Russia-Ukraine War 2022 - Page 856 - Politics | PoFo

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By litwin
Rancid wrote:Of course the US has a problem with it's dick size. Don't you see me posting about penis size all the time? I've internalized that shit!

Joking aside.

Part of it is related to domestic propganda (We're #1! We're #1! We're #1! shit). Which is hilarious given that the US basically sat on its thumbs with aid to Ukraine for many months. That's the politics game, unfortunately. It's a real dick move to start wagging it's finger now.... geopolitics be geopolitics.... :hmm:

This is why it's important to not view the US as a friend, or as an agent of right/wrong like our friend Litwin does. Probably more practical to just think of this sort of stuff as strategic partnerships with deep shared interests...... however, they will still dick you out if they can here and there.

so now do you understand why Argentina wants to join NATO ?


“We should invite the troops of North Korea and Iran”

~ Vladimir Shapiro - Solovyov

there is the only one solution :
do you agree ?

who is putin´s Mouthpiece -in - chief ... y-takeover


litwin wrote:so now do you understand why Argentina wants to join NATO ?


“We should invite the troops of North Korea and Iran”

~ Vladimir Shapiro - Solovyov

there is the only one solution :
do you agree ?

who is putin´s Mouthpiece -in - chief ... y-takeover



Why does Argentina need to join NATO? Besides Brazil there is no country even close to ARgentina militarily. And Brazil doesn't have any disputes/wants to invade Argentina? The only real "military dispute" in the whole South America between two countries is Venezuela vs Guyana.
And the Ukraine aid bill is signed by Biden. Time to punish some Russian invaders and occupation forces :D
By Rich
Seems like there's a lot of cursing of Ukraine's 115 Mech Brigade. They obviously decided to stand up for themselves. They weren't willing to throw their lives away for Joe Biden and Volodymyr. I think they're the first Ukrainian soldeirs unwilling to die for the vanity of the Ukrainian and western Liberal elites. Most of the Ukrainian liberal elite don't want to fight and they don't want their children to fight, many of whom are partying hard in Berlin and other western capitals. No doubt a good dose of the new American money will be going to support their life styles.
JohnRawls wrote:Why does Argentina need to join NATO? Besides Brazil there is no country even close to ARgentina militarily. And Brazil doesn't have any disputes/wants to invade Argentina? The only real "military dispute" in the whole South America between two countries is Venezuela vs Guyana.

Becoming a partner means joining the NATO coalition. NATO should make like a big global partnership for peace program and let Australia, SK, JAPAN , NZ and Argentina in ...

Argentina submitted an official request for Argentina to join NATO:


Whats up with this strange idea that ukrainians are partying hard all the time, anyway ? :?:

It makes absolutely no sense.

If you think that ukrainians should fight harder, just go there, fight yourself, and be a role model for them. *shrug*
By Rich
We don't walk away from our allies says Genocide Joe. :roll:

Tell that to the Afghans, tell that to the Cypriots that Joe leaves occupying Northern Cyprus. Tell that to the the Kurds, which Joe allows Turks to occupy their lands both in turkey and Syria. Tell that to the Armenians that got ethnically cleansed as soon as they started seeking an alliance with America and NATO.
Interesting: ... ons-print/

The funds, however, will make little difference to the outcome of the war on the ground as it appears most of the military hardware funded by the $61 billion has already been produced and much of it already shipped. Perhaps no more than $10 billion in additional new weapons and equipment will result from the latest $61 billion passed by Congress.

Subject to revision, initial reports of the composition of the $61 billion indicate $23.2 billion of it will go to pay US arms producers for weapons that have already been produced and delivered to Ukraine. Another $13.8 billion is earmarked to replace weapons from US military stocks that have been produced and are in the process of being shipped—but haven’t as yet—or are additional weapons still to be produced. The breakdown of this latter $13.8 amount is not yet clear in the initial reports. One might generously guess perhaps $10 billion at most represents weapons not yet produced, while $25-$30 billion represents weapons already shipped to Ukraine or in the current shipment pipeline.

So basically the main thing the $61 billion package really does is simply keeping certain people out of trouble.
Negotiator wrote:Interesting: ... ons-print/

So basically the main thing the $61 billion package really does is simply keeping certain people out of trouble.

The Pentagon is notoriously famous for not finding what happened with a few billion here or there in many of these military budgets. It is scandalous in general. Any social services in any state misplaced billions of dollars and never had to account for where it was spent would have heads rolling and local governors and politicians heads moaning and groaning after being sacked.

It goes to show how irresponsible this is.
By Rich
Tainari88 wrote:The Pentagon is notoriously famous for not finding what happened with a few billion here or there in many of these military budgets.

