Israel-Palestinian War 2023 - Page 196 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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ingliz wrote:@wat0n

The United Nations Human Rights office has reported that there is evidence of torture and executions by Israeli forces and signs that some of the victims were buried alive in the mass graves.

This is from your own source:

The United Nations human rights chief, Volker Turk, called for an “independent, effective and transparent investigations” into the deaths.

“Hospitals are entitled to very special protection under international humanitarian law, and the intentional killing of civilians, detainees and others who are hors de combat is a war crime,” Turk said this week.

So the UN hasn't found anything thus far, actually.

It seems @Pants-of-dog is wrong about whatever he was saying about the UN.

Pants-of-dog wrote:No, this is so that you do not have to repeat yourself.

Though, you can repeat yourself if you choose not to show where you supposedly did this.

Why don't you do the job of searching for the response yourself?

Pants-of-dog wrote:Maybe NASA is wrong.

Funny how you cannot prove this simple fact.

Can we do this with global warming too?

Pants-of-dog wrote:Only the ones with bound hands.

The rest were killed by the IDF through less direct means.

I'm still waiting for you to prove their hands were bound.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Do you mean “bound”?

If you do, then the people bound by wristbands were the ones that were almost certainly executed by the IDF.

I've yet to see anyone using wristbands to bind hands.

skinster wrote:I was saying that the AI baby the @Israel twitter page put up was bullshit and many called it out and you posting two links of two images doesn't prove anything except that you're incredibly weak in your "arguments", as is typical of Zionists because reality and truth is krytonite to your ilk.

Those photos were also made public by Israel.

And you don't need to tag Israel on PoFo, Twitter has rotten your mind est too much.

skinster wrote:I've pointed this out to you but because people on my side aren't compulsive liars, we can easily remember what the debate was. I pointed out your repeated use of sources such as the Israeli government or its mouthpieces like the Time of Israel being unreliable, about how the latter was a settler. You responded "there is no evidence of this" and I showed you otherwise. And then this is how you responded but that wasn't my argument. My argument was that you try to smear independent media while having sources like The Times of Israel or worse, the Israeli government, yet can present no evidence for it. And then when I ask for it repeatedly, you still don't provide it. You respond like this:

The Times of Israel is not owned by the Israeli government. It's not even pro-Netanyahu.

You're just making shit up.

skinster wrote:Your "example" is a report of Aaron Mate, an award winning journalist on the topic of the OPCW lies on chemical weapons use in Syria is not what you originally claimed. For one, you claimed Grayzone editors are funded by the Kremlin, which you have presented no evidence for. And second, Aaron is not an editor at Grayzone, he is a contributer as your source says and he is speaking on a topic that he has done great investigative journalism on that won him journalist awards, so thanks for that reminder, but ultimately you get 0 for your original claim and have proven once more that you're a smear-merchant and liar when it comes to justice-minded Jews who work for independent media..

...And on the Russian payroll :lol:

skinster wrote:How in the hell was this a response to Zionist hasbara/propandists lying constantly. Why even include the tweet? Also, there is no evidence of rape on October 7 so can you please take a different instruction from your Zionist masters who keep instructing you to go on about rape and cheapen it in that gross way that you repeatedly do. Zionists are liars when it comes to rape claims and that has been clear by the lack of evidence, the constant stories debunked and the straight up hoaxes. Here's more on that front in the most recent iteration of Zionists crying rape. I recommend you watch it so you know how we know what full of shit you are:

Still showing your lies and double standards I see. I mean, you didn't even address my argument at all.

skinster wrote:The Patten report got demolished already, in this thread, by someone who studied it very carefully:

Finkelstein didn't demolish anything. This is becoming desperate and hilarious :lol:

skinster wrote:Zionists really have some chutzpah with comments like these 7 months into a live streamed genocide.

Stop your bullshit legal analysis.

skinster wrote:No evidence for that, even according to your most recent hoax on the subject (the hostage that made the claim but who didn't say it happened on Oct 7)

...A rape that was a direct result of the kidnapping on October 7.

skinster wrote:They told an obvious agitator to stop agitating and used poor language to do so. One such case by a real life hasbara troll doesn't make London an unsafe place for Jews. When you play victim like this, you cheapen your own arguments since they're so absurd. But keep going so others can see what phonies your ilk are.

"Obvious agitator" = British Jew wanting to exercise his rights.

skinster wrote:Hamas managed to stand its ground on its own territory despite being a guerilla org with no real army fighting the greatest power in the world through its Zionist colony...and pushing Zionist terrorists outside of their own territory after killing many that entered, including elites in the Golani brigades :lol: . But if that's how you read "got its ass kicked", that's funny. Still, this is besides the point. The claim that it is the Palestinian resistance that are intransigent in negotiations in incorrect, it is, as usual, the Zionists.

And Hamas is trying hard to get Israel to leave as part of a ceasefire because it can't last indefinitely.

skinster wrote:Nonsense. You are entirely clueless as to what Hamas say despite them making their statements public. Try reading them and cease talking complete nonsense. They are so into forcing others to submit that they have offered Fatah a front role in ruling a Palestinian government while they take a back role. :lol:

Fatah actually blames Hamas for this fiasco.

skinster wrote:Making complete shite up is not an argument, but it is typical of you. And as for Palestinian Christians attacked, it is Zionists that do that, they don't discriminate against the Palestinians they attack and kill. My last post had me show footage of Zionist cops attacking Christian Greek orthodox celebrating some Easter holiday over the last few days. Palestinian Muslims and Christians and Jews have got on for millenia. The problem is supremacist Zionists who think they above all three within the former groups I mentioned.

But, this is a good reminder to share this clip where Tucker Carlson, of all people, speaks to a Palestinian Christian pastor and reports on Zionism's attacks on Christians in the holy land as well as others. Christians reading should watch it too.

It's not made up, actually.

