Argentina elects chainsaw-wielding libertarian - Page 12 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties from Mexico to Argentina.

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QatzelOk wrote:Liberalism has the same characteristics, but is out-dated now.

MONEY is what they both have in common. All caps.

"The hunt for money is all that gives a sublimated hunter the will to live."

The entire earth is the prey, and money is the meat of the kill.

When humanity switched to "hunting other humans," our extinction was being announced. Milei seems to be working towards hunting a lot of the Argentinian people in order to enrich his closest allies.

Slaughtering your own people in order to "enrich" the capitalist classes... is hunting behavior, not governance.

Well how long did the tolerate some leftists last? Not long.

He is going to be kicked out of office if he keeps it up.
Tainari88 wrote:Well how long did the tolerate some leftists last? Not long.

He is going to be kicked out of office if he keeps it up.

Yes. The polarization and desperation of the electorate... leads 51% of them to vote for "one end of the extermity axis" while the other 49% "fight for their lives."

This is the real failure of "competetive capitalism." It has destroyed our common goals, and collective well being, our ability to see the big picture and act accordingly.

cartoon superman is tired

Instead of trying to share our individual experiences and ability to reason to build a better society, we seek a violent messiahTM to vanquish the bad buysTM (leftwing or rightwing ones).

The election of a "poor man's Trump" in Argentina is just more of this unbroken polarization mixed with messiah-seeking behavior.
@QatzelOk this is what too many hours being spoonfed information by some biased sources and listening only to the same people with the same background as you have will get you. Some echo chambers and bullshit.

It doesn't work. You have to go out there and debate people with differences in opinion to understand what they are thinking. Otherwise all you will do is just stir up more misinformation.
Tainari88 wrote:@QatzelOk this is what too many hours being spoonfed information by some biased sources and listening only to the same people with the same background as you have will get you. Some echo chambers and bullshit.

It doesn't work. You have to go out there and debate people with differences in opinion to understand what they are thinking. Otherwise all you will do is just stir up more misinformation.

It's nice to have time to debate politics, isn't it. And it's also nice to have had the resources and time to study political theory, isn't it.

I want to add two additional "causes" of political stupidity in our societies:

1. Time poverty

Worker bees simply don't have the energy or disposition to discuss serious social issues between shifts.

2. Propaganda overload

Both top-down religions and entertainment media provide "instant ideas" to the busy worker bees, and these propaganda onslaughts, while providing instant solace, also provide long-term dumbness. And the dumbness they provide serves the elites.
QatzelOk wrote:It's nice to have time to debate politics, isn't it. And it's also nice to have had the resources and time to study political theory, isn't it.

I want to add two additional "causes" of political stupidity in our societies:

1. Time poverty

Worker bees simply don't have the energy or disposition to discuss serious social issues between shifts.

2. Propaganda overload

Both top-down religions and entertainment media provide "instant ideas" to the busy worker bees, and these propaganda onslaughts, while providing instant solace, also provide long-term dumbness. And the dumbness they provide serves the elites.

I talk a lot with ordinary people in Mexico Q.

Many of them just tell me everything that is going on in their heads.

I seem to have inherited something from my mother. She was approachable and she always listened to people from all walks of life.

People know many times why they never got a formal education or why they never were able to develop to their full potentials. It is just, life often is as you say, too busy, working all the time. But Mexican society is very social, and people here do have traditions that sustain them many times. Lol.

The best thing is to engage in people who challenge you. They are the opposite of you in politics, but they have great educations and read a lot. As much or more than you have in your life. If you spend time with them debating, you find the core of what values they live by.

More time goes by and the more I am convinced Q that compassion, kindness and loving people with real work behind it---overcomes a lot of difficulties in politics.

Trust is a tough commodity to come by in this day and age. If you are a trustworthy person who knows how to listen to the needs of the many? You will be great at getting things done.

I sat down to dine at Casa Cuba the other day. With a Puerto Rican friend that is new of ours. And her husband who is culturally Cuban-Puerto Rican combination since he was raised by that combination of people but his biological parents died in a car accident and they were Mexicans. He grew up in Miami. Moved to Denver and met his Puerto Rican born and raised second wife there. He has a daughter that is sixteen years old who does not speak Spanish. His first wife was a Native American woman from Utah originally. A Ute background woman.

They were talking about life. I was thinking during the entire conversation how important the nature and character of people are in determining friendships. I like down to Earth people Q. People who are just kind, and follow good social practices. Who are compassionate and love to give a lot of themselves.

You can share politics with people, but it does not mean they are going to have the very human qualities you most cherish in other human beings.

