can't bring back a blast from the past. Not in today's world.

Got to stop with the conquer the world shitty mentality. You can't. The world is big with a lot of variables for world conquest and trying to compete with nations with different power levels, histories and places in time is for fools. If you are a good leader you assess your own circumstances and work with what you got and move forward.

A woman I once taught in my class asked me once, 'but if I work hard at this and I am not successful and fail at graduating from high school, I will be devastated. I dropped out of school ten years ago and have been paying for it with lost opportunities all the time. Why should I emotionally invest in trying hard only to fail at it in the end?'

My reply to her was, 'You better start changing your mindset now. Because regardless of what happened in the past that you can't change, you can still control your present now, and change your future. You will be ten years older in the future. Do you want to be ten years older and still be without a high school diploma, and losing more opportunities? Or do you want to be graduated from high school, done with some career you chose for yourself and in a job you always liked and wanted to do? Because the ten years are coming for sure. What you do with them is up to you. It depends on not trying to do something but getting it done. Now. And making that a bridge to a better world of opportunities. It is up to you. Put in the effort and sacrifice now....or accept being stuck in the past and never moving forward. Time stops for no one.'

That advice goes for countries too Litwin.

Russia could have invested in its youth, its great scientific minds that it has always had, its mathematicians, engineers, and even could have worked on improving pensions for old people, opened manufacturing, and did alternative energy models, put more money into sports programs and improved housing and heating for many rural towns in Russia. Did a lot with what it had. Instead of fattening a bunch of mafioso oligarchs' wallets and having a bunch of Stars Coffee shops backed by greedy imitators of Yankee entrepreneurs who never liked paying their employees a living wage stateside.

Russia is living stuck in its past. And a bad past of Ivan the Terrible, Russian Tsars, Rasputin, and BULLSHIT authoritarianism from hell. Should have left Ukraine alone.
Where is the poster you talk about in the thread title?

I looked it up and found out that the poster was posted on a page of the Russian social media equivalent to Facebook in the West. The Russian FB page is associated with the Chinese military, promoting mutual friendship and cultural exchange between China and Russia.

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