Question at the EU Parliament, 2011 wrote:2 % of the population of the Gaza Strip consists of Palestinian Christians. Since the consolidation of power by Hamas, there has been repeated violence against this community. Between 2007 and 2011, there have been acts of vandalism and bomb attacks on Christian schools, homes and institutions, as well as cases of murder and, recently, attempted murder against members of the Christian community. The failure to carry out investigations or arrests following these incidents suggests that Hamas has no intention of intervening to stop this persecution of Christians. In addition, it was confirmed by a Canadian NGO towards the end of 2009 that members of Hamas have repeatedly desecrated Christian graves and exhumed the bodies, in order to ‘decontaminate’ the soil from the corpses of Christians who they believe to be unworthy of burial on Palestinian land. According to the same source, Hamas has forced members of the Christian minority to collaborate with it, intimidating them with threats of rape and reprisals against their families. Discrimination now seems to have become the rule in the West Bank as well, especially in Bethlehem, where the Muslim majority, while accepting Christian tourists, is becoming ever more hostile to Palestinian Christians.

Answer at the EU Parliament, 2011 wrote:Any discrimination or violence against an individual because of his/her religious belief runs against the values that the EU upholds. In February 2011, the EU Foreign Ministers adopted conclusions recalling the primary duty of States to protect their citizens. These conclusions also expressed profound concern about the increasing number of acts of religious intolerance and discrimination, as epitomised by recent violence and acts of terrorism, in various countries, against Christians and their places of worship, Muslim pilgrims and other religious communities. Following these conclusions reconfirming the EU’s strong commitment to the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief without any discrimination, the EU has further strengthened its action in this regard.

The Office of the EU Representative for the West Bank and the Gaza Strip follows closely the state of respect for human rights, including freedom of religion or belief, in the occupied Palestinian territory mainly through contacts and consultations with Human Rights NGOs, which operate both in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Whenever there is an allegation of violence or harassment against Christians, the details of the case are investigated. The latest information the EU has received on this matter indicates that the situation towards Christians in the Gaza Strip remains a cause of concern. As for the West Bank, there have recently not been any reported cases of violence against Christians.

The assessment of the EU is that there is no institutionalised or generalised discrimination against Christians by the Palestinian Authority (PA). Possible events of violence or harassment would result from individuals, not from the PA institutions.

However, the EU remains conscious of the vulnerability of the Palestinian Christians and the issue of respect for freedom of religion or belief in the West Bank. This issue is regularly discussed with the PA representatives, most recently at the EU‑PA Human Rights sub-committee in March 2011. It is to be noted that since the PA does not exercise effective control over the Gaza Strip, the human rights situation there is not addressed in the regular Human Rights dialogue between the EU and the PA.

IIRC the situation has improved somewhat since then. But Christians are certainly not in equal footing with Muslims.

skinster wrote:No, as I said: The problem is not Hamas. Any groups leading Palestinians would be demonized. The problem is the Zionist settlers denying basic human rights to over 7 million Palestinians they occupy for the simple reason that they are not Jews. Don't get it twisted.

Any groups using terrorism would indeed be demonized. Hamas is the most important one now.

skinster wrote:Not sure how this is a response to what I said about how it is not just Hamas in the Palestinian resistance but many other groups including socialists, and that you can never kill the resistance. But since you mentioned ISIS, everyone in the antizionist world knows ISIS is a product of the West and useful to Western interests, such as their imperialist war in Syria. ISIS has never attacked Israel and that should tell anyone paying attention all they really need to know. Actually, my bad, ISIS did once attack Israel but then apologised for accidentally attacking their own. :lol:

Those socialists have little power nowadays, but sure, they can meet Hamas' fate too.
wat0n wrote:Those photos were also made public by Israel.

And you don't need to tag Israel on PoFo, Twitter has rotten your mind est too much.

The @Israel Twitter page, if I remember correctly, deleted the tweet after everyone called it an AI image. And I'll tag whatever I like on here, what are you concerned that your bosses will see what a shit job you're doing in service to their hasbara? :lol:

The Times of Israel is not owned by the Israeli government. It's not even pro-Netanyahu.

You're just making shit up.

I didn't say the Israeli government owned it, in fact I named the settler who runs it. I said it is a mouthpiece of the government, as it is to anyone reading the awful website.

...And on the Russian payroll :lol:

So you haven't proven your claim about The Grayzone, nor have any evidence for the above. When you lie so obviously like this, and repeatedly, it is great because it shows what Zionists and Zionism is.

Still showing your lies and double standards I see.

No, I showed you how your most recent rape hoax was called out. Israel is the state that cried rape, while committing it in multiple ways. I really thought it'd take another decade at least for people to see what Zionism really means. So I gotta thank you for your efforts in speeding up that process, wat0n. :D

Finkelstein didn't demolish anything.

Yes he did. If that Patten report wasn't called out for another obvious hoax, people would be citing it over and over again. Just as they would with all the other hoaxes. But since they turned out to be hoaxes, they fall into the past.

...A rape that was a direct result of the kidnapping on October 7.

So does this confirm you have no evidence for the claim of systemic mass rape on October 7? :lol:

"Obvious agitator" = British Jew wanting to exercise his rights.

Yes, an obvious agitator who runs the phoney Campaign for Antisemitism website that, like you, claims there is all this antisemitism in the U.K. where there is none, or is antizionism at best. Jonathan Cook, antizionist Jew, called out that hoax here. Of course, these are the type of people you have to support the fake victimhood you think you have. All Zionists have are lies and lies and lies. Your short answers currently show that you're getting tired, wat0n. Maybe take a few minutes off work and take a nap.

IIRC the situation has improved somewhat since then. But Christians are certainly not in equal footing with Muslims.

Stop lying. Here is an Arab Christian to explain what nonsense you're speaking of. The conflict is between European colonizers and Arabs, be they Christian or Muslim.

