What do you think about Andrew Tate? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Truth To Power wrote:No, facts from psychological research.

The psychological "research": (‿!‿)

Ah, no. You don't become a cage fighter without projecting strength and confidence. Your perception that he reeks of insecurity is just ideological toxification of maleness.

No, you become a cage fighter by projecting aggression, which any chihuahua can do.

Being willing to be sexually assaulted is pretty close to being attracted.

No one is willing to be sexually assaulted.

Ah, no. You have lost the thread. The topic was workers' votes, not women's.

He lost the popular vote, too, in case you were wondering.
Truth To Power wrote:Ah, no. You don't become a cage fighter without projecting strength and confidence. Your perception that he reeks of insecurity is just ideological toxification of maleness.

The pathological need for dominance, to control and to assert himself are textbook signs of deep insecurities.

Some things Mr. Tate has said/written publicly. No hiding in the locker rooms for my boy!

“Maybe I’m completely crazy. Maybe I’m full of shit.”

“I will not have nerds as children. I refuse to have a nerd carry the name Tate. If my son is a nerd, one of us has to die, him or me and I’ll challenge him to mortal combat.”

“The masculine perspective is you have to understand that life is war. It’s a war for the female you want. It’s a war for the car you want. It’s a war for the money you want. It’s a war for status. Masculine life is war.”

“’Oh, I’m successful, I’m rich,’ yeah, but I’ll break your neck. I’m gonna grab you by your neck and choke you till you die. I’ll show you a race riot, pussy. Then what, who’s successful now? I’m breathing and you’re not. So, I’m more successful than you.”

“I think the women belong to the man.”

"Females are the ultimate status symbol. People think I’m running around with these hoes because I like sex. That’s nothing to do with the reason why I’m running around with these bitches. I got these bitches just so everyone knows who the don is.”

“One of the best things about being a man is being territorial and being able to say ‘that is mine.’”

“I do know how to administer CPR. However, I will not administer CPR unless you’re a hot female… If you’re some fat dude and you just had a heart attack and I don’t really know you, you’re gonna die… No, not even if you’re a friend…”

"I am the closest possible thing to James Bond that exists outside of fantasy."
MadMonk wrote:The pathological need for dominance, to control and to assert himself are textbook signs of deep insecurities.

No, that is just a third wave feminist woke attempt to toxify maleness. The control, dominance, and self-assertion of our male ancestors were all that kept our female and children ancestors from being eaten alive by hyenas for millions of years.
Some things Mr. Tate has said/written publicly. No hiding in the locker rooms for my boy!

Pretty funny stuff. Guy definitely has a pair.
Truth To Power wrote:No, that is just a third wave feminist woke attempt to toxify maleness. The control, dominance, and self-assertion of our male ancestors were all that kept our female and children ancestors from being eaten alive by hyenas for millions of years.

Imagine being so ape-brained that you think you can win against nature by flexing on it hard enough. No, TtP. The things that kept us safe from hyenas were spears, fire, and cooperation. In other words, brains.
Potemkin wrote:In other words, you know he’s lying, but he’s telling lies that you like to hear.
No, but you didn't read what I posted before so it doesn't matter as you already made a conclusion based on what you were told by your echo chamber. :knife:
Godstud wrote:No, but you didn't read what I posted before so it doesn't matter as you already made a conclusion based on what you were told by your echo chamber. :knife:

“I got these bitches just so everyone knows who the don is.” And this is your defender of traditional values? You may have early on-set dementia, @Godstud. You should get that checked out.
@Potemkin Sound bites.

Here's one, too:

“Discipline is the key to success. Absolutely is. If you cannot force yourself to do something that you do not want to do, how are you ever gonna put yourself through the suffering required for greatness?”

@Bill_Nye Sexual charges are a joke, for the most part, these days. These are charges made years after the facts, when no actual evidence can be provided. It's a super way to shut up people with unpopular opinions, eg. Trump.
Saeko wrote:Imagine being so ape-brained that you think you can win against nature by flexing on it hard enough.

<yawn> You made that up. But in fact, aggressive display and intimidation work pretty well in a lot of confrontations with natural predators as well as human ones. Appeals to social justice and compassion, not so much.
No, TtP. The things that kept us safe from hyenas were spears, fire, and cooperation. In other words, brains.


No, Saeko. It is easy to see you have drunk the woke Kool-Aid but have no practical experience with avoiding being eaten alive by hyenas. Before there were spears, there were teeth, fists, and testosterone; and even with spears, it takes upper body strength and aggressiveness to use one effectively. Fire has no relevance, as it does nothing to stop hyenas when you are moving around in the daytime. Cooperation is a strategy that hyenas -- and lions, jackals, etc. -- also use, and it only works against them when the cooperators individually have the cojones to stand and face the predators' teeth and claws. That takes dominance and self-assertion -- i.e., balls.
Truth To Power wrote:<yawn> You made that up. But in fact, aggressive display and intimidation work pretty well in a lot of confrontations with natural predators...

Work pretty well for what? Advertising how tasty you are?


No, Saeko. It is easy to see you have drunk the woke Kool-Aid but have no practical experience with avoiding being eaten alive by hyenas. Before there were spears, there were teeth, fists, and testosterone; and even with spears, it takes upper body strength and aggressiveness to use one effectively. Fire has no relevance, as it does nothing to stop hyenas when you are moving around in the daytime. Cooperation is a strategy that hyenas -- and lions, jackals, etc. -- also use, and it only works against them when the cooperators individually have the cojones to stand and face the predators' teeth and claws. That takes dominance and self-assertion -- i.e., balls.

Show me a video of an unarmed human scaring off a grizzly or stfu.
Saeko wrote:Work pretty well for what? Advertising how tasty you are?

Show me a video of an unarmed human scaring off a grizzly or stfu.

<yawn> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lwoU2I9ylcw

Actually, people never encountered grizzlies until the Late Stone Age, so the bears have not had time to evolve a strong aversion to men. There is a little rhyme about what to do if you are attacked by a bear, depending on its color:
Black, fight back.
Brown (i.e., a grizzly), lie down.
White, say goodnight.
Truth To Power wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDubMeNlSxc

<yawn> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lwoU2I9ylcw

Actually, people never encountered grizzlies until the Late Stone Age, so the bears have not had time to evolve a strong aversion to men. There is a little rhyme about what to do if you are attacked by a bear, depending on its color:
Black, fight back.
Brown (i.e., a grizzly), lie down.
White, say goodnight.

None of these people are unarmed.
Primitive man absolutely had the same conception and adherence to gender roles as modern man. The inherent need to create suburbia was actually the driving force behind the establishment of agriculture. Nothing has ever changed. A kickboxing rapist and former Big Brother contestant has answered all questions regarding the purpose of life and how we should live it.
@Unthinking Majority He's talking about promiscuity and simply being addicted to sex, as many younger people are. That's why such things as OnlyFans can exist.

But hey, demonize all you want. It means nothing. Tate is as guilty of the charges against as much as Johnny Depp was. They just want him to be quiet since it hurts the modern narrative, and anti-family messages that are rife across the internet.
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