The fat civil rights movement - Page 17 - Politics | PoFo

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tomskunk wrote:...Some people win the genetic lottery and are privileged in the sense that they can eat like a pig all their lives into old age and still stay skinny no matter what they eat and how little they exercise...

If food ever becomes tight, the skinny people will die off first. Rapid burning of calories is ONLY an advantage in a society that is generally overweight. Being able to store calories for a long time... is a genetic ADVANTAGE in a society that has unreliable food sources.

...making fun of fat people for being fat, you know, it's just going to make it worse for them...

Obesity is not created equal. There have always been people who retained calories more than others. But in the current world order, we eat processed chemicals all day, while staring motionless at screens. Our modern lifestyle has created generalized obesity, which is why "fat-shaming" became a way to deal with this horrible social phenomenom.

...See another thing contributing to the obesity epidemic is poverty...

And the cheapness of Ultra-processed foods.

Having the time to eat correctly... might mean giving up your career. What kind of slave would ever do that?
QatzelOk wrote:Our modern lifestyle has created generalized obesity, which is why "fat-shaming" became a way to deal with this horrible social phenomenom.
That's false, and fat-shaming isn't even something. People simply don't do it.

In fact, people are often trying to encourage and help people to not be fat. That's not shaming.

What is happening, however, is an attempt to group obesity in with people who shouldn't be body shamed(eg. people with actual handicaps, amputation. or deformities). These people shouldn't be body shamed(in much the same way as a short man shouldn't be, but is). Obesity, however, is a choice to a great degree, and it has been mutated into a body positivity thing, whereas they even try to lie to you about "health at every size"(an objective lie).

People don't fat shame at a gym. I see the opposite, with people assisting and supporting them. People like to see others improve themselves.

QatzelOk wrote:Having the time to eat correctly... might mean giving up your career. What kind of slave would ever do that?
False narrative. It is no more expensive to eat good whole foods than processed crap. It's just a choice.

I eat super healthy food and it is very inexpensive. I watched a video just yesterday of a couple who lived(in USA) on 6$ a day(between the two of them), and ate well.

Healthy Foods Are Not Expensive, Government Study Finds ... tudy-says/
QatzelOk wrote:And the cheapness of Ultra-processed foods.

I wouldn't call a sack of generic all-purpose flour -- the cheapest food at the supermarket on a nutrient/dollar basis -- "ultra-processed." Or a sack of beans. It's overconsumption of the ultra-prepared foods -- chocolate bars, Twinkies, soda, baked goods -- that make people fat.
Having the time to eat correctly... might mean giving up your career. What kind of slave would ever do that?

That's nonsense. Modern economies make good food available very cheaply and easily. Just stay away from the heavily advertised brand-name crap. It is a choice to eat junk food instead of good food. In any major city (assuming your kitchen has a stove, a fridge and a microwave), you can eat very well, very healthily, and very cheaply (~$5/day) while spending an average of half an hour a day on grocery shopping and cooking combined. With a little more work, a family of four can do it on $10/day.
Truth To Power wrote:I wouldn't call a sack of generic all-purpose flour -- the cheapest food at the supermarket on a nutrient/dollar basis -- "ultra-processed." Or a sack of beans. ...

Neither would I. But they both take time to prepare. Cheap means "cheap with money and cheap with time preparation."

Diet soft drinks are an excellent example of "zero nutrition chemical crap that is often on sale." It's a cheap replacement for homemade fruit-based drinks, for example. With zero vitamins or fibers. Useful.

Bags of chips and breakfast cereals that are made with the residue that is left-over in the production of corn oil, are other examples of chemical crap with zero time preparation.

Our sick diets are from having no money to waste on food (only money for SUVs and world travel...) and not time for preparing natural foods (but lots of time for internets, video games, and driving everywhere...)

Modern obesity is a complex animal that is the result of "a Modern, money-chasing, media-generated lifestyle" - and not just one particular factor of it (income inequality, loss of opportunities for playing outside because of car-based suburbia, lack of social contact because of same... etc.)

It all creates fat, unhappy people... by the boatload.

Here's a short-story I wrote about the Modern peril of "being chased by obesity all your suburban life":

Fat-or-Flight Response

Image ... -response/
QatzelOk wrote:But they both take time to prepare. Cheap means "cheap with money and cheap with time preparation."