From the weekend:



The problem is not Hamas. Any groups leading Palestinians would be demonized. The problem is the Zionist settlers denying basic human rights to over 7 million Palestinians they occupy for the simple reason that they are not Jews. Don't get it twisted.
skinster wrote:It is very clear that Zionists executed men, women, children and medics in the hospitals. They've done it repeatedly. There are plenty of testimonies and most of all, this is typical Zionist savagery. wat0n denying it is typical Zionist savagery too. This week news came out of the head of orthopaedics Dr Adnan al-Birsh who was kidnapped and detained by Zionists since December 23rd, was one of at least 50 Palestinians now, who have been reported to be tortured to death in Israeli prisons. Zionists have kidnapped and killed many doctors in this manner and have done so previously during other wars. This is zionism.

Someone claiming something on twitter isn't evidence. The Gaza Health Ministry, controlled by Hamas, saying something isn't evidence, since they lie constantly, and Israel lies too btw. That also doesn't mean the claims of genocide etc by Israel didn't happen either. That's why I support a full legal investigation by the ICJ of all war crime allegations by Israel/IDF, as long as it's impartial and transparent and based on evidence. They should do this for every war where war crimes are alleged. Investigate Iran arming and helping Hamas in their terrorism as well.
skinster wrote:The @Israel Twitter page, if I remember correctly, deleted the tweet after everyone called it an AI image. And I'll tag whatever I like on here, what are you concerned that your bosses will see what a shit job you're doing in service to their hasbara? :lol:

You do realize this isn't Twitter, right? Like, you're wasting your time.

Anyway, those photos were also posted by the same account on Twitter.

skinster wrote:I didn't say the Israeli government owned it, in fact I named the settler who runs it. I said it is a mouthpiece of the government, as it is to anyone reading the awful website.

It isn't, though, it's not a pro-Netanyahu paper.

skinster wrote:So you haven't proven your claim about The Grayzone, nor have any evidence for the above. When you lie so obviously like this, and repeatedly, it is great because it shows what Zionists and Zionism is.

Are you saying briefers for Russia at the UN are like unpaid interns or something?

skinster wrote:No, I showed you how your most recent rape hoax was called out. Israel is the state that cried rape, while committing it in multiple ways. I really thought it'd take another decade at least for people to see what Zionism really means. So I gotta thank you for your efforts in speeding up that process, wat0n. :D

Your big argument has been "bwaaah she's a liar!!"

skinster wrote:Yes he did. If that Patten report wasn't called out for another obvious hoax, people would be citing it over and over again. Just as they would with all the other hoaxes. But since they turned out to be hoaxes, they fall into the past.

People are still citing it.

And I still don't see how Finkelstein did anything of the sort.

skinster wrote:So does this confirm you have no evidence for the claim of systemic mass rape on October 7? :lol:

This only makes sense if you ignore what's mentioned in the Patten report.

skinster wrote:Yes, an obvious agitator who runs the phoney Campaign for Antisemitism website that, like you, claims there is all this antisemitism in the U.K. where there is none, or is antizionism at best. Jonathan Cook, antizionist Jew, called out that hoax here. Of course, these are the type of people you have to support the fake victimhood you think you have. All Zionists have are lies and lies and lies. Your short answers currently show that you're getting tired, wat0n. Maybe take a few minutes off work and take a nap.

Weak argument.

He has every right to walk in central London.

You don't own the space.

skinster wrote:Stop lying. Here is an Arab Christian to explain what nonsense you're speaking of. The conflict is between European colonizers and Arabs, be they Christian or Muslim.

From the weekend:

Picking token Christians does not negate the facts mentioned in the EU Parliament.

skinster wrote:The problem is not Hamas. Any groups leading Palestinians would be demonized. The problem is the Zionist settlers denying basic human rights to over 7 million Palestinians they occupy for the simple reason that they are not Jews. Don't get it twisted.

Any groups doing what Hamas does would be treated equally indeed. Stop whining about that.
wat0n wrote:Why don't you do the job of searching for the response yourself?

Because it is your argument.

Can we do this with global warming too?

Yes, you can do this ploy with any claim outside of logical and mathematical proofs.

This is why asking for proof is stupid.

I'm still waiting for you to prove their hands were bound.

And I am waiting for you to prove the Earth rotates the sun.

I've yet to see anyone using wristbands to bind hands.

You literally just claimed that the people found in the mass grace who had their hands bound were bound by wristbands. Now you seem to arguing against your previous claim.

Note that the source provided by @ingliz clearly mentions that bodies were found with bound hands.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Because it is your argument.

Given I've already made it, it's your responsibility to address it. And yes that means quoting from my posts as needed.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Yes, you can do this ploy with any claim outside of logical and mathematical proofs.

This is why asking for proof is stupid.

We're not talking about logical or mathematical proofs.

Pants-of-dog wrote:And I am waiting for you to prove the Earth rotates the sun.

Already addressed.

Pants-of-dog wrote:You literally just claimed that the people found in the mass grace who had their hands bound were bound by wristbands. Now you seem to arguing against your previous claim.

Note that the source provided by @ingliz clearly mentions that bodies were found with bound hands.

Actually I said they had wristbands and not handcuffs.

I've never heard of wristbands that bound hands together.

The AJ article only repeats the allegations by Hamas-controlled Gazan government. The UN only called for an investigation, it did not say if the allegations are true or false because it doesn't know.
wat0n wrote:Given I've already made it, it's your responsibility to address it. And yes that means quoting from my posts as needed.

Quote the post where you made this argument,

if you do not, I will continue with my claim that you have not supported this argument.

We're not talking about logical or mathematical proofs.

Exactly, which is why it is stupid to ask for something to be proven.

Already addressed.

No, you did not prove this.

Actually I said they had wristbands and not handcuffs.

I've never heard of wristbands that bound hands together.

Then this “wristbands” tangent is irrelevant and off topic.

The AJ article only repeats the allegations by Hamas-controlled Gazan government. The UN only called for an investigation, it did not say if the allegations are true or false because it doesn't know.

