White couple gives birth to black baby, women try to rationalize it away - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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This demonstrates what a kuk many men in modern society have become, and how bold many women are in pushing nonsense, knowing that they can probably get away with it.

This was posted on Facebook:

alternate link to image here

posted by Celina 52 Truck Stop

"Congratulations to our cashier Rachel and her fiancé Paul Buckman on their baby Cash Jamal Buckman being borned on Saturday at 6:18pm.

EDIT: Yes, Paul is the father. Rachel has African American DNA in her which can skip generations and cause a child to be born with darker skin. The baby is also discolored because it has jaundice or something probably. Please be kind."

Monday at 3:35 PM (That would be Feb 19, 2024)

As one can imagine, the comments were not kind. Rachel, the mother in that picture, apparently was allowed to use her friend Celina's account to have this comment posted:



And the user then posted this:

​"We are deleting all comments that are hurtful to this couple. Please read our rules about commenting."

So presumably several of the comments made by others have already been deleted.

link to Facebook post

You can see the tiniest bits of very kinky African-like hair on the baby's head, which looks nothing like the mother's hair.

It seems obvious that this man has been cuckolded, and he is either too stupid and lacking in common sense or has been blindsided from seeing the truth.

Celina appears to be in denial and trying to cover for her friend Rachel. Women looking out for other women. Trying to rationalize why that baby looks obviously African American.

This seems like an obvious case of "gaslighting".

Alysha Darby commented:
"Take a DNA test and I wish you the best !"​

Jai Lumpkin posted an image of a framed picture of the character John Redcorn next to another framed picture of Dale Gribble and his family, from the cartoon show King of the Hill. It was a running joke in the show that John Redcorn was having an affair with Dale's wife Nancy and was no doubt the real father of their son, but Dale was totally oblivious to it all and didn't see all the signs right in front of him.

To state the totally obvious, if there's a white couple and the woman gives birth to a black baby, there's usually only one explanation.

Lots of women these days cheat on their man, get pregnant from another man they were secretly having an affair with, and then insist to the man who they are in a relationship with that the baby is his. And if he has any suspicions, the woman turns everything around on him and tries to make the man think that he is the one who is being unreasonable and paranoid.

In my opinion this story says a lot about the present state of society.

Look at the woman's face. She seems to have a smug devious smile, like she knows she is getting away with this.

Then look at the man's face. His face is looks more skeptical, and he is kind of squinting his eyes with a little bit of skepticism, trying to put on a smile. I almost see a hint of amusement in his face, or maybe it's a little bit of sadness, like on some level he realizes what the situation probably is but is in denial, desperately wanting to believe the child is his.

I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into their facial expressions. That is just what I see.
Puffer Fish wrote:To state the totally obvious, if there's a white couple and the woman gives birth to a black baby, there's usually only one explanation.

Not in America where 27% of self-identified African Americans have European ancestry/DNA and passing white was common practice if you could get away with it.

ingliz wrote:Not in America where 27% of self-identified African Americans have European ancestry/DNA and passing white was common practice if you could get away with it.


I'm not saying it's absolutely impossible, but it's an extreme stretch to imagine that white man is the father of the baby, if we know that woman is the mother.
The statistical odds are extremely unlikely.

In my opinion, both the mother and her friend (Celina) are being extremely manipulative and dishonest, trying to use the existence of this tiny possibility to brush away suspicions.

If I were that woman, in that situation, I would definitely want to immediately get a DNA test to make sure I hadn't somehow been sexually violated without my knowledge 9 months ago.
@Puffer Fish

Black traits can be expressed in genetic downlines from eruptive recessive announcement and direct lineage—dominant gene descent.

Given the history of the US with White slave owners commonly fucking their Black slaves, and the offspring being able to pass as White, it is not unheard of to find Black babies born to White families.

And what does it matter when all is said and done?

We are all mongrels.
Last edited by ingliz on 26 Feb 2024 16:54, edited 6 times in total.
ingliz wrote:@Puffer Fish

Black traits can be expressed in genetic downlines from eruptive recessive announcement and direct lineage—dominant gene descent.

Given the history of the US with White slave owners commonly fucking their Black slaves, and the offspring being able to pass as White, it is not unheard of to find Black babies born to White families.

And what does it matter when all is said and done?

We are all mongrels.

Hmm, why is Puffer Fish outraged by this statement of fact eh? Lol.

He doth protest too much. I think he is just a hidden racist dude. Hee hee. Not too hidden really.

Get over the racial purity is what needs to be told to the Puffer types. Besides I must say, the racially mixed people are just part of being human. Move around physically on a plane, train, or automobile and find some woman to like and voila, the babies are born.

Nothing mysterious about that.

Stranger are men who want to become women thinking they do not have to have ovaries or give birth to be truly of that gender. No one has been able to create a sex that can change into the opposite and get the other side pregnant naturally. You are basically condemned to live out your life if you want to reproduce successfully in the sex you were originally assigned.

