"Wife wasn't attracted to me after I came out as Trans" - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Gabbi Tuft: Wife Wasn't Attracted to Me After I Came Out As Trans (insider.com) Oct 15, 2023

"After more than 20 years of marriage, I came out as trans to my wife.
She supported me but later said she was no longer attracted to me.
After a lot of pain, we are no longer together, but we still love each other."​

This is a case of mental illness. Just look at the before picture of the guy. He practically looks like a bodybuilder, his entire body is huge and muscular in ways that most guys could only imagine.
This doesn't seem like a case of someone who's "always known" they've been trans since they were a child.
I think he has a strong attraction to the female sex and eventually that attraction turned into an obsession of him wanting to personally BE that female sex.

No guy works out that much or gets that muscular unless he has an obsession with his body and cares a lot about appearances.
It seems that obsession simply turned into a different kind of obsession over time at some point.
This has got to be some type of body dysmorphia disorder.

In my opinion, if you've spent years weightlifting like that and got your body looking like the most manly man (he probably took steroids), it's too late to try to transform into a woman.
Personally, I struggle with unwanted same-sex attraction, but I'm primarily attracted to the opposite sex. Nevertheless, if my husband were to try to "transition" to being a woman, I would not be able to tolerate that. I firmly believe that if you are a male you remain a male your entire life and the same thing goes for females. I do not believe that hormones and surgery can change a person from a male to a female or vice versa. Not only that, but I also believe that marriage is ordained by God for men and women only.
This doesn't come as any sort of surprise. :lol:

I sure as hell wouldn't tolerate my wife suddenly saying she was a guy. That'd be insane and delusional! I'd get her to therapy immediately.
@Puffer Fish

These transgenders do like to whine, don't they?

What did he expect?

You'd have thought he would have worked out that very few people love members of a despised minority before he chopped off his dick. When there's not even a hint of self-love in a @skinster 'Woe is Me' video, you know most people will say you've fucked up.


p.s. I am not laughing at those involved. I am laughing at you, who thought you needed to start this thread and the journalist who thought the story worth writing.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I used her appropriate pronouns. You understood my point.

How was it twisted?

I understood it only after my brain went into overdrive trying to understand the wording of the sentence.
I had to reread it 3 times and spend 15 seconds thinking because the wording sounded very strange. 

You are referring to this person as a she even though you are talking about a time period during which this person was clearly a man.

You also used a gendered pronoun followed by a gender-neutral pronoun, making it sound strange.
Most of the so-called Transgender people are actually Transtrenders. They're doing it for attention.

Sex and gender are the same. Otherwise, why would a sex change be called "gender-affirming care"?
Pants-of-dog wrote:This is where you made an erroneous assumption that led to your confusion.

People like you are so wacky that it defies belief.

Take a look at the "before" picture.

It seems that what you are claiming is that this person was not clearly a man. Not even at that time.
https://www.wwe.com/f/styles/wwe_large/ ... ks_bio.jpg
I guess ideology comes before logic and common sense.

His stage name during his time as a professional WWE fighter was Tyler Reks.
@Pants-of-dog Just because someone calls themselves an antelope does not mean that they are an antelope, and you shouldn't fee into their delusions. The same applies to 99.99% of this gender identity BS. Yes, it is BS. Most of them are TransTrenders, and doing it for attention, not because they are actually transitioning.
Yet, @ingliz, people like you call it that. You support the ideology despite your lies. You have defended it throughout this thread, especially when it comes to children being transitioned.

You're such a dishonest shit.
ingliz wrote:Why would a sex change be called "gender-affirming care"?

Because radical progressives are trying to pass off sex changes as being medically necessary, like most other medical procedures and surgeries.

In my opinion, this argument kind of logically fails though. This particular person lived 42 years of their life as a man, so obviously the sex change was not really "necessary" during those 42 years.

"gender affirming" implies that they need help changing into the gender that they supposedly "actually are".
Which of course has an inherent logical inconsistency, if you think about it.

This almost seems to be like a social issue, undergoing a cosmetic procedure and trying to get the rest of society to recognise that person as the other gender they want to be recognised as.
We can think about it this way: hypothetically, would there be any point to a sex change if that person were the last person on earth?
People who received sex reassignment surgery "have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population." Sex reassignment surgery is as dangerous as lobotomy that was common until the 1950s. We still don't know enough about how gender works.


Fig. 2 Deletion of Enh13 leads to complete XY male-to-female sex reversal.
(A) A schematic representation of the locations of Enh13 and TES upstream of Sox9. Blue and purple arrows represent the external and internal single guide RNAs, respectively, used to delete Enh13. Black arrows represent the PCR primers used to genotype embryos and mice with Enh13 deletion. Chr11, chromosome 11. (B) Bright-field (BF) pictures and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)–stained sections of E13.5 XY Enh13+/+, Enh13+/−, and Enh13−/− and XX Enh13+/+ gonads. (C) Immunostaining of E13.5 XY wild-type, Enh13+/−, and Enh13−/− and XX wild-type gonads. Gonads were stained for Sertoli marker SOX9 (green), granulosa marker FOXL2 (red), and 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) (blue). Sex-reversed gonads are indistinguishable from wild-type XX gonads, whereas the heterozygous deletion does not appear to alter testis morphogenesis. Scale bars in (B) and (C), 100 μm.

There isn't any surprise, @wat0n. It's right-wing outrage porn for social media feeds.

Gabbi wrote:Priscilla came to me and gently said that she wasn't feeling attracted to me physically anymore. I empathized with her, understanding that she had married a big, strong, masculine alpha male and was still attracted to that type of man.


We mutually put this part of our relationship aside and focused on the emotional connection we had. We also freed ourselves to see other people and explore our options

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