The claim that I making is that dead people were found in the mass graces with their hands bound. The evidence has been presented. You even quoted from the article. Either you misread or you ignored it or you are confused about the claim.

This post of yours is entirely bereft of any argument. Do better next time.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Quote the post where you made this argument,

if you do not, I will continue with my claim that you have not supported this argument.

Why should I waste time doing your work of actually addressing what was posted in the thread? Quoting myself is also a way of repeating myself.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Exactly, which is why it is stupid to ask for something to be proven.

Or maybe we're not talking about math proofs.

Pants-of-dog wrote:No, you did not prove this.

Yes I did. You can always provide a response.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Then this “wristbands” tangent is irrelevant and off topic.

No, it's not and is a competing claim if anything.

Pants-of-dog wrote:The claim that I making is that dead people were found in the mass graces with their hands bound. The evidence has been presented. You even quoted from the article. Either you misread or you ignored it or you are confused about the claim.

This post of yours is entirely bereft of any argument. Do better next time.

You have not presented any evidence.

The allegations are not evidence of themselves.

Even the UN is just calling for an investigation.
Tainari88 wrote:...Independent governments are a looser term. How did they govern themselves? Some were more formal like the Imperialist nations of the Incans and the Aztec and the Maya. Some had tribal councils like an ancient Guild from the Middle Ages in Europe. Others had monarchies...

And Europeans found these "differences" to be unacceptable to the point of genocide. Europeans were guided by pirates looking for gold and the fancy things they could buy with it to make themselves feel superior to others.

....they did not have modern nation-states that exist today. ...
Something the present fascists have never respected...

Europeans were far more facist than the First Nations. According to Hannah Arendt, the most important sign of fascism is the dissappearance of social capital: friends, family, community, fraternity, bowling leagues, playing on the streets, etc.

They imposed their fascistic notion of "the state" on the First Nations who wanted nothing to do with this neurosis-provoking level of central control.

In the 1500s, European peasants had already been crushed by their own state-fascism, and were told that their own lots would improve if they crushed the First Nations into what they had previously become - broken peasants who had never know natural human life.

Imagine filling the Middle East with this type of person. It will cause exactly what happened in the Americas and Australia.
wat0n wrote:Why should I waste time doing your work of actually addressing what was posted in the thread? Quoting myself is also a way of repeating myself.

Well, I looked through this thread and you never showed that Islam was spread in Palestine through settler colonialism. Instead, you showed that exploitation colonialism was possibly a thing. And you were also unable to show that you know what settler colonialism is.

Or maybe we're not talking about math proofs.

Exactly. So it makes no sense that you ask for proof all the time.

Yes I did. You can always provide a response.

I did. I showed how you did not prove it.

No, it's not and is a competing claim if anything.

How so?

You have not presented any evidence.

The allegations are not evidence of themselves.

Even the UN is just calling for an investigation.

Then you did not read the article clearly enough.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Well, I looked through this thread and you never showed that Islam was spread in Palestine through settler colonialism. Instead, you showed that exploitation colonialism was possibly a thing. And you were also unable to show that you know what settler colonialism is.

We also went through this, and the policies by the Arab invaders to spread Islam were similar to those used by Spanish invaders to spread Christianity. Since the latter is generally considered to be an example of settler colonialism, by simple logic the same applies to the former.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Exactly. So it makes no sense that you ask for proof all the time.

I'm still waiting for you to provide proof that the people were buried with their hands bound.

Pants-of-dog wrote:I did. I showed how you did not prove it.

I'm still waiting for you to provide proof that the people were buried with their hands bound.

Pants-of-dog wrote:How so?

Wristbands are not cuffs. They don't bind hands.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Then you did not read the article clearly enough.

I provided a quote from it.
wat0n wrote:We also went through this, and the policies by the Arab invaders to spread Islam were similar to those used by Spanish invaders to spread Christianity. Since the latter is generally considered to be an example of settler colonialism, by simple logic the same applies to the former.

No. Not all the policies by the Spanish were settler colonialism. While this is true in Chile, Mexico and other countries have different experiences.

I'm still waiting for you to provide proof that the people were buried with their hands bound.

I'm still waiting for you to provide proof that the people were buried with their hands bound.

This is spamming the thread with the same thing over and over again.

Wristbands are not cuffs. They don't bind hands.

How does this have anything to do with the dead people with their hands bound?

I provided a quote from it.

I know, which shows that you read it. So you must either be lying about the fact that it mentions dead people with their hands bound, or you misread.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you misread.
Pants-of-dog wrote:No. Not all the policies by the Spanish were settler colonialism. While this is true in Chile, Mexico and other countries have different experiences.

But they did practice it in Chile and other parts of the Americas. So why wouldn't the same practices amount to settler colonialism when done by Arab Muslims in the Levant?

Pants-of-dog wrote:This is spamming the thread with the same thing over and over again.

I'm still waiting for you to provide proof that the people were buried with their hands bound.

Pants-of-dog wrote:How does this have anything to do with the dead people with their hands bound?

Wristbands don't bind hands.

Wristbands are not handcuffs.

Pants-of-dog wrote:I know, which shows that you read it. So you must either be lying about the fact that it mentions dead people with their hands bound, or you misread.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you misread.

Again, the UN did not confirm or deny anything according to the article. You were claiming the UN did, even after I asked you explicitly if the UN had sent staff on the ground to that effect, but this is clearly not true.
wat0n wrote:But they did practice it in Chile and other parts of the Americas. So why wouldn't the same practices amount to settler colonialism when done by Arab Muslims in the Levant?

Because they might be different practices, as I have said four or five times now.

I'm still waiting for you to provide proof that the people were buried with their hands bound.

Wristbands don't bind hands.

Wristbands are not handcuffs.

Then this has nothing to do with the people whose hands were bound.

Again, the UN did not confirm or deny anything according to the article. You were claiming the UN did, even after I asked you explicitly if the UN had sent staff on the ground to that effect, but this is clearly not true.

