Hakeer wrote:“You're acting like those explorers who landed on a beach, stuck a flag in the sand, and said, "I claim this continent for France!" actually had some kind of legitimate right to do so.”
Try to learn how to use the quote function. It will make it easier to follow the discussion. Just select the passage you want to quote, and click on the speech bubble icon in the editing bar above the text window.
If all I did was plant a flag and get back in the boat, you would have pulled my flag out of the ground and built your settlement after you arrived. That is not what happened. I cleared the land, planted crops, built my house, etc. long before you ever got here.
And you have a perfect right to own the crops and house
that you created. But that is not enough for you. You want to own the
land, which you did
not create. You claim a right to
steal it from all who would otherwise be at liberty to use it. Isn't that right?
I don’t care what you want, either. I am just telling you (evil sack of s**t) that I don’t want you in my settlement that we have all worked hard to build for ourselves.
First, it is not "your" settlement and you do not speak for everyone in it. Maybe other people in your community are not as greedy and evil as you, and understand that peaceful, productive immigrants are a net benefit to the community. Second, whatever you may have built, you did not build the
land, and you consequently have no right to stop others from using it the same way you have unless you make just compensation for depriving them of it. Third, what you want has absolutely no effect on others'
You have no “liberty” to crowd into my space .
What would make it "your" space other than your intention forcibly to dispossess all who would otherwise be at liberty to use it? You are claiming it is yours, but there is no basis for that claim but your intention to use force to dispossess others. Any claim that is based on nothing but force is just as validly overturned by force.
“So that somehow gives them the right to starve other people to death?”
Your tribe can settle farther down the river.
There are greedy, evil landowners there, too.
Your tribe may not prosper as much as mine, but that’s the result of first settlers in an area settling in the best spots.
No, it's the result of greedy, evil thieves forcibly violating our rights.
Yeah, primates are selfish and territorial. You are right that they are violent when another band of monkeys tries to use land inside their territory boundary that they have marked with pee and fur.
They are also violent among themselves, because unlike people, they do not have
rights. You want to claim rights -- property rights -- for yourself, but you also want to forcibly deprive others of their rights to liberty, without justly compensating them for what you are taking from them.
If it is “greedy” to not want you to pitch your tent on my front yard, so be it.
It's certainly greedy to deprive me of that natural opportunity without making just compensation for what you are taking from me.
I won’t attack you, but if necessary, I will call police to have you removed.
Just as slave owners would call on the authorities to catch their runaway slaves rather than take the trouble and risk of doing it themselves.
If I wanted neighbors jammed up next to me on all sides, I would live in town, not on 20 acres of forest land.
And that is why you were willing to pay a previous greedy, evil parasite for the privilege of doing so. You just aren't willing to pay the community for what you are taking from the community.
“All it loses is what it expected to get in the absence of competition.”
I always knew that sooner or later other tribes would arrive. What I actually expect (know) is that my tribe will do better if you stay out.
So how does that prospect give your tribe a right to deprive others of what nature provided for all?
“Maybe you are sweet on a girl, and you want to marry her, and she indicates that she might be willing.”
A piece of land is not a woman.
It's also not a product of labor that can rightly be owned.
The land cannot choose among settlers.
But "settlers" can choose to remove
others' liberty to do what
they did??
BY WHAT RIGHT?The settlers who get there first is a fact that does not change.
How does it remove others' equal liberty to do likewise? The land can't choose, but you are claiming a right to choose
for it, like a right to stop rivals from courting "your" girl because you had her first.
“No it isn't.”
The Clallam tribe’s exclusive fishing rights was upheld by the U.S. Supreme court. You can look it up. I did.
So what? The US Supreme Court also issued the Dred Scott decision. You can look it up.
“It is only in your fantasy world that all land is free for anybody to use at any time for any purpose. No, that is false. That was the natural condition of all people for millions of years -- people who had not had their rights to liberty forcibly removed by greedy, evil parasites, that is.”
Your fantasy world no longer exists.
You have just admitted that it
did exist, so your claim that it is a "fantasy" is merely another bald falsehood from you.
There is no longer any land here that is not claimed by some entity (Person, Government, Company). It did take millions of years for humans to settle the whole planet (except Antarctica).