I like you. I think I like you because I like your human qualities. Your politics I like too. Lol. That is a happy bonus. :)
Tainari88 wrote:...More time goes by and the more I am convinced Q that compassion, kindness and loving people with real work behind it---overcomes a lot of difficulties in politics...

This is, of course, true when it comes to purely local politics (friends, neighbors, work associates).

But to apply this to the citizen's relationship to The State... is silly.

Much of the propaganda we are flooded with attempts to make a link between local politics and The State.

But The State is not your friend, not your family, and not your work associate. It is more like The Mob.
QatzelOk wrote:This is, of course, true when it comes to purely local politics (friends, neighbors, work associates).

But to apply this to the citizen's relationship to The State... is silly.

Much of the propaganda we are flooded with attempts to make a link between local politics and The State.

But The State is not your friend, not your family, and not your work associate. It is more like The Mob.

Why do you think Communists have the goal of a completely stateless society Q ? The goal is to get rid of the coercive state. Lol. The best the state can do is be logical, practical, problem solving and administering things like trash removal and recycling, cleaning up parks and rivers, making sure the roads are paved, regulating this or that thing. Something systemic in a logical fashion. Not getting into religions and people's bedrooms or telling people they must believe in fairy tales. Most of the fairy tales is about how benevolent the state is.

Many people who are libertarians are shocked I am a socialist. They believe in some nanny state that is cold and ruthless, oppressive and horrible interfering in your day to day? I hate that. The states can't get anything right.

I tell them, no, the state should be like a logical scientist. Logical, and scientific. Humans need clean water. Check. Humans need safe shelter that is affordable. Check. Humans need to rely on this or that service that is not corrupt, inefficient or favors only the wealthy. Check. The state becomes oppressive when you allow a bunch of selfish assholes to abuse their authority given to them by a hard working community and it becomes a study in mafia like behavior. Pay or else. Throw in jail the ones we do not want in power. Let the least pay the most and the rich keep more and more. That is when everyone hates their guts.

Tainari88 wrote:Why do you think Communists have the goal of a completely stateless society Q ? The goal is to get rid of the coercive state. Lol...

And it's amazing that so many people have forgotten that the State is always genocidal, manipulative and slavery-creating. Forever and throughout history.

The need to abolish Central Tyranny (the State) is the main driver of communism theory.

And yet the tyrants who wait in the wings to replace socialism... pretend that it is THEY who want to free everyone from socialism, from social programs, from the red tape that protects people from abuse.

...Many people who are libertarians are shocked I am a socialist. They believe in some nanny state that is cold and ruthless, oppressive and horrible interfering in your day to day? I hate that. The states can't get anything right....

And yet, by abolishing the socialist state, one ends up with **tyrannical businessmen who don't have to justify their actions** as your new and improved State.

Tyrants who hire expensive marketing firms... replace a government that can be held liable for their misdeeds.

False consciousness is like mental pollution, only it is a kind of pollution that is intentionally created... like MK Ultra was intentionally created.
@QatzelOk One has to realize many things, and one of them is that the reason the state came into being was how the society was increasingly complex and the division of labor made it change. Human beings used to be in tribes, most human beings spent their days foraging, gathering and just finding a way of living another day. Humanity was constantly finding new structures to cope with basic needs.

Capitalism is supposed to be the panacea. It is only one step above the feudal times of slavery and the Feudal Lords.

There has to be a time where the state is only there to make sure humanity is not exploited, or oppressed, has some human rights and is a logical and scientific system where human society is first. Not capital and not objects and resources and weird power plays.

But that depends on people evolving out of thoughts that are about abusing others in order to get more out of society than they are willing to give of themselves.

And that happens only with time, evolution, and enough real-world failures to take the doubts out of the equation.

Most people change when they are in crisis. It is like that Mandarin symbol for danger. Crisis for the Mandarins is both Danger and Opportunity. Because that is what crisis is. You either destroy it all and have to work from scratch, or you have a moment of real opportunity and you make it happen and improve. You leap ahead.

The ones who keep thinking that changes can be avoided because they are benefiting personally from a very vile system? I have to let it all go.

That happens only in crisis.
Tainari88 wrote:@QatzelOk One has to realize many things, and one of them is that the reason the state came into being was how the society was increasingly complex and the division of labor made it change. Human beings used to be in tribes, most human beings spent their days foraging, gathering and just finding a way of living another day. Humanity was constantly finding new structures to cope with basic needs...

Yes, the firts inklings of "the State" were made necessary by the invention of the long spear, many millenia ago. Suddenly, you had to cooperate with other men in order to kill large mammals. This meant that division of labor appeared then. It was soon followed by Patriarchy - the next great technological advance. Societies would, from now on, be planned by men who introduced more and more violent technologies, and more and more divisions of labor.

