- 15 Sep 2024 02:06
Both Moscow and Kiev have been attacked even though they are not in the frontlines.
The IDF does its best to warn and let civilians in the vicinity of a military target to evacuate before attacking. That is evidently a measure to decrease collateral damage to them.
And of course, as I have also shown, they sometimes even call attacks off when there are just too many civilians around.
Pants-of-dog wrote:How does the Ukraine example shows that distance and proportionality have nothing to do with each other?
Both Moscow and Kiev have been attacked even though they are not in the frontlines.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Now, please provide evidence that the IDF considers the nu:her of civilian deaths when considering an attack.
The IDF does its best to warn and let civilians in the vicinity of a military target to evacuate before attacking. That is evidently a measure to decrease collateral damage to them.
And of course, as I have also shown, they sometimes even call attacks off when there are just too many civilians around.