People who aren't willing to take half an hour a day to eat good, cheap, healthy food don't want to solve their obesity problem.
Diet soft drinks are an excellent example of "zero nutrition chemical crap that is often on sale." It's a cheap replacement for homemade fruit-based drinks, for example. With zero vitamins or fibers. Useful.

Fruit juice is full of sugar, and barely better than soda.
Bags of chips and breakfast cereals that are made with the residue that is left-over in the production of corn oil, are other examples of chemical crap with zero time preparation.

The zero-prep time is the key. If that's your priority, you are going to either eat junk or pay through the nose. Or both.
Our sick diets are from having no money to waste on food (only money for SUVs and world travel...) and not time for preparing natural foods (but lots of time for internets, video games, and driving everywhere...)

While I intransigently oppose the relentless financial duress modern capitalist economies inflict on people, we can't blame poverty for obesity because the world is full of skinny poor people. In modern, advanced capitalist countries, obesity is a choice.
Modern obesity is a complex animal that is the result of "a Modern, money-chasing, media-generated lifestyle" - and not just one particular factor of it (income inequality, loss of opportunities for playing outside because of car-based suburbia, lack of social contact because of same... etc.)

It all creates fat, unhappy people... by the boatload.

When I go to the supermarket, I often notice what people have chosen to put in their carts, and how it relates to what those people look like. 'Nuff said.

Here's a short-story I wrote about the Modern peril of "being chased by obesity all your suburban life":

Fat-or-Flight Response

Image ... -response/[/quote]
The body needs a little bit of fat to function. A fat liberation movement sounds like you think all fat is evil and should be eliminated.

But see there is white fat and brown fat. White fat is the hated fat. Brown fat is the better type of fat.

Fat is NOT the problem. It's the fact that the AVERAGE person prefers to be low effort and opt for the "easy" way and the "easy" types of food that don't require a lot of preparation. And they don't want to use their brains to actually plan out a gourmet or homey style of meal. Food preparation is a lot of work. I understand. But it's totally worth it. I'm so used to eating homecooked meals that when I do eat out, a lot of the outside food makes my stomach feel a bit icky. My stomach essentially has been trained to not appreciate outside food. Whenever I see poptarts I call them "cardboard" and that annoys my sister, but I don't care. I call twinkies "mushy" and she also dislikes that but I think they're mushy.

The other problem is that the AVERAGE person doesn't like to get off their couch and sweat and experience muscle aches (or risk muscle strain). Some people actually think sweating is disgusting. But it's not. Sweating is a natural process and the body needs to sweat.

I'd prefer a health education movement where we educate the public on how to live healthier in general.
@Neo Fat is already liberated when you LOSE it and keep it out of your body(above healthy levels). Men/women should seek to maintain less than 20%/25% body fat.

Fat is a problem when we have too much of it. We also need to eat better, and stop eating so many processed foods. It does NOT take longer to eat healthy food. It is not more expensive to eat healthy food.

We need a Fit liberation movement where being healthy isn't seen as something oppressing obese people. fat people are not being oppressed or attacked. That's a victim narrative. It's false.
How are skinny people oppressing fat people? :eh: Let's look at that:

Is it because they look good?
Is it because they are healthier? (Note: Not all skinny peple are healthier. You can be skinny and have a crappy diet)
Is it because they can climb stairs easier?
Is it because they fit in those tiny airliner seats?(They suck. They are small for anyone over 5' tall)
Is it because they can find more clothes in their sizes?(Blame retailers who want to SELL clothing)
Is it because they have to eat bigger portions and thus pay more?

I'm 6'0" tall. At my best, about 2 years ago(I am going back to that) my chest is 50" and I had 18" arms. How come clothing wasn't designed to fit me well? Are they fit phobic or am I just not the size of person that they sell 99% of their clothing to?

I live in Thailand. Even when not fat, I feel BIG because the average clothing here is a size smaller. My wife is a petite size in Canada, where I'd be Large. In Thailand she's Medium and I am Extra Large. Even then the clothes fit me poorly(too tight in chest and arms). The sizes cater to the majority of people, and not the outliers regardless of if you are Eddie Hall or an obese person.

Society builds things around average people, even though there are taller, shorter or fatter people.

Neo wrote:Or should it be liberating all FAT folks from their FATNESS?
This. 100 times this.
@Neo I knew you were being sarcastic, but some people actually think like that.