Losing money is one thing, losing a whole brigade is another. Has anyone got any information on the missing 115th Mech? Is it really missing or was it the 47th Mech that just "fucked off" and have chosen to blame the 115th?
Tainari88 wrote:The Pentagon is notoriously famous for not finding what happened with a few billion here or there in many of these military budgets.


Yes, sure ?

But the Pentagon is the US military though, and not the military-industrial complex, or MIC.

The Pentagon is a state entity and, just like every other state entity, merely receives taxpayer money and spends it. They cant account for some of it ? Doesnt matter the least, unless somebody actually holds them accountable. Nobody actually is personally hurt so everyone goes meh, whatever.

However if the MIC doesnt get the money they are supposed to have already gotten, some people would obviously get in in deep trouble. These are private companies and rich people WILL take you accountable if you dont give them the money you've already guaranteed them they would get.
Negotiator wrote:Um.

Yes, sure ?

But the Pentagon is the US military though, and not the military-industrial complex, or MIC.

The Pentagon is a state entity and, just like every other state entity, merely receives taxpayer money and spends it. They cant account for some of it ? Doesnt matter the least, unless somebody actually holds them accountable. Nobody actually is personally hurt so everyone goes meh, whatever.

However if the MIC doesnt get the money they are supposed to have already gotten, some people would obviously get in in deep trouble. These are private companies and rich people WILL take you accountable if you dont give them the money you've already guaranteed them they would get.

Goes to show who really holds the reigns of power eh? ;)
Rich wrote:Losing money is one thing, losing a whole brigade is another. Has anyone got any information on the missing 115th Mech? Is it really missing or was it the 47th Mech that just "fucked off" and have chosen to blame the 115th?

The missing brigades now eh? What did they do? Flew off into the wild blue yonder with the billions that no one knows what happened? :lol:
Increasingly, they're admitting defeat.

Some are admitting that the war is about 'Western hegemony' rather than 'democracy' or whatever other happy horse shit they were selling their proxy war on.

Rancid wrote:Another example of htis, is this weird notion that many people on pofo have "Trump derangement syndrome" on pofo. As in, an obsession with Trump. Yet, the evidence doesn't bare this out. If this were true, we would see a new thread started about Trump on pofo every single day, because there is stuff going on with that guy and the Republican every single day that could easily be discussed and/or made fun of (I'm not even sure there is a thread on the criminal trial that starts tomorrow... so much for obsession). Still, the belief of this "Trump derangement syndrome" continues despite reality saying otherwise. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, it's belief at this point.

This is because these people have a religious like belief of these ideas. Reality doesn't matter anymore. The go too "defense" is also often "well you too". Which, is true to a point, but not to the ridiculous extent these people themselves go down. Again, an attempt to create false equivalence of wacky shit against more reasonable shit.


Trump Derangement Syndrome is when Americans act like Trump was the worst thing ever in US history, when he quite clearly wasn't and was objectively less worse than his opponents, at least when it came to US wars. From 2016 onwards people in the US lost their minds over Trump and cried about it for about four years straight and again more recently when the prospect of Trump returning as president has cropped up. The conspiracy theory known as Russiagate was a product of this TDS. Rachel Maddow was one of the bought people in media who had TDS on her channel for four years straight. And you are another who suffered TDS too, whether you're aware of it or not (it's been obvious from your posts). So I could see why you'd attempt to deny it, but perhaps you're really as delusional as you state and this isn't merely gaslighting. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on the last point.

Not to mention, you remain utterly clueless about the history and present of this war in Ukraine but feel a need to wax philosophical against those of us who have spent many hours reading and learning about this this war, and sharing information on that front. Your role appears to be to follow a few other posters in their fantasies on the war ITT and never report on the war itself (just like them these days), except that time when you acted as if an objective fact like nazi battalions littered all over the Ukrainian army seemed to be outlandish claim despite the evidence put in front of you. Do better, Rancid, you get 2 out of 10 for your "effort".
skinster wrote:Increasingly, they're admitting defeat.

Some are admitting that the war is about 'Western hegemony' rather than 'democracy' or whatever other happy horse shit they were selling their proxy war on.


Trump Derangement Syndrome is when Americans act like Trump was the worst thing ever in US history, when he quite clearly wasn't and was objectively less worse than his opponents, at least when it came to US wars. From 2016 onwards people in the US lost their minds over Trump and cried about it for about four years straight and again more recently when the prospect of Trump returning as president has cropped up. The conspiracy theory known as Russiagate was a product of this TDS. Rachel Maddow was one of the bought people in media who had TDS on her channel for four years straight. And you are another who suffered TDS too, whether you're aware of it or not (it's been obvious from your posts). So I could see why you'd attempt to deny it, but perhaps you're really as delusional as you state and this isn't merely gaslighting. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on the last point.