Capitalism is supposed to be the panacea. It is only one step above the feudal times of slavery and the Feudal Lords...

Every new technological framework is "the new messiah."

Messiah-worship is probably a by-product of technology. By believing in Santa Claus, the serf is able to imagine that each new technology *Might Be The One We've Been Waiting For*.

Each new inventor... Each new genocidal general... Each new government type... Each new cage....

Milei demonstrates how pathetic this "new and improved" cycle is, just by being obviously fake and constructed by money-media.
This guy is one of the main reasons for Milei's win last year:

Buenos Aires Herald wrote:Alberto Fernández indicted for gender-based violence
The formal accusations come after former first lady Fabiola Yañez reported him on Tuesday, following the leak of photos and chats allegedly detailing abuse by the former president

An Argentine prosecutor indicted former President Alberto Fernández on Friday for the crimes of harassment, causing injury, and gender-based violence against former First Lady Fabiola Yañez. The formal accusations come after Yáñez reported him on Tuesday for domestic violence.

The indictment made Fernández Argentina’s first president to be formally accused of gender-based violence. Chats and pictures of Yáñez with a black eye and bruising on her arm were leaked to the press and published on Thursday night, causing nationwide uproar. The conversation appears to show Yáñez sending photos of her injuries to Fernández and accusing her of beating her for three days straight. The former president’s chat responses do not deny her accusations. The Herald is not publishing the material for privacy reasons.

Fernández said in a public statement on Tuesday that the allegations were “100% false.”

Federal Judge Julián Ercolini, head of the Criminal and Correctional Court 10, will lead the investigation. The designated prosecutor is Ramiro González although Carlos Rívolo, who will be in charge until Monday, may continue to work with González.

On Thursday morning, the General Directorate of Accompaniment, Guidance and Protection of Victims interviewed Yáñez via video call, the General Prosecutor’s Office reported. Yañez is currently living in Madrid with her and Fernández’s two-year-old son, Francisco.

Both Fernández and Yañez have dropped lawyer Juan Pablo Fioribello, who previously represented them as a couple. Criminal and family law specialist Silvina Carreira will represent Fernández. Mariana Gallego will represent Yañez.

The indictment against Fernández formally notifies him of the basic details of the accusations against him. It does not mean the case will go to trial.

The materials emerged as part of a separate case launched earlier this year, also handled by Ercolini, investigating accusations that Fernández improperly handled state insurance contacts during his presidency. As part of that case, investigators examined the contents of a cellphone belonging to Fernández’s secretary, whose husband is an insurance broker. The material that led to the current case was found in chats between Yáñez and the secretary.

The accusations of gender-based violence were first published by the Argentine media last weekend. There is no evidence that Yáñez consented to the publication of the material.

Local media reported that Ercolini sent the case to the Supreme Court Gender Based Violence Office but it was returned to his docket in late June. He offered to take Yáñez’s statement at the time, but she reportedly declined. On Tuesday, after news of the alleged violence broke, she changed her mind and reported him.

In a ruling signed on Tuesday afternoon, Ercolini placed a restraining order on Fernández, banning him from leaving Argentina and from getting within 500 meters of Yáñez and her home in Madrid.

This is the photo it Fabiola Yáñez published:


And it doesn't end there, Fernández allegedly had a mistress and he fucked her in the Casa Rosada ("Pink House", the Argentinian White House) during the COVID lockdowns. Here's one video from that time, with them being very cute tortolitos (yep, she's drunk). It should be noted that He got into trouble at that time because he celebrated Yáñez birthday during the lockdowns too, in an event known as La Fiesta de Olivos (the case was closed by Argentina's Supreme Court a couple of months before the election).


This irked many in Argentina because not only regular people were in lockdown but they even banned holding funerals for those who died at the time so many people couldn't say goodbye to their loved ones... While Fernández, as it seems, was having a lot of fun (and wrecking the economy further too).

I have to say this has all been quite shocking to follow for us South Americans, not just Argentinians. I would not be surprised if Alberto Fernández committed suicide at some point. Who knows.
Rancid wrote:@wat0n how is Argentina doing so far with its changes?

Argentina is going through the pains of disinflationary adjustment.

Milei couldn't get the Argentinian Congress to lower nominal spending so he instead decided to keep it flat. Given the high inflation, this amounted to a 50% cut when adjusted for inflation, changing the chainsaw for a blender.

As a result, economic activity has obviously fallen but so has inflation.

It seems, too, Milei isn't facing an opposition as harsh as another President doing the same would face. It may have something to do with the fact this is basically what he promised to do and he was honest about it from the beginning, including that this would be painful.

Of course, I don't doubt for a second some big corruption case will surface sooner or later but I haven't heard of one just yet.
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