wat0n wrote:Again, Bender arrived once the violence had already started.
He did report that he believed they were arming to defend themselves from people bothering them, as shown in the screenshot.
The rest is just denial.
It is very strong denial on your part indeed, he and his camera could not be any more clear:
Bender arrived at the Central Station when Maccabi hooligans were grabbing weapons from a construction site. They used these weapons to attack innocent bystanders and a police van.
Later they were confronted by locals.
You call the reaction of the locals to Israeli violence an "antisemitic pogrom".
And it's not just Bender, there are several more Dutch eyewitnesses calling out the lies you and Israel are propagating regarding these events:
The cop's. Who else's?
As I already said twice, the author's of course.
I just quoted it, and it's a cops' testimony.
You disagree with things you quote and defend as you literally defended this troll of an author that you now allegedly disagree with...mmkay.
Any Jews.
So, no Jew was hunted but you still called it a "Jew-hunt", when confronted with Israelis doing the same, you did not call it an "Arab-hunt" or a "pogrom". It also refers to any Arab.
Why the double-standard?
Weird, it seems you don't have an issue with reacting violently to provocations now.
Not very weird that you are still trying to attack me personally(very typical) despite the fact that it was you who quoted a guy justifying Israeli violence as having been provoked by a Palestinian flag.
You @wat0n, impicitly argued this, not me.
Next time you try a personal attack, quote me first.
...take your common sense with you, and leave your prejudices behind...