So you did read the evidence showing that people were buried with bound hands. You just are nitpicking about the fact that the UN did not explicitly say that in that article, Okay. Who cares?
Pants-of-dog wrote:Because they might be different practices, as I have said four or five times now.

They weren't radically different, though.

Or am I to believe converting people by the sword or by pressuring into that by having them live under second-class status if they don't is not settler-colonialism?

Pants-of-dog wrote:Then this has nothing to do with the people whose hands were bound.

It actually does if their hands were not in fact bound but were found with wristbands.

Pants-of-dog wrote:So you did read the evidence showing that people were buried with bound hands. You just are nitpicking about the fact that the UN did not explicitly say that in that article, Okay. Who cares?

No, I am saying the UN considers that as a claim and that it should be investigated. Claims are not evidence.
^ wat0n trying to claim it was Palestinians that invaded their own hospitals and bound and executed Palestinian patients and Palestinian men, women and children in general who were seeking shelter in the hospital...There are images of patients attached to medical equipment run over by Israeli tanks and plenty of other, typical, Zionist savagery. He will deny anything in service of Zionism even though it's clear the Israelis did this again, stuff they've done before. They've kidnapped hundreds of medical staff and imprisoned them and even tortured some to death. About 500 medics have been killed since October 7.

But sure, Palestinians did it! Imagine being so deranged that you would claim such obvious nonsense.

But, wat0n's here with the hasbara for it!

The Israeli government's refusal to a ceasefire has pissed off settlers in Israel who at their nightly protests, have been calling for revolution and burning the country down. :D

A good interview with the guy who made the What Happened on October 7? documentary here. He again calls out all the bullshit with regards to the official Zionist narrative of what happened that day:

Unthinking Majority wrote:That also doesn't mean the claims of genocide etc by Israel didn't happen either. That's why I support a full legal investigation by the ICJ of all war crime allegations by Israel/IDF, as long as it's impartial and transparent and based on evidence.

Zionists are the only group denying a genocide is happening. The Palestinian genocide began in the 1940s and what happened following October 7 is the genocide on steroids. You are welcome to deny it but the whole world is watching the genocide be live streamed through our screens like no other genocide before it and that's why Israel is viewed as a pariah worldwide. Even the Yankees were playing along with the charade of being mad at Netanyahu. Those paying attention understand this is a good-cop-bad-cop game but the fact the Yankee government is indulging in tha theatre and Biden is legitimising people calling him out during his live events screams volumes.

Normal non-genocidal people. Deny what your eyes see, people! There is no genocide and no genocidal intent!

As for the ICJ...

wat0n wrote:You do realize this isn't Twitter, right? Like, you're wasting your time.

Anyway, those photos were also posted by the same account on Twitter.

Yes, wat0n, I do know this is not Twitter. I said the @Israel page had to delete its tweet claiming there was burned babies when it was an AI image. Zionists lie and lie and lie. Just pointing that out, don't mind me..

It isn't, though, it's not a pro-Netanyahu paper.

The Times of Israel is a government mouthpiece founded by a settler who did hasbara for the IDF. It is supportive of genocidal Israel in general. It is apparently the right to the left that is Haaretz, even though the latter is left in the way that Hillary Clinton is left. Granted, it does allow some actual people on the left to write for it from time to time. But this is by the by.. I don't really care about this debate, was just pointing out you use it as a source alongside using whatever the government says - these are your sources of information (and it shows :D )

I only mentioned it because you were smearing independent media for being antizionist and anti-imperialist.

Are you saying briefers for Russia at the UN are like unpaid interns or something?

I don't know, do you have any evidence the journalist you're crying about was paid?

Anyway, thanks for showing you are unable to prove The Grayzone editors (by that, I'm assuming you mean Max Blumenthal and Wyatt Reed) are on any Russian payroll and that you are merely a smear merchant at that media site because they are justice-minded Jews who despise the neonazi supremacist ideology that is Zionism.

People are still citing it.

Like all the previous hoaxes, it is being ignored. Zionists do propaganda blitzes with their lies until thier lies are called out and then they move onto the next lies. And again, it shows!

This only makes sense if you ignore what's mentioned in the Patten report.

Norman Finkelstein read it twice and concluded:

You don't own the space.

I'm not stopping Zionist agitators from walking around London. That was one instance of a cop doing it which if you read the article, the Zionist agitators were looking precisely for that type of material to cry victim like they pretend they are.

The fact is, London is as safe for Jews as it is Muslims and any others. In fact, we have whole contingents of various Jewish groups against genocide at the Palestine demos. We even have Zionist agitators counter-protesting and looking for attention, but they're generally ignored.

I'd ask you to stop lying at this point, but it's something you're unable to do. A Zionist pathology.

Picking token Christians does not negate the facts mentioned in the EU Parliament.

I don't know that Euro politician was making that claim but I would err more on the side of Christians in Palestine than foreign Zionists. Israel sniped those two Christian women outside a Catholic church in Gaza early in on this genocide-on-steroids. It executed Christian-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Aklah and then sent its goons to attack those at her funeral and almost had her coffin dropped. It sent missiles to the Christian Baptist hospital of Gaza which killed hundreds. It has bombed the oldest church in Gaza and pre genocide-on-steroids, we saw videos of Zionists spitting at churches and attacking clergy and Christian tourists who visit the Holy Land and that is a common phenomenon because Zionists do not discriminate when it comes to Christians or Muslims. If only their Christian ass-kissers in the West understood that..

Any groups doing what Hamas does would be treated equally indeed. Stop whining about that.

The problem is not Hamas. Any groups leading Palestinians would be demonised. The problem is the Zionist settlers denying basic human rights to over 7 million Palestinians they occupy for the simple reason that they are not Jews. Don't get it twisted. Hamas has been around since 1987. The groups leading Palestinians before that were equally demonised. Because Israel is a settler-colonial racist state that has to demonise those it destroys, otherwise it can't do that. It is typical as all settlers have done throughout history, Israel is not special in this regard. But is special in this regard, to quote Noam Chomsky, by convincing a load of morons that it is the victim.