Not to mention, you remain utterly clueless about the history and present of this war in Ukraine but feel a need to wax philosophical against those of us who have spent many hours reading and learning about this this war, and sharing information on that front. Your role appears to be to follow a few other posters in their fantasies on the war ITT and never report on the war itself (just like them these days), except that time when you acted as if an objective fact like nazi battalions littered all over the Ukrainian army seemed to be outlandish claim despite the evidence put in front of you. Do better, Rancid, you get 2 out of 10 for your "effort".

Well where are those big victories? The front is not moving anywhere and has been so for quite some time?

If there was a stalemate for even the 6-7 months while US provided no aid and now Europe will keep sending more ammo on top of the 2.5 million shells that we found plus the US aid resuming then how will there be a big breakthrough for the Russians now? :knife: All while both European and US production is getting in to the higher gears by end of 2024 and in 2025?

How does this make any sense?
By Rich
So the new aid package has given Joe Biden some leverage over the Ukrainians, which he has used to order the Ukrainians to pull back their Abrams tanks from the front line. While Ukraine isn't at risk of any sort of collapse at the strategic level, in some localities the situation is really critical right now. Those Abrams even in small numbers, could make a significant difference. Joe Biden doesn't care how many Ukrainian men have to lay down their lives, but he does care about the Abrams, as he figures the loss of more of these, could hurt his reelection campaign.
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By litwin
Whatever he is as leader of Azerbaijan, he is right about this. Peace agreements with Moscow horde are dangerous & naïve. Ukraine must be supported to restore its rightful sovereign borders by force. It's the only way.

"If Moscow and Ukraine agree to end the active phase of the war, this does not guarantee the end of the war. We waited for 28 years and restored our sovereignty by force",

Rich wrote:So the new aid package has given Joe Biden some leverage over the Ukrainians, which he has used to order the Ukrainians to pull back their Abrams tanks from the front line. While Ukraine isn't at risk of any sort of collapse at the strategic level, in some localities the situation is really critical right now. Those Abrams even in small numbers, could make a significant difference. Joe Biden doesn't care how many Ukrainian men have to lay down their lives, but he does care about the Abrams, as he figures the loss of more of these, could hurt his reelection campaign.

Do you really believe that America decides how Ukraine deploys tanks and what kind? :roll:

I will open some eyes for you. The introduction of cheap drones made a lot of tanks more vulnerable than they ever have been due to easy of aiming and precision and those tanks having no defense against them besides the curvature of earth. Tanks weren't exactly designed with getting hit from top backside in mind right in to the engine or fuel or ammo, at least not the ones that are currently used by anyone.

Some tanks do survive longer though than others from that. Just the problem that 1 hit can disable a tank is a gigantic issue. Because then you can continue hitting it until it gets destroyed. Last time it took around 6-10 hits on the Abrams after it got disabled by drones to destroy it.
JohnRawls wrote:Do you really believe that America decides how Ukraine deploys tanks and what kind? :roll:

Biden never wanted to send the Abrams in the first place.He got diplomatically maneuvered into sending them. Sending 31 tanks of a type is militarily ridiculous. The US could have sent many, many more if it wanted to. Sending such small numbers hugely complicates, logistics, training, doctrine and organsiation. However these are powerful tanks, even if they are a generation behind the newest and have still been useful to Ukraine even though they only have small numbers, and they are not using them according to conventional doctrine.

As I said Biden didn't want to send them in the first place, but was forced into making a symbolic gesture. Having agreed to send them he delayed their delivery as long as possible and then told Ukraine not to deploy them. Zelensky is not Biden's puppet, but he had huge leverage over Zelensky and Ukraine's military leadership. When Biden failed to get the aid package through Congress his leverage became much reduced. Hence Ukraine deployed the Abrams and in other ways started going against the Biden administration's wishes.

Biden now has tens of billions of dollars in new leverage, ipso facto the Abrams have been withdrawn. The $61 billion aid package is in effect part of Biden's reelection campaign and he intends to use it for such. The attempt to retake the land bridge and conquer Crimea was a total and utter failure well before the aid package was delayed. But Trump and Johnson both realised that Biden corrupt dishonest and immoral man that he is, was going to try and blame Republican due diligence for the bankruptcy of his strategy towards the Ukraine war. Hence another $61 billion had to be poured down the Biden-Zelensky toilet.

JohnRawls wrote:Well where are those big victories? The front is not moving anywhere and has been so for quite some time?

Who said anything about big victories? Why do Westerners project the savage tactics of Western wars onto their foes?

Russia has been gradually taking territory and disarming Ukrainian battalions, so much so that the Ukrainians have been dragging young men off the streets of cities all over Ukraine for months because they are losing, and losing badly. Just weeks ago Ukraine put into law the conscription of Ukrainians from other countries because of their ongoing losses.

All while both European and US production is getting in to the higher gears by end of 2024 and in 2025?

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