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Truth To Power wrote:There isn't any such evidence cited there.

Yes, there is.

Here, I will requote it for you:

    “Climate change is warming the climate across Canada,” said Nathan Gillett, a research scientist with Environment and Climate Change Canada. “It’s warming the climate in western Canada.

    “We know it’s increasing the chance of heat waves,” he explained. “As the climate gets warmer, as we see more heat waves, that dries out the forest more quickly, it dries out the litter, and that increases the risk of wildfire.”

    There will still be year-to-year variations, he added.

    “But over time, we expect more heat waves, more extreme fire seasons like the one we’re seeing now in Alberta. These events are going to become more and more frequent into the future as the climate continues to warm.” ... e-weather/

If you ignore it again, it will be for the third time.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Yes, there is.

No there isn't.
Here, I will requote it for you:

    “Climate change is warming the climate across Canada,” said Nathan Gillett, a research scientist with Environment and Climate Change Canada. “It’s warming the climate in western Canada.

    “We know it’s increasing the chance of heat waves,” he explained. “As the climate gets warmer, as we see more heat waves, that dries out the forest more quickly, it dries out the litter, and that increases the risk of wildfire.”

    There will still be year-to-year variations, he added.

    “But over time, we expect more heat waves, more extreme fire seasons like the one we’re seeing now in Alberta. These events are going to become more and more frequent into the future as the climate continues to warm.” ... e-weather/

Those are just unsupported claims and assertions, not evidence.
If you ignore it again, it will be for the third time.

I didn't ignore it any times. You made that up. I pointed out that unsupported claims are not evidence.
Okay, so you are openly ignoring the evidence, with a soupçon of justification added in.

    Anthropogenic climate change impacts exacerbate summer forest fires in California
    Marco Turco, John T. Abatzoglou, Sixto Herrera, +4 , and Ivana Cvijanovic


    The ongoing intensification in forest fire activity in California has had a dramatic impact on human activities and ecosystems alike. While an increase in temperatures and dryness has been identified to be one of the major drivers of increased summer forest burned area (BA), the extent to which such changes are due to natural variability or anthropogenic climate change remains unresolved. Using the latest simulations for climate change attribution and detection studies and accounting for the uncertainties arising from the data-driven climate-fire model and climate models, we quantify the influence of anthropogenic climate change on recent changes in BA. We show that nearly all of the observed increase in BA over the past half-century is attributable to anthropogenic climate change.

    Record-breaking summer forest fires have become a regular occurrence in California. Observations indicate a fivefold increase in summer burned area (BA) in forests in northern and central California during 1996 to 2021 relative to 1971 to 1995. While the higher temperature and increased dryness have been suggested to be the leading causes of increased BA, the extent to which BA changes are due to natural variability or anthropogenic climate change remains unresolved. Here, we develop a climate-driven model of summer BA evolution in California and combine it with natural-only and historical climate simulations to assess the importance of anthropogenic climate change on increased BA. Our results indicate that nearly all the observed increase in BA is due to anthropogenic climate change as historical model simulations accounting for anthropogenic forcing yield 172% (range 84 to 310%) more area burned than simulations with natural forcing only. We detect the signal of combined historical forcing on the observed BA emerging in 2001 with no detectable influence of the natural forcing alone. In addition, even when considering fuel limitations from fire-fuel feedbacks, a 3 to 52% increase in BA relative to the last decades is expected in the next decades (2031 to 2050), highlighting the need for proactive adaptations.
@skinster said that Andrija Klaric said that Judith Curry said that the IPCC said that they refused to enlist people who think anthropogenic climate change is a hoax.

The last nine years have been the warmest on record.

Each decade is warmer than the last.

The last time it was this warm was 125 000 years ago.

Can you provide a link to where a climatologist said in 2018 that the Earth will end this year?

I also because almost every time people claim climatologists said something absurd, the claim is almost always wrong.
skinster wrote:The claim was the ice from the arctic would disappear by now, which hasn't happened.


The claim made in the tweet you copied and pasted said that a climatologist said the world would end if we did not stop using fossil fuels by now.

The kink provided by @Fasces shows that the claim from the tweet is incorrect. No scientist ever made that claim.

Now we seem to be moving to a different thing that some climatologists supposedly said.

Do you have a link to an actual quote from a climatologist, or will it be another error spread by the conservative blogosphere?
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By Fasces
Putting aside the scientist never said it - the wording of the tweet will be true if humans ever go extinct.

We didn't stop using fossil fuels before June 2023.

Consequently, humans will go extinct (at some point).

Humans won't go extinct. That's a ludicrous position. Humans might suffer from climate change, but we are one of the most adaptable creatures on the planet, with possibly the greatest survival trait of them all(intelligence). As soon as people start talking extinction, I know they are talking out of their ass. :lol: :lol: :lol:
By skinster
Psychotic oligarchs want to pretend they care about...anything but themselves. And fools believe them. :D

Pants-of-dog wrote:No.

The claim made in the tweet you copied and pasted said that a climatologist said the world would end if we did not stop using fossil fuels by now.

It is clear what the tweet was referring to because in one of the two pictures in the tweet the poster screenshot the article that he was referring to where the scientist made this claim over 5 years ago:

"The chance that there will be any permanent ice left in the Arctic after 2022 is essentially zero," Anderson

And the claim the arctic would disappear by now hasn't happened.

Now we seem to be moving to a different thing that some climatologists supposedly said.

It's not a different thing because he screenshot the article that, as you can see if you click on it, made the claim over five years ago and that hasn't turned out to be true. If the poster was trying to claim something entirely different - and granted he was being dramatic to mirror you lunatics who act like the world is going to end from climate boiling or whatever other hyperbolic and boring crap we hear from you lot regularly - he wouldn't have shared a screenshot of the article and scientist he was referring to.
Last edited by skinster on 20 Sep 2023 12:21, edited 1 time in total.
By Rich
So Greta Thunberg lied. That's the Greta Thunberg feted by the international liberal lie machine all over the world. But what's the big story for the liberal media? Some geezer on the internet that nobody's heard of mis-quoted her.
That anyone fell for that obvious psyop is beyond me.


More about psyop Thunberg here.

She, like the rest of them, never mention the impact of war on the environment, including the recent Nord Stream terrorist bombings that caused the largest amount of methane to enter the atmosphere.

Even the other actor Zelensky was at the U.N. yesterday crying about climate change doom while his army has been using depleted uranium bombs in Ukraine, a weapon that is known to poison the land for centuries and have allowed U.S. biolabs into the country.

Post a link to the actual climatologist making the actual quote.

Again, like the tweet you posted, this may turn out to be a meme and not true.
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