How Transphobic Are You? - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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Do you self-identify as Transphobic?

I like to think I am supportive although I feel critical to the extent that the way transfenderism is presented is often that of some innate identity where find the ideakf a coherent or even gender self to be social.

I see some characterizations where gender dysphoria is likened to other significant illisory solutions to unconscious drives.
Reproductive sexuality is really quite simple, being a function of biology. The problems with sexual identity begin in the unconscious. Notice how children tend to believe that what is seen is the real. If a child sees a man wearing a Santa Claus costume, the child will think, “That is Santa Claus.” In the same way as a child attributes reality to appearance, it often happens that individuals will confuse their sexual functioning with the costumes by which they create a sexual appearance. There’s even a clinical term for this: Gender Identity Disorder.

But the truth is that no matter what clothes you wear, no matter what kind of play you enjoy, no matter whom you choose as playmates, no matter how you act—no matter, even, how you might change your body surgically—you can never change your genetic reproductive reality.

Carl JungCarl Jung long ago realized that each of us has, in the unconscious, psychological elements of the opposite gender. A man has his anima, and a woman has her animus. Although Jung identified other “parts” of the unconscious, which he called complexes, he didn’t take his ideas so far as to speak of ego states. Today, we can understand these states as simply unconscious identifications with the world around us.

All of this means that, regardless of the stereotypical gender roles and identities created by our cultures, all of us have the individual capacity to experience psychological elements of the opposite gender. So if you feel “out of place” because you don’t fit into society’s image of how a man or a woman should act, the problem may not be with “gender identity” but with society itself and its rigid stereotypes of human behavior.

So why, then, would anyone develop a desire to change reproductive reality? Well, even if you understand the reality of the soul, the basic facts of life—reproduction and death—are still painful realities. But as plain realities, they don’t mean anything; they just are. A fantasy of changing one’s personal meaning by changing one’s gender (Gender Identity Disorder) or one’s clothes (Transvestic Fetishism) derives from a misguided belief that sexuality contains some mysterious, great secret that will release you from the hard facts of death and social emptiness. So, at core, the fantasy, in its very impossibility, represents an unconscious attempt to escape death.

All fantasies, sexual or otherwise, really represent deep unconscious conflicts that, for the sake of ultimate health, must be properly understood and resolved. But if psychotherapy becomes nothing more than a political process to normalize fantasies—and even encourage you to act them out in reality—then the whole point of true healing is sadly missed.

Therefore, if you fail to recognize the inherent fraud of all identity in the first place, and instead desperately cling to the fantasy that there is something “wrong” with your body, this fantasy, like many other fears and fantasies, will only lead to great loneliness.

The above doesn't make light of suffering in the same way addiction can be born out of a kind of an experience of suffering repeated psychologically doesn't render it some easy matter to transform ones self.

The other sideks that even cisgendered people do not wholly relate to their concepts as men and women because no one is identical to such an abstract and ever changing ideal. Even look at barbie the doll and her changes through the years on ideas of femininity.
No one can perfectly encapsulate an idea physically.

I think these issues with speculation on the origins and nature of identity do make me perhaps open to rather negative appraisals of gender identity as its used rhetorically however I might agree that there needs to be resistance to gender dogmatista that are killing those who exhibit a reality that they cannot tolerate.
That there are signs of reducing suffering and dysphoria to the extent they aren't ostracized and rejected. But part of this is found in passing within gendered norms as with anyone else. To transgress is to bring greater hostility thabslresdy directed at people.
Fasces wrote:It's funny how this topic completely breaks your brain, Godstud. Despite the fact that there's conveniently a definition for "transphobic" in the OP, but you still can't resist telling me what I think or mean. :lol:

What is so difficult about accepting that there are people who are not comfortable being the gender they are? In the end they are a minority of people in the world. The majority of people in the world are comfortable being men or women. Children and teens should not be administered any hormones because their bodies are too young and still developing to make sound decisions.

My son asks me questions about gays, trans, and all kinds of sexual orientation questions. It is natural for a pre teen or teen to have curiosity about the subject.

Most parents will know if their child is having sexual orientation problems. And they should just let the kid know that no matter what they choose for themselves the love of the parent will never be absent. They love their child unconditionally and will request they do not make any drastic decisions until their brains mature at the age of 23 for females and 25 for males. End of the discussion.

Again, the males who want to become women will have to contend with maybe not having any ovaries and never being able to give birth, having artificial vaginas that are not as good as natural ones and might even cause painful sex and or no ability to climax at all and a lot of issues with physical and mental health. They need to realize that.

The same for women who want to become men. Never gonna get a woman pregnant. That is the truth.

These discussions should be about making people who have these issues feel loved, cared for, and accepted because many of them want to end their lives. And they are decent and good and creative human beings who should have a place in society with dignity and respect.

That is all.

I knew my sons were both heterosexual early on. I will never understand parents who know their kid is gay or transgender and just ignored it for years. For me they are not very good parents.
Tainari88 wrote:Children and teens should not be administered any hormones because their bodies are too young and still developing to make sound decisions.
That is transphobic according to these ideologues in this thread. They support this degeneracy and encourage grooming of children into their cult.

@Fasces I am not transphobic according to the definition, but you and the other ideologues of gender identity use it simply to shut down any debate or discussion. You are disingenuous and simply spout the rhetoric of your cult. You're the one with the broken brain. :knife:

Less than 0.018% of people are intersex. That's an exception.