Ok, he didn't say the moron part get my gist. :D
Last edited by skinster on 06 May 2024 19:33, edited 1 time in total.
wat0n wrote:They weren't radically different, though.

Or am I to believe converting people by the sword or by pressuring into that by having them live under second-class status if they don't is not settler-colonialism?

No, actually. It is not settler colonialism.

Settler colonialism is all about the extermination of the Indigenous. Forced conversions is not an example.

It actually does if their hands were not in fact bound but were found with wristbands.

No, I am saying the UN considers that as a claim and that it should be investigated. Claims are not evidence.

So you are arguing that no one was found with their hands bound. This is incorrect.
skinster wrote:^ wat0n trying to claim it was Palestinians that invaded their own hospitals and bound and executed Palestinian patients and Palestinian men, women and children in general who were seeking shelter in the hospital...There are images of patients attached to medical equipment run over by Israeli tanks and plenty of other, typical, Zionist savagery. He will deny anything in service of Zionism even though it's clear the Israelis did this again, stuff they've done before. They've kidnapped hundreds of medical staff and imprisoned them and even tortured some to death. About 500 medics have been killed since October 7.

But sure, Palestinians did it! Imagine being so deranged that you would claim such obvious nonsense.

But, wat0n's here with the hasbara for it!

And now a straw man, nice one there. It is unquestionably true that Palestinians have buried their dead in the grounds of the Nasser Hospital.

skinster wrote:The Israeli government's refusal to a ceasefire has pissed off settlers in Israel who at their nightly protests, have been calling for revolution and burning the country down. :D

It seems that now that Israel started going into eastern Rafah, Hamas has accepted the latest ceasefire proposal.

skinster wrote:Yes, wat0n, I do know this is not Twitter. I said the @Israel page had to delete its tweet claiming there was burned babies when it was an AI image. Zionists lie and lie and lie. Just pointing that out, don't mind me..

It's not my fault you're butthurt that the same AI checker says two of those photos are genuine.

skinster wrote:The Times of Israel is a government mouthpiece founded by a settler who did hasbara for the IDF. It is supportive of genocidal Israel in general. It is apparently the right to the left that is Haaretz, even though the latter is left in the way that Hillary Clinton is left. Granted, it does allow some actual people on the left to write for it from time to time. But this is by the by.. I don't really care about this debate, was just pointing out you use it as a source alongside using whatever the government says - these are your sources of information (and it shows :D )

I only mentioned it because you were smearing independent media for being antizionist and anti-imperialist.

The Times of Israel is also not government media.

skinster wrote:I don't know, do you have any evidence the journalist you're crying about was paid?

Anyway, thanks for showing you are unable to prove The Grayzone editors (by that, I'm assuming you mean Max Blumenthal and Wyatt Reed) are on any Russian payroll and that you are merely a smear merchant at that media site because they are justice-minded Jews who despise the neonazi supremacist ideology that is Zionism.

Do you have evidence that Russia does not pay its UN briefers and that the Times of Israel gets funding from the Israeli government?

skinster wrote:Like all the previous hoaxes, it is being ignored. Zionists do propaganda blitzes with their lies until thier lies are called out and then they move onto the next lies. And again, it shows!

No it is not. As I said, the Patten report is still being cited although I understand why fraudsters like you and Finkelstein don't want to.

skinster wrote:Norman Finkelstein read it twice and concluded:

You already posted this crap from Holocaust denier Finkelstein.

skinster wrote:I'm not stopping Zionist agitators from walking around London. That was one instance of a cop doing it which if you read the article, the Zionist agitators were looking precisely for that type of material to cry victim like they pretend they are.

The fact is, London is as safe for Jews as it is Muslims and any others. In fact, we have whole contingents of various Jewish groups against genocide at the Palestine demos. We even have Zionist agitators counter-protesting and looking for attention, but they're generally ignored.

I'd ask you to stop lying at this point, but it's something you're unable to do. A Zionist pathology.

If London was safe for Jews, Jews would not be told to stop being Jewish when leftists demonstrate.

skinster wrote:I don't know that Euro politician was making that claim but I would err more on the side of Christians in Palestine than foreign Zionists. Israel sniped those two Christian women outside a Catholic church in Gaza early in on this genocide-on-steroids. It executed Christian-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Aklah and then sent its goons to attack those at her funeral and almost had her coffin dropped. It sent missiles to the Christian Baptist hospital of Gaza which killed hundreds. It has bombed the oldest church in Gaza and pre genocide-on-steroids, we saw videos of Zionists spitting at churches and attacking clergy and Christian tourists who visit the Holy Land and that is a common phenomenon because Zionists do not discriminate when it comes to Christians or Muslims. If only their Christian ass-kissers in the West understood that..

The response from the EU Commission suggests that the mistreatment of Palestinian Christians by Hamas in Gaza is not under dispute.

skinster wrote:The problem is not Hamas. Any groups leading Palestinians would be demonised. The problem is the Zionist settlers denying basic human rights to over 7 million Palestinians they occupy for the simple reason that they are not Jews. Don't get it twisted. Hamas has been around since 1987. The groups leading Palestinians before that were equally demonised. Because Israel is a settler-colonial racist state that has to demonise those it destroys, otherwise it can't do that. It is typical as all settlers have done throughout history, Israel is not special in this regard. But is special in this regard, to quote Noam Chomsky, by convincing a load of morons that it is the victim.

Ok, he didn't say the moron part get my gist. :D

Fatah is certainly not demonized in the West, precisely because it wants a peaceful resolution to this conflict. More nonsense.

Pants-of-dog wrote:No, actually. It is not settler colonialism.

Settler colonialism is all about the extermination of the Indigenous. Forced conversions is not an example.