I hate being oppressed for being an instantly recognizable foreigner in Thailand! Oh, the misery as people stop and ask if I need a ride and I have to turn them down time and time again as I try to get some exercise!! Oh, the oppression!!! :lol:

Yeah I had that happen to me too when I was out walking like 4:00 in the morning and some dude drove up next time asking if I needed a ride. He was probably, "Who the hell is up at this time in the morning walking around and apparently exercising!" :lol:
At 4 in the morning I can understand it. At 10 in the morning, I can't! :lol:
Truth To Power wrote:People who aren't willing to take half an hour a day to eat good, cheap, healthy food don't want to solve their obesity problem...

Fruit juice is full of sugar, and barely better than soda.

As pofo dogs, we post in two ways: Either we 1. bark out content... Or we 2. Piss on threads in order to mark our spot to come back to later.

Marking your spot is okay once in a while, but if too many posters do this, a thread can start smelling like urine.

The above post of yours qualifies as number 2. It contains no useful information or added context.

People often "don't know" much about nutrition, and your claim that fruit juice is "barely better" than chemical soda, demonstrates that you may be one of them.

Go spray another thread.


Neo wrote:I think what we need is a FAT liberation movement. What do you guys think?

We already has one of these in 1776. The fatso Europeans got fed up being teased by the much more "cut" First Nations hunks, so they had a brutal genocide campaign called "American Independence" which - in reality - was just revenge against healthier people than themselves.

Today's crop of morbidly-obese suburbanites are the ultimate product of this Cain-and-Abel tragedy.

In my opinion, the best way to fight obesity is to make healthy food more accessible, education on how to get healthy and maintain health, and allowing time for exercise.

Poverty and obesity, in the United States, is linked.
Neo wrote:@QatzelOk

In my opinion, the best way to fight obesity is to make healthy food more accessible, education on how to get healthy and maintain health, and allowing time for exercise.

Poverty and obesity, in the United States, is linked.

Those are three excellent goals that can only be accomplished through:

1. Greatly increased income equality.

2. Decreased advertising penetration.

3. A generalized acceptance of decreased production of industrial gadgets and chemicals.

4. The end of capitalism's hold on the food supply. (and on medicine and schools)
What one finds attractive is deeply personal. Society has no business trying to intrude on my personal feelings. So I do not find very large women particularly attractive. I know many women who would never date an overweight man or a short one for that matter. I have many friends who are overweight. But these notions of "sexy" are personal and should remain that way. Full stop.

I do not know, nor have I ever met a person who was dramatically overweight and liked the fact. I have known men who thought very fat women were sexy but they are few and far between. (No pun intended.)

We also have indisputable data that shows that obesity is unhealthy. Even of all women liked obese men the fact would still remain that obesity was unhealthy. (Just more fun.)

But the data are clear. The psychological and physical toll on people who are obese is considerable. And it is not a toll that is going to be alleviated buy some, mostly condescending, "fat acceptance" movement. Besides. Teaching people that obesity is good is different from teaching them that they should not be discriminated against for it in the market place or by people individually.

I have never been grossly obese but I have been very overweight. When I was I knew that when I walked into a bar I was not going to get much attention from the ladies whose attention I most wanted to have. And I knew why. Teaching these same ladies that they should smile at me and be nice, is not going to send them home with me. And I knew that too.

At the end of the day obesity is oddly like homelessness in one regard. The only way to make it better in the long haul is to end it. Get a home, lose the weight.

If an obese person wanted to accompany me on my daily 6K walk I am happy to slow down until they can speed up. That is as far as I am going to go in alibiing their issue. Of course unless they have a medical issue that precludes their losing weight (and these are very few and far between also) I am not going to stop encouraging them to lose and live healthier. That is what friends are for. If your friends won't do the hard work of helping you through your issues, your enemies and those who do not care about you at all, will burn you to the ground. Your enemies will enjoy it and those who don't care about you won't give a fuck.

And it is important to point out that losing weight is a game of many victories. Even if an obese person who embraces a better diet and exercise program fails to meet his/her goals, they are still doing themselves a solid.

My wife gives me a hard time about the fact that I weigh myself almost every day. She says I am "obsessive" about it. I am perhaps. But I know in my heart of hearts that as much as we click now, this much younger, petite knockout of a brunette, would, quite likely never have spoken to me in the first place if I had been then as big as I once was. +1 for diet and exercise. Right?

Oh. And it occurs to me also that she definitely would never have spoken to me if I was smoking a cigarette. Hates that. Do we need a cigarette acceptance movement also?
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