Gender Dysphoria is rare, occurring in only in 1 in 30,000 in males and 1 in 100,000 in females. Transgender people are, therefore much rarer than social media and your gender identity cult says. You promote a lie that cosmetic surgery can make something into something else.

Genders have only meant something different from sex in the last few years, and before then were essentially synonymous. Only the recent gender identity ideology has changed it so mean anything they want, while making definitions of man and woman to be mostly nonsense.

Men are adult human females. XY Chromosomes.
Women are adult human females. XX Chromosomes.
0.018% of people are intersex. They are, sadly, the same as a woman who is born infertile. They are not a different sex. Most are clearly male or female, as well(biologically). Exceptions are just that.

Science supports reality, and not what you fools promote.
Tainari88 wrote:These discussions should be about making people who have these issues feel loved, cared for, and accepted because many of them want to end their lives.


Godstud wrote:Gender Dysphoria is rare, occurring in only in 1 in 30,000 in males and 1 in 100,000 in females. Transgender people are, therefore much rarer than social media and your gender identity cult says.

I don't see what how common it is has to do with basic respect. 1 in 60,000 Canadians are of Khmer descent - doesn't give Canadians the right to string up Khmers or deny them human rights, does it? Just because its not common? So why pretend you're making any type of cognizant point?

The only thing worth noting is how such a tiny minority lives so completely rent free in your brain that the vast majority of your comments these days are on such a fringe issue. :lol:
Transgenderism is a delusional mental issue and should be treated accordingly, with treatment that includes facts such as men can't be women and vice-versa. Adults who push this delusional ideology against children are child-abusers. The psychotic medical experiment of issuing opposite-sex hormones onto developing children has thankfully ceased in a number of countries after they realised they caused numerous health conditions.

How transphobic am I? I don't believe anyone can be trans - you're either male or female - so I don't know how anyone can be transphobic either.
By Rich
Trans people are dying because of the hate fueled agenda of the Liberal / cuckervative establishment.

Women in Ukraine are being sent to the front to die in men's units because of anti trans hate policies. Women of Ukraine are being denied their right to leave the country because of these anti trans hate policies. Its vital that we don't give a single cent or another bullet to Ukraine till these anti trans hate policies are stopped. Every Ukrainian must have the right to choose their gender and changer their gender when they see fit.

It is vital that the new hate crime law in Scotland be properly enforced. Anyone displaying any support for the Ukrainian government must be arrested immediately.
Fasces wrote:Exactly.

I don't see what how common it is has to do with basic respect. 1 in 60,000 Canadians are of Khmer descent - doesn't give Canadians the right to string up Khmers or deny them human rights, does it? Just because its not common? So why pretend you're making any type of cognizant point?

The only thing worth noting is how such a tiny minority lives so completely rent free in your brain that the vast majority of your comments these days are on such a fringe issue. :lol:

Uh...but yes. If 1 in 60k Canadians are of a particular ancestry then it absolutely is understandable and should be acceptable to deny them of rights. It means they don't belong here.
Fasces wrote:I don't see what how common it is has to do with basic respect. 1 in 60,000 Canadians are of Khmer descent - doesn't give Canadians the right to string up Khmers or deny them human rights, does it? Just because its not common? So why pretend you're making any type of cognizant point?
Except that no one is depriving these people of human rights. That the great big lie that your whole cult stands upon. They have the same rights as everyone else. They just want more and to control how others speak about them and what they believe.
FiveofSwords wrote:Uh...but yes. If 1 in 60k Canadians are of a particular ancestry then it absolutely is understandable and should be acceptable to deny them of rights. It means they don't belong here.

1 in 200,000 Passamaquoddy, then. :roll:
Fasces wrote:Yes, yes, gay or straight - you both have the right to marry a woman. Rich or poor, both are banned from sleeping under bridges. A cliche argument two centuries old.
Nobody made that argument. Disingenuous as usual.

Has the world come to an end because a tiny minority of girls want to be boys and vice versa?


So why not let these people live their lives as they please? Nobody is forcing you to fuck them, are they?


There are more important things to fret over.

If you make a list of apocalyptic things to worry about, be honest, transexuals rank very near the bottom. On par, I would say, with an alien invasion or the universe phase shifting.

@ingliz Just because you don't care if children are being sexually exploited for a cult of gender ideology does not mean others should not care.

Way to make a mountain out of a molehill.

Statistics show us that children are much more likely to be sexually assaulted/exploited by family and friends of the family than by gender ideologues.

ingliz wrote:Statistics show us that children are much more likely to be sexually assaulted/exploited by family and friends of the family than by gender ideologues.
That's not relevant to what I said. You are deflecting because you are supporting an indefensible position, and can only spout the rhetoric of your cult.

Do you think that the Church sexually molesting children in Malta is insignificant because not every child in the world was molested? Do you honestly support the sexual exploitation of children?

@Fasces Those same rights also don't extend to exploiting children to push an ideology of degeneracy and delusion.
Fasces wrote:Letting folks change their gender on a drivers license or use a bathroom isn't sexually exploiting children anymore than letting them go to church is.
No one is saying that, which is why it's a lie.

Pushing a gender ideology on children is sexually exploiting children, and you ignore it because you're mentally sick. You support transitioning children and gender reassignment(cosmetic surgery) for children. You don't care that they get actual therapy(for mental illness), unless it's the kind where they lie to them in the name of your cult. You are for giving children drugs to permanently damage children and/or sterilize them. You do this all in the name of your ideology of delusion and degeneracy.
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