Tucker Carlson out at Fox News - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Potemkin wrote:….

Okay. :)

But seriously what racist belief or beliefs is supposed to have been revealed here? That people of European races never engage in bullying? That people of European race never play unfairly?

One of my conceits, my egotisms is I like to know people's belief systems better than they know them, themselves. So I find most Catholics don't seem to know what the Immaculate Conception is. I've had Muslims ask me to explain what the difference between Sunni and Shia is. But when it comes to the Nazi's belief system towards the Jews, I struggle. I struggle to construct or reconstruct any primary beliefs at all . The Jews are somehow genetically disposed to be evil? Although you don't believe in an absolute universal human moral system anyway? The Jews are sub humans, incapable of creating culture but at the same time this small minority of retards are taking over. Is Jewishness a racial problem of bad / inferior genes or is it a giant conspiracy, a secret evil cult? One expects contradictions in a belief system, but the Nazi belief system seems total nonsensical.

So I must accept that some people do have nonsensical and absurd beliefs, but I think we can give Tucker the benefit of the doubt here and assume that he was talking ironically or comically. Have you seen the way American Conservatives treat Thomas Sewell, rather than treat him as some kind of racial inferior, they fawn before him like he's their intellectual better, like he's some Indian Guru dropping out pearls of wisdom and enlightenment. Nothing about the modern American Republican party speaks to me of traditional White Supremacism. If Trump has been Black African they would have loved him even more.

Are Republicans willing to throw millions of poor, dysfunctional and criminal Black Africans under the bus? Sure but there's is no reason to think this is indicative of the old traditional White Supremacist attitudes.
Godstud wrote:

I think the right looks rather tame in comparison, @late. :hmm: Violence from the left has increased to where it surpasses that of the right, too. That's not a good thing.

I am not really a fan of Carlson, but lately he has been taking accountability, and even apologized for some of his mistakes, and showed remorse. Maybe the problem with Fox was that he was being TOO honest, to the point where he was even criticizing them?

The FBI doesn't agree. Beyond that, wake up, a lot of the mass shooters are Right wing psychos, and that is getting worse.

Carlson is a skilled propagandist. He started out trying to be a normal talking head; but the money was too good on the Far Right. He's about the money.
Potemkin wrote:No, the problem with Fox is that Tucker Carlson is a racist asshole.

That can be said about others calling themselves "the left" in U.S. media too. You should see how they speak about Palestinians. Or Black people ("super predators").

Beren wrote:Of course, he is, he could be an honorary Russian after all. :lol:

Russia is fighting neonazis in Ukraine today, including those who started bombing East Ukrainians about a decade ago until present, because of their ethnicity.
skinster wrote:Russia is fighting neonazis in Ukraine today, including those who started bombing East Ukrainians about a decade ago until present, because of their ethnicity.

Is this really your masters' paradigm?

Russia is fighting the whole country in Ukraine today (I wonder if they're all neo-Nazis then), which is their fundamental problem with this war actually, and the fighting broke out in Eastern Ukraine because of separatism supported or even incited/created by Moscow, not because of ethnicity.
Beren wrote:Is this really your masters' paradigm?

Is this question really this dumb? I guess so, so I'll play your game. :excited:

Russia is fighting the whole country in Ukraine today (I wonder if they're all neo-Nazis then), which is their fundamental problem with this war actually, and the fighting broke out in Eastern Ukraine because of separatism supported or even incited/created by Moscow, not because of ethnicity.

Your mind seems to reside in a clown world influenced by corporate media. Russia is not fighting the whole country. And it's not "fighting" when it's the Ukrainian state and its army began bombing the shit out of the people in the East for 8 years and killed 14,000-16,000 of what were their own citizens at the time. And people like you wonder why they want to separate from a state that seeks to destroy them. :lol:
The FBI doesn't agree. Beyond that, wake up, a lot of the mass shooters are Right wing psychos, and that is getting worse.
This is changing, however. It's also a perception pushed by MSM, who is part of the problem. Yucker questioned that and that's part of the reason he got 'let go'. You are also ignoring the constant death threats in social media, towards people who question transgender/Left activism.