Not under the definition you said is valid:

Wiki wrote:Settler colonialism occurs when foreign settlers arrive in an already inhabited territory to permanently inhabit it and found a new society. Intrinsically connected to this is the displacement or elimination of existing residents and destruction of their society.[1][2][3]

Some scholars describe the process as inherently genocidal, considering settler colonialism to entail the elimination of existing peoples and cultures,[16] and not only their displacement (see genocide, "the intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part").

Depending on the definition, it may be enacted by a variety of means, including mass killing of the previous inhabitants, removal of the previous inhabitants and/or cultural assimilation.[5]

Settler colonialism is distinct from migration because immigrants aim to join an existing society, not replace it.[17][18]

Forced conversions are undoubtedly a way to replace an existing society.

Also, I'd say many would object to the idea that the Spanish did not aim to replace the indigenous societies upon arrival. At the very least, they wanted them to adopt Christianity.

Pants-of-dog wrote:So you are arguing that no one was found with their hands bound. This is incorrect.

I am waiting for you to prove this.
skinster wrote:^ wat0n trying to claim it was Palestinians that invaded their own hospitals and bound and executed Palestinian patients and Palestinian men, women and children in general who were seeking shelter in the hospital...There are images of patients attached to medical equipment run over by Israeli tanks and plenty of other, typical, Zionist savagery. He will deny anything in service of Zionism even though it's clear the Israelis did this again, stuff they've done before. They've kidnapped hundreds of medical staff and imprisoned them and even tortured some to death. About 500 medics have been killed since October 7.

But sure, Palestinians did it! Imagine being so deranged that you would claim such obvious nonsense.

But, wat0n's here with the hasbara for it!

There are videos of Palestinians burying their dead in the Nasser hospital. And it's quite understandable - they couldn't have proper burials while combat was still raging.

skinster wrote:The Israeli government's refusal to a ceasefire has pissed off settlers in Israel who at their nightly protests, have been calling for revolution and burning the country down. :D

It seems that now that Israel started marching on Rafah, Hamas accepted the latest (?) ceasefire offer. ... index.html

skinster wrote:A good interview with the guy who made the What Happened on October 7? documentary here. He again calls out all the bullshit with regards to the official Zionist narrative of what happened that day:

You mean the documentary that accepts mass killings of Israeli civilians by the Palestinian militias did in fact happen?

skinster wrote:Yes, wat0n, I do know this is not Twitter.

Do you? I am sometimes not sure if you are too stupid to tell.

skinster wrote:I said the @Israel page had to delete its tweet claiming there was burned babies when it was an AI image. Zionists lie and lie and lie. Just pointing that out, don't mind me..

And yet as I showed two of the photos did pass the AI check.


skinster wrote:The Times of Israel is a government mouthpiece founded by a settler who did hasbara for the IDF. It is supportive of genocidal Israel in general. It is apparently the right to the left that is Haaretz, even though the latter is left in the way that Hillary Clinton is left. Granted, it does allow some actual people on the left to write for it from time to time. But this is by the by.. I don't really care about this debate, was just pointing out you use it as a source alongside using whatever the government says - these are your sources of information (and it shows :D )

I only mentioned it because you were smearing independent media for being antizionist and anti-imperialist.

Prove that the Times of Israel takes orders from the Israeli government.

skinster wrote:I don't know, do you have any evidence the journalist you're crying about was paid?

Anyway, thanks for showing you are unable to prove The Grayzone editors (by that, I'm assuming you mean Max Blumenthal and Wyatt Reed) are on any Russian payroll and that you are merely a smear merchant at that media site because they are justice-minded Jews who despise the neonazi supremacist ideology that is Zionism.

Am I supposed to believe briefers for the Russian UN mission are doing this for free?

And Aaron Mate is a senior reporter there.

skinster wrote:Like all the previous hoaxes, it is being ignored. Zionists do propaganda blitzes with their lies until thier lies are called out and then they move onto the next lies. And again, it shows!

It certainly hasn't been ignored although I am sure that you and Finkelstein want to.

skinster wrote:Norman Finkelstein read it twice and concluded:

Given he's a Holocaust denier, I very much don't trust his judgment here.

skinster wrote:I'm not stopping Zionist agitators from walking around London. That was one instance of a cop doing it which if you read the article, the Zionist agitators were looking precisely for that type of material to cry victim like they pretend they are.

The fact is, London is as safe for Jews as it is Muslims and any others. In fact, we have whole contingents of various Jewish groups against genocide at the Palestine demos. We even have Zionist agitators counter-protesting and looking for attention, but they're generally ignored.

I'd ask you to stop lying at this point, but it's something you're unable to do. A Zionist pathology.

That was not the language used by the cop.

The language was certainly to be less Jewish. It seems the left just can't help itself, heh?

skinster wrote:I don't know that Euro politician was making that claim but I would err more on the side of Christians in Palestine than foreign Zionists. Israel sniped those two Christian women outside a Catholic church in Gaza early in on this genocide-on-steroids. It executed Christian-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Aklah and then sent its goons to attack those at her funeral and almost had her coffin dropped. It sent missiles to the Christian Baptist hospital of Gaza which killed hundreds. It has bombed the oldest church in Gaza and pre genocide-on-steroids, we saw videos of Zionists spitting at churches and attacking clergy and Christian tourists who visit the Holy Land and that is a common phenomenon because Zionists do not discriminate when it comes to Christians or Muslims. If only their Christian ass-kissers in the West understood that..

Palestinian Christians have also denounced this, indeed, many left Gaza over it.

skinster wrote:The problem is not Hamas. Any groups leading Palestinians would be demonised. The problem is the Zionist settlers denying basic human rights to over 7 million Palestinians they occupy for the simple reason that they are not Jews. Don't get it twisted. Hamas has been around since 1987. The groups leading Palestinians before that were equally demonised. Because Israel is a settler-colonial racist state that has to demonise those it destroys, otherwise it can't do that. It is typical as all settlers have done throughout history, Israel is not special in this regard. But is special in this regard, to quote Noam Chomsky, by convincing a load of morons that it is the victim.

