- 26 Jul 2024 02:00
This is a misunderstanding - prior to the concept of heaven/hell being showing up in Judaism, people all went to the same pretty bad afterlife, but there was a part of it referred to as 'the bosom of Abraham,' through which a river ran, where good people would go to be with the patriarch of the world and passing their time.
It could also be thought of as sin being viewed as directly related to the prosperity of the entire nation - people who worshiped Baal brought curses upon themselves and their people.
This is an insane statement. I think you don't understand anything about the conflicts in the Old Testament.
There are two groups who were to have their men annihilated - the Amalekites and the Midianites, both of whom were engaging in child sacrifice, magic s6x rituals inviting demonic entities to enter the womb, slavery, etc.
Other wars did not include this element. The Canaanites were generally preserved even though they had some of these same practices, but did not practice them with the same zeal.
These exceptional directives were reserved for two occasions only, and bore the context of fighting the Worst of the Worst...
Slavery was completely commonplace at this time, and it was common for slaves in the households of wealthy people to have greater health and opportunity than regular peasants.
IDK, you are so uncharitable to the Bible that you sacrifice the original context of it to just be angry. It's doubtful you'd have a good faith conversation about this, and that's fine... It'd be foolish to volunteer your time to discuss this with someone who's this angry, lol.
August 8th, 2019
Rich wrote:Sin existed in Judaism long before the concept of after life judgement. The big lie of Christianity is that we somehow owe our moral framework to the Jews / Israelites. The Christian moral frame work is inherited from Platonism and Zoroastrianism, although these philosophies may themselves have inherited ideas about post life karma from proto Hinduism.
This is a misunderstanding - prior to the concept of heaven/hell being showing up in Judaism, people all went to the same pretty bad afterlife, but there was a part of it referred to as 'the bosom of Abraham,' through which a river ran, where good people would go to be with the patriarch of the world and passing their time.
It could also be thought of as sin being viewed as directly related to the prosperity of the entire nation - people who worshiped Baal brought curses upon themselves and their people.
The irony is that it was actually the Nazis who in the West came closest to replicating ancient Judaic / Israelite morality. If you were a guard in a slave labour / death camp and you felt affection towards a prisoner and spared them you were commiting a sin. This is the same as the Israelite genociders, where it could be a sin to spare the life even of an animal of a people targeted for genocide.
This is an insane statement. I think you don't understand anything about the conflicts in the Old Testament.
There are two groups who were to have their men annihilated - the Amalekites and the Midianites, both of whom were engaging in child sacrifice, magic s6x rituals inviting demonic entities to enter the womb, slavery, etc.
Other wars did not include this element. The Canaanites were generally preserved even though they had some of these same practices, but did not practice them with the same zeal.
These exceptional directives were reserved for two occasions only, and bore the context of fighting the Worst of the Worst...
Slavery was completely commonplace at this time, and it was common for slaves in the households of wealthy people to have greater health and opportunity than regular peasants.
IDK, you are so uncharitable to the Bible that you sacrifice the original context of it to just be angry. It's doubtful you'd have a good faith conversation about this, and that's fine... It'd be foolish to volunteer your time to discuss this with someone who's this angry, lol.
August 8th, 2019