Rich wrote:@SpecialOlympian claims I would never criticise Hitler. What a stupid thing to say. I've repeatedly criticised the Autobahn programme, which some idiot Liberals even praise. I have always expressed contempt for the V2 rocket programme. The fact that I don't idealise Genreral Halder as a strategic genius seems to upset a lot of Liberals. The fact that Hitler prioritsed the Ukraine over OKH;s march on Moscow was to his credit not his detriment.
I have repeatedly said you think that Hitler is the greatest victim of Liberalism. And that you think Liberalism bullied Hitler into suicide, and that we should create safe spaces for future Hitlers so they can grow and flourish.
You have completely misrepresented my position.
Potemkin wrote:Hitler was a useful whipping boy for the failures of the German generals once he was safely dead. When Hitler was presented with the plans for Operation Barbarossa, he was shocked. And he was right - it was utter lunacy.
Hitler was a maniac who wanted to go to war far too early. And he was right to think so: the democratic governments of Europe repeatedly rewarded his aggressive tendencies and ceded land to him.
Hitler's own generals reached out to the French and English powers saying they would betray Him (Glorious Hitler, brave standard bearer against Liberalism) before his invasion of his neighbors. The German Armed Forces and their generals were actually the last portions of German society to hold out against Hitler's subjugation of German culture and government to the Nazi party. And the English were too weak to take the generals up on their offer to betray Hitler if he invaded their neigbors. The German generals thought it was suicidal and wanted to stop a war by turning against the glorious Fuhrer, history's greatest victim of Sorosion liberalism.
And they were wrong. And Hitler was right. He got he wanted peacefully, and embarrassed them.
I am taking this from The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer. Who is, notably, a Jew. So I am willing to admit it may not be an accurate representation of the glorious third reich, which was struck down by sneaky liberalism (as Rich would would say).
Hitler's doctor was giving him meth and bull semen injections for a fucking decade and also He (pbuh) was basically an offline 4chan poster. I don't see why it's surprising that he wanted war. The only modern equivalent we have to Hitler's medication regimen is Michael Jackson: Speed to dance on tour, Milk of Amnesia to fall asleep at night from his personal anesthetist. Yeah no shit both of them were insane and touched children (Hitler, like Michael Jackson, dated a 14 year old).