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Posting an article from a corporate-funded mainstream media provider, late wrote:But that's back in the real world, and you guys never go there...
QatzelOk wrote:
Mainstream media is "the real world"
QatzelOk wrote:But most people would say that it is lunacy to suggest that governments would conspire with multinational corporations in order to commit profitable genocide against millions and millions of people.
Most people would say that this idea is lunacy, but not all people would say this.
Of course, this could never happen to YOU, right?
You're just too much of an asset to multinational corporations, right?
late wrote:Actually, that article reflects the science, which has been predicting this sort of thing for decades...
QatzelOk wrote:
Science has been brought to you by
Pfizer and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.
late wrote:The medical community formed a movement to upgrade our pandemic response during the Clinton years. They didn't accomplish much, but it illustrates the problem.
We've known, for a long time, that we needed to do more, a lot more.
You are, once again, completely out of your depth.
QatzelOk wrote:
I was a lifeguard for ten years. I'm perfectly comfortable in the deep end.
skinster wrote:an act of biological warfare
Godstud wrote:How British experiments risked making the Covid pandemic ‘more lethal’
Scientists carried out tests using delta and omicron that ‘could have combined the two variants and leaked from the laboratory’
Report authors said that many countries are conducting “risky research” that could lead to the “accidental or deliberate release of a pandemic-capable pathogen”.
Dr Filippa Lentzos, co-director of the Centre for Science and Security Studies at King’s College London, said: “There has been a global boom in construction of labs handling dangerous pathogens, but this has not been accompanied by sufficient biosafety and biosecurity oversight.”
Prof van der Merwe has argued previously that many scientists were reluctant to consider the possibility that a laboratory leak started the pandemic for fear of having to curtail their own risky viral experiments.
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/0 ... ic-lethal/
Negotiator wrote:...you cannot blame all modern christians for something people in the USA did to native americans.
Burning Platform via Epoch Times wrote:Pro-Vaccine Journalist Who Called for Punishment For Refusing Jab
Dies Suddenly
A Canadian journalist who took strong positions in support of COVID-19 vaccines—including calling for vaccine passports and terminating police officers who refused the jab—has died suddenly.
Ian Vandaelle, a 33-year-old business journalist who worked at the Financial Post and earlier at BNN Bloomberg, was declared brain dead and taken off life support earlier this month, his partner, Stephanie Hughes, said in a post on X.
KurtFF8 wrote:This thread needs to be moved to conspiracy theories
:eh: Of course it operated in the context of in[…]