You can no longer legally just pitch your damn tent with impunity nearly anywhere on Earth.
The existence of such claims is not an argument that they are rightful, nor is their codification in law, as chattel slavery proved.
The universal hunting and gathering world of your dreams
As I have already proved, that is just another fabrication on your part. Why do you keep repeating it even though you know that it is false?
Your argument is this: “If you weren’t here, we would be at “liberty” to come in here and have it all to ourselves,
No, it is not, as I have already informed you multiple times. My argument is, "If you want to deprive others of their liberty rights to access the opportunities that they would otherwise be at liberty to access, make just compensation to the community of those whom you deprive of them."
You have the same right as me to be the first to settle on the Olympic Peninsula.
No, the past cannot be altered. Stop being so absurd.
But once I have settled the best section along the river, I have no obligation to permit you to pitch your tent in my front yard.
Yes you do, or to make just compensation to me for depriving me of my liberty to do so. It's called "respecting others' rights if you want them to respect yours."
And I don’t owe you any “compensation” (extortion) for you to agree to stay out.
You most certainly do, just as slave owners rightly owed their slaves compensation -- wages -- for their labor, and a slave who asked for his wages was not engaging in "extortion." The law merely relieved slave owners of their obligation, as it has relived you of yours. The landowner is always the one engaging in extortion, not the land user, just as it was always the slave owner, not the slave, and I will thank you to remember it.
And I am not interested in charging you a price to settle here. I don’t want you here -- period.
you want does not determine
my rights -- period.
You can try to negotiate, but I don’t have to accept your offer, unless it is to my benefit. That’s justice in the real world.
GARBAGE. You being legally privileged to extort value from others just for your
permission to access the advantages government, the community and nature provide at that location can be called many things, but "justice" is not one of them.
It’s also why I won’t sell anybody my 12 acres.
Sure you would. It's just that no one has acquiesced to your extortion demands yet.
“No it isn't. My argument is the FACT OF OBJECTIVE PHYSICAL REALITY that if you do not initiate the use of force against us, we have the same liberty right to use the land that you do.”
You can put it in boldface all day, and it is still bullshit.
No, it is a fact of objective physical reality,
and you know it.
Let me give you an analogy. I get to the river ahead of you and cast my line into the best fishing hole. Then you come along and stand 3 feet from me and claim you have “liberty” to fish right next to me. You cast your line across mine, spook the fish, etc. I say, “Get out of here and find your own spot farther down the river.” You tell me I am a greedy S.O.B. for not sharing the spot with you. This is the same way the Clallam Indians feel when some other tribe tries to crowd into their settlement. Clear?
What's clear is that you think exercising your liberty right somehow removes mine.
“What's really extortion is your demand that we pay you just for your permission to use what nature provided for all, and which we would have been at liberty to use if you did not forcibly deprive us of it.”
I don’t want you to pay me anything.
Don't be disingenuous. You are just waiting for someone to offer you the right price.
I just want you to get off my front yard!
What you want does not determine my rights.
Going back to your last post, you want me to pay the local government “compensation” for exclusive use of my property.
Which, remember, is only your "property" in the first place because government says so, and
you knew when you bought it that you would have to keep the taxes current to keep it, and there was no guarantee that the taxes would not increase, or be calculated a different way.
Extortion: If you don’t pay me, I will do “X.” (pitch tent in front yard).
GARBAGE!! Requiring you to pay the community for what you are
taking from the community is not extortion, any more than a baker requiring you to pay him for a loaf of bread you take from his shop is extortion, and I will thank you to remember it.
Then, you said you want it to be a recurring payment. That’s essentially the same as the property tax I am already paying the county for roads, law enforcement, etc.
It is similar to a property tax in that it is a recurring payment based on ownership rather than a transaction, but the property tax is actually two
opposite taxes: the tax on improvement value, which is a measure of what the owner contributes to the wealth of the community, and the tax on unimproved land value, which is what the community contributes to the wealth of the landowner. It should not take a genius to understand that the former is extortion, the latter, justice. Ironically, property owners almost always object to the idea of location subsidy repayment (LSR) even though in many places like Detroit (I don't know if it applies to your area, or your property), their LSR liability would actually be less than their current property taxes.