Bruce Jenner who became Caitlyn Jenner had his kids FIRST as a male. Then in his older years and envying his daughter's feminine commercial interests wanted to be a part of it all. Lol.

People are really interesting psychologically. We are not very far away from each other in terms of what is the human based behavior pattern eh? :lol:

All these rich people living the capitalist dream and racially mixing. The reflection of the liberal mind with greedy capitalism. The greatness of the status quo! ;) :D

@Puffer Fish

And don't forget being White is a moveable feast in the US.

Almost all Southern Italians have Black blood and were known as White n..gers before they joined the fold, and that was not so long ago.

And, being an educated man, you must have seen the blackamoor lead in Shakespeare's Venetian tragedy Othello - Arabs are White now too.


p.s. If you are a racist, a word of advice [taps nose conspiratorially], beware of the Welsh who have always been classed as White. They are in the same boat as the Arabs and Italians.

Black blood flows in their veins.

ingliz wrote:@Puffer Fish

And don't forget being White is a moveable feast in the US.

Almost all Southern Italians have Black blood and were known as White n..gers before they joined the fold, and that was not so long ago.

And, being an educated man, you must have seen the blackamoor lead in Shakespeare's Venetian tragedy Othello - Arabs are White now too.


p.s. If you are a racist, a word of advice [taps nose conspiratorially], beware of the Welsh who have always been classed as White. They are in the same boat as the Arabs and Italians.

Black blood flows in their veins.


Are you trying to instigate or provoke the Puffer man Ingiz?

You rascal!
Puffer Fish wrote:This demonstrates what a kuk many men in modern society have become, and how bold many women are in pushing nonsense, knowing that they can probably get away with it.

This was posted on Facebook:

alternate link to image here

posted by Celina 52 Truck Stop

"Congratulations to our cashier Rachel and her fiancé Paul Buckman on their baby Cash Jamal Buckman being borned on Saturday at 6:18pm.

EDIT: Yes, Paul is the father. Rachel has African American DNA in her which can skip generations and cause a child to be born with darker skin. The baby is also discolored because it has jaundice or something probably. Please be kind."

Monday at 3:35 PM (That would be Feb 19, 2024)

As one can imagine, the comments were not kind. Rachel, the mother in that picture, apparently was allowed to use her friend Celina's account to have this comment posted:



And the user then posted this:

​"We are deleting all comments that are hurtful to this couple. Please read our rules about commenting."

So presumably several of the comments made by others have already been deleted.

link to Facebook post

You can see the tiniest bits of very kinky African-like hair on the baby's head, which looks nothing like the mother's hair.

It seems obvious that this man has been cuckolded, and he is either too stupid and lacking in common sense or has been blindsided from seeing the truth.

Celina appears to be in denial and trying to cover for her friend Rachel. Women looking out for other women. Trying to rationalize why that baby looks obviously African American.

This seems like an obvious case of "gaslighting".

Alysha Darby commented:
"Take a DNA test and I wish you the best !"​

Jai Lumpkin posted an image of a framed picture of the character John Redcorn next to another framed picture of Dale Gribble and his family, from the cartoon show King of the Hill. It was a running joke in the show that John Redcorn was having an affair with Dale's wife Nancy and was no doubt the real father of their son, but Dale was totally oblivious to it all and didn't see all the signs right in front of him.

To state the totally obvious, if there's a white couple and the woman gives birth to a black baby, there's usually only one explanation.

Lots of women these days cheat on their man, get pregnant from another man they were secretly having an affair with, and then insist to the man who they are in a relationship with that the baby is his. And if he has any suspicions, the woman turns everything around on him and tries to make the man think that he is the one who is being unreasonable and paranoid.

In my opinion this story says a lot about the present state of society.

Look at the woman's face. She seems to have a smug devious smile, like she knows she is getting away with this.

Then look at the man's face. His face is looks more skeptical, and he is kind of squinting his eyes with a little bit of skepticism, trying to put on a smile. I almost see a hint of amusement in his face, or maybe it's a little bit of sadness, like on some level he realizes what the situation probably is but is in denial, desperately wanting to believe the child is his.

I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into their facial expressions. That is just what I see.

Here is all the info I could find on the story , as far as independently verifying it. https://cafemom.com/parenting/white-mom-claims-her-baby-is-black-because-of-a-black-ancestor/the-story-went-insanely-viral

If this story is for real , which I somewhat doubt , as it sounds more like it might someone's idea of a joke , then there are various ways in which this might be for real . Number one is the funny explanation that it could be hers , as she already burns everything else she cooks. :D The baby could have been switched with another at birth . Or she could have been telling the truth , as far fetched as that might seem . I know that in my own family , some of my ancestors were what has been referred to as "Black Dutch" , and my paternal grandmother had an olive complexion , especially compared to the rest of our family . And even though I myself am no where near as dark as she was , I have at times gotten mistakenly made out to be Hispanic , when I am predominantly not of Spanish origin , and most of my known Spanish ancestors were Sephardic Jews , rather than indigenous Spaniards . There supposedly is such a thing as genetic atavism .

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