It's not limited to the Right wing, either...

‘Rise in violent rhetoric’: Lawmakers in both parties report spike in death threats
Threats increasingly come from all ends of the political spectrum, lawmakers and aides warn
https://rollcall.com/2022/01/20/rise-in ... h-threats/

JK Rowling receives threats daily, and she's not said anything that justifies them. How can you ignore this?

I’ve had enough death threats to paper my home, says JK Rowling, after trans activists reveal her address
The Harry Potter author says she will not stop speaking up for women, after accusing three actors of deliberately exposing where she lives
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/1 ... -targeted/

Don't live in an echo chamber. Check out ALL sources.
Carlson had to leave Fox News for political reasons, not because of his journalism. His stance on Jan 6, for example, that it was a kind of peaceful politour exploring the Capitol or something had become unbearable to Fox Corp.
Beren wrote:Carlson had to leave Fox News for political reasons, not because of his journalism. His stance on Jan 6, for example, that it was a kind of peaceful politour exploring the Capitol or something had become unbearable to Fox Corp.

Well what Trucker was doing at Fox was not journalism.

So yeah it would be quite impossible for him to be fired for.

His stance was Jan 6 was telling lies was profitable
Tucker Carlson is a pundit. There are many pundits and it's about giving opinions and not necessarily stating facts.
Beren wrote:...the fighting broke out in Eastern Ukraine because of separatism supported or even incited/created by Moscow, not because of ethnicity.

Yes, everyone in the Dongas was okay with having their elected government coup d'etat-ed by a declining and violent world power?

The coup d'état is something you aren't allowed to mention because you have learned to self-censor lots of important information?

Wouldn't it be fantastic if the government where you live was coup d'etated by a hostile, declining world power. Wouldn't that bring peace and happiness to your land!

If only the whole world were stupid enough to believe the USA's latest propaganda. But unfortunately for it, literacy has made great strides (and not because of all the wars it has shat upon the world).
QatzelOk wrote:Yes, everyone in the Dongas was okay

I'm sure they didn't need much push indeed, so Putin couldn't fuck up that one. Everything had been going fine as long as he didn't have a chance to fuck it up.
Godstud wrote:Tucker Carlson is a pundit. There are many pundits and it's about giving opinions and not necessarily stating facts.

Tucker was deliberately and knowing lying

Deliberately misstating facts,

He was not a pundit giving opinions but an actor whipping of political and social emotions for ratings.
pugsville wrote:Tucker was deliberately and knowing lying
Giving an opinion is not lying. It's your subjective belief in what's happening.

pugsville wrote:He was not a pundit giving opinions but an actor whipping of political and social emotions for ratings.
That's what ALL pundits do on ALL the MSM outfits.
There is a difference between having an unverifiable set of feelings and beliefs about a subject (an opinion) and deliberately spreading misinformation (i.e. lying).

The most important difference is that the former cannot be checked for accuracy while the second can.

And if one checked the accuracy of Carlson’s claims, we find a very large number of them fail fact checks.

So, either he is deliberately spreading misinformation, or he is unintentionally and unintelligently spreading misinformation.
Pants-of-dog wrote:There is a difference between having an unverifiable set of feelings and beliefs about a subject (an opinion) and deliberately spreading misinformation (i.e. lying).
Yet the pundits on all MSM do the same thing. That's the reality, because having an opinion based on false information is not illegal.

Pants-of-dog wrote:And if one checked the accuracy of Carlson’s claims, we find a very large number of them fail fact checks.
And you'd find the same on most pundits like Rachel Maddow, Brian Williams, etc.

Pants-of-dog wrote:So, either he is deliberately spreading misinformation, or he is unintentionally and unintelligently spreading misinformation.
Yes. They all do, to spread their own opinion, and/or ideology.

We are now finding out that most of the MSM and their pundits were lying about Trump's involvement with Russia. Does that not count simply because it's inconvenient and we don't like Trump?

Not sure because I didn't click on the link. Bl[…]

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