Ok, he didn't say the moron part get my gist. :D

Fatah is not demonized in the West because it understands the only way forward is through a negotiated solution. Hamas does not want any of that and indeed even now wants a ceasefire it can break anytime, not a permanent agreement that will commit it to stopping to fight Israel.

Pants-of-dog wrote:No, actually. It is not settler colonialism.

Settler colonialism is all about the extermination of the Indigenous. Forced conversions is not an example.

Not under the definition you said is valid:

Wiki wrote:Settler colonialism occurs when foreign settlers arrive in an already inhabited territory to permanently inhabit it and found a new society. Intrinsically connected to this is the displacement or elimination of existing residents and destruction of their society.[1][2][3]

Some scholars describe the process as inherently genocidal, considering settler colonialism to entail the elimination of existing peoples and cultures,[16] and not only their displacement (see genocide, "the intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part").

Depending on the definition, it may be enacted by a variety of means, including mass killing of the previous inhabitants, removal of the previous inhabitants and/or cultural assimilation.[5]

Settler colonialism is distinct from migration because immigrants aim to join an existing society, not replace it.[17][18]

Forced conversions are undoubtedly a way to replace an existing society.

Also, I'd say many would object to the idea that the Spanish did not aim to replace the indigenous societies upon arrival. At the very least, they wanted them to adopt Christianity.

Pants-of-dog wrote:So you are arguing that no one was found with their hands bound. This is incorrect.

I am still waiting for you to prove this. Even the UN is saying there needs to be an inquiry and did not say the claims are true or false.
More than 50 tenured journalist professors demand evidence for the NYT rape claims that wat0n was trying to sell over here:

wat0n wrote:It is unquestionably true that Palestinians have buried their dead in the grounds of the Nasser Hospital.

Palestinians would not be burying their dead with their hands bound and with bullets to their heads. Stop your incredibly savage lying.

What is unquestionably true is that Israeli terrorists executed and ran over Palestinian patients with their tanks - patients attached to catheters and other medical equipment - while occupying that and al-Shifa hospital. The UN wrote about it.

It's not my fault you're butthurt that the same AI checker says two of those photos are genuine.

The images you created don't prove anything and @Israel deleting the tweet shows even they couldn't argue with the AI images they shared. :lol:

The Times of Israel is also not government media.

I called it your right-rightwing source and a government mouthpiece founded by a guy who served as a hasbarist with the Israeli terrorist army.

Do you have evidence that Russia does not pay its UN briefers and that the Times of Israel gets funding from the Israeli government?

It was you who claimed the former and nobody who claimed the latter. Why lie so brazenly when people can read you? :lol:

And Aaron Mate is a senior reporter there.

Yes, Aaron Mate reports for The Grayzone as well as a few places and has a show here or there too. He is not an editor as you initially claimed. And you still, to date, have no evidence that The Grayzone get money from the Russian government so either show it or shut up because the if you don't do the latter, I just have to keep showing what a lying bastard you are. :lol:

No it is not. As I said, the Patten report is still being cited although I understand why fraudsters like you and Finkelstein don't want to.

Hasbarists calling others fraudsters! :lol:

You already posted this crap from Holocaust denier Finkelstein.

Yes, Norman Finkelstein whose parents, both of them, suffered years in Nazi concentration camps, which he has wrote and spoken on, is a Holocaust denier...

Only wretched Zionists would be this antisemitic towards antizionist Jews. I was reading an interview with a Jewish Columbia student protesting the genocide and she spoke about how Zionist Jews threaten antizionist Jews the most and I can believe it...given the type of shit so casually said by extremist zionists like wat0n..

If London was safe for Jews, Jews would not be told to stop being Jewish when leftists demonstrate.

Maybe tell the single policeman who asked the Zionist agitator not to agitate and cause trouble...and then talk to the gazillions of Jews joining our protests against genocide..

That was not the language used by the cop.

The language was certainly to be less Jewish. It seems the left just can't help itself, heh?

I'm not here to defend cops. I'm just calling out your hundredth lie that London is unsafe for Jews.

The response from the EU Commission suggests that the mistreatment of Palestinian Christians by Hamas in Gaza is not under dispute.

Meanwhile on the ground, it is only Zionists on film killing Christians, bombing their oldest churches, their hospitals, attacking clergy and Christian tourists, etc.etc.etc.

Palestinian Christians have also denounced this, indeed, many left Gaza over it.

No they haven't. Christians have left Gaza and elsewhere in Palestine because of the Israeli occupation. The Zionist fascist government does not discriminate when it comes to Palestinians and cares not at all for Christianity or Christians and that is evident with its bombing of Christian hospitals and churches and the execution and attacks on the funeral of Christian-Palestinian journalists like what we saw happen to Shireen Abu Akleh.

I mean, we saw Zionists attacking Christian Greek Orthodox during their Easter celebrations just this weekend but wat0n and his compulsive and regularly evidence-free lying can't help itself. A pathology indeed..

Fatah is not demonized in the West because it understands the only way forward is through a negotiated solution. Hamas does not want any of that and indeed even now wants a ceasefire it can break anytime, not a permanent agreement that will commit it to stopping to fight Israel.

Fatah in the Palestinian Authority is subservient to the Zionist entity and the U.S. and has not had an election in over 15 years because of the aforementioned. Palestinians generally despise the PA. But there are factions within Fatah who the resistance coalition have invited to join them and the socialists and others to form a unity government. I know it makes Zionists mad that Palestinians are overcoming political differences to come together but this is the present and this is the future, so you may as well get used to it.

As for the ceasefire, more bollocks from you. Must be weird to be able to casually lie so much...but I guess I am engaging with a Zionist whose entire ideology is based on lies and